Further Reading

Friday 30 April 2021

Human Rights Attorney: COVID-19 Tyranny is Becoming ‘A Second Holocaust’

[Humans Are Free]: When the Orange County Board of Supervisors in Southern California announced potential plans to test out a vaccine “passport” pilot program, human rights attorney Leigh Dundas stood up and vocally opposed it, calling it “a second Holocaust” during a public hearing on the proposal.

Dundas’ statements were so powerful – they also quickly went viral – that the Board backed down and is now saying that such a system will be “voluntary.”

During her speech, Dundas explained that vaccine passports are “the beginning and the end of Nazi Germany.”

They could soon be demanded as a condition of entry into stores or sporting events, for example, much like how German Nazis would stop people on the street and tell them, “Papers, please!”

“It is an electronic dog collar,” Dundas proclaimed.

“And since when did Orange County become the People’s Republic of China? You won’t need Warsaw ghettos because I won’t be able to leave my house because nobody will service me.

“Are you really okay with Big Tech knowing every damn place you’ve been, from Chipotle to the Post Office to Disneyland, because you have to scan in every time you leave your house?”

“Dundas went on to chastise the board for trying to wash its hands of the dire implications of such a proposal by claiming that the “free market” will handle it.

The truth is that the medical fascists are trying pass the buck onto private companies to enforce tyranny so the state can pretend to be absolved of any wrongdoing....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...