Further Reading

Saturday 11 September 2021

There is no “Delta variant” – no clinical test can diagnose you with “Delta” and the entire narrative is a media-fabricated scam

[Natural News]: No matter what the media tries to get you to think, the fact remains that there is no such thing as a “Delta variant,” at least not as far as the currently available “tests” are concerned.

Besides the fact that PCR tests are completely fraudulent to begin with, hospitals are now refusing to show patients who supposedly test “positive” for the latest Delta variant their actual test results, which means there is no way to prove that anyone actually has it.

The reason, of course, is because the Delta variant does not exist and is merely a figment of people’s imaginations. And there certainly is not a test for something that does not exist because how could there be?

If anything, what they are calling the Delta variant or even “covid” in general is just vaccine damage and/or 5G poisoning under a different name. The real disease in all this is the drug, in other words – and the more people get that drug, the more disease there is going to be.

Patty McMurray from 100percentfedup.com looked into this further by reaching out to her primary care physician to find out how medical personnel are supposedly testing for the Delta variant. This is what the doctor said:

“We’re just guessing that’s what it is because the Delta variant is so contagious.”

The mainstream media openly admits that American patients are not even allowed to know which variant they supposedly have. Health care workers are simply making things up and filling in the data sheets accordingly.

“That’s because sequencing tests have to be federally approved for results to be disclosed to doctors or patients, and most are not yet,” McMurray says.

“Lab scientists say the process of validating the tests for approval is too costly and time-consuming.”

A musician from San Francisco by the name of Sam Reider who is “fully vaccinated” learned this the hard way back in early summer when the California Department of Public Health notified him that he tested positive for Chinese Germs.

Reider was asked to take a second test at a local Kaiser Permanente facility and was later declared to have the Delta variant. When Reider asked to see proof, however, doctors told him that they could not provide this information.

“When I got the follow-up from Kaiser, they said it’s positive, but they didn’t have any of the sequencing information,” Reider told Business Insider. That “felt odd to me,” he added....<<<Read More>>>...