Further Reading

Tuesday 6 July 2021

“Lockdown Powers Needed For Future Variants” – Health Secretary

Yes ... indeed ... with imaginary CGI variants such as the latest SHEEP sorry LAMBda Variant running riot in their computers .... what are we going to do? 

It's more BULLSHIT from a rogue government that know we know they are lying through their demonised arses. 

[Richie Allen]: The Health Secretary Sajid Javid told the media this morning, that the government would retain lockdown powers after July 19th, because of the threat posed by vaccine resistant variants.

Javid was on TV and radio duty this AM, appearing on LBC, SKY News and the BBC. He said that he expected covid case numbers to double by the time all restrictions are lifted on July 19th. There are currently 25,000 new covid cases a day, allegedly.

Javid told SKY News that it was necessary for the government to retain the power to reimpose restrictions in the future. Speaking to Niall Paterson he said:

“We are very comfortable with the decisions we have announced….but there is a real risk of some kind of vaccine resistant variant. That is why it is sensible to retain some powers.”

Earlier this morning he told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme:

“I hope not, (to impose more restrictions) and that’s certainly not in our plan. But the one thing that no-one can say for certain anywhere in the world is the future progression of the virus itself.”

There may be trouble ahead. Yesterday, SAGE (Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies) released papers that indicated stronger restrictions may be needed this coming Winter. According to The Telegraph:

One undated paper warns that “it is highly likely that transmission will increase in autumn and winter”. It says: “The healthcare burden of other infections through the year is also an important consideration. This may mean stronger measures may be desirable for autumn and winter.”

So certain are they of the public's continued compliance, that they’re making no attempt to hide their plans. It’s all out in the open. Is there a red line? Will there be a point at which the public will declare that enough is enough? I’m not sure.