Further Reading

Tuesday 3 May 2022

Walgreens publishes data proving that COVID jabs don’t prevent COVID

 One of America’s most well-known pharmacy chains has inadvertently admitted that Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “vaccines” are a farce in terms of protecting against COVID disease.

“Positivity Rate by Vaccination Status” data covering the time period from April 23, 2022, to April 29, 2022, shows that the demographic with the least amount of “positive” test results for the Fauci Flu is the unvaccinated. The worst-off group, as you might expect, consists of people who received two main doses of the shot followed by a “booster” shot.

The Walgreens “COVID-19 Variant Tracker” claims that ever since January of this year, the predominant “strain” of Fauci Flu in circulation is omicron (moronic). Before that, it was delta that was supposedly in circulation.

How they know this is anyone’s guess, seeing as how SARS-CoV-2 has never actually been isolated and proven to exist, let alone its many alleged “variants” and “subvariants.”

People are testing “positive” for something fictitious, in other words, not to mention the fact that the PCR test is inherently fraudulent. It was never designed as a diagnosis tool, and is actually just an amplification tool that magnifies whatever it is pointed at, so to speak.

“PCR revolutionized molecular biology but its most notable application was in genetic fingerprinting, where its ability to magnify even the smallest traces of DNA became a major weapon in the fight against crime,” revealed a paper put together by the Brownstone Institute....<<<Read More>>>...