Further Reading

Wednesday 29 June 2022

Healing Your Third Eye – How to Decalcify & Strengthen the Pineal Gland

 The third eye, scientifically known as the pineal gland, is our doorway to psychic awareness.  Unfortunately, environmental factors affect pineal gland health greatly.  Here is a very simple and efficient way to stop damaging the gland, reverse any damage done, and strengthen it to a high state of health so that you can work on developing your psychic abilities with significantly improved results.  Here is to healing and expanding your awareness!

The contributors to calcification are:

  • Halides: Fluoride, Chlorine, and Methyl Bromide.
  • Calcium in the form of Calcium Carbonate, Phosphate, and Dicalcium Phosphate.
  • Tap Water has Fluoride and other calcifying substances mixed into it.
  • Pesticides in the air ingested into the lungs and eating foods not grown organically.
  • Sugar, Caffeine, Alcohol and Tobacco.

There are many different ways to decalcify your pineal gland.  Here are my top two suggestions:

Apple Cider Vinegar Method:  Drink 1 tablespoon of raw apple cider vinegar twice a day on an empty stomach and wait 30 minutes before ingesting anything else.  You can put it in 2 oz of water and add some cinnamon to make taking the dose a little easier.  Do this for 30-60 days.  You can continue on from that point if you wish.

MSM Superdose Cleanse:

  • Vitamin C - Take 1,000mg per day of Vitamin C.  I like using natural sourced Acerola Cherry as it assists with the removal of toxins.  The particular brand I show here uses both this and Camu Camu and is about 650mg per capsule so you can take two.  What your body doesn’t use when it comes to Vitamin C you literally will urinate out so there is no overdosing on Vitamin C.  A great source is from www.rawpower.com
  • Colloidal Silver - This will also act as a detoxifier during the cleanse.  Follow the recommended dose on the bottle.  A good source is www.purehealthdiscounts.com (make sure it is colloidal, not ionic).
  • MSM - Make sure to use vegetable sourced MSM as some cheap MSM products are petroleum sourced.  A great source is from www.rawpower.com.  Start with 3,000mg of MSM per day with plenty of good quality water.  You can split this amount up if it’s easier and take it with meals.  Then add 1,000mg to your daily dose each day until you reach 20,000mg per day of MSM.  Stay at this dose for 3-7 days until you feel your body is flushed of toxins (trust your intuition on this, you will sense you are clear because you usually feel amazing).  After 3-7 days, begin to lower the dose to 3,000mg per day for healthy maintenance and PH buffering to help keep your body alkaline....<<<Read More>>>....