Further Reading

Thursday, 17 March 2022

The President has No Votes: Will the real US President please stand up?

[The Expose]: Presidential Impersonator Biden does not have the authority either to choose a question or to answer it without a script. Jen Psaki does have both of those authorities. So it is obvious that Psaki is above Biden in the non Biden white house administration.

It is equally obvious the Joe Biden is not the true President of the US. It is apparent, from his many senior moments, that he does not have the intellectual capacity to be the commander in chief of the US armed forces. If he cannot fend off a question from a journalist, then neither can he repel a military adversary.

This is the most obvious democratic fraud I have seen in my life and nobody treats it as such. I am not talking about the vote rigging fraud of the 2020 US election. I am talking about a hidden president who did not get one vote.

The true President of the United States, whoever he or she is, is the most obvious electoral fraud in the history of democracy. They did not even stand for election.

Why has this hidden president not been impeached on those grounds?

The democratic party should be taken to court and forced through the disclosure process to inform the US public who the real president actually is.

Then that president should be impeached for failing to stand in the 2020 presidential election and for getting no votes and yet engineering a presidency for themselves and for democratic treason.


World leaders are no longer taking Biden seriously because they do not want to speak to the monkey. They want to speak to the organ grinder. But they have no idea who is grinding the organ (if you will pardon the metaphor).

The abandonment of thousands of US citizens and billions of dollars of high spec military equipment in Afghanistan was not a mistake. It was a deliberate act of treason by a clandestine president who is anti American and anti democratic and almost certainly a globalist plant. I mean how do we know he or she is even American?

The abandonment of the fully functional weapons grade biolabs in Ukraine is a second very similar act of treason that has now established a pattern of behaviour. The guy at the top is deliberately trying to screw America in every way imaginable...<<<Read More>>>...