[Wake Up World]: 2020 was a year of tumultuous change. The fear hype was enormous and humanity’s reality was altered in a heartbeat. The streets were empty, stores were forcibly closed, people were muzzled and separated from one another. The dying were left without the comfort of their loved ones, and there was no more ‘getting together’, public singing, dancing and laughter. Touching, kissing and hugging became taboo. The world’s population was masked, manacled and in some cases imprisoned. Frightened into submission; locked down by a boogieman – a mass killer we are told.
But it turns out this ‘super lethal assassin’ has a 99% survival rate.
Let’s pause here and let the ridiculous sink in…..
April 8th 2021. Earlier this week, state health officials told The Detroit News that 246 Michigan residents considered fully vaccinated against COVID-19 were later diagnosed with the coronavirus, and three have died.
This is just one of many reports post vax. Looks like the miracle fast tracked vaccine is under performing – and even killing people. And still, the masses queue up to get the experimental shot, and vaccine passports are being rolled out as we speak fuelling more division between people.
Meanwhile back in the deep state, the Jesuit Fauci propaganda machine has declared that those that are vaxxed still have to wear masks, and because of virus mutation, booster shots may be in order.
Is this the beginning of the totalitarian takeover Agenda 21. The great reset of everything…where you will own nothing and be happy?
Let’s just suppose that the corona pandemic and its subsequent vaccines were created by the elite as a depopulation tool...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...