Further Reading

Saturday 18 February 2023

Chinese spy balloons, UFOs, Project Blue Beam and the New World Order

 On 13 February, the Pentagon refused to rule out the possibility that three unidentified flying objects shot down in as many days over North America are alien in origin. While the gigantic balloon or “airship” that was shot down by US F-22 fighters on 4 February has been linked to China, the three other objects sighted over Alaska, Michigan and Canada have been harder to classify.

This has caused some to consider that all is not as official sources claim and that the Blue Beam Project or “Project Blue Beam” is being used as a tool by the United Nations to build a false narrative about an alien invasion.

If you conduct an internet search for “Project Blue Beam,” a list of articles and resources denouncing it as a “conspiracy theory” are returned.

The term “conspiracy theory” was occasionally used before but its modern pejorative connotations stem from efforts within the US government to cover up the JFK assassination.

The Globalists have overplayed their “conspiracy theory” hand. We have learnt over the past few years, if not before, that the term “conspiracy theory” is code for “this information goes against our narrative so we need to debunk it in every way we can.” For those of us who have watched “conspiracy theory” after “conspiracy theory” be proven as fact and become a reality, when we see the term “conspiracy theory” we take it as code for “this is worth researching further.”

In 1994, Canadian investigative journalist Serge Monast published an investigative piece into Project Blue Beam and claimed that NASA and the United Nations wanted to create a “new age religion” using technology to simulate the second coming of Christ. Monast was arrested in 1995 and 1996 for being involved with “networks of prohibited information.” He died of a heart attack at home just 24 hours after being released from jail after his second arrest.

Since his death, the theory has been one of the most popular among conspiracy lovers, but no further “proof” or investigations have taken place since, the Daily Star wrote. Although the Daily Star gives a brief and relatively balanced write-up, its lead sentence also has the mandatory put down of those who question the official narrative. “Conspiracy theorists are claiming that [the possibility that the US shot down an alien spaceship earlier this month] was actually to do with something called Project Blue Beam,” the article began.

This is how PsyOp narratives are built and maintained. According to the propaganda machine: the possibility that alien spaceships exist is not a “conspiracy theory” but questioning whether alien spaceships exist is a “conspiracy theory.” The Daily Star article proves the point we made earlier: “conspiracy theory” is code for “this information goes against our narrative so we need to debunk it in every way we can.”

We should take the propagandists labelling of Project Blue Beam as a “conspiracy theory” as a cue that it is something worth researching further....<<<Read More>>>...