Further Reading

Saturday, 8 May 2021

UFOs: More Advanced Intelligent Life Could Exist Right Here On Earth

[Collective Evolution]: The UFO phenomenon may not only be indicative of extraterrestrial life, but perhaps intelligent life from here on our planet, perhaps in other realms or dimensions that are not always perceivable to our senses.

Why is the UFO phenomenon receiving extreme amounts of legitimacy within the mainstream after years of ridicule?

Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs), now commonly known as Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (UAPs) have become a big topic of discussion within the mainstream as of late. We are talking about objects that have been photographed, videotaped, tracked on radar, and seen by high ranking military personnel as well as civilians on the ground and in air-craft. These objects perform maneuvers and travel at speeds no known man made piece of machinery can. They truly defy our understanding of aerodynamics and, and in some cases, physics.

The truth is, much of our “reality” isn’t even perceivable to our human senses. We can only see within a tiny frequency of the entire visible light spectrum. We have to use special equipment like infrared telescopes and more to see things that we otherwise couldn’t. Quantum mechanics and the emergence of post-material science has shown us that there are “invisible” parts of what we perceive to be our physical and material world that make up the vast majority of it. Some, like Plato, referred to this as the ether, or aether. Who is to say that life does not dwell in these realms? They exist all around us, perhaps some of these objects originate from there – or as you might say, right here on Earth....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...