Further Reading

Tuesday 31 May 2022

How Many Civilizations Have Existed On Earth

 Modern scientists have long preferred to limit the history of human civilization to a few thousand years, to which the abyss of the wild and cruel Stone Age allegedly stretched.

But the discovery of such ancient cities as Chatal-Guyuk in Asia Minor or Jericho in Israel made us look at this issue a little differently and extend the cultural period of mankind’s existence by about four to five millennia.

However, according to ufoac.com, as for the written evidence of the ancients, science continues to take into account only those that it recognized several decades, or even a hundred years ago.

Meanwhile, there are documents that allow us to calculate the history of the Earth’s civilization by at least tens of thousands of years....<<<Read More>>>....


After Summer, Europe To Target The Unvaccinated

 Anyone who imagines that the suspension of Covid-related measures in much of Europe means that those measures, and hence the C-19 vaccination campaign, are things of the past should have a look at the recent pronouncements on the subject of the European Commission, starting with Commission President Ursula von der Leyen’s April 27 statement on the “next pandemic phase.”

While acknowledging that the “emergency” phase of the pandemic is over – but apparently not, on her account, the pandemic as such – von der Leyen warns that “we must remain vigilant. Infection numbers are still high in the EU and many people are still dying from COVID-19 worldwide. Moreover, new variants can emerge and spread fast.” “But we know the way forward,” she concluded, “We need to further step-up vaccination and boosting, and targeted testing”. The emphasis is mine.

Note that von der Leyen does not merely say that vaccination and boosting should continue – say perhaps for particularly vulnerable groups – she says rather that they have to be “further stepped-up”! This in an EU in which, according to the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, nearly 85% of the adult population has already been fully vaccinated!

In the Commission press release, von der Leyen’s call for “stepped-up” vaccination and boosting is the first of a series of measures that member states are called on to take “before autumn.”...<<<Read More>>>...

Monkeypox Update: There has been a significant development, says Dr. Robert Malone

 I almost cannot believe that I am writing this, but since my original Substack article on this topic, we had the reveal of an Event 201-style wargame exercise modelled around a bioterror-related release of an engineered monkeypox virus “caused by a terrorist attack using a pathogen engineered in a laboratory with inadequate biosafety and biosecurity provisions and weak oversight.” With amazing (coincidental?) prescience, the “tabletop exercise” of March 2021 (one year and three months into the Covid crisis) models a monkeypox bioterror attack initiated on May 15, 2022. Note the date of the CNN/Jake Tapper fear porn piece – May 20, 2022. The modelling deployed in the scenario upon which the “exercise” was based predicts 3.2 billion cases and 271 million deaths by December 01, 2023. Of course, the predictive accuracy of the simplistic public health models such as that used to support this scenario have repeatedly proven to be absolutely horrid, and these types of models should be either relegated to the trash heap (or ongoing dumpster fire) as unscientific speculation which is all too frequently weaponised by the fear porn peddlers such as CNN, MSNBC, NYT, Washington Post. By now we all know the usual USG and WEF-controlled media players.

In conclusion, the preponderance of current evidence is pointing towards a hypothesis for the origin of this outbreak which is increasingly consistent with prior “war game” scenario planning, remarkably akin to that which occurred during Event 201, which posits the emergence of an engineered monkeypox virus into the human population during mid-May of 2022.

Draw your own conclusions, and do your own diligence....<<<Read More>>>.....


MONEYpox is the Latest Tool Being Used to Usher in The Great Reset

The alleged monkeypox outbreaks across Europe, the USA and Australia are intended to rile the public into another fear-fueled frenzy in order to justify the World Health Organization’s takeover of public health globally, and usher in the reviled health passports alongside everything else that comes with The Great Reset.

As predicted, just as hysteria about COVID-19 is winding down, another “pandemic” is poised to take its place. This time, it’s monkeypox, an infection that just so happens to mimic many of the symptoms of COVID jab-induced shingles — so much so, the Department of Health in Queensland, Australia, used the same photo to illustrate both infections (the photos have since been removed or updated1).

The first European case of monkeypox was confirmed May 7, 2022, in the U.K. Then, seemingly overnight, cases were being reported across the world. May 20, 2022, the World Health Organization held an emergency meeting to discuss reports of more than 100 suspected or confirmed cases in at least nine countries, including Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, the U.K., the U.S., Canada and Australia...<<<Read More >>>...


Stoking The Fire Within

 [Daily OM]: There are certain personality archetypes that we all carry within us, such as the inner child, the lover, and the mother. Some of these archetypes present themselves strongly, while others lay fallow. For example, there is an inner warrior in each one of us, but in some of us this warrior is underdeveloped to the point that we are unable to stand up for ourselves, even when necessary. There can be many reasons for this. We may have grown up with a parent whose warrior aspect was overdeveloped, and we responded by repressing ours completely. On the other hand, we may have grown up with parents in whom this aspect was dormant, so we never learned to awaken it in ourselves.

A warrior is someone with the strength to stand up for what he or she believes; someone who perseveres in the face of challenges and obstacles; someone who speaks and acts in the service of an ideal; someone who protects those who are too weak to fight for themselves. Regardless of the reasons for an underdeveloped inner warrior, you may begin to notice the lack of its fiery, protective presence and wish to awaken it. You may need to stand up for yourself in a certain relationship or situation, or you may have a vision you want to realize, and you know you will need the courage, energy, and strength of a warrior to succeed. Similarly, if you find that you often feel scared, anxious, or powerless, rousing this sleeping ally may be just the antidote you need.

One excellent way to cultivate the presence of your inner warrior is to choose a role model who embodies the qualities of bravery, strength, and vitality. This person could be a character in a myth, movie, or book, or a historical or living person you admire. Simply close your eyes each day and contemplate the quality of energy that attracts you to this person, knowing that the same potential lives within you. Confirm for yourself that you are capable of handling this energy responsibly, and stoke the fire of your own inner courage.

Monkeypox release is PSYCHOLOGICAL TERRORISM to keep humanity paralyzed with FEAR

 It's time to LAUGH and LAUGH and LAUGH some more at this comedy routine the silly elitist bullies are acting out.

LAUGHTER negates fear. LAUGHTER heals. LAUGHTER is the cure .... LAUGH at their silly games. They are just weird looking bullies in a playground ... trying to scare people into giving up their power ... when there is LAUGHTER, any connection to their attachments are broken!!

It's time to also LAUGH at the gullible human sheep who are falling for the next round of BULLSHIT.

- - - - - -

In today’s Situation Update podcast, we cover Dr. David Martin revealing the simple truth about monkeypox: It’s a psychological terrorism operation to keep humanity paralyzed with fear while our rights and liberties are stripped away under one world government.

After two years of covid lies, lockdowns, depopulation vaccines, lockdown tyranny and anti-humanity genocide carried out by the medical establishment, anyone who still believes in government authority is truly an idiot.

But globalists are counting on that.

They are using monkeypox — and the coming monkeypox vaccines — to literally weed out the dumbed-down, obedient human beings who are too stupid to survive a basic IQ test. Globalists have long decided that they want to exterminate billions of people on planet Earth, and to their own surprise, they eventually came to realize that with the proper media narrative, they can get the oblivious masses to literally line up and be euthanized with injections without even a whimper of resistance.

At some point, you have to concede that perhaps some of these oblivious masses truly are too stupid to represent the future of the human race. Not that we want to see vaccine violence committed against billions, of course, but there is a point where, after warning people over and over and over again, you just shrug your shoulders and invoke the Darwin Awards as the only applicable explanation....<<<Read More>>>...

Bill Gates: Next Pandemic Likely to be Caused by Climate Change

 Billionaire Bill Gates says there’s a 50 per cent chance the next pandemic will be caused by man-made climate change or be deliberately released by a bio-terrorist.

The Microsoft founder made the comments during an interview with Spanish news outlet El Diario.

Asserting that the next major pandemic is likely to occur within 20 years, Gates said, “It could be a virus made by man, by a bioterrorist who designed it and intentionally circulated it. That is a very scary scenario because they could try to spread it in different places at once.”

“Or it could be something that makes the leap from the natural world. The human population is growing and we are invading more and more ecosystems. That is why I calculate that there is a 50% chance that we will have a pandemic of natural origin in the next 20 years, as a consequence of climate change,” he added.

The prediction that climate change will cause a virus which will then require another global vaccine rollout is somewhat convenient for Gates given that he is heavily invested in both areas.

Gates reiterated the call made in his recent book to pump billions of dollars into researching future pathogens by creating a 3,000-strong team of specialists under the control of the World Health Organization, which would require a 25% budgetary increase.

Commenting on the recent outbreak of monkeypox, Gates said “there is very little chance” it will have an impact anything like coronavirus, although he cautioned that it could mutate into something significantly nastier.

Gates infamously warned of a coming super-virus five years before the emergence of COVID-19 during a 2015 TED talk....<<<Read More>>>....

Monday 30 May 2022

Atmospheric Spraying and 5GHZ Wi-Fi Disrupting Oxygen

A reader has written to us describing how he overcame lethargy which he believes was caused by particulates from atmospheric spraying in combination with 5GHz Wi-Fi. If any reader has experienced or can further explain what is described below, please feel free to let us know in the comments section.

To The Exposé,

I’m contacting you because I think I’ve made an important discovery which I’d like to share. It’s not quite on topic for your website but certainly part of the same anti-human conspiracy. That is of possible interaction happening between some chemicals used in atmospheric aerosol spraying and 5GHz Wi-Fi radiation.

Ever since a major geoengineering aerosol spraying (with clear weather/climate effects) over my town of residence, I’ve been feeling very lethargic, apathetic and powerless. It’s been like the air got harder to breathe and I’ve had to open several windows or else it’s felt like I was going to choke.

I did figure it was due to the spraying but now I’ve figured out that there’s more to the story. You see, I got the idea that perhaps Wi-Fi is unhealthy and to test I turned off the higher frequency, 5GHz, signal. Almost right away I began feeling more alert, energised and motivated. It started feeling easier to breathe as well. I told someone else about it as well and was allowed to turn off her 5GHz Wi-Fi signal to test. She then experienced the same as I did, that it got easier to breathe. Before shutting it off it was stuffy even with the balcony door open, after it became airy even with it closed.

So, what I figure is that something in the aerosol spray must be interacting with 5GHz radio signals and distorting or in some other way harming the oxygen.

I’m sure it’s not a placebo effect as these two days since shutting off 5GHz I’ve gotten more done than I did in over a month before. It’s like a night and day difference. As well, as I wrote above, another person experienced it the same.

Thanks for all your hard work in informing and raising awareness. It’s thanks to people like you that we might still stand a chance. Anyway, I hope you find this interesting and useful. To me, it seems like a truly vital piece of info to share. Also, it may be a good way to jolt people awake, since the results are evident even to those not awake. Anyone living in an area that’s subjected to aerosol sprayings and experiencing the symptoms I described should notice almost instant relief after shutting off 5GHz and benefit immensely from it.

I’m also thinking that possibly some of the increased illness can be attributed to this, in addition to the vax, as oxygen deprivation weakens the immune system. I’m sure it causes lots of other health problems as well, though I don’t know specifics. I certainly was feeling weaker than I ever had and had terrible headaches as well.

Aliens are trans-dimensional entities capable of traveling with light, new theory suggests

 Could aliens be trans-dimensional beings capable of traveling with light? The new theory suggests an alternative view of aliens based on evidence backed up by a piece of quantum science.

Writer and scientist Andrew Collins has been researching the origins of mankind for decades. In his book Origins of the Gods, he writes that aliens are actually trans-dimensional entities.

Collins says that UFOs and extraterrestrial phenomena have a very simple explanation. During his research, he realized that something was eluding current human perception, that is, UFOs are not physical spaceships. There is something more complex.

The main thing is that there is some connection between UFOs and human consciousness. In the sense that the people who witnessed this phenomenon had a certain connection or close connection with it.

Through his in-depth analysis, along with his knowledge of quantum and theoretical physics, Collins laid out his unusual point about what UFOs and aliens are.

The researcher believes that many UFOs may consist of pure solid light. While its main component is plasma, which makes up 99% of the entire universe.

You should know that plasma is, in fact, the result of the splitting of atoms. The electrons thus released generate photons of light. Thus everything becomes pure light....<<<Read More>>>...



Cases of Brain Damage in Children Skyrocket Following COVID-19 Vaccines

 Neurological issues are common side effects of all childhood vaccines, and are often grouped under the label of “autism.” There is a very clear correlation with increased vaccinations of children to rising rates of autism in the United States, even though the U.S. Government health agencies refuse to acknowledge any causal effect between the bloated childhood vaccine schedule and diagnoses of autism.

It is no surprise, therefore, that we are seeing similar reports following the deadly COVID-19 vaccines.

But how do reports of brain damage following COVID-19 vaccines compare to the rate of brain damage reported with all other vaccines administered for the previous 30 years before the roll-out of the COVID-19 experimental shots?...<<<Read More>>>...

Wuhan Bio Lab Carried Out Gain of Function Research on Monkeypox Virus

 ....and so begins the Monkey Pox FEAR NARRATIVES. How better to 'spread the poison into the human nest, than let a conspiracy theory site publish the story.' 

Don't be so gullible people ...the globalists are losing and they want your fear. This is just that a fear narrative ...

The Wuhan bio lab that was the centre of controversy surrounding gain of function research on coronaviruses appears to have been carrying out the same kind of research on monkeypox, to make it more lethal to humans, according to a report citing the peer reviewed journal Virologica Sinica which published the lab’s findings in February. The National Pulse reports: The Wuhan Institute of Virology assembled a monkeypox virus genome, allowing the virus to be identified through PCR tests, using a method researchers flagged for potentially creating a “contagious pathogen.”

The report continues:

The study was first published in February 2022, just months before the latest international outbreak of monkeypox cases which appear to have now reached the United States.

Researchers appeared to identify a portion of the monkeypox virus genome, enabling PCR tests to identify the virus, in the paper: “Efficient Assembly of a Large Fragment of Monkeypox Virus Genome as a qPCR Template Using Dual-Selection Based Transformation-Associated Recombination“.

The paper acknowledged that this Transformation-Associated Recombination (TAR) “applied in virological research could also raise potential security concerns, especially when the assembled product contains a full set of genetic material that can be recovered into a contagious pathogen.”...<<<Read More>>>...

Memory Lane - 'Currawong'



You Are The Power. You Are The Battery

A simple truth about this entire WEF and WHO fascist control effort is the fact that THEY have no power of their own, and they have devised manipulative ways to take YOUR power and turn it against you.

In fact, you are actually fighting yourself. They are very adept at the power of suggestion and mind control ... all the time they preach and they demand, they are actually employing spells of enchantment to compel you to comply and give them your life force so they can achieve their evil plots.

Stop giving your power to them, and they will cease to have any standing in this realm of thoughts and sound vibrations. 

You are the power, alone, and you are the battery ... they are merely reflections of your shadow self. Your inner black magician has been employed by these satanic brothers to help steal your energy ... stop!

The Power of Not Knowing

 [Daily OM]: There is wisdom in not knowing, and it is a wise person who can say, "I don't know." For no one knows everything. There are many types of wisdom -- from intellectual to emotional to physical intelligence. Yet, even deemed experts in their fields do not know all there is to know about mathematics, yoga, literature, psychology, or art. It is a true master who professes ignorance, for only an empty vessel can be filled.

There are many things in life that we don't know, and there are many things we may have no interest in finding out. There is freedom in saying "I don't know." When we admit that we don't know something, we can then open ourselves up to the opportunity to learn. And there is power in that. We can't possibly know everything. And when we think we do, we limit ourselves from growing and learning more than what we already do know. A person who can admit to not knowing tends to be more intellectually and emotionally confident than someone who pretends to know everything. They also tend to be more comfortable with who they are and don't feel the need to bluff or cover up any perceived ignorance. People can actually end up appearing more foolish when they act as if they know something that they don't.

We would be wise to respect people who freely admit when they don't know something. They are being honest, with us and with themselves. And we, too, should feel no shame in saying, "I don't know." In doing so, we open ourselves up to the unknown. We can then discover what lies beyond our current levels of understanding. It is the wise person in life that answers questions with a question and inspires the pursuit of internal answers with a funny face, a shrug, and a comical, "I don't know."

Something very strange is going on and ‘health experts’ are baffled: Monkeypox was weaponized in the deep state’s Ukraine labs, another sign the depopulation agenda is in full swing

 The twitter hashtag #BillGatesBioTerrorist was trending for a good part of the day Saturday after people in America and around the world put 2 + 2 together and realized Gates recently warned of a ‘pox‘ outbreak being the next big deal to come at the world, right before Monkeypox broke out in the West.

And as numerous people pointed out in that twitter thread, we’re now witnessing a perfect example of the Hegelian Dialectic at play in 2022, with the life-hating globalists once again launching a contagion upon the world which the dumbed down masses will ‘demand‘ a ‘solution to‘, that ‘solution‘ already pre-planned well in advance, though it certainly won’t ‘solve the problem‘. 

With Monkeypox another such ‘pox virus‘, and very strong evidence emerging that this latest ‘outbreak‘ that is spreading quickly into the Western world was ‘manufactured‘...<<<Read More>>>...

Sunday 29 May 2022

Smallpox, Money Pox and The Vaccines They Will Try to Frighten You into Getting

 Dr. Meryl Nass provides some basics about the budding “pandemic” and the proposed vaccines against it. Her points include: the World Health Organisation (“WHO”) released a statement to introduce mass vaccination; the smallpox vaccine, of unknown efficacy against monkeypox, causes a huge number of myocarditis cases and other known cardiac problems; smallpox vaccines, when used routinely in babies, were considered the most dangerous vaccine available; and, more.

Here’s what you should know about the latest money pox, also known as monkeypox.

The WHO released a clever statement to introduce the idea of mass money pox vaccination to the public:

The World Health Organization (WHO) maintains that the growing monkeypox outbreak remains “containable,” and that there’s no immediate need for mass vaccination against the orthopoxvirus; since May 7, a total of 131 confirmed cases and 106 suspected cases have been reported in countries where it usually does not spread. (Reuters)

No immediate need. Let that statement ferment in your unconscious. It seems like a benign sentence, but implicit in it is the idea that soon there may well be a need to mass vaccinate the population against money pox, a disease that has never before spread due to casual contact.

I don’t think we even know the actual mortality rate for money pox. Has a westerner ever died from it?

Could this possibly be the same money pox that occurs in Africa? If so, how did it suddenly appear in so many countries at once? This fact alone – its novel, never-before-seen pattern of spread, should make us question whether it is a biowarfare agent being seeded deliberately. Probably not meant to kill us, maybe not even to harm us much. We can’t tell yet, based on the minimalist info coming out of our esteemed public health agencies. Perhaps it’s here just to nudge us to get another shot?...<<<Read More>>>...

Bristol Mayor who declared ‘climate emergency’ flies 9,000 miles to Canada to lecture on the importance of cutting carbon emissions

 The first city mayor in Britain to declare a ‘climate emergency’ has come under fire for flying nine hours to Canada to tell other local leaders how to cut emissions.

Bristol’s Labour mayor Marvin Rees made the 9,000-mile round trip to give a 14-minute speech at a conference in Vancouver last month.

Climate campaigners blasted Mr Rees over his long-haul flight, with one critic complaining on social media: ‘Why didn’t he do it virtually?’

He also said he wanted to ‘show off about my own city,’ and boasted about the measures that had been taken in Bristol to reduce emissions. Declaring a ‘climate emergency’ in 2018, he set a goal for the city to become carbon neutral by 2030, including cutting ‘indirect emissions’ such as international travel...<<<Read More>>>...

Memory Lane - 'Currawong'



The Untold Story of the Monkeypox

 Once upon a time…

…along came The Monkeypox virus!

Symptoms may include a desire to swing from tree to tree, to pick breakfast bugs off your mate, and to screech, yell, and generally monkey around. But seriously….

According to the Centers for Disease Creation (CDC), the agency that created at least eight Genus categories of Pox Diseases, Monkeypox is called a “rare disease.” However, Monkeypox cannot be considered “rare,” if the CDC also claims that Monkeypox is spreading.

Before anyone could say Monkeypox jjab patent, the U.S. government swooped in to purchase over $100 million in jjabs to treat both Monkeypox and Smallpox.

After all, where there is a will, there is a jjab patent!

In February 2021, patent application #20210260182 was filed for RECOMBINANT POXVIRUS BASED VACCINE AGAINST SARS-CoV-2 VIRUS. This is a combination pox/COVID jjab patent filed over a year ago:

The terms “chimeric” or “engineered” or “modified” (e.g., chimeric poxvirus, engineered polypeptide, modified polypeptide, engineered nucleic acid, modified nucleic acid) or grammatical variations thereof are used interchangeably herein to refer to a non-native sequence that has been manipulated to have one or more changes relative a native sequence.

In some embodiments, the SARS-CoV-2 protein is inserted into the Thymidine Kinase (TK) locus (Gene ID HPXV095; positions 992077-92610; SEQ ID NO: 1) of the horsepox virus or the synthetic horsepox virus.

Then came the newly patented pox-combo Omicron jjab. Of course, other labs are developing tests for Monkeypox virus. Get ready for the temperature checks. You know the routine....<<<Read More>>>...

Britain using Ukraine conflict as excuse to push for legalizing gene-edited Frankenfood

 Genetically engineered food is heavily restricted in the United Kingdom, and for good reason. But a new bill being pushed in Parliament right now could sidestep these restrictions using the Ukraine conflict as an excuse.

Gene-edited crops differ from standard genetically modified organisms, or GMOs, in that their own DNA code is modified as opposed to be spliced with foreign DNA. And British politicians are attempting to exploit this by claiming that gene-edited crops are excluded from their country’s strict GMO regulations.

Entitled the “Genetic Technology” bill, the legislation was first introduced on Wednesday. It is described by the UK’s Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs as a way to “cut red tape and support the development of innovative tech to grow more resistant, more nutritious and more productive crops.” “These precision technologies allow us to speed up the breeding of plants that have natural resistance to diseases and better use of soil nutrients so we can have higher yields with fewer pesticides and fertilizers,” added Environment Secretary George Eustice, who is heavily pushing the bill. “Outside the European Union (EU), we are free to follow the science.” ...<<<Read More>>>....

Taking time for yourself

 [Daily OM]: Modern life compels us to rush. Because we feel pressured to make the most of our time each day, the activities that sustain us, rejuvenate us, and help us evolve are often the first to be sacrificed when we are in a hurry or faced with a new obligation.It is important we remember that there is more to life than achieving success, making money, and even caring for others. Your spiritual needs should occupy an important spot on your list of priorities. Each task you undertake and each relationship you nurture draws from the wellspring of your spiritual vitality. Taking the time to engage in spiritually fulfilling activities replenishes that well and readies you to face another day. Making time for the activities that contribute to your spiritual growth has little to do with being selfish and everything to do with your well-being. Regularly taking the time to focus on your soul's needs ensures that you are able to nurture yourself, spend time with your thoughts, experience tranquility, and expand your spiritual boundaries.

It is easy to avoid using our free moments for spiritual enrichment. There is always something seemingly more pressing that needs to be done. Many people feel guilty when they use their free time to engage in pursuits where they are focusing on themselves because they feel as if they are neglecting their family or their work. To make time for yourself, it may be necessary to say no to people's requests or refuse to take on extra responsibilities. Scheduling fifteen or thirty minutes of time each day for your spiritual needs can make you feel tranquil, give you more energy and allows you to feel more in touch with the universe. Writing in a journal, meditating, studying the words of wise women and men, and engaging in other spiritual practices can help you make the most of this time.

Making time to nurture your spirit may require that you sacrifice other, less vital activities. The more time you commit to soul-nurturing activities, the happier and more relaxed you will become. The time you devote to enriching your spirit will rejuvenate you and help you create a more restful life.

A Word on Matthew James

Matthew James has been a practising Medium & Clairvoyant for over 35 years. He began undertaking 'readings' and 'live demonstrations' back in the late 1980's ... at a time when the spiritual industry was totally different to it is now.

Back in the 1980's there was almost a prohibition on spiritualism; it was a taboo subject for many people; research material wasn't readily available - local libraries and occasional new age shops were the only places to gain an insight into the subject. Information was scarce, and places to meet up with people of similar mind, were few and far between. It was seen as a huge joke, and laid Matthew James open to constant mockery for being into spirituality.

Matthew James began at a time when it wasn't 'trendy' to be a medium; it wasn't something he chose to do, indeed it was thrust upon him. He was very reluctant to pursue the direction, gaining major ridicule from family, friends and work colleagues. He was one of the first male mediums in his area at the time, and was to some degree a pioneer of the arts he now practices.

Very few, if any, of the new breed of 'psychic mediums' will be able to comprehend the 'world of spirituality' back in the 1980's without the internet and social media for connection. Nor can they really appreciate the soul destroying hard work it took back then to become accepted in the spiritual field.


Totem Bird of the Week - 'Currawong'

The totem bird of the week for Monday 30th May to Sunday 5th June 2022 is the Currawong. No doubt, most of us will find ourselves in a situation where more optimism will be required; plus the need for our own voice/song to be heard above the din. The sound of the Currawong is distinctive and loud. With this medicine it is possible to talk ourselves into the situation we are trying to create. The power of song on a personal level is critical to permit our true voice, and therefore our true intention, to be heard.

Saturday 28 May 2022

Are you a machine?

In chapter 12 of Iain McGilchrist's book The Matter With Things, he elegantly debunks the myth that the living, organic world is anything like a machine. With many examples of totally un-machine like behaviour, McGilchrist completely dismantles the notion that organisms like ourselves, or single cells for that matter, are anything like a machine. The second half of the chapter he addresses the reasons why the machine model has been so pervasive in our perception of just about everything.

I think this is an important awareness for us as some strive for a transhuman future and try to convince us this is a good thing. The transhumanist agenda of marrying human to machine only makes sense if the human is seen as one type of 'machine' and computer/hardware another type of machine, that can seamlessly integrate. I have no doubt it can be of use in some cases - artificial limbs come to mind - but doubt its wisdom when attempting to 'evolve' the human race as a human/machine hybrid (a cyborg). The other part of the transhumanist dream is gene editing and the manipulation of our genome for 'enhancement', tackling disease, and longevity. They sound like noble pursuits but they conceptualise DNA like a computer program, and as we will explore, it's way more different and complex than that.

But quite apart from transhumanism, using a model to conceptualise a reality that is very unlike the model is severely limiting and forces an unhealthy bias. Machines are designed from the bottom up for a purpose. Utility is fundamental. Output, productivity, service, is all foundational to the model. As we will see below, the world of the living, the organic, is quite unlike a utility, unlike a machine, and should be conceptualised in a completely different way. A human has more in common with a river than a robot....<<<Read More>>>...

Australia Begins to Reap What it’s Sown and it’s Grim

Australia has had more Covid death since the Covid “vaccine” was introduced in Feb 2021 and substantially more excess death from other causes. From April 2021 there has been a significant increase in all-cause excess mortality across all age/sex groups bar one.

Apparently, it’s really difficult for our ONS to produce deaths by date of occurrence by sex and age until 7 months after year-end. This means we won’t get any reliable death data for 2021 until July this year.

Fortunately, Australia is a little more timely with their data releases so we can get a little insight from down under.

Looking at both sexes and all ages, it is clear that things have gone really wrong for Australia since the week ending 11th April 2021. Between then and the end of Feb 2022, there have been 16k excess deaths.

There have been less than 4k Covid deaths in that same time with most of those coming since Sept 2021.

So, much like every other country in the world, Australia has had more Covid death since the Covid vaccine was introduced in Feb 2021 and substantially more excess death from other causes. By the end of the period, around 90% of the adult population has been jabbed....<<<Read More>>>...

Trusting Your Gut

 [Daily OM]: Gut feelings earn their name from the place in the body where they make themselves known. A pang in your gut when you may be doing the wrong thing, or a vibrant zing when your body approves, can guide you reliably at times when logic fails. Sometimes, when logic prevails, we ignore our gut and live to regret it, understanding later that a rational approach is only one way of determining what is going on in a situation and how we should react.

Our gut resides in the neighborhood of our solar plexus and the third chakra just above your belly button. When it is functioning well, we can trust its guidance and adjust our actions accordingly. Many of us have a tendency to hold in this area of our bodies. We may take shallow breaths that never reach this vital nexus that is the source of our empowerment. It is in this place that we find the courage to act, to reach out into the world and create change. When our power center is out of balance, we are timid and out of sync, wishing we had said something we were only able to phrase later when we were alone; wishing we had acted on an opportunity we didn't see until it was past.

In order to utilize your power center, you may want to focus your attention on it more regularly and make time to care for it. You can begin right now by taking a deep breath into your belly. On the exhale, pull your navel in toward your spine so as to empty out completely before taking another deep breath into your belly. When you empty completely, you release stagnant energy and create more space to be filled with fresh, nourishing breath. The more you practice this simple, cleansing exercise, the more clear and communicative your gut feelings will be and the more comfortable you will feel acting on them.

Memory Lane - 'Swan'



NASA and Astronauts Discuss UFOs They Are Witnessing and Then Cut Off Feed

 This old footage not only proves that NASA astronauts do encounter UFOs, but also shows how NASA controls the UFO narrative during STS missions and other space missions, reports ufosightingshotspot.blogspot.com

Usually NASA astronauts follow a “script” and they know exactly what and when to say. These astronaut however were too shocked by something they had never seen before.

They forget their “lines” and no longer follows the script, instead a not planned discussion and conversation starts on which one NASA controller tries to save the situation and cut the live feed in an attempt to hide the truth that these astronauts had a couple “visitors” passing by.

Conversation between the astronauts and NASA’s control Houston:

– What a flash…?
– What’d say Mark?
– I saw alight flash…(unintelligible)…there it is again.
– I thought it must have been me…
– I said I thought it was my imagination…
– I saw it too so it’s not…
– There’s two of them.
– There’s another one…
– What are they?
– I think I saw lights flickering in here…
– Who’d be taking pictures?
– What is this?
– It’s just gone past in front of us…
– Further lights…
– Which ones?
– I lost surveillance for a second… but had veillance the whole time…(unintelligible)
– Gone up…

Former Apollo 14 astronaut Ed Mitchell claimed that many thousands of UFOs observed over the years are actually aliens from another planet....<<<Read More>>>....

World Economic Forum: Smartphones Will Be In Your Body By 2030

 According to Nokia’s CEO Pekka Lundmark (video below), the smartphone will not be the most common connectivity interface by 2030. Instead, smartphones will likely be implanted right into your body by then.

This week during his panel appearance at the 2022 World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland Lundmark said:

“By then (2030), definitely the smartphone as we know it today will not anymore be the most common interface, many of these things will be built directly into our bodies.”Pekka Lundmark

However, before smartphones are implanted directly into the body, Lundmark believes people will be transitioning away from smartphones and towards face wearables like glasses.

That said, the world is unlikely to be dominated by smartphones, glasses, or other devices until 6G becomes commonplace – which is expected to hit the commercial market by around 2030. Still, only 30% of the world has been digitized, for the other 70% to “come online”, much infrastructural work will need to be done....<<<Read More>>>...

This is nothing more than cosmic ordering or wish fulfillment by a group of very sick individuals. Desperate fantasy by evil minds .... we will only make this happen for them if we go along with their insanity.

Moderna Dumps 30 Million Vaxx Doses Because ‘Nobody Wants Them’

 Our betters in the World Economic Forum (WEF) gathered in Davos this week to decide what’s best for the planet and everyone on it (especially themselves). But Stéphane Bancel, CEO of Moderna, was sad. He was disappointed that the plebs don’t want his company’s revered COVID-19 vaccines.

“It’s sad to say, I’m in the process of throwing 30 million doses into the garbage, because nobody wants them,” lamented Bancel as he participated in a panel discussion. “We have a big demand problem.” Actually, that sounds like a big over-supply problem to me, but what do I know?

Bancel elaborated on the outreach efforts the pharma giant was making to “every country,” including going around to all the embassies in Washington, D.C., to entreat governments to distribute the excess shots to their citizens. But sadly, he concluded, “nobody wants to take them.”

“The challenge we have now is [a] very different situation than we had two years ago. The problem we had two years ago is there was no mRNA capacity in the world. Zero.”

“The situation is very different today,” explained Bancel. “Moderna has three billion doses annual capacity, Pfizer has four billion doses, that’s seven billion doses, and the Chinese don’t want the vaccines with mRNA. So if you just take the, just the Chinese population out, you have more than a dose per person, and as we just discussed, the issue in many countries is people don’t want vaccines.

Bancel called out the ugly Americans. “In the U.S., people don’t want vaccines,” he said. “Around the world, we have a lot of people who don’t want the vaccine,” Bancel mourned, before reiterating that the problem was not a “capacity limit.”...<<<Read More>>>...

The COVID-19 pandemic was never what they claimed, but the vaccine pandemic is REAL

The Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) never caused a pandemic. But the so-called vaccines created to respond to COVID-19 did.

This is according to Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, a German trial lawyer who has successfully won cases against megacorporations. In his home country, Fuellmich leads the Extra Parliamentary Corona Investigative Committee, an organization at the forefront of fighting against COVID-19 restrictions and vaccinations and working towards bringing a Nuremberg-style trial against the nations and corporations that have committed crimes against humanity during the pandemic.

“We don’t have a problem with any pandemic, we don’t have a problem with any virus,” said Fuellmich during an interview with Alex Jones of InfoWars. “We only have a problem with scare tactics that are designed to drive us to accept shots that will then cause the real problem. That is the real pandemic. It’s … immune systems being compromised. It is vaccine-induced thrombotic diseases.”

He added that the real pandemic is the health complications caused by the COVID-19 vaccines. “Nothing that we’re seeing is real except for the damage that the vaccines – the so-called vaccines – are inducing.” ...<<<Read More>>>....


Friday 27 May 2022

NASA scientist says aliens or other life will soon be found on Mars

 NASA scientists have been searching for extraterrestrial life for a long time. Moreover, the space agency has never denied this, and this is enough to discuss the possibility of the existence of extraterrestrial beings outside the Earth in any form, from micro to macro.

The controversy arose when a couple of years ago, retired NASA Chief Scientist James L. Green spoke about Mars and the alleged extraterrestrial life on it.

Before moving on to Dr. Green’s statement, it should be known that NASA has acknowledged that there may be interference from alien civilizations in the history of the Earth. In 2014, NASA published a book titled Archeology, Anthropology and Interstellar Space which looks at extraterrestrial interference in human history. It notes the possibility that some of the rock art on Earth may be of alien origin. It was edited by Douglas Wakoh, director of the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) Division.

Also, in fact, it would take only 10,000 years for the traces of human presence to disappear from the planet, which is very short period compared to the age of the Earth.

If such a civilization had once existed, then its traces would not be so obvious – given that more than 4 billion years of the Earth is a sufficiently wide range for the evolution (and extinction) of intelligent life...<<<Read More>>>...


The Encounter of a US Army Officer With Blue-Skinned Andromedans

 The number of alien species in the universe is the subject of numerous hypotheses. Entities from outer space have been spotted by many UFO enthusiasts, abductees, and even members of the government.

Alex Collier is the only person who has talked to aliens from Andromeda (i.e. Andromedans) and given detailed information about them. Many of his interviews focused on the impact that various extraterrestrial species have had on the human race.

Collier is deemed believable by many well-known UFO enthusiasts, at least in the sense that he strives to relay as much information as possible from his encounters with the Andromedans. From his earliest years as a child to the middle of his adolescence, he had regular encounters with extraterrestrial life.

After a break of several years, during which he served as a helicopter pilot in the U.S. Army, the contact started up again in 1985.

When Collier encountered the two Andromedans, they became his mentors and brought him on board their spacecraft for a three-month period where they exposed Collier to the teachings of the Andromedans. The Andromedans told him about the spirituality of the universe, life in the universe, and Earth’s place in the history of the galaxy.

The Andromedans are “one of the thousands of extraterrestrial races in existence.” Andromedans are humans with bluish skin and are taller than 2 metres. All human life forms began in the Lyra Constellation, according to Collier, author of “Defending Sacred Ground: The Andromedan Compendium.” But a war made their stars blow up, so people had to move to other parts of the galaxy to stay alive.

According to Collier, the variety of skin tones is because people have varied DNA and are exposed to different celestial bodies. In the Andromeda constellation, the Andromeda Beings are one of the oldest societies.

The Andromeda civilization has a single government and is 4,700 years more spiritually and 5,000 years more technologically advanced than we are, regardless of where it exists in the constellation.

They do, however, strike a healthy balance between the spiritual and technological aspects of their lives. To put it another way, they use technology to progress spiritually. This is due to the fact that there are multiple levels of dimensions. We are in the third dimension right now. We haven’t yet gotten to the fourth, let alone the fifth. Conscience is what differentiates the third and fourth dimensions.

There is a collective consciousness in the fourth dimension since everyone is telepathic and can read each other’s minds. As a result, each individual is genuine, open, and free of hidden agendas. A being becomes clairvoyant when they enter this dimension because energy systems and fields may be observed in this state of consciousness....<<<Read More>>>...

Memory Lane - 'Swan'


Monkeypox: You didn’t really believe they were launching a shot-by-shot remake of Covid, did you?

 Lock yourselves down inside your homes! Break out the masks and prophylactic face-shields! Switch off what’s left of your critical faculties and prepare yourselves to “follow the Science!”

Yes, that’s right, just as the survivors of The Simulated Apocalyptic Plague of 2020-2021 were crawling up out of their Covid bunkers and starting to “build the world back better,” another biblical pestilence has apparently been unleashed on humanity!

This time it’s the dreaded monkeypox, a viral zoonotic disease endemic to central and western Africa that circulates among giant pouched rats, squirrels, dormice, and other rodents and has been infecting humans for centuries, or millennia. Monkeypox causes fever, headaches, muscle aches, and sometimes fluid-filled blisters, tends to resolve in two to four weeks, and thus poses absolutely zero threat to human civilization generally.

The corporate media do not want to alarm us, but it is their duty as professional journalists to report that THE MONKEYPOX IS SPREADING LIKE WILDFIRE! OVER 100 CASES OF MONKEYPOX have been confirmed in countries throughout the world! MONKEYPOX TASKFORCES are being convened! Close-up photos of NASTY-LOOKING MONKEYPOX LESIONS are being disseminated! The President of the United States says “EVERYBODY SHOULD BE CONCERNED!”

The WHO is calling it “a multi-country monkeypox outbreak!” Belgium has introduced a mandatory quarantine. The CDC has gone to “Alert Level 2!” “Enhanced precautions” are recommended! In New York City, the nexus of probably the most paranoid, mask-wearing, quadruple-“vaccinated” New Normal fanatics on the face of the planet, the Department of Health is instructing everyone to wear the masks they are already wearing to protect them from both Covid and monkeypox, and smallpox, and largepox, and airborne cancer, and God knows what other horrors might be out there!

Here in the capital of New Normal Germany, Karl Lauterbach, who, despite wasting hundreds of millions of Euros on superfluous “vaccines,” attempting to compulsorily “vaccinate” every man, woman, and child in the country, and otherwise behaving like a fascist lunatic, remains the official Minister of Health, is excitedly hopping up and down and hooting like a Siamang gibbon about “recommendations for isolation and quarantine,” and other “monkeypox containment measures.”

As Yogi Berra famously put it, “it’s like déjà vu all over again.”

Except that it isn’t … or it probably isn’t. Before I could even finish this column, the United GloboCap Ministries of Truth started dialing down the monkeypox panic. It appears they’re going with “it’s a gay pandemic,” or an “LGBTQ pandemic,” or an “LGBTQIA+ pandemic,” or whatever the official acronym is by the time I click the “publish” button, and making other noises to the effect that it might not be absolutely necessary this time to order a full-scale global lockdown, release the drones and robotic dogs, inject everybody with experimental drugs, and start viciously persecuting “monkeypox deniers.”...<<<Read More>>>...

Controlling Behavior

 [Daily OM]: We all know what it's like to want to be in control. In some ways, exerting control is an important survival skill. For example, we have every right to be in control of our own bodies and our own lives. Taking control in these cases is empowering and necessary. Controlling behavior in the negative sense comes from a tendency to reach beyond our own boundaries and into the lives of others. Many people do this with the rationalization that they are helping. This can happen with parents who are still trying to force their grown children into behaving in ways that they find acceptable. It can also happen when people try to control their partners' behavior. If you have control issues, you will see that in one or more areas of your life, you feel the need to interfere with what is happening rather than just allowing events to unfold.

Almost everyone has at least one situation or relationship in which they try to exert control. This often happens because someone's behavior makes us uncomfortable. We may feel it makes us look bad, or it embarrasses us. For example, if your best friend tends to drink too much, you might spend an entire party just trying to prevent her from doing so. This is different from directly confronting her about the problem and allowing her to decide what she should do. Controlling behavior generally goes hand in hand with an unwillingness to be direct about what you want, as well as an inability to let go and let people live their own lives.If you are the one that is controlling, it's probably because you feel as if you are out of control and it scares you. Try to pick one thing you could just let unfold without any control on your part. Examine how it made you feel both before and after, and examine why you wanted to control the situation.

It is hard sometimes to allow others to be who they are, especially if we feel we know what's best for them and we see them making choices we wouldn't make. However, if we are to be respectful and truly loving, we have to let people go, trusting that they will find their own way in their own time and understanding that it is their life to live. Just reminding yourself that the only life you have to live is your own is the first step to letting go.

Structures On Mars

What we are looking at here are some more interesting structures found on Google Mars. It is unlikely we are looking at 'natural' formations. They clearly resemble walled structures created by an intelligence.

More evidence of life on Mars that NASA have deliberately kept hidden from us humans. Why? The original narrative is most definitely to keep humans ignorant. To make them think they are the ONLY life within this universe. When the truth is ... well, there is other intelligent life out there.

And it seems that there is an old civilisation on Mars. From the great cover up that has been uindertaken .. it is clear that life still exists on Mars 100%.

Look at these images with an open mind ... if these were presented as imagery from earth ... you would readily see the structures. So why not when they are from Mars? Get over the NASA brainwashing and see that which is before you eyes.