Further Reading

Thursday, 17 March 2022

Their Mind Control and Your Great Reset

 [Waking Times]: These two perspectives on invading the private lives and minds of individuals via corporate and government influence are almost 100 years apart, and here you are, stuck somewhere in between the previous reality of the rugged individual and the projected future of technocratic enslavement to a class of corporate and governmental elites.

So, since you’re here and not yet there, why not take a moment to reflect on what it means to have your life hacked by such bold visionaries as Bernays and Harari?

Why not see if it is possible to undo some of the programming that makes you a hackable animal first and and a human being last?

Why not consider the possibility of shedding some of the programming that makes you easy to steal from, easy to manipulate, easy to deceive, and easy to control?

Why not examine the ways in which this deliberate attack on your behavioral sovereignty is already making you compliant in your own slavery and the derailment of the things which would make your life unique, interesting, purposeful and meaningful?

Why not bring your full attention to the situation in your own life to see if you can clear the clutter of so much behavioral manipulation from it?

Why not use this brief moment in time, in the transition from one major crisis to the next, to seek clarity within yourself about what you would do with your life without the clever suggestions and social engineering leading you astray from a life that suits YOU?

There’s an old saying that what you don’t know can’t hurt you, but this isn’t always true. In fact, in our world today, what you don’t can hurt you, and it is....<<<Read More>>>....