Further Reading

Big Pharma lies about vitamin C to keep people sick with cancer… while reaping huge profits from toxic cancer treatments

[Natural News]: Vitamin C may have gotten a bit of buzz as the coronavirus pandemic ramped up, but the truth is that this wonder vitamin is often ignored by conventional medicine and the media.

However, it can’t be a coincidence that most people who suffer from a chronic degenerative disease are deficient in vitamin C and that lots of cancer patients have been helped by high doses of vitamin C delivered intravenously over the years.

Nobel laureate Linus Pauling and Scottish cancer surgeon Dr. Ewan Cameron have shown how 10,000 milligrams of vitamin C delivered intravenously reversed cancer in several patients who conventional medicine couldn’t help – and that was 40 years ago. You would think this treatment would be in wide use today, but the truth is that Western medicine tries to push cancer patients toward pricey chemotherapy instead.

Sadly, there are lots of lies being spread online and within the medical community about vitamin C, and some of them are hurting cancer patients. Here is a look at three big mis-characterisations about vitamin C identified by Natural Health 365.....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...

Insights Into 2020 - 'Where Are All The Goats? Today's BS Graphs and The Final Leg Conspiracy.'

The 'three week lockdown to flatten the curve and take the pressure off the NHS' has reached its 161st day!

There were two more non-Covid-19 deaths added to the death mountain today. But it seems no longer relevant because all the fearmongering MSM are now interested in the yellow bullshit graph. That graph relates to the number of infections there have been in the UK. But more correctly it's the 'number of positive tests there have been in the UK including the instances where people have been tested multiple times'. It's totally misleading. As is the claims that the UK has now got 'anxiety' over the rising numbers. The only 'anxiety' is what the MSM are trying to generate!

Let's forget about this damn thing now. Take of the face nappies and adapt a life again. Over the last decades coronavirus illnesses such as flu have killed far more numbers than this 'intelligent virus'! Yet there has never been this kind of attention or disruption. If we'd not been told about this latest strain of coronavirus then we'd have been none the wiser ...

It's a total bullshit set up by some really rich people to make even more money off us ... and to also cull a few million of us in the process. The conspiracy about the self replicating RNA vaccine might also be correct. But it does seem like a huge fearmongering conspiracy to wind everyone up. But then again it might be 100% correct. And if that's the case then we are a needle shot away from becoming transhuman. For once that RNA vaccine gets into the bloodstream it will start replicating itself right through our entire bodies, changing us from the humans we were to whatever the RNA instruction is programmed to create. We are no longer owners of our own bodies. The DNA we get will be a patented sequence and we become slaves. Plus possibly sterile in the process. Transhuman mark 1.

But we are not there yet. We have to contend with media 'fear porn' such as today's bullshit:
The last time Britain's daily case load was as high as it is now was on June 4, when the nation was still in lockdown and 1,805 people were diagnosed in just 24 hours. Scotland today revealed a further 160 cases, its highest figures in three months, which First Minister Nicola Sturgeon admitted was 'undoubtedly a concern' and that she felt 'anxiety' about it. It's utter BOLLOCKS. And the media know it. They are just a cog in the death cult's machine to herd the Human Sheeples into the direction they want them to go. 

But it's certainly not totally going to plan, as there are large numbers of goats that are standing in the fields refusing to be herded. The death cult has a fight on its hands. Watch for their nasty tactics through the likes of  Piers Morgan, Matt Hancock, Nicola Sturgeon, Fauci and Whitty etc. They will start getting nasty with their arguments and their threats. Stand firm goats, we can see this through. 

Two more trips into Homo Sheeple occupied supermarkets occurred today. How pathetic they all look with their personalised face nappies. It was like being on a different planet ... and its not as nice experience. Hopefully soon, more goats will be seen in the UK shops ... its time that face nappies were discarded and normal humans entered shops again.

Being Fully Present

[Daily OM]: When we are fully present, we offer our whole selves to whatever it is that we are doing. Our attention, our integrity, and our energy are all focused in the moment and on the task at hand. This is a powerful experience, and when we are in this state, we feel completely alive and invigorated.

This kind of aliveness comes easily when we are absorbed in work or play that we love, but it is available to us in every moment, and we can learn to summon it regardless of what we are doing. Even tasks or jobs we don't enjoy can become infused with the light of being present. The more present we are, the more meaningful our entire lives become.

Next time you find yourself fully engaged in the moment, whether you are making art, trying to solve an interesting puzzle, or talking to your best friend, you may want to take a moment to notice how you feel. You may observe that you are not thinking about what you need to do next, your body feels like it's pleasantly humming, or your brain feels tingly. As you enjoy the feeling of being located entirely in the present moment, you can inform yourself that you may try to recall this feeling later. You might try this while driving home or getting ready for bed, allowing yourself to be just as engaged in that experience as you were in the earlier one....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...

Image of the Day - 'Áit iontach le smaoineamh'


Democrats and their media allies push coronavirus “cases” while ignoring viral load, a far more accurate measure

[Natural News]: It’s now apparent that political pressure dictates public health policy; and if the Democrats had their way, they would use coronavirus “cases” to dictate public perception of their political opposition indefinitely and use the fear of a virus as a weapon to control people’s lives into the unforeseeable future. This is why, to democrats, tallying and broadcasting statistically irrelevant coronavirus “cases” is more important than understanding viral load and immune system function, which are the most important aspects of controlling spread and ensuring healthy recovery from infections.

For evidence of these political games, look no further than the democrat presidential nominee, Joe Biden, who has no hope for America’s recovery and growth. He said he would implement an (illegal) “federal mask mandate” starting late January 2021. He even mentioned he would lock the country down further, which would lead to forced vaccination with experimental cell-modifying, DNA-altering inoculations.

Who gets to decide the metrics of data for which human populations can have their freedoms again? Are people’s lives controlled by the number of cases that can be tallied in a given week? Where does a data curve begin and end? Are people’s lives dictated by the testing kit’s positivity rate (which is fundamentally flawed from the start)? Are the controls dictated by hospital bed capacity and mortality rates? If so, why aren’t strategies for enhancing immune function taught and implemented to prevent surge capacity and complications that lead to death?

For how long can emergency orders be used to control human populations? Is the science behind these metrics resolute, or are the methods of testing and isolation flawed to such a degree, that public health policy will never allow for human freedoms again?

If people are not allowed to live normally, what are the determining factors of data that dictate these restrictions, and how might this data be fraudulently collected, interpreted and misunderstood, so it can be used as a political weapon to hold people down, control elections, control economies and distort public perception, among other agendas?...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...

Totem Bird of the Week - 'Swan'

The Totem Bird of the Week for Monday 31st August to Sunday 6th September 2020 is the Swan. Swan medicine relates to 'inner grace' and deals with the elegance of movement; the flow of our thoughts and cognitive processes.

The need this week is to develop intuitive & psychic abilities that may well have been awakened, which need to be heightened to their full capacity. Every human being is psychic; every human being has intuitive awareness; most human beings have these ability existing in a dormant state. In a dormant state, the human brain is an easy target for brainwashing and psychological manipulation.

When intuitive ability is alive & kicking, the mind is in defence mode, and very difficult to manipulate. Given that there is a series psychological attack on the human race, at this time, it is important to become aware of this invisible warfare that will be progressing to its next stage this month.

COVID19 - What have we learned?

[SOTT]: We have learned that people who are asymptomatic can, cannot, can, cannot, can, cannot, can... spread the virus.

That the accuracy of PCR antigen testing is brilliant, useless, brilliant, useless, brilliant, useless.

That false positive tests are impossible, common, impossible, common, impossible, common.

That facemasks are useless, necessary, useless, necessary, useless... absolutely necessary.

We also know that some people are, are not, are, are not are, naturally immune. In addition, we know that having had COVID means that you can, cannot, can, cannot, can cannot - maybe you can, frankly who knows, get it again. I think Kurt Vonnegut Junior put it best:

We do, doodley do, doodley do, doodely do,
What we must, muddily must, muddily must, muddily must;
Muddily do, muddily do, muddily do, muddily do,
Until we bust, bodily bust, bodily bust, bodily bust. ...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...

CDC Quietly Updated COVID-19 Numbers – Only 9,210 Americans Died From It Alone

[Humans Are Free]: So get this straight – based on the recommendation of doctors Fauci and Birx the US shut down the entire economy based on 9,000 American deaths to the China coronavirus.

Today we now have empirical evidence that the WHO, Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx were all wrong. They were charlatans. They lied.

The CDC silently updated their numbers this week to show that only 6% of all coronavirus deaths were related to the coronavirus alone.The rest of the deaths pinned to the China coronavirus are attributed to individuals who had other serious issues going on.

Also, most of the deaths are related to very old Americans.

This week the CDC quietly updated the Covid number to admit that only 6% of all the 153,504 deaths recorded actually died from Covid

That's 9,210 deaths

The other 94% had 2-3 other serious illnesses & the overwhelming majority were of very advanced age

Not only are the number of deaths related to the China coronavirus minuscule, the virus is naturally dying out.

The data above from Europe shows that the number of cases has little correlation to the number of deaths.

Let’s face it – at this moment in time anyone who is pushing for more lockdowns and other abuses on our personal rights are either evil or terribly misinformed....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...

Insights Into 2020 - 'The Disturbed MSM and A Place Of The Old Normal'

Well, what can we say about tonight's Sage declaration? ONE death has been reported to add to the Death Mountain graph. That's the red one. Turning to their yellow graph, they declared another 1,715 people have tested positive for coronavirus today in the biggest daily rise in 12 weeks.

But as we know the test is utter bollocks. These tests only test for the virus directly (PCR tests) or antibodies to the virus. The fact that a person tests positive does NOT equate to actually having the disease.

The MSM is intentionally confusing a positive test result with COVID-19 to deliberately mislead the public into believing the disease is far more serious than it is. They know better but consciously choose this despicable practice. They refer to the positive test as a “case.” This is beyond stretching reality to suit their nefarious purposes. Again, a case is NOT a positive test result but, rather, a person that has a positive test result and is seriously ill. You would never know that by reading their articles!

The MSM goes on with its misleading windup to say 'the last time Britain's daily case load was this high was on June 4, when 1,805 people were diagnosed in just 24 hours. Today's disturbing increase brings the country's total cases to 334,467'. Why is it 'disturbing'? Disturbing to who? It's nothing more than the power of suggestion to the already disturbed Homo Sheeples. It is a continuation of the psychological attack on the UK people to condition them for when the Evil Hancock unleashes his sick plan to lock the UK down again through the winter ... 

On a happier note, our travels took us to a Polish shop to stock up on a few favourite Polish drinks and treats. It seems the Polish people are not part of the Homo Sheeple empire. Aside from there being protective screens as the pay desk and the odd message about Covid-19, it was like the old normal in the shop. Non-mask wearers were in the majority with the odd one of two Homo Sheeples walking in with their face nappies on. 

Somehow, the message has to get across to the dumb dumbs who still persist in partaking in the black magic ritual. Homo Sheeples have to start seeing the naked emperor before them; the magic spell that has conned them into thinking he is wearing new clothes must be broken. And broken soon ....

Quote for the Day

"Since there is no real silence, silence will contain all the sounds, all the words, all the languages, all knowledge, all memory." - Dejan Stojanovic

Sitting With Feelings

[Daily OM]: It can take great courage to really sit with our feelings, allowing ourselves to surrender to their powerful energies. All too often we set our feelings aside, thinking we will deal with them later. If we don't deal with them, we end up storing them in our minds and bodies and this is when anxiety and other health issues can arise. Denying what our bodies want to feel can lead to trouble now or down the line, which is why being in the thick of our feelings, no matter how scary it seems, is really the best thing we can do for ourselves.

One of the reasons we tend to hide or push aside our feelings is that we live in a culture that has not traditionally supported emotional awareness. However, as the connection between mind and body--our emotions and our physical health-- becomes clearer, awareness of the importance of feeling our feelings has grown. There are many books, classes, workshops and retreats that can help us on our way to emotional intelligence. We can also trust in our own ability to process what comes up when it comes up. If sadness arises, we can notice its presence and welcome it, noting where in our bodies we feel it, and allowing ourselves to express it through tears or a quiet turning inward....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...

Wearing Masks Stumps Facial Recognition Algorithms

[David Icke]: Many facial recognition companies have claimed they can identify people with pinpoint accuracy even while they’re wearing face masks, but the latest results from a study show that the coverings are dramatically increasing error rates.

In an update Tuesday, the US National Institute of Standards and Technology looked at 41 facial recognition algorithms submitted after the COVID-19 pandemic was declared in mid-March. Many of these algorithms were designed with face masks in mind, and claimed that they were still able to accurately identify people, even when half of their face was covered.

In July, NIST released a report noting that face masks were thwarting regular facial recognition algorithms, with error rates ranging from 5% to 50%. NIST is widely considered the leading authority on facial recognition accuracy testing, and expected algorithms to improve on identifying people in face masks....<<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...

Coronavirus lockdowns are “overly blunt and costly” … economists and health experts point to a more effective way

[Natural News]: As the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic spread like wildfire throughout America, the country was forced to implement something it has never tried before: Blanket business shutdowns.

However, this tactic has resulted in a deep recession. While the pandemic spreads, economists and health experts suggest that it may be time to try a different and more effective plan.

Across the globe, governments in several countries enforced strict restrictions on outdoor activities and businesses to prevent the spread of the disease. But this approach resulted in what is now considered the world’s “deepest peacetime slump since the Great Depression.” ...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...

Insights Into 2020 - 'They Like Using The Number 12. Evil Hancock Hatches A Plan. The Destruction Of The Human Immune System'

So, the SAGE random number generator has picked the number 12 again. It appears to like that figure. 12 more deaths from off the false positive test register who've died from anything other than Covid-19; but now have Covid-19 on their death certificate.

It really appears pointless them keeping up this stupid death mountain graph as it's reporting total falsehood as we keep stressing.

And their other graph, the yellow one, that is misleading the Homo Sheeples into thinking there is a second wave of infections on its way, reported Covid infections are 14 per cent down on last week with 1,108 people testing positive in the last 24 hours. Again, another utter meaningless bullshit. All part and parcel of the great delay that is being played by the Death Cult to truly prepare the already shit scared Homo Sheeples for the day the mandatory vaccines are rolled out. The day that mankind begins to become corporate property as it's bodies will be ruled by patented DNA sequences ...

The evil Matt Hancock announced today the possibility of the winter lockdown from November 2020 to March 2021 because the equally evil SAGE are predicting 81,000 deaths. Something nasty is on its way for sure ... be warned Homo Sheeples ... be warned ... you're scared now, wait until the Big Bad Wolf, Comrade Hancock, has finished with you ... you will be petrified! Willing to accept anything he demands of you ... even if he were to tell you to dye you hair pink because it stops Covid-19 .... baa baa baa.

We went shopping again today, in two separate locations:

A baa baa baa here, and a baa baa there. Here a baa baa. There a baa baa. There are stupid Homo Sheeples everywhere'!

'A baa baa baa here, and a baa baa there. Here a baa baa. There a baa baa. There are stupid Homo Sheeples everywhere'!

And it was really unnerving to be the only Homo Sapiens in both locations. It was dumb zombie humans everywhere with their face nappies ... there were quite a large number clearly with breathing problems and developing respiratory problems. The great destruction of the human immune system is in full tilt.

Earlier today, an Australian friend who is a front line Doctor informed us that this entire thing stinks! Yes a front line doctor who finds it alarming that flu is a bigger killer than alleged Covid-19 yet there is still a lockdown for Covid-19! The truth is slowly coming out from members of the medical profession. But sadly not quick enough.

We'd hoped to have joined the wonderful protest down in London today. But were unable too due to other commitments. Never mind. There will be others.   

Memory Lane (Lána Cuimhne) - 'Apostle Bird'


Microscopic, Injectable Robots Could Soon Run In Your Veins

[David Icke]: Scientists have created an army of microscopic four-legged robots too small to see with the naked eye that walk when stimulated by a laser and could be injected into the body through hypodermic needles, a study said Wednesday.

Microscopic robotics are seen as having an array of potential uses, particularly in medicine, and US researchers said the new robots offer “the potential to explore biological environments”.

One of the main challenges in the development of these cell-sized robots has been combining control circuitry and moving parts in such a small structure. The robots described in the journal Nature are less than 0.1 millimetre wide — around the width of a human hair — and have four legs that are powered by on-board solar cells.

By shooting laser light into these solar cells, researchers were able to trigger the legs to move, causing the robot to walk around.

The study’s co-author Marc Miskin, of the University of Pennsylvania, told AFP that a key innovation of the research was that the legs — its actuators — could be controlled using silicon electronics....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...

The Ripple Effect

[Daily OM]: In a world of over seven billion people, it's easy to believe that the only way to initiate profound transformation is to take extreme action. Each of us, however, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. 

Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others. As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward. 

The impact you have on the world is greater than you could ever imagine, and the choices you make can have far-reaching consequences. You can use the ripple effect to make a positive difference and spread waves of kindness that will wash over the world.

Should the opportunity arise, the recipient of a good deed will likely feel compelled to do a good deed for someone else. Someone feeling the effects of negative energy will be more likely to pass on that negative energy. One act of charity, one thoughtful deed, or even one positive thought can pass from individual to individual, snowballing until it becomes a group movement or the ray of hope that saves someone's life. Every transformation, just like every ripple, has a point of origin. You must believe in your ability to be that point of origin if you want to use the ripples you create to spread goodness. Consider the effect of your thoughts and actions, and try to act graciously as much as possible. ...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...

Image of the Day

"How can I be substantial if I do not cast a shadow? I must have a dark side also if I am not whole." - C.G Jung

The Totalitarian Future Globalists Want For The Entire World Is Being Revealed

[Humans Are Free]: The use of “the law” as a tool for injecting tyranny into a culture is the first tactic of all totalitarians.

The idea is that by simply writing government criminality into the law books, that criminality somehow becomes justified by virtue of legal recognition.

It’s all very circular.

Whenever government abuse of the people is initiated, it’s always initiated in the name of what’s “best for society as a whole”. To save society, the individuals that make up a society must be sublimated or destroyed.

This mentality is the complete opposite of what the Founding Fathers in America fought and died for, but as Thomas Jefferson once said:

“Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add ‘within the limits of the law’ because law is often but the tyrant’s will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual.”

Make no mistake, there is a very OPEN and easily identifiable agenda on the part of globalists to establish a heavily centralized police state system in every country they are able.

For many years now there have been numerous analysts, economists and geopolitical experts in the alternative media that have predicted and warned the public about the globalist strategy of “order out of chaos”.

In other words, the ultra-wealthy power brokers that hold influence over most governments on Earth seek to “reshape” the existing social order through the creation of crisis and disaster.

By engineering public desperation, they hope to lure us into accepting restrictions on our freedoms that we would have never considered otherwise....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...

Children who died of Covid-19 were already seriously ill, new study shows

[David Icke]: It has been clear from the start of the Covid-19 crisis – from Wuhan’s experience, before cases were confirmed in Britain – that it was a disease with relatively little impact on children. A broad study led by Liverpool University and published in the British Medical Journal today confirms that – and sheds a lot more light on how Covid-19 affects children.

The study looks at data from 260 hospitals in England, Scotland and Wales, to which 69,516 patients were admitted with Covid symptoms between 17 January and 3 July. Of these, 651 were aged under 19 and 225 were aged under 12 months. Serious underlying medical conditions were present in 42 per cent of the children.

Most were successfully treated on hospital wards but 116 went on to be admitted to critical care and 58 ended up on mechanical ventilation. In 52 cases, the patients were judged to be suffering from Multi-System Inflammatory Syndrome associated with Covid-19 (MIS-C), a condition similar to Kawasaki disease and Toxic Shock Syndrome, that was first identified in London hospitals in March. Six children went on to die. Three were aged under 28 days, had been born very premature and had complex congenital anomalies and bacterial sepsis.

The other three who died were in the 15-18 age bracket, two of whom had profound neurodisabilities which compromised their respiratory systems. The other had a suppressed immune system as a result of cancer treatment and was also suffering from bacterial sepsis. No children without a serious comorbidity of an additional illness died, and neither did any child between the ages of 28 days and 15 years. However, the age group 10–14 years was over-represented among those admitted to critical care....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...

Getting vaccinated for coronavirus could make the pandemic worse

[Natural News]: Until a Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine becomes publicly available, some government officials have indicated that they want to keep everything under indefinite lockdown. But a vaccine could end up making the plandemic even worse, according to Anthony Fauci.

In case you missed it, Fauci is on record as having stated in the past that earlier vaccine candidates for other coronaviruses produced a “suboptimal response.” He went on to explain that they actually “enhanced pathogenesis of the disease, which is always worrisome.”

The Citizens’ Council for Health Freedom (CCHF) in Minnesota has issued an urgent plea calling on government officials and health authorities to take note of Fauci’s words in addressing current vaccine policy.

“First, there’s ‘no guarantee’ a COVID-19 vaccine will work and second, it could ‘backfire,’ strengthening the virus,” the group has said, as reported by WND.

It was on May 12 that Fauci warned about “two major unknowns” concerning a vaccine for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), which for all intents and purposes is little more than a mutated cold virus.

“I think we should very carefully listen to Dr. Fauci’s concerns,” says Twila Brase, R.N., president and co-founder of CCHF. “No coronavirus vaccine has been developed despite earlier coronavirus pandemics.”...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>>...

Friday 28 August 2020

Anima and Animus: How to Balance Divine Feminine/Masculine

[Wake Up World]: As poet Walt Whitman once wrote: “I am large, I contain multitudes.”

There is a reason why this simple yet beautiful verse has reverberated across history: it contains immense truth. We all contain multitudes. We are all a divine amalgamation of water and fire, soul and spirit, yin and yang.

Ultimately, when we narrow everything down within us, we see that we contain two energies: that of the feminine and masculine.

In psychology, these two polar opposite forces are known as the Anima and Animus. And learning to connect with, explore, and balance each of these inner forces is crucial for our well-being. In this article, we’ll explore why.

First coined by famous psychiatrist Carl Jung, the terms “Anima” and “Animus” refer to the indwelling masculine and feminine energies that we all possess. Specifically, the anima is thought to be the feminine part of a man’s soul, and the animus refers to the masculine part of a female’s soul. Both the anima and animus are ancient archetypes (or raw forms of energy) that every being contains.

Let’s explore these parts of us more in depth …<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...

Insights Into 2020 - 'Baa Baa Human Sheeple. The Big Bad Wolf Cares So Much For You'

We went into the sad and sorry world of the face nappy wearing Homo Sheeples twice today. Two local supermarkets. Two occasions we were the only non-masked normals in the store; aside from the staff. No, we tell a lie ... the second time round we met with two other non-masked normals, and were greeted with a friendly "well that's a rarity these days. To see a full human face in a supermarket."

It is a sad reality, but it appears in our local area, the fight is being lost. The Human Sheeples are willingly complying to the sleepwalk. The dark magic spell has them in its clutches, and they are unwitting participants in a black magic ritual that will demand blood sacrifices at the end. Theirs! And ours too, in the end.

But, from a bigger picture perspective, it's perhaps how we are meant to evolve spirituality? It's certainly a time loop. We've been at this point many times before. It's an impasse. Or a checkmate. The dark ones get humans to this point, but don't get any further. Yes ... they will role out the next version of mankind, 'Homo Electrus' for the want of a name. And Homo Sapiens, their last A.I creature, will be no more. Then in a thousand year or so, from now, humans will be back here again. And again. It's a software program FFS! It's not our natural state. It's not all there is out there. It's really not important how we die ... or when we die ...

Just lose your fear of dying, and this situation will wash over you. And you will be in control of your fear, and looking at the tens of thousands of zombie Human Sheeples, wearing their face comforters, with pity. They are lost. Only they can find themselves. No amount of providing the facts will waken them, they are too lost in the brainwashing.

On that sorry note, that of the brainwashing script. The black magic spell; the wonderful controlled UK MSM has the storyline of "The number of people testing positive for coronavirus has jumped by a quarter in the past week as government figures today revealed another 1,276 Britons have been diagnosed. Data shows there are now 1,173 new cases each day, on average - a figure which has surged from 992 last Friday, when 1,033 infections were recorded. More than 1,000 positive tests have been confirmed on 16 days this month, after a clear run of no four-figure days throughout June and July. And the Department of Health today confirmed the deaths of another nine Covid-19 patients across the UK, taking the official death toll to 41,486. It means the rolling seven-day average number of daily deaths has crept up to 12, after dropping to as low as seven last week".

UTTER BULLSHIT. Remember, that perhaps the most egregious misrepresentation of reality, though, is the media’s conflating a positive test result with the actual disease, COVID-19. These tests only test for the virus directly (PCR tests) or antibodies to the virus. The fact that a person tests positive does NOT equate to actually having the disease.

They’re infected, yes, but “COVID-19” refers to a clinical diagnosis of someone who exhibits severe respiratory illness characterized by fever, coughing and shortness of breath. If you’re asymptomatic, you do not “have COVID-19.” The worst that could be said is that you’re infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus, but if you’re not actually ill, you do not have COVID-19.

The media is intentionally confusing a positive test result with COVID-19 to deliberately mislead the public into believing the disease is far more serious than it is. They know better but consciously choose this despicable practice. 

They refer to the positive test as a “case.” This is beyond stretching reality to suit their nefarious purposes. Again, a case is NOT a positive test result but, rather, a person that has a positive test result and is seriously ill. You would never know that by reading their articles

Rise above their brainwashing and realise its part of the psychological programming. The constant bombardment of the same energy vibration, will eventually make minds vibrate on the same energy wavelength. IT'S BOLLOCKS. It's better to think about the old nursery rhyme instead. Remember it ...

"Baa, baa, human sheep,
Have you got your masks?
Yes, sir, yes, sir,
Three boxes full;
One for the master,
And one for the dame,
And one for the little boy
Who lives down the lane"

It puts it all into perspective, as they are all players in a sinister nursery rhyme. The government is the big bad wolf ... pretending to care ever so much for the herds of frightened sheepies ....

Tonight's meaningless 'death mountain' random number is 10 .... ten more flu deaths, or whatever they are, that has been added to the corrupt 'UK Covid-19 deaths' stat. It's all bullshit. And nothing or nobody will convince us otherwise ... remember 'we can see what others can't see' and we are doing!

COVID-19 Fatality Rate “Worst Miscalculation” in Human History – PhD Student in Epidemiology

[Collective Evolution]: Ronald B. Brown, Ph.D., from the School of Public health and Health Systems at the University of Waterloo, Canada, recently stated that the COVID-19 fatality rate is the “worst miscalculation in the history of humanity.” Brown is currently completing his second doctorate degree this time in epidemiology at the University of Waterloo.

Below is a statement Brown recently gave to John C. A. Manley, a journalist who was the first to cover the story:

The subject of this article is disruptive, to say the least, although it is not as obvious from the title. The manuscript cites the smoking-gun, documented evidence showing that the public’s overreaction to the coronavirus pandemic was based on the worst miscalculation in the history of humanity, in my opinion. My manuscript underwent an intensive peer-review process. You are the first media guy who has responded to my invitation.

Dr. Brown added that CDC and WHO documents show that the case fatality rate for influenza was similar to the coronavirus, implying that the lockdowns were pointless. His paper questions why the 2017-2018 influenza season in the United States did not “receive the same intensive media coverage as COVID-19.”

He points out that “the accuracy of coronavirus tests rushed into production during the pandemic were unknown.” And he explores how the media began focusing on an increase in coronavirus cases while ignoring the decrease in death rates....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...

Normal Has Failed. Be As Weird As You Like.

Always remember 'there is nothing new under the sun' and 'what goes around comes around'. Basically, mankind has been at this exact, same, spot before many times before in the past. And will do so many times in the future. Perpetually. 

It is a computer simulation. A virtual experience. Nothing is new at all. Mankind is programmed to forget, so it plays the time loop over and over again.

[Waking Times]: Consumerism is unsustainable. Competition is unsustainable. Imperialism is unsustainable.

Our species is standing on the brink of an extinction-level event due to ecosystemic collapse or nuclear war, and it is because of the way that we have lived on this planet up until this point. If we keep moving in this direction we will go the way of the dinosaur in the not-too distant future and take most terrestrial life with us. Maybe even all of it.

The imperfect and immature nature of our newly evolved capacity for language and abstract thought, combined with our social nature as primates, has caused our species to consistently organize according to the will of the very worst of us–the most sociopathic, the most foolish, the most irresponsible of humans. The one who is the most willing and capable of doing and saying whatever it takes in order to exert control over other humans has throughout our history been the one who ascended to leadership.

So now we find ourselves in a society that has been built from the ground up almost entirely at the direction of sociopaths, for the benefit of sociopaths. Nations point armageddon weapons at one another as a vast globe-spanning empire works toward total planetary domination. Mass-scale human behavior is driven predominantly by the pursuit of profit, and all the most profitable behaviors involve inflicting trauma of some sort: war, militarism, monopolism, usury, strip mining, fossil fuels, factory farming, ads convincing us we’re deficient, etc.

And we’re on track to traumatize ourselves right out of existence very soon....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...

Quote for the Day

"There are certain truths that occur to us, which we cannot convey in words, but requires a personal experience to grasp more vividly" - Michael Bassey Johnson

There’s almost no chance a vaccine for COVID-19 will work at all, warns scientist

[Natural News]: The Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) is not some freak of nature virus that evolutionarily gained the ability to transfer from bats to humans all on its own. According to Professor Giuseppe Tritto, an internationally known expert in biotechnology and nanotechnology, this only could have happened with some kind of genetic engineering.

The president of the World Academy of Biomedical Sciences and Technology (WABT), which was founded as part of UNESCO back in 1997, Tritto knows a thing or two about viruses. And he is convinced that the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) was probably engineered at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, China’s only level-four biosafety lab.

In his book Cina COVID 19: La Chimera che ha cambiato il Mondo, which translates in English as China COVID 19: The chimera that changed the world, Tritto explains why he believes the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is behind the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), leaving little doubt that this viral “chimera” was artificially created as a bioweapon.

He also traces the Wuhan lab’s connections to France and the United States, demonstrating how both countries have financially supported it in its bioengineering endeavors. While neither American nor French virologists are necessarily responsible for the current outcome, they did play in role in getting us all here, whether they realized it or not. Unfortunately, it does not stop at just the virus. Those behind its continued spread and the government’s reaction to it have much worse plans in store for the world, mainly the extermination of humanity....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...

Habitual Anger

[Daily OM]: Sometimes when we feel anger, it is coming from a deep place that demands acknowledgment and expression. At these times, it is important that we find healthy ways to honor our anger, remembering how dangerous it is to repress it. 

However, anger can also become a habit, our go-to emotion whenever things go wrong. Often this is because, for whatever reason, we feel more comfortable expressing anger than we do other emotions, like sadness. 

It can also be that getting angry gives us the impression that we've done something about our problem. In these cases, our habitual anger is inhibiting both our ability to express our other emotions and to take action in our lives.

If it's true that anger is functioning this way in your life, the first thing you might want to try is to notice when you get angry. You might begin to see a pattern of some kind. For example, you could notice that it is always your first response or that it comes up a lot in one particular situation....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>

Thursday 27 August 2020

CDC Admits Hospital Incentives Drove Up COVID-19 Deaths

A perfect article to explain perfectly what 'a positive test result' really means.

[Mercola]: Perhaps the most egregious misrepresentation of reality, though, is the media’s conflating a positive test result with the actual disease, COVID-19. These tests only test for the virus directly (PCR tests) or antibodies to the virus. The fact that a person tests positive does NOT equate to actually having the disease.

They’re infected, yes, but “COVID-19” refers to a clinical diagnosis of someone who exhibits severe respiratory illness characterized by fever, coughing and shortness of breath. If you’re asymptomatic, you do not “have COVID-19.” The worst that could be said is that you’re infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus, but if you’re not actually ill, you do not have COVID-19.

The media is intentionally confusing a positive test result with COVID-19 to deliberately mislead the public into believing the disease is far more serious than it is. They know better but consciously choose this despicable practice. A recent example would be CNN’s article, “Florida Has More COVID-19 Than Most Countries in the World.”

They refer to the positive test as a “case.” This is beyond stretching reality to suit their nefarious purposes. Again, a case is NOT a positive test result but, rather, a person that has a positive test result and is seriously ill. You would never know that by reading their article.

Further down in their fear-mongering article is a subhead, “Florida Has Surpassed Italy in COVID-19 Cases, Too.” But at the very end of the article they finally admit the truth: Even though Florida surpassed Italy in “cases,” they had nearly 90% FEWER deaths — the metric that really counts, unless your goal is to perpetuate needless fear into the population....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...


Insights Into 2020 - 'The Common Summer Cold Is The Villain In The Piece. Hancock's Evil Plan For The Winter Lockdown'

Well, they are certainly playing their latest ace card, now that the 'death rate' is almost zero. They are scaremongering the already coronaphobia overloaded mask wearing Homo Sheeples with the steady rise of daily infections.

They are going for 'the second wave' and 'the winter lockdown'. Yet, they conveniently hide the fact how ineffective their test REALLY IS. Yes, they've changed Covid-19 to 'Coronavirus' and they've admitted the test can pick up on the common cold. They've also ensured that daily testing has increased.

Which results in INCREASED POSITIVE TESTS. But when someone, like Paul Pogba, is reported to have 'tested positive' for Covid-19, it's BULLSHIT. The detection method of the PCR tests is completely meaningless. The reason for this is that PCR test is extremely sensitive, meaning that it can detect even the smallest pieces of DNA or RNA - but it cannot determine where these particles came from. That has to be determined beforehand. ANY old coronavirus can, and will, be detected. We reckon most of the positive tests are either intentional false positives or merely THE COMMON SUMMER COLD!

Last year, before this bullshit, every single person now being diagnosed as having Covid-19 would have thought nothing of it ... and either put it down to a cold or worse, a spate of influenza. Then got on with their lives without the social distancing and face nappy bullshit. Life would have gone on as per normal ... instead ....

The MSM are having a field day announcing rising cases. Food production is now being hit with so called outbreaks here, there, and everywhere. The satanic death cult is closing its prison doors on the sleepwalking Homo Sheeples. It may already be too late. The Homo Sheeples are gullible, brainwashed and now utterly INSANE.

A wander around our local supermarket as the only 'non-masked' human was a real shocker. Homo Sheeples wearing their face nappies were everywhere! 'Baa baa black sheep have you any wool?' It was a real sickener ... it was like being in an entirely different world to them. The last human being aside from the staff who were all maskless. Everyone else was an anxious and listless zombie!

Tonight's meaningless stats read like this:

Sage's random number for tonight was 12. Likely to be 12 flu related deaths put down as Covid-19. Then the real fearmongering bollocks - 'Britain today recorded 1,522 new Covid-19 cases in the highest daily toll for almost eleven weeks, despite separate data that revealed the UK's outbreak has shrank.Government statistics show 1,138 positive tests are now being recorded each day, on average — a figure which has more than doubled since dropping to just 540 in mid-July. Hopes the crisis was finally under control rose last week after the rolling-average dropped for four days in a row. But it has now risen every day since Friday, the last time it was in three figures'. 

Utter shit when you know it's only the common summer cold or flu that is being recorded plus FALSE POSITIVES that are distributed like lottery cards, where the producers know how many are out there. The evil Hancock wants increased testing as he knows exactly how many false positives are out there .... and by blanket testing the population he can then spring his evil plan on them ... THE WINTER LOCKDOWN.


A Shamanic and Spiritual Perspective on Confusion and Truth

[Waking Times]: People are confused. They don’t know what to believe, and they don’t know who they can trust. They don’t know what’s real, what’s fake, or what’s really fake, or what’s a deep fake.

Stuff they think is true is being de-bunked by people they thought they could trust, and people they thought they could trust are obviously not telling the truth.

We’re lost in the greatest Truth Gap of all time, and the result is widespread confusion.

In a conversation about the nature of the Cosmos, the Buddha was once asked about the paradox of trying to understand the eternal:

How is it, Master Gotama, when Master Gotama is asked if the monk reappears… does not reappear… both does and does not reappear… neither does nor does not reappear, he says, ‘…doesn’t apply’ in each case. At this point, Master Gotama, I am befuddled; at this point, confused.” ~Aggi Vacchagotta Sutta

In his reply, the Buddha explains the consequence of confusion:

…a thicket of views, a wilderness of views, a contortion of views, a writhing of views, a fetter of views. It is accompanied by suffering, distress, despair, and fever, and it does not lead to disenchantment, dispassion, cessation’ to calm, direct knowledge, full Awakening, Unbinding.” ~ Aggi Vacchagotta Sutta

We’re in that thicket of views right now, and given that our society has organized itself around media and information, it’s rather startling to acknowledge just how much confusion we’re swimming in. The noise is louder than ever now, plus, we’re in a state of war, and truth is the first casualty of war.

It’s been a spiritual war for a very long time, which then began to materialize as a culture war, then an information war, and is now fully manifesting as a civil war. Things aren’t looking good....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>....

Quote for the Day

"The present changes the past.
Looking back you do not find what you left behind." - Kiran Desai

Disapproving Faces

[Daily OM]: It is not necessarily a pleasant experience, but there will be times in our lives when we come across people who do not like us. As we know, like attracts like, so usually when they don't like us it is because they are not like us. Rather than taking it personally, we can let them be who they are, accepting that each of us is allowed to have different perspectives and opinions. When we give others that freedom, we claim it for ourselves as well, releasing ourselves from the need for their approval so we can devote our energy toward more rewarding pursuits.

While approval from others is a nice feeling, when we come to depend on it we may lose our way on our own path. There are those who will not like us no matter what we do, but that doesn't mean that there is anything wrong with us. Each of us has our own filters built from our experiences over time. They may see in us something that is merely a projection of their understanding, but we have no control over the interpretations of others. The best we can do is to hope that the role we play in the script of their lives is helpful to them, and follow our own inner guidance with integrity....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...

Why didn’t researchers do a proper study to discover whether the COVID virus exists?

[David Icke]: Imagine this fantasy: “After the published results of a new comprehensive study, which rejected the theory that a new pandemic coronavirus exists, a thousand infectious disease experts claimed they never said there was a new virus. 

One of these veteran researchers stated, ‘Virus? I was misquoted. I said “tires.” I was talking about car problems. I had a flat tire on the highway. 

Germs? Bacteria? Fungi? These are gossamer entities. No one is sure where they are or what they do. It would be irresponsible to assert they infect people. I need to find a job. I have two kids matriculating at Harvard. Do you have any idea how much that costs? Please visit my GoFundMe page. The money will be forwarded to me in my bunker at an undisclosed location…’”

I’ve been going back to the beginning of this “pandemic,” to examine the root of the fraud.

I’ve described, in full, what a proper, large-scale study would look like, if researchers were actually interested in knowing whether there is a new and unique virus causing illness and death across the world. A study using a thousand volunteers, and electron microscope photographs of samples taken from human tissue.

This study was never done. It will never be done.

Here is why.

The official symptoms of COVID-19 line up with many traditional conditions: flu, pneumonia, TB, other lung infections, common colds.

Millions of so-called “COVID cases” are not anything new. I’ve been writing about this for months. Traditional illnesses are being re-packaged under the meaningless “COVID” label.

So what do you think would happen in a large-scale study of such “COVID” patients?

The fraud would be exposed. You would eliminate these people from any association with a new virus. There would be no sign of a new virus.

Let’s do a really correct, electron microscope study of a thousand patients, and settle, once and for all, the question of whether or not there is a new coronavirus causing people to fall ill and die.

“Are you kidding? Do you know what the result would be? We’d land in prison.”

Take, for example, all the elderly people in nursing homes and other long long-term facilities, in hospitals, in their lonely isolated apartments. You know, people who have been suffering from multiple serious health conditions for decades, who’ve been treated with loads of toxic drugs, whose immune systems are already on the verge of collapse—who have been labeled “COVID.” Take tissue samples from them. Put them under an electron microscope.

This is amazing, Fred. We see no signs of a new virus.

Yes, it’s so amazing, we’re going to bury this study. Otherwise, you and I will be hung from a lamppost.”

When you have no sign of a new virus, you have no diagnostic tests, because all those tests are aimed at registering a virus that isn’t there. And therefore, you have no meaningful case numbers or death numbers. What you have is a house of cards out in the open, in a strong wind.

You have millions of public health officials and politicians and computer modelers and medical journal editors and researchers and doctors and PR people and television talking heads and foundation funders and mask-wearing devotees all desperately trying to grab hold of NOTHING....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...

“Famine of biblical proportions” headed our way due to COVID-19, warns UN food chief

[Natural News]: The response from governments around the world to the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) plandemic threatens to starve billions of people in the coming months and years, warns David Beasley, executive director of the United Nations World Food Program (WFP).

The data that Beasley has collected thus far supposedly shows that the number of people experiencing malnutrition will grow by 80 percent before the end of 2020. The outcome of this, he says, will represent a “famine of biblical proportions.”

With meat packing plants shuttered due to alleged infection spread, and crops destroyed all across the heartland due to recent extreme weather, our already battered food supplies will suffer, it appears.

“Obviously social tensions will grow, migration will increase, conflicts will escalate and hunger will likely affect those who didn’t experience it before,” Beasley told the Russian news agency TASS.

WFP projections suggest that Latin American nations will experience the worst of what is to come. There, the number of malnourished people could skyrocket by as much as 269 percent, Beasley warns....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...