Further Reading

Monday 28 June 2021

Blaylock On Vaccines: What You Need To Know For Informed Consent

[David Icke]: Prior to taking any unapproved drug, you have the right to receive a broad and complete spectrum of information about the potential effects of those drugs on your body, in order for you to give “informed consent” or to refuse. Dr. Blaylock wrote this especially for this purpose.

There are four major companies offering the COVID-19 “vaccines” (biological bioengineered agents); Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca. Two (Pfizer and Moderna) use a technology never before approved or used “vaccine” called a messenger RNA (mRNA) biological.

The mRNA biologicals encase spike protein producing mRNA within a nanoparticle capsule–LNP [which contains nano-sized polyethylene glycol (PEG)] to protect the mRNA from enzymatic destruction by the vaccinated person’s cells. This prolongs the survival of the mRNA, allowing it to continuously produce the spike protein in your body. The latter two biologicals, from Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca, utilize a single vaccine technology involving the use of an altered, attenuated virus (Adeno26) to generate antibodies to the spike protein.

This man-made virus literally infects the person with a spike protein-containing virus. You should know that the spike protein is the pathological part of the COVID-19 virus. In essence, you have a man-made virus, and mRNA biological that does exactly what the COVID-19 virus does to you—it exposes you to massive amounts of spike protein. Once in the body this spike protein can enter all tissues—including the heart, the brain, the lungs, the kidneys, the eyes, and the liver. The two main sites it invades with the spike protein are the liver and the spleen—both major immune regulating sites.

Since no studies have been done on what happens to the spike proteins once they have been injected and most important, how long the mRNA will keep producing the spike proteins, we have no idea concerning the safety of these vaccines. Moderna and Johnson & Johnson have never made a vaccine before this.

It is also important to appreciate that biodistribution studies have shown that the mRNA injected into a person’s body has been found to deposit a small amount of the mRNA into several tissues, most importantly into the brain. This means that the mRNA from the vaccine is producing large amounts of the spike protein directly into your brain for what could be a prolonged period. In such a location as the brain, the spike protein will act as a continuous source of inflammation and excitotoxicity (immunoexcitotoxicity), known to be a central mechanism of several neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s dementia, Parkinson’s disease and ALS, among others.

Most important, one should understand these are experimental vaccines and do not have the approval of the regulatory agencies, such as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...