Further Reading

Thursday, 15 April 2021

5D Ascension Shift: The Human Genie Emerges from the Bottle

[Waking Times]: When we look back through history, as we rest on 5D beaches some day, we’ll most likely recount the year 2020 – the year of the pandemic, the parting of the waves. Plenty will no doubt head into the synthetic reality being created in the name of the 4th Industrial Revolution.

Not everyone is ready for the shift into 5D. Plenty are a long way from it, and if somehow they were forced into that tremendous metamorphosis in just a short period of time, it would be for them highly destructive. Plenty are willingly choosing the synthetic reality to manifest and express something in their karma to unravel through.

And that’s entirely necessary for them.

The most important thing lightworkers can do is to embody your soul, shine the light, and walk your path. No matter what. It is not your responsibility to drag people along with you. No matter how much you love and care for them, and even if they are biological family. Their path is theirs to walk, just as is yours. As they witness your shining light, yes, they’ll no doubt be encouraged to wake up, but you can’t force that on anyone. It will happen to the soul when the timing is right. And let’s be clear, no one can be carried into the 5D. That’s a path each has to walk by themselves, when they are ready....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...