Further Reading

Friday, 8 October 2021

COVID Has A Lower Mortality Risk To Children Than The Flu, Car Accidents, Suicide & More

 For ANY child that is injected with the dangerous Graphene Oxide laden poisons they call 'covid vaccines' ... and we mean ANY child, there is a fate much worse than catching a mere super flu around the corner ... the severity of this current situation, is unimaginable for around 90% of the population. 

The human race is in a situation more dire than anything faced before... never in the last 2021 years has the existence of the human race ever been more threatened. 2021 years! Let that sink in.

 [The Pulse]: The risks of severe illness and death from COVID for children has not been put in context of other risks. Right now, many parents are stricken with fear and worry about their child contracting COVID. Putting COVID in the context of other risks may help change the perspective of parents and also question whether or not making COVID vaccines mandatory for children is the right decision.

When it comes to morality risk to children, COVID-19 has a lower annual mortality risk than car accidents, influenza, and for 5-14 year olds, suicide (Leonhardt, 2021). In fact, the survival rate of COVID for people under the age of 19 according to recent pre-print study by two Stanford scientists is nearly 100 percent...<<<Read More>>>>...