Further Reading

Wednesday 29 September 2021

Two Johnson & Johnson Officials Say in Hidden Recording That Children Shouldn’t Get Vax Due To ‘Unknown Repercussions’ .

[Humans Are Free]: Project Veritas is out with the third installment of their series on vaccine insiders – this time covertly recording two Johnson & Johnson officials saying that children don’t shouldn’t take the Covid-19 jab.

“Kids shouldn’t get a f*cking [COVID] vaccine,” said regional business lead, Brandon Schatt.

“It’s a kid, you just don’t do that, you know? Not something that’s so unknown in terms of repercussions down the road, you know?”

Schadt also implied that the huge push to vaccinate children is about money, not public safety.

“J&J is like stepping in the best smelling pile of sh*t you could step in,” he said.

Another J&J employee, scientist Justin Durrant, explicitly said “Don’t get the Johnson & Johnson [COVID vaccine], I didn’t tell you though.”

As for children, Durrant said “It wouldn’t make that much of a difference.”

He also commented on the pressure campaign to restrict social privileges for the unvaccinated.

“Inconvenience [the unvaccinated] to the point where it’s like, ‘I might as well just f*cking do it [and take the COVID vaccine],’ you know what I’m saying?”

“It’s almost like – you’re almost like a second-grade citizen if you’re not vaccinated… you can’t do anything that a normal citizen can do,” he added.

“If you can’t work, I feel like that’s punishment enough… Only way people really act and comply is if it affects their pockets, like if you’re working for a big company and you’re going to lose your job, best believe you’ll be the first one in line [to take the COVID vaccine]… That’s what we’re doing.”...<<<Read More>>>...