[Wake Up World]: The root chakra, or Muladhara, is our body’s most primal and fundamental energy center, being located at the base of our spine, or groin area. Being associated with the color red, the root chakra regulates the energy associated with instinct, survival, and safety.
When the root chakra is imbalanced due to trauma, psychological issues such as chronic fear, and psychosomatic suppression and repression, we experience a disruption in the flow of life. Often our blocked energy centers lead to constant personal, existential and relationship issues.
Root Chakra healing is the practice of opening, clearing, cleansing, supporting and strengthening the root chakra within our bodies. Root Chakra healing involves using certain foods, sounds, smells, affirmations, yoga practices, healing crystals, and other holistic remedies to reestablish harmony within the body-mind organism....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...