Further Reading

Friday 1 January 2021

A Look Into 2021 - June 2021

Let's start 2021 with an intuitive gaze into my perceived reality, commencing with June 2021. Intuitive & clairvoyant readings only look into the perceived reality of the mind that has cast the cards ... and the interpretation made is based on that reality. It is based on assumptions in the NOW from images chosen in the immediate past. 

Intuitive readings are always 'script writing' ... creating the future based on what the card images suggest as a likely occurrence.

We are all affected by this worldwide power grab by the satanic death cult. They are at war with us ... and it is a mind game ... a battle of the minds. 

This spread will give an indication of where we are possibly at in that battle. I've already been made aware of the 'rift' in the mind fields of so many humans; they have been infiltrated in their MILLIONS ... and are likely to be the ones lost to this world sadly, due to succumbing to the brainwashing. They are the fortunate ones as they are now out of this war ... a war that however rages on many levels of realities and sub-realities ...

Let's see that these 6 images say about June 2021.

GRAIL SIX - A lesser power. Discovery of one's roots. Ancestral memories. The pleasure of remembered links. A sense of tradition and continuation. Karmic recall.

SPEAR HALLOW - A lesser power. Creativity. The beginning of a project. Purpose. The faculty of intuition. The healing of all that is corrupt. 

THE SEEKER - A greater power. Divine discontent. Youthful energy. Protection. The folly to be wise. Optimism. Adventure.

STONE KING - A lesser power. Guardian of traditional lore. By steady and enduring wisdom he sustains the land. He teaches patience. He teaches responsibility on the path. 

SWORD SEVEN - A lesser power. Unstable effort. Little progress. Plans fail as a result of confused thinking. 

GUINEVERE - A greater power. Energy in creative growth. Fulfilment. Beauty. Abundance. Health Harmony.

SWORD QUEEN - A lesser power. Intelligent and self reliant. Speaking her mind and not suffering fools gladly. Defender of the unprotected. Imparts a sense of justice to all who encounter her.

INTUITIVE READING -   Yes, we are not going back to where we once were in the world. The pressure is being applied for vaccination and worse. But those with creative and free thinking minds are still standing their ground. Globalist plans are being pushed through, but creative and resistant minds are holding them up. Plenty of apparent 'punishments' for those who refuse to conform. But without fear, these narratives can be ignored.