Further Reading

Friday 30 April 2021

Feeling Lost

[Daily OM]: When we are lost, we typically look at a map to figure out where we are and how to get to our chosen destination. This works well, assuming there is a map of the territory in which we find ourselves and we know our destination. However, this is not always the case. At this time in human history, we are all venturing into uncharted territory, whether we know it or not. And as individuals, we may find ourselves covering ground that our predecessors never even knew existed. When we look to them for guidance, they often come up short. Not knowing exactly where we are, we find ourselves unsure of which way to go, and eventually the uneasy feeling that we are lost presents itself.
The beauty of being lost is the same thing that makes it scary -- it asks us to look within ourselves to find the way. If we have no map, we must go on instinct, relying on our inner compass to show us which way to go. This can be scary because so much seems to be riding on it. We fear we might go too far in the wrong direction or become paralyzed and make no progress at all. Yet, this is the very challenge we need to develop our ability to trust ourselves. We are also learning to trust that the universe will support and guide us. We may believe this intellectually, but it is only through experience that it becomes knowledge of the heart. Learning to be okay with being lost and trusting that we will be guided, we begin our journey....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...