Further Reading

Thursday 31 March 2022

So What's The Next Thing ....?


So the useless eaters of the world have been subjected to the Covid-19 fear narratives and many coerced into taking the mRNA gene therapy. There's now the distraction of the 'Ukraine War' ... which is another stage of the mass formation and brainwashing of the gullible useless eaters.

What's the next move up the sleeves of the globalist parasites? They won't give up the fight that easily. 

The overall sense of the Light Of Truth Oracle cards is that of a regrouping tactic. Going to ground with the pandemic is all part of a plan. It's a false sense of security. Those of us with a strong intuition do not believe that we've heard the last of the 'variants' and the enforced vaccines. The parasites have been following an agenda, and yes, their numbers appear to be dwindling, but they have a number of key dates ahead ... which means that some faction of that evil cult are going to spring something else.

We're being prepared by the foul UK puppets Valance, Whitty & Harries that something else is coming. They are conditioning the UK people to accepting restrictions and masks again ... as they 'predict' another variant. 

From the above images, there is too much powerful positive energy being presented .... the parasites are hoping to press forward with the same old cartwheel of lockdowns ... variants ... masks etc ... but it seems it won't happen as they plan. That same old storyline will be met with a different reaction this time round.



Two Weeks To Flatten The World

[SOTT]: COVID-19 has magically disappeared.

After more than two years of non-stop bombardment with Covid "news", there has been none at all in mainstream headlines for over a week. The media giveth and the media taketh away.

Through the immaculate erasure of the 'Covid Crisis,' those responsible for these harms are attempting to make us forget what they did to us, our families, and the permanent damage they caused to society.

Think back to what life was like two years ago and imagine if someone told you that a "health emergency" would require a crackdown on all social and economic life.

Remarkably, the public health orders moved quickly from "flattening the curve" and "slowing the spread" to containment, suppression, contact tracing, social isolation, quarantine, face coverings, de facto house arrest aka "lockdowns" (a prison/slave camp term), and mandated experimental injections.

In order to "keep us safe" government policies mushroomed from innocuous instructions into draconian decrees.

The limitation of the right to engage in basic economic transactions; the limitation of the right to freedom of movement; limitations on the right to practice religion; the suspension of the right to an education; the denial of the right to a livelihood; the removal of the right to receive or refuse medical attention; suspension of public meetings; suspension of juries; suppression of the right to freedom of expression; denial of the right to assembly; and much else became the new operating principles of "The Covid World."

The institution of a bio-security police state was birthed according to health authorities and others the power to quarantine someone considered "infected" or simply to have been in contact with a purported "case."

To make this appear necessary and acceptable, an intensive full-spectrum psychological assault on our sensibilities was implemented. Covid-19 was hyped as the 'New Black Death'.

We were told by 'important-looking people' that millions will die, the entire planet is in danger, a global response is required and everyone must get in line with the program whilst "heroes" and "experts" take charge of this new global war to keep us safe.

Illogical catchphrases designed to hypnotize the public into a malleable mental state were repeated over and over in every media outlet, across virtually every social institution, and plastered throughout all walks of the public sphere.

"Flatten the Curve", "The New Normal", "Social Distancing" and "Follow the Science" became the nation's Covid shibboleths. Media bullhorns relentlessly blasted the doublespeak into the public psyche. Oxymorons and euphemisms dominated the contours of any and all "Covid-related" discourse.

Such linguistic manipulations were readily absorbed and seamlessly adopted by much of the public and became the Doublethink phraseology of the Covid Era.

Mantras of the Covid Era were followed by a fleet of psychologically disorienting and arbitrary 'regulations', 'advice', and 'guidelines' which were quickly put in place, selectively enforced and subsequently changed.

No one was spared...<<<Read More>>>...

Vallance: “Covid Booster Jabs Every 4 Months Cannot Continue”

 [Richie Allen]: The government’s chief scientific adviser has said that it isn’t credible to offer the population Covid booster jabs every four months and that the UK must move to a more credible annual Covid immunisation drive.

Patrick Vallance was speaking at the Science and Technology Select Committee.

According to The Telegraph:

Speaking at the Science and Technology Select Committee, Sir Patrick said: “What isn’t credible is to start having vaccines every four months for everybody. That’s just not the way this works.

“What I think it will probably look like will be annual vaccines for a certain part of the population, as we have for flu.

“What we need to move to though is a better understanding of how to predict which vaccine is required each year. There are lots of possibilities. You could choose to go after the latest variant, you could choose to try and design a vaccine that fits somewhere in the middle and covers everybody.

“We have to move to a sensible annual cycle.”

In case you were wondering, no, none of the MP’s present asked Vallance if he had any comment on the recent Oxford University study which suggests that the Covid-19 death figure may in fact be grossly over-exaggerated.

In fact, none of the committee members blinked when Vallance suggested that restrictions may continue to play a part in fighting future pandemics. He told MP’s:

“I do think it is now going to be incredibly important to look internationally and nationally to try to dissect which components of restrictions are the ones that were the most important.

The world should learn from this so there is an advice handbook for the future and also to take into account the different characteristics of viruses.”

Not a peep from the assembled MP’s.

Heaven forbid that these witchdoctors are asked any real questions eh?

The Specter of Asymptomatic Spread

[The Pulse]: In January 2020, at the very start of the pandemic, the New England Journal of Medicine published a letter that suggesting the possibility that covid could be spread by people who did not show any symptoms of the illness. This article was based on a single case report.

Germany’s public health agency, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), later spoke with the person mentioned in the case report, who was supposedly the asymptomatic spreader, and she clarified that she did have symptoms encountering the second person mentioned in the article. So, this case report, published in one of the world’s most prestigious medical journals, was a false alarm. But no matter, the myth of asymptomatic spread was born.

On June 8, 2020, WHO director general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus announced that asymptomatic people could transmit covid. That same day, Maria Van Kerkhove, WHO technical lead for the covid pandemic, clarified that people who have covid without any symptoms “very rarely” transmit the disease to others.

WHO then backtracked on their original alarmist statement one day later. Weeks later, Kerkhove was pressured by the public health establishment, including Harvard’s Global Health Institute, to backtrack on her statement that asymptomatic spread was very rare, claiming that the jury was still out.

Her original claim that asymptomatic spread was not a driver of the pandemic was correct, as is now clear. Given that no respiratory virus in history was known to spread asymptomatically, this should not have surprised anyone.

But the damage was already done. The media ran with the asymptomatic threat story. The specter of people with no symptoms being potentially dangerous—which never had any scientific basis—turned every fellow citizen into a possible threat to one’s existence....<<<Read More>>>...

Instruction Manuals For Living

 [Daily OM]: Depending on what stage we are at in our lives, we can sometimes feel like we ought to know more about who we are or how to live. We may even berate ourselves for making the same mistakes, or for just not "getting it," whatever "it" may be. We wonder how our lives would be if only we had "known better." During moments like these, it is important to remember that none of us are born with instruction manuals and that learning lessons is a lifelong journey.

Inherent to our being born is that we are here to observe, learn, and grow. Accompanying this is a built-in guarantee that there will be mistakes and misadventures along the way. And while it is only natural that we may sometimes become overwhelmed, especially when the lessons keep coming, it is important to remember that learning to understand yourself and your world is an ongoing and active process where the journey is more important than the destination. Every lesson is intended so you can become more of who you are. As you grow through this self-discovery, you begin to create your own instruction manual. The "how" and "why" is yours to discover, and part of the beauty of being alive is that these rules are always changing.

If you feel that you would like to explore what your personal instruction manual may already say, then try writing down in order some of the significant events that have happened to you. It's also important to take note of what you learned from each one. When you are done, you may be surprised to discover how much you are always growing and that every lesson learned always informs the next. That being said, there is never a need to be hard on yourself or think that you should have it all figured out. We always know as much as we're meant to know at that moment, and growing into our fullness is a process that unfolds in divine timing. You and your life are beautiful works in progress. Discover yourself and embrace your life's lessons, and your instruction manual will create itself.

The Benefits of Wormwood: A Harmful Organism Cleanser

[Wake Up World]: Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium) is a bitter herb found in Eurasia, North Africa, and North America. The plant has been used therapeutically since ancient times. In fact, the name “wormwood” comes from its traditional use as a means to cleanse the body of harmful organisms.

You may have heard wormwood mentioned in conjunction with absinthe, the green, highly alcoholic drink made popular during the 19th century and associated with famous (and often troubled) writers and artists like Vincent Van Gogh, Ernest Hemingway, Oscar Wilde, and Edgar Allan Poe. Habitual abuse of the drink was thought to cause absinthism, a much-hyped condition identified by hallucinations, sleeplessness, and other mental issues.

Thujone, one of the compounds found in wormwood, was believed to be responsible for these negative effects, but modern scientific methods have called this idea into question. Traditionally-produced absinthe may have an alcohol content up to 80% (160 proof!), and the production standards of the 19th century were notoriously lax. It’s more likely that absinthism was simply a fancy name for the effects of alcoholism combined with toxins from impure production methods.

After nearly a century, the prohibition of the drink was repealed and absinthe is enjoying a comeback. Absinthe is the most notorious use of wormwood in alcoholic beverages, but it’s not the only one. Wormwood is also used as a flavoring in vermouth and bitters.

Harmful organisms are a serious health concern in every country in the world, not only developing countries. Organisms of all sorts can contaminate food and water, causing health concerns in both people and animals. Wormwood contains several compounds, most notably artemisinin, that are resistant to harmful organisms. These compounds create an environment that is actively hostile to harmful organisms and discourages them from thriving.

Harmful organisms are not only a concern for humans, but they also affect livestock, too. And, the cost of pharmaceutical drugs that target harmful organisms is high. Wormwood may offer potential as studies suggest that wormwood extract may be a natural way to eliminate intestinal invaders in some types of livestock.

The benefits of wormwood are not limited to its effects on harmful organisms. Wormwood also contains compounds known to stimulate digestion by supporting liver and gallbladder function. The benefit is magnified when combined with other digestive herbs such as peppermint or ginger. Wormwood also supports healthy circulation and soothes irritation. Research also suggests that wormwood may even have neuroprotective properties.

Like many other plants, wormwood is a concentrated source of antioxidants. The antioxidant activity of wormwood supports its traditional use in Europe, which includes wound healing. Animal studies have even observed wormwood’s antioxidant action revitalize enzyme activity that had been decreased by lead exposure. The Yale University School of Medicine performed a study in which patients with digestive ailments were given either a placebo or an herbal blend containing wormwood for a ten-week period. This double-blind, placebo-controlled study observed that the patients who took the herbal blend reported improved mood and quality of life....<<<Read More>>>....

Silicon Valley’s Transhuman Obsession Is Fundamentally Flawed

 [David Icke]: If, through biotechnology, we could drastically enhance ourselves—such that our ability to absorb and manipulate information was unlimited, we experienced no disquiet, and we did not age—would we? Should we? For advocates of radical enhancement, or “transhumanism,” answering “yes” is a no-brainer. Accordingly, they press for the development of technologies that, by manipulating genes and the brain, would create beings fundamentally superior to us.

Transhumanism is far from a household term, but, whether or not they use the word publicly, its adherents are in places of power, especially in Silicon Valley. Elon Musk, the world’s richest person, is devoted to boosting “cognition” and co-founded the company Neuralink toward that end. Having raised more than $200 million in new funding in 2021, in January, Neuralink proclaimed its readiness to start human trials of brain-implantable computer chips for therapeutic purposes, to help those with spinal-cord injuries walk again. But Musk’s ultimate target in exploring brain-computer connections is “superhuman,” or “radically enhanced,” cognition—a top transhumanist priority. Those with radically heightened cognitive ability would be so advanced that they wouldn’t even really be human anymore but, instead, “posthuman.”

In transhumanist fantasy, posthumans could, philosopher Nick Bostrom assures us, “read, with perfect recollection and understanding, every book in the Library of Congress.” Similarly, according to futurist and transhumanist Ray Kurzweil—who has worked at Google since 2012—they would rapidly absorb the entire contents of the World Wide Web. Pleasure would be pervasive and boundless: Posthumans will “sprinkle it in [their] tea.” On the flip side, suffering wouldn’t exist, as posthumans would have “Godlike” control of their moods and emotions. Of course, posthuman bliss would not be supreme absent immortality. This last facet, the quest to conquer aging, already garners substantial backing from Silicon Valley. In 2013, Larry Page, Google’s co-founder—and CEO of its parent company, Alphabet, until December 2019—announced the launch of Calico Labs, whose mission is to understand aging and subvert it. A growing list of startups and investors, dedicated to the “reprogramming” of human biology with the defeat of aging in view, has entered the mix. This list now includes Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, who, in January, contributed to the $3 billion that launched Altos Labs.

Today, transhumanism’s name recognition has spread beyond Silicon Valley and academia. In 2019, an opinion piece in the Washington Post stated that “the transhumanism movement is making progress.” And a 2020 essay in the Wall Street Journal suggested that, by making “our biological fragility more obvious than ever,” COVID-19 may be “just the kind of crisis needed to turbocharge efforts” to achieve transhumanists’ goal of immortality.

You’re probably already familiar with certain enhancements—like athletes using steroids to gain a competitive advantage, or individuals using ADHD drugs like Ritalin and Adderall off label in search of a cognitive boost. But a chasm separates such enhancements from transhumanism, whose devotees would have us engineer a species-level upgrade of humanity into posthumanity. And key to all of transhumanism’s planned advancements, mental and physical, is a specific understanding of “information” and its causal dominance in relation to features that advocates prize. This focus on information is also transhumanism’s fatal flaw.

Arguably, transhumanism’s closest antecedent is Anglo-American eugenics, inaugurated by Francis Galton, who coined the term eugenics in 1883. Among the many substantive parallels between transhumanism and Anglo-American eugenics are an insistence that science set humanity’s guiding aspirations and that human intelligence and moral attitudes (such as altruism and self-control) require major, biological augmentation. The term transhumanism was first used by a British eugenicist, Julian Huxley (also the brother of Aldous Huxley, author of Brave New World). Transhumanism as we know it, however, is a marriage of sorts between substantive commitments shared with Anglo-American eugenics and the notion that living things and machines are basically alike—the latter stemming from developments in computing and information theory during and after World War II.

Here, the key idea is that animate entities and machines are, in essence, information, their operations fundamentally the same. From this perspective, brains are computational devices, genetic causality works through “programs,” and the informational patterns constituting us are, in principle, translatable to the digital realm. This informational lens is the crux of transhumanism—its scientific convictions and confidence in prospects for humanity’s technological self-transcendence into posthumanity.

Some of transhumanism’s greatest promises rest on the assumption that genes, as information, drive and dominate people’s standing in relation to complex phenotypic traits, such as intelligence, self-control, kindness, and empathy: in other words, that they “code for” these features. Thus construed—transhumanists assure us—these traits are manipulable. The roots of these ideas go back more than 50 years. For instance, in The Logic of Life (1970), François Jacob announced that, “with the accumulation of knowledge, man has become the first product of evolution capable of controlling evolution.” Jacob’s expectation of boosts to complex mental features, once we pinpoint “the genetic factors involved”—in other words, attain due familiarity with the informational “mechanisms” playing key roles in their causation—is palpable in transhumanism. Today, however, the perspective represented by Jacob is increasingly rejected by scientists, philosophers of science, and historians.

That genes influence human features is not in question. Where transhumanists err is in the disproportionate role assigned to genes in creating their favored traits. In contrast to clear-cut physical features, such as eye color, the relationship of genetic “information” to characteristics such as intelligence and kindness is nuanced and indirect. Today, developmental systems theory supersedes the dominant, unidirectional causality previously lodged with genes. From this vantage point, development spans a range of levels and a wealth of factors, biological and nonbiological, that interact in complex ways. Crucially, as philosopher of science Susan Oyama observes, none of these factors—genes included—“is privileged a priori as the bearer of fundamental form or as the origin of ultimate causal control”; rather, “everything [the] organism does and is rises out of this interactive complex, even as it affects that very complex.”

Wednesday 30 March 2022

The Big Question ...

We turn our attention to the alleged forthcoming social credit system that the power mad globalists seemingly are all out setting out to impose on us 'useless eaters'. If you are of a gullible and easily brainwashed person then you will be convinced by now this is going to happen. That it is inevitable.

Let's not be so hasty ... yes, they have been putting all the dots seemingly in place. They have cast the intention and they are making sure the story is put everywhere so it is constantly reinforced. So the useless eaters will think that all hope is lost. So we will accept this is going to be the reality. The globalists are pulling out all the stops to manifest this reality. This rebirth of the planet they desire so badly. They are intent that this becomes the focus of our perception.

The Light Of Truth clearly shows all their crazy attempts to make us believe this is what is going to happen. They need us to believe it is happen so we manifest it for them. But the truth is, there is no outcome with the images. There is only this trying to manifest the social credit system and all that comes with it.

It has hit a brick wall; an obstacle that they are unable to get round. So its only dots on the map. There is very little connection between the dots. They want us to think otherwise with all their elaborate web sites and apparent patents; with their endless declarations through web sites. But nothing is as it seems.

It appears to be theatre. They are desperate for us to believe ... and there are countless unfortunate souls who do believe. But there are not enough minds that will comply to their perception deception. Plus there are other things in play here. 

If universal law does exist; like algorithmic rules written ... then it is likely the social credit system and its dystopian nightmare are in total defiance of something that cannot be over written no matter how hard they try. This seems the likely case here. Thus they try to get the useless eaters to volunteer to building their own prison.

But sadly for the globalists ... they are going to lose this war.

What is Non-Duality? (The Pathless Path of “No-Self”)

 [Wake Up World]: All throughout this website and our work here on lonerwolf, we’ve spoken about the spiritual awakening process. We’ve gone into the endless facets of the spiritual journey. We’ve explored in-depth a huge variety of healing practices for the body, heart, mind, and soul.

But there comes a point on everyone’s spiritual path when there is a feeling of utter exhaustion.

When we’ve tried all the healing practices, gone to all the retreats, done the detoxes, read all the books, taken tons of courses (or maybe even just the thought of doing this all feels “off”), what next?

At what point can we finally rest? At what point can we finally find solace from the endless seeking, searching, and grasping?

Don’t get me wrong. On a human level, it’s crucial to have some kind of guiding “roadmap” and practices to carry out because it helps to settle, ground, and orient the mind and heart.

But on a deeper level, on the level of not just Soul, but Spirit, what we’re always and only ever searching for is Home, Freedom, Love, and Peace. Or what is known in Vedanta philosophy as Sat-chit-ananda or “truth, consciousness, bliss.”

For those who reach a point of utter depletion, for those who feel that there’s “something more,” and have done bucketloads of inner work but still feel there’s something missing, non-duality is the full stop at the end of the sentence....<<<Read More>>>...

The New World Order That is Being Prepared Under the Pretext of War in Ukraine

 Fear narrative. Pinch of salt. Fear narrative. Pinch of salt. Where did this story originate from? This is a wish fulfillment exercise for those remaining parasites that refuse to give up on their centuries obsession with world dominion.

[Humans Are Free]: The conflict in Ukraine was not opened by Russia on February 24, but by Ukraine a week before. The OSCE is a witness to this. This peripheral conflict had been planned by Washington to impose a New World Order from which Russia, then China, were to be excluded. Don’t be fooled!

Russia’s military operations in Ukraine have been going on for more than a month and NATO’s propaganda operations for a month and a half.

As always, the war propaganda of the Anglo-Saxons is coordinated from London. Since the First World War, the British have acquired an unparalleled know-how. In 1914, they had managed to convince their own population that the German army had carried out mass rapes in Belgium and that it was the duty of every Briton to come to the rescue of these poor women.

It was a cleaner version of Kaiser Wilhelm II’s attempt to compete with the British colonial empire. At the end of the conflict, the British population demanded that the victims be compensated. A census was taken and it was found that the facts had been extraordinarily exaggerated.

This time, in 2022, the British managed to convince the Europeans that on February 24 the Russians had attacked Ukraine to invade and annex it. Moscow was trying to reconstitute the Soviet Union and was preparing to attack all its former possessions in succession. This version is more honorable for the West than evoking the “Thucydides trap” – I will come back to this.

In reality, Kiev’s troops attacked their own population in Donbass on the afternoon of February 17...<<<Read More>>>....

People with a cold urged to ‘stay home and avoid contact’ under new guidance

 [David Icke]: People in England who have a cough or cold are to be urged to “stay home and avoid contact with other people” under new Government guidance on Covid-19.

Those who have a symptoms of a respiratory illness such as a high temperature or “who feel unwell” are being encouraged to stay home until they feel well enough to resume normal activities or when their temperature has subsided, under new guidance which will be issued on April 1.

The legal requirement to self-isolate after a positive Covid-19 test in England ended on February 24.

But ministers have issued fresh guidance to people who feel unwell as well as those who test positive for the virus.

After Friday, people who have a positive Covid-19 test are being advised to “try to” stay at home and avoid contact with other people for five days, which is when they are most infectious.

Those who are positive, or have symptoms, and need to leave home will be urged to wear masks, avoid crowded places and stay away from people with weakened immune systems.

Children who are unwell and have a high temperature are being advised to stay home and avoid contact with other people where they can.

They can go back to school, college or childcare when they no longer have a high temperature and they are well enough to attend, the Government said.

Forthcoming Light Of Truth Oracle Insight

In tonight's forthcoming Light Of Truth Oracle insight we will be exploring the globalist ultimate plan to have us all controlled by a SOCIAL CREDIT SYSTEM ... a dystopian nightmare that has been discussed in depth all over the conspiracy sites. Find out if it is happening; how far advanced it appears to be ... or is it not going to happen? That is later tonight .....

Dr. David Martin: COVID vaccines are bioweapons designed for genocide

 [Natural News]: Dr. David Martin has warned the public that a genocide is currently going on in the guise of mass vaccination.

“This is a pandemic of the bio weaponization of the human organism. This is not public health. And Anthony Fauci is the architect of this genocide,” Martin said when he appeared in the March 24 episode of “The Stew Peters Show.” During the course of the program, Martin talked about the chimeric model of spike proteins and how this is affecting the body.

Mainstream science has come up with the news that the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines persist in the human body for an indeterminate period, and will survive up to eight weeks in the lymphatic system, where it will continually produce the spike protein. Scientists see evidence that spike proteins are showing up in waste streams at alarmingly high rates.

This is what happens when you inject the body with a chimeric model of a synthetic spike protein, and when this type of gene therapy has not been tested properly. It turns out that no one knows how long each vaccinated individual injected would manufacture the pathogens in their body.

Why are there such high concentrations of spike protein showing up in waste streams?

“The reason is really simple,” Martin said. “The human organism is now being modified and it is being modified to perpetually produce a toxic protein known and scheduled to harm humanity.”...<<<Read More>>>...

Good Vibrations

 [Daily OM]: Feelings vibrate, just as all things in the universe do, at a particular frequency. Negative feelings like anger, guilt, and greed vibrate at low frequencies, while positive feelings like joy, appreciation, and passion vibrate at high frequencies. These high frequency vibrations make us feel good. This is why people and places that inspire and cultivate positive feelings have what we call good vibrations.

Good vibrations inspire health, happiness, and optimism. When we are tuned in to good vibrations, our bodies heal, our hearts open, and our minds shift toward the light. We see new possibilities and feel powerfully energized to follow our inner visions. At the same time, we feel relaxed and capable of manifesting these visions without giving in to stress or struggle. Good vibrations put us in a state of perfect receptivity so that we feel it is the energy flowing through us that accomplishes what needs to be done. We feel guided, supported, protected, and nourished within this joyful flow. We sometimes forget that we are allowed to feel this way all the time.

Lower frequency vibrations are not bad in a moral sense, but they are bad in the sense that they simply don't feel good. Still, they have a purpose, which is to alert us to the fact that we are blocking out the higher frequency vibrations that we need to function well. They are a call for healing ourselves from within. The key to our healing lies in remembering that it is our birthright to feel good and that feeling good is the essence of our true nature. When we are receiving and sending out good vibrations, we are in the flow. When we are not, we can begin to raise our vibration by seeking out people, places, and situations that vibrate at a higher frequency. Whether we need to go on retreat or just call a friend who makes us laugh, seeking out those good vibrations and basking in them is a sacred and loving practice that returns us, time and again, to the joyful flow of the universe

Tuesday 29 March 2022

Doubles, Clones & Actors?

In tonight's insight, we have chosen to explore the popular claims that many of the world's well known people & politicians have been replaced by body doubles, actors and even clones. The Light Of Truth Oracles which were chosen randomly provide an interesting insight.

The initial thought is the question 'where did this rumour start, who was the instigator?' The objective of the exercise can be seen at the far right of the images - ACCEPTANCE. It has been cast into the conspiracy arena to be accepted as an urban myth and something not researched by everyone. However, acceptance can well be that it is now a known and provable fact.

The intention was for certain key members of the Ashkenazi/Khazarian cult to be able to survive the war they are fighting against the other faction, and have been for hundreds of years. Therefore, yes, they used doubles and actors so they were kept safe from harm. BUT, Sacred Space indicates that hidden agenda has been infiltrated and the information put out into the public arena in order to expose this group of nasty people.

The situation is an incredibly complex one as the rabbit hole is a very deep one indeed. 'Fear' relates to The Path Of Ayin which is where the emotions and the intellectual clash. Effectively, this is the scenario where so many people are not going to accept this situation, they will put it down as a conspiracy theory only. When in fact the disbelief is the perfect cover to hide what is clearly going on. 

There is a distinct possibility that there are now key cult members and well known faces that have now been taken out ... and in order to create the charade of normality to the mind controlled humans, there has to be doubles, clones and actors to reflect the apparent status quo. 

The general public have no idea of the invisible war that has been raging since at least the 10th century!

Objective:Health - Coming Soon to Your Dinner Plate: Genetically Modified Beef

One way to get scared humans to stop eating meat is to introduce fear narratives like this one ...!!!

 [SOTT]: In a recent bold move, the FDA in the US stream-lined the normally lengthy approval process for gene-edited animals for Recombinetics' beef cattle, granting it a 'low-risk determination,' the first intentional genomically altered animal to receive this status. What this means is that in as little as two years, Americans could be grilling their first genetically modified steaks on their BBQs.

The FDA, of course, said the frankenbeef doesn't raise any safety concerns because the gene-edited cattle don't have any genome alterations that aren't found in other species of cow. While theoretically this may be true (or what was intended), they are essentially ignoring the fact that the gene-editing process is highly prone to accidental insertions and mutations that are completely unpredictable.

All of this is completely predictable - the BioTech industry offering what amounts to an unnecessary mutated food species that the regulatory bodies put their stamp of approval on without really thinking twice about it and in turn, the human populace become the lab rats in an uncontrolled experiment which could prove dangerous; even disastrous...<<<Read More>>>...

MAD WORLD! Men Asked If They Are PREGNANT Before Hospital Scans

[Richie Allen]: Men with cancer and those having MRI scans and x-rays are being asked if they are pregnant beforehand. The UK Government removed the word “female” from the law governing the medical procedures and replaced it with “individuals.”

According to The Telegraph:

The Walton Centre NHS Foundation Trust, in Liverpool, now asks “ALL patients under the age of 60, regardless of how you may identify your gender”.

The Telegraph understands that it is among a handful of trusts to have implemented the policy for men and women undergoing procedures that involve radiotherapy and could harm an unborn baby.

It comes amid anger at the NHS for prioritising gender over sex in order to be inclusive of trans people, including on single-sex wards.

One woman whose husband has cancer says that the question before a scan had caused “unnecessary confusion and agitation” and was “unfair” as a combination of steroids and brain surgery had made him emotional.

She added: “This was very confusing for him in his post-surgical daze, his vulnerability and needs completely ignored.”

Medics are required to find out if a patient could be pregnant before carrying out procedures involving radiotherapy, diagnostic imaging and nuclear medicine because of the risk it poses to any unborn child.

The Department of Health updated the regulations regarding the procedures in 2017 and changed the wording surrounding those who should be questioned from “females of childbearing age” to “individuals of childbearing potential”.

Campaigners warned on Monday that the policy was part of a “clinically dangerous” practice to record gender and not sex on medical records. They pointed out that those born male cannot get pregnant.

File this one under you just couldn’t make it up.

If you’d told me when I started in radio, that one day in the future I’d be reporting on such lunacy as men being asked if they are pregnant before being x-rayed, I’d have told you to feck off.

It’s surreal to read a newspaper article in which a nurse is quoted as saying:

“We do not need to ask all patients if they are pregnant. We need to ask females.”

So said Kat Barber, of the campaign group Sex Not Gender Nurses and Midwives.

Kat better watch herself. In some schools, that could be construed as hate speech.

Lessons Of Reflection

 [Daily OM]: When we care about people, we want to save them from pain by offering them the benefit of our experience. Sometimes we feel like we know what is best for them. Sometimes, like when their safety is involved, we need to step in, but those times are rare. More often we find ourselves becoming frustrated when our close friends or family members do not use our relationship insights or follow our dietary advice, and this is where we find our challenge. We may even find ourselves becoming angry when they choose another path. This strength of feeling is usually a sign that our motivations go beyond merely helping another to indicate that there is a lesson there for us.

First, we need to keep in mind that each of us is on our own path and that we all learn differently. When we trust the universe, we know that there is a higher power at work that knows what is best for our loved one. Since we don't want to deny them experiences of deep feeling that are essential steps in the growth of their spirit, we can instead offer them our counsel. After we have given our gift, it is time to release it, along with our expectations of them and their choices, with love.

Once that is done, we can remind ourselves that our relationships are mirrors that allow us to see ourselves more clearly in the reflection. That is why it is easier for us to see solutions to other people's problems than to see answers for our own. We can also learn from these experiences when we ask ourselves if we ever do the same thing. Maybe we do not share experiences with relationships, but we do with our finances or our food choices. In being willing to look at ourselves and see why we are being irritated by what other people choose to do with their lives, we can be like an oyster and make irritations into pearls. With these pearls of wisdom, we learn to release the desire for control over others and instead enrich their lives as we enrich our own.

Lost Empire of Tartaria

 [Never Was Mag]: The lost empire of Tartaria is the most delightful conspiracy theory. It posits that a technologically advanced civilization spanned Eurasia and perhaps parts of North America until as recently as a century ago, when it was erased from history. What’s left of Tartaria are ornate and seemingly out-of-place structures, from opulent churches in Russia to the Shanghai Bund.

The theory stems from disappointment in modern architecture. We once had fabulous Art Deco skyscrapers, Beaux-Arts train stations and Second Empire post offices. Now everything is a glass-and-concrete box. What happened?

The theory is that Americans and Europeans didn’t build those monuments. They are the legacy of a Tartarian Empire that emanated out of Northeast Asia.

Are we supposed to believe that eighteenth-century mapmakers drew a vast “Tartaria” in that region out of ignorance? Surely not! Tartaria was real, and it was the most powerful empire of its time. The Great Wall of China was built not by the Chinese to keep the barbarians out, but by the Tartarians to keep out the Chinese.

Opinions are divided about the empire’s demise. Some believe a biblical-sized mud flood decimated Tartaria, which also explains why so many old buildings have what we now call semi-basements. Adherent of this theory suspect monuments like Saint Basil’s Cathedral in Moscow’s Red Square continue tens or even hundreds of meters underground.

Others suspect World War II was really a war of all against Tartaria, and the destruction of old Berlin, Dresden, Warsaw and other cities in Central and Eastern Europe was a deliberate effort to wipe away the traces of a rival civilization....<<<Read More>>>...

Heart Issues Detected Months After ‘Covid’ Fake Vaccine: Study

 [David Icke]: Heart abnormalities were detected in some adolescents months after COVID-19 vaccination, according to a study.

Researchers at Seattle Children’s Hospital reviewed cases of patients younger than 18 who went to the hospital with chest pain and elevated serum troponin levels, two key markers of heart inflammation, within a week of getting a second dose of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine.

While 35 patients fit the criteria, 19 were excluded for various reasons, including receiving care in another state after the initial visit. Cardiac imaging of the remaining 16 patients, performed three to eight months after they were first examined, showed 11 had persistent late gadolinium enhancement, a heart abnormality, though at lower levels than months earlier.

The follow-up imaging also revealed abnormal global longitudinal strain, a measure of heart function, in three-quarters of the patients, with little change from the initial examinations, as well as “significantly improved” measures of blood pumping and no detected regional wall motion issues, another abnormality.

Researchers said that while symptoms “were transient and most patients appeared to respond to treatment,” the study showed a “persistence of abnormal findings,” noting that late gadolinium enhancement is known as an indicator of heart injury and is associated with a worse prognosis in patients with typical myocarditis.

The findings “rais[e] concerns for potential longer-term effects,” they wrote, adding that they plan to repeat imaging at one year after the vaccine to assess whether problems are still present.

DISCLOSURE: Interdimensional Intervention on Earth

[Wake Up World]: Gaia’s shift into the Fifth Density has been timed not just for earth’s continued evolution, but also to deal with an Opposing Consciousness that has intervened in the natural evolutionary path of the planet. Never has this been more evident than in the escalating agenda of the last two years. Fortunately, many more people are now prepared to consider what has previously been a taboo subject. I have had many close encounters. It’s essential to understand what’s going on so we may equalise with it and emerge out.

Are we alone in the universe? It’s a question that’s challenged both the most brilliant and the most skeptical of minds; the subject of seemingly endless debate – sometimes even ridicule. So I ask you to consider this…

We live on a relatively small planet, in a relatively small solar system, within a relatively small galaxy; a galaxy that has billions of solar systems; one which exists in a universe that is teaming with galaxies; a universe of multiple dimensions. So then, knowing this, I ask you: is it crazy to consider that there IS other sophisticated life out there? Or that there isn’t?

For many of us expanding into multiple dimensions, the debate has long since ended. Yes, there most definitely IS sophisticated life out there, acting inter-dimensionally. We can feel it all around us in the field. And it is most definitely not all benevolent. It’s becoming abundantly clear, to a wider audience, that there is some controlling Intervention going on across our planet right now. What is its agenda, and where did it come from? What is its purpose? Connection with Benevolent Consciousness has drawn my attention to what I call ‘the original mistake’. It’s something that happened in the dawning of the physical universe where consciousness took on form, became self aware and able to read the flow of manifestation.

There’s a problem with this. Because at those higher frequencies manifestation happens at the speed of thought, then the risk is you shape reality before what’s meant to happen truly unfolds by itself. Lack of trust, control, ‘playing God’, being too heavily invested in the material was for me the ‘original sin’ (speaking metaphorically – there are no ‘sins’ – the only ‘mistake’ is failing to learn by it). It is this dynamic of distortion that has created a powerful karmic effect through the manifested universe that we are all living with now...<<<Read More>>>...

Monday 28 March 2022

This Mad World: Now the Ploughman’s lunch is cancelled: Fury at ‘woke’ Devon pub as it takes beloved dish off the menu and rebrands it ‘ploughperson’s’ in bid to be gender-neutral

 [David Icke]: A ‘woke’ Devon pub has been slammed after taking the Ploughman’s lunch off the menu and rebranding it ‘ploughperson’s’.

The Tors pub in Belstone, Devon offers the dish for £12.50 and it contains all the ingredients from the classic Ploughman’s lunch – cheese, ham, pickled onions, chutney and sourdough bread.

However, it is instead named a ‘ploughperson’s lunch’ with the pub’s landlord saying the name recognises the ‘amazing ladies’ in the local farming community.

The gender-neutral re-brand sparked a backlash on social media as some accused the pub of cancelling a British tradition.

A picture of the pub’s menu, complete with the new name of the dish, was posted on social media by Charlotte Deakins, 36.

She told the Telegraph: ‘Quite frankly, my reaction is that it is pandering and dangerous, unless the pub owners have done it in a tongue-in-cheek manner and I hope they have.

‘The tweet has gained some traction and people are absolutely sick of the nonsense and having to pussyfoot around because of a small minority who are eternally offended.’

A Pending Decision

We've been having a number of requests for 'personal readings' from readers using The Light Of Truth Oracle. It had not been our intention to go down this route, but, in this particular case we've chosen to undertake an anonymous insight. The subject of the insight is a 'pending work decision' and the insight is to see if current temporary work is likely to transition into a full time position in a few weeks time'. We're identifying the reader as JH ... they will know who they are ....

Hope this helps.

Initially, it appears the future of this role had been in your hands. Protection and The Magician state that this has been a role that you could lose by your own folly. There is nobody else in the running for this role. 

The confusion of water clashing with fire in the central image suggests there has been plenty of errors or doubts that have made you question your situation. It seems the odds could now be stacked against you remaining in the role after the temporary assignment is over. 

However, the manifestation of a haven suggests there is still a chance to remain. But, on the other side of the coin, this suggests there could also be another role being sourced for you. 

As a conclusion, since there does not seem to be anyone else in the running for role, and you have been bedded into the position at a great expense by your employer, your personal magic may well manifest a permanent role by the skin of your teeth. It's possible your temporary status might be extended a while longer until things are seen to improve. 

It Isn’t A SECOND Booster, It’s The FOURTH Jab!

 A work colleague wasn't interested in having a booster/3rd jab/4th jab after having his first two jabs. But, he'd been invited to attend a venue over in Belgium, so of course he's had the booster so he can attend the venue ... brainwashing anyone? It's not about health ... and never has been.

[Richie Allen]: Language is a funny thing. Take the opening paragraph of David Cox’s piece in today’s Telegraph.

It reads:

NHS England has begun offering a second booster dose of the Covid vaccines to over-75s, all care home residents and the clinically vulnerable, but not everyone is jumping at the chance to get the jab.

We’ll come back to the reluctance. Second booster dose? Really? Don’t they mean fourth jab? Wouldn’t that be a more accurate way of putting it?

The NHS will say that the first dose comprised of two shots and that the third dose was the booster, hence this is the second booster shot.

I reckon this is a play on words to distract people from the reality that they’re being offered a fourth jab for a pathogen that has by now succumbed to herd immunity.

They – NHS England and the Joint Committee on Vaccination & Immunisation – say that the fourth jab is timely because cases of the BA.2 are rising steadily. But, where’s the proof? Nobody in the media has asked for any proof that the variant exists, or that it is running rampant through the population.

BA.2 is a variant of Omicron by the way. Me? I don’t believe a word of it.

David Cox (writing in today’s Telegraph) believes that vaccine fatigue is a problem, saying:

My parents were particularly sceptical when I asked them whether they planned to get the new booster dose. While my mother turns 75 in July, and my father has just turned 78, placing both of them firmly within the vulnerable category, the idea of yet another shot left them feeling distinctly hesitant.

Vaccine fatigue is becoming a very real phenomenon, with a substantial proportion who have already been double vaccinated not bothering to get boosted. When the first booster became available to the wider population in December, a survey from University College London suggested that one in 13 who had already received two jabs, would not opt for a third.

For my parents, their reluctance stemmed from a belief that the threat has largely passed, and an unwillingness to endure more side effects, only six months after their last jabs. “Is it really necessary?” my mother asked. “The last one left me feeling really exhausted. Covid doesn’t seem to be a problem anymore.”

Except that it is. Infection rates have begun to soar over the last two weeks, due to the rise of two new variants – the BA.2 strain, a more infectious version of the omicron variant, and the deltacron strain, a combined version of the delta and omicron variants.

I’d love to sit down with David Cox and ask him how he knows that BA.2 is soaring. That’s a really important question. How do you know David?

The answer is pretty straightforward. He went here: https://coronavirus.data.gov.uk/

He went to the government’s website and basically just copied and pasted the information he found there. That’s not journalism. That’s propaganda.

It’s his job to challenge it. He should have a hundred questions. Let’s help him out with a couple.

How many of those in hospital tested positive after being admitted for something else? That’s a vitally important question.

What is the exact number of those who tested positive, but had no symptoms whatsoever? Another very important question.

Of course, the government, the Office for National Statistics and NHS England don’t have the answer. Why? Because there is absolutely no follow-up with positive cases.

Amazing isn’t it? You’d have thought that someone would be in touch a week or so later to ask; “Any symptoms at all? Headache, fever, sore throat? You’d have thought it would be very important to log that data. But, no.

The reason for that is simple. From the outset, they set out to equate cases with illness. They succeeded. Over the weekend I asked a neighbour why she was wearing a mask. She told me that the cases are going up.

I hope Cox is right though and that people are beginning to ask questions about the jabs. They should be hesitant. They should be reluctant.

There’s hope yet.

We Have Arrived Into the Dystopian Future Dreamed Up by Science Fiction Writers

 STOP THINKING! Change your perceptions right now. The globalists practice the law of attraction. They put out what they want, they tell us what they want ... the gullible then believe it. Have enough believing it and it manifests.

STOP THINKING. Don't let their black magic control you.

Its bullshit. The dark forces are trying to convince us that the globalists are in control They are not. You are the power. Without your power, they are NOTHING

[Humans Are Free]: We have arrived, way ahead of schedule, into the dystopian future dreamed up by such science fiction writers as George Orwell, Aldous Huxley, Margaret Atwood and Philip K. Dick.

Much like Orwell’s Big Brother in 1984, the government and its corporate spies now watch our every move.

Much like Huxley’s A Brave New World, we are churning out a society of watchers who “have their liberties taken away from them, but … rather enjoy it, because they [are] distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing.”

Much like Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale, the populace is now taught to “know their place and their duties, to understand that they have no real rights but will be protected up to a point if they conform, and to think so poorly of themselves that they will accept their assigned fate and not rebel or run away.”...<<<Read More>>>...

What Can The Stanford Prison Experiment Tell Us About Life In The Pandemic Era?

 [The Pulse]: Late in the summer of 1971, a young man was taken from his home in Palo Alto, California. Then another. And another. Nine in all, they were each spirited away. Eventually brought to a place with no windows and no clocks, they were stripped and they were chained. They were costumed in dress-like gowns. They were given numbers to be used in place of their names. Minor pleasures were redefined as privileges, as were such basic acts as bathing, brushing one’s teeth, and using a proper toilet when one pleased. 

In essence, they had become the playthings of the nine other young men who now kept them in that windowless place. Uniformly dressed in khakis pants and shirts, along with large reflective sunglasses, wearing whistles around their necks and brandishing clubs, these nine other young men could have been their classmates, their co-workers, their friends had they met in another place or time, but instead now possessed near absolute control over them, often exercising it for no other purpose than to humiliate and emasculate, to remind their prisoners of their subordinate state...<<Read More>>>...

Maintaining the Flow

 [Daily OM]: The essence of all being is energy. Our physical and ethereal selves depend on the unrestricted flow of life energy that is the source of wholeness and wellness. Though the channels through which this energy flows are open systems and influenced by factors outside of our control, we ultimately choose what impact these will have in our lives. It is up to us to identify and clear blockages in the energy field to ensure that flow is maintained. A healthy, grounded individual absorbs some portion of the energy emitted by other people and the environment, but this does not interrupt the continuous stream of balanced energy sustaining them. The same individual copes constructively with stress and upset, and they are not subject to the stagnation that frequently goes hand in hand with negativity. When we keep the energy in and around our bodies flowing harmoniously, we are naturally healthy, vibrant, and peaceful.

Life energy flows through us like a swift stream when there is nothing to obstruct it, but various forces such as trauma, downbeat vibrations, and disappointments act like stones that impede the current. If we allow these to pile up, our life energy is thrown off its course or blocked entirely, causing illness, restlessness, and a lack of vigor. If, however, we take the time to clear these forces away, we rob them of the power to impact our lives. When we cultivate simple yet affirmative habits such as taking regular cleansing baths, practicing meditation and breathing exercises, smudging, and self-shielding, we protect ourselves from outside influences that might otherwise impede our energy flow. Likewise, we lessen the impact of inner influences when we clear our auras of unwanted attachments and divest ourselves of blocked emotions.

A strong and fluid energy field is the key that unlocks the doors of self-healing and peace of mind. Your awareness of the flow of energy sustaining you empowers you to take charge of your own well-being by taking steps to unblock, correct, and enhance that flow. Fear will likely be the culprit when you cannot identify the source of stagnation -- you may simply be afraid to let go of what is obstructing the flow. Letting go can be challenging, but the exuberance you will feel when the flow is restored will be a welcome and blessed reward.

Heart attack rates are skyrocketing, and the media is blaming everything other than COVID vaccines

 [Natural News]: The establishment is running into serious problems trying to explain away the skyrocketing rates of cardiovascular events that are occurring ever since Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “vaccines” were unleashed on the world.

Corporate-controlled media outlets, including some “conservative” ones, are blaming everything from fluctuating weather patterns and daylight savings time to watching too much television and even having too much sex.

Suddenly, all the normal things that people have been doing forever are magically causing otherwise healthy (or so they seem) people to suffer a heart attack or stroke, even though this never happened prior to Operation Warp Speed.

“The ‘experts/priests’ who worship and respect the Science©, and interpret it like Nostradamus reading tea leaves, want to assure the peasants that the unprecedented increase in heart attacks, even in young people who historically don’t suffer from them has nothing to do with the ‘vaccines’ produced by the same pharmaceutical entities that coincidentally fund their research work,” the Daily Bell reported.

“Obviously, no conflict of interest affects the Science© overlords’ judgment because they exist in a moral class above the petty fallible humans they oversee.”...<<<Read More>>>...

Sunday 27 March 2022

Something Else Entirely

Tonight, we explore the Ukraine deception, and see what the Light Of Truth Oracle has to say. Do we believe the political myth that the deep state owned media is trying to brainwash us all with? Or do we look at alternative insights into the situation?

From the chosen images we see the clear indication of the DELUSION that is being cast with regard to the Ukraine situation. It is not how it has been made to appear. Ukraine is not in control of the so called conflict. Something so much bigger is taking place. Ukraine represents the illegal seizing of land by the Khazar mafia and their Nazi buddies. Under their cruel dominion there is UK, US & George Soros funded chaos - child trafficking, drug running, Adrenochrome manufacture, biolabs and bioweapon manufactre and so much more, 

The apparent invasion took place weeks or months before the media began their BS. The images here don't make any sense if you attempt to attribute them to the news stories and their delusional accounts of what is going on. 

The land in question appears to have been seized illegally by the 'deep state' and made a stronghold. Why Ukraine? Why Crimea? Why brutalise the people there and blame Russia, to make Russia look bad? The deep state are like bullies who've been found out and are now screaming for help. What they appear to have taken is an ancient land, and the remnants of a forgotten/hidden civilisation (Tartaria?) and they do not wish that truth to be revealed as it will upset the lies peddled about history. 

The four images suggests a reset ... not a great reset ... but something else. Something so much more significant. Until this can take place, the deep state refuse to surrender and are intent on carrying on with their demonic plans so things will get so much worse, and all will seem to be lost. Then the theatre comes to a close and the power of the sacred space and harmony unfold. This is the wrong energy for a satanic great reset. It is something else entirely.