Further Reading

Friday 17 February 2023

How To Undertake Divination Insights #2

 Before you are the answers and an open door way to an insightful library from which you can review and comprehend the information relevant to the situation.

Stay calm. Relax, tell yourself you can do this. Become aware of yourself as you are NOW. How you are feeling. What you are thinking. What aches in your body. This is your BASE LINE for comparison as you get further into the insight.

For, when you find yourself feeling different or thinking different .. it can be very relevant to the situation. The slightest thing is of great importance.

 Now ... bring your awareness to your task at hand ....

Look at the imagery then relate what you see, what you feel, what you hear, what you taste ... do you feel any different? Are you aware of any changes in your awareness or well being? Are you starting with a headache, for example. Do you have a sudden back ache or a hot flush or any other symptom? Be aware this can relate to the situation.

Now study the images. It helps to know their meanings, but that is of no importance really. Look at the question, or the reason for the insight ... is any of the images telling you a story? Is the story relevant to the situation?

I always look at the central card. We see an old man holding out a package, he is in a doorway with a child behind him. This card is Gefu or gift. It relates perhaps to an unexpected happening, for example.

Next I look at the images to the left and the right. The rune showing the axe head suggests conflicts. The left card is the past so it can be past conflicts. Each insight needs to be related to how you are feeling and what the situation is about. The card to the right is Hagall which shows a person wandering through mists. Hagall is delay and necessary obstructions. So in the future of this situation there can probably be no easy resolution and anticipated delays. 

This should give us a hint we are dealing with tensions and disagreements. There has been past issues and in present times there have been attempts to perhaps resolve this tension and sadness with acts of kindness and good intention. However it seems unlikely to be resolved very easily. 

I have nervous tension across the back of my head and shoulders. I know I am dealing with a female energy. She has a back condition on her left hand side. She has an old back injury from an old fall or accident. This in the past ... but causes problems. She needs to walk to help with the recovery process.

That is how I build up an intuitive picture. But it takes practice and requires nerves of steel to pass the insight on to the person it is intended for. 

We will deal with the top and bottom lines of cards in the next insight training post ...

What I will say though, look at the top line and realise something in the near future (Right cards at the future) is about to be uncovered ... something significant ...which will explain this lady's actions ... the left top card should be studied and applied into the past part of the reading .... IS is delay. A door kept closed by icicles that take their own time to melt .... how does this relate to everything here (Its all about timing the event, waiting for the right time to perhaps say or do something. Perhaps it had been planned for some time)

More next time ..... Matthew James