Further Reading

Monday 28 June 2021

All In My Universe

I am the rain in the sky
I am the oceans, the waves, the rocks that water grinds to dust
I am every truth and I create every lie
I am the power that creates love; I am the night that invented lust
It’s all in my universe … 

I am the legacy that gives hope, I am the impulses that created fear
I am the most insignificant thought, I am the greatest upheaval
I am the omnipresent spectre; I am not really here
I am the defining good and I am the controlling evil
It's all in my universe … 

I am the circle always going round and round
I am the frustrating maze; I am the darkest labyrinth … can you see me in there
I am the snow that covers the ground
I am the eagle, the salmon, the butterfly, the hare …
It's all in my universe … 

I am every woman, I am every man
I all possible human experiences rolled into one sphere of ‘living’
I am the hunter, the hunted, the predator, its all part of my plan
For I am cruel and I am forgiving
It's all in my universe … 

Nothing surprises me for everything … is contained … explained …
Its there somewhere … never lost … always waiting to remind me it is there
All things ever lost … all things ever gained …
I have been witness to every single curse …. I’ve heard every prayer
Nothing is new … it's all in my universe ….

No matter what takes place … they are my thoughts … my creation
All things start … end … and become … what they are … sounds that thoughts grew
Every good deed, every foolish temptation
Nothing surfacing in the minds of man is new …
It's all in my universe … 

Sounds make waves that create patterns of thought
Thoughts become whatever form they create
Matter, existence … somewhere sometime consciousness was caught
And in its confusion … the invention of karma and fate …
I became their god … they were lost in my universe 

And so the circle turns again and again …
Within my universe consciousness discovered all things my thoughts had made
Thus experiencing sadness, joy, laughter and pain
In the light it found the creativity; and tasted the hatred in the shade …
This was why the universe was made … 

A sphere of all things …
Worlds within dimensions of every possible vibration
Thoughts made when sound sings …
Expanding when the sound is strong and then stellar deflation ….
My thoughts are their universe …

Copyright Matthew James June 2021