Further Reading

Saturday 11 September 2021

Covid-19 isn’t killing the elderly and vulnerable; it’s Midazolam and the Covid-19 Vaccines that are killing them according to British Funeral Director

[The Expose]: British funeral undertaker John O’Looney spoke to independent journalist Lindie Naughton recently, giving her the full scoop about what is really going on with all the elderly people who are supposedly dying from “covid” in care homes and hospitals.

Corrupt politicians and the mainstream media that the government is paying to publish propaganda and lies, O’Looney revealed, are lying to the public about there being a “deadly virus” that is killing the elderly and vulnerable. In truth, virtually all seniors are dying from the medication and injections they are being given, he says.

O’Looney claims the most prominent death drug being given to the elderly and vulnerable is the Covid-19 injection, which caused a 250% spike in deaths among the elderly in January 2021.

“As part of my work I visit hospitals routinely. During the pandemic I got to speak to many medical staff,” O’Looney told Naughton. “We all understood we were being lied to and this was fraud.”

As an undertaker, part of O’Looney’s job is to keep a mortuary record, or “guest book,” showing a record of any unusual events observed during the burial or cremation process.

Undertakers at large, O’Looney maintains, saw strange patterns of death at elderly care homes where old people were dying not from the alleged Covid-19 disease, but rather from the medications they were being given by their “caretakers”.

“Terminal cancer patients are routinely being recorded as covid deaths,” O’Looney says.

One of the medications O’Looney is referring to is a drug known as Midazolam; a drug that is associated with respiratory depression and respiratory arrest, especially when used for sedation in noncritical care settings. When this is not recognised promptly and treated effectively, death or hypoxic encephalopathy can follow.

We’re told that serious illness in Covid-19 presents pneumonia and accompanying respiratory insufficiency. Therefore typical symptoms include breathlessness, cough, weakness and fever. We’re also told that people who suffer deteriorating respiratory failure and who do not receive intensive care, develop acute respiratory distress syndrome with severe breathlessness.

Knowing that would you use midazolam to treat people who were suffering with pneumonia and respiratory insufficiency allegedly due to Covid-19? Because that’s precisely what the NHS did and we have the evidence to prove it.