Further Reading

Tuesday 6 July 2021

What About Lambda? A Consciousness Expanding High Frequency Brainwave State for Advanced Meditators

[ iAwake Technologies]: Lambda brain waves, for those of you who have never heard of lambda before, are one of the lesser-known frequencies—one of the last to be discovered. They are very rare, and they are difficult to measure. They are a very fast frequency of brain wave that is way up, above even the hyper-gamma spectrum. With a lambda wave we’re talking 200 Hz.

In fact, the effects of lambda feel more like a slow, deep epsilon wave. Most of what you get from meditating with lambda entrainment is a lot like what you get from a really deep epsilon frequency, but without the drowsiness that epsilon tracks tend to induce—making it a lot more enjoyable (even just possible) for those of us who get sleepy in really deep states to actually experience the transcendent states you get with epsilon.

So when we’re talking about brainwave states, the delta frequency, which for a long time was the slowest frequency ever observed, is normally associated with deep, dreamless sleep. It goes from about 3.5 to 4 Hz all the way down to about 1 Hz. Below that, less than one cycle per second, we get into the range called epsilon, which can be as slow as even one wave every 10 seconds or so—these are very, very slow waves. In fact, epsilon is associated with people going into sort of a “stilled” state. It’s not like a near-death experience, but people can slow their heartbeat almost to nothing and slow their brain waves almost to nothing. When they studied it in meditators, they used the term “suspended animation.” Down at the very low end of 0.5 Hz or less, you start to get into epsilon. Then the lambda waves actually emerge on top of that.