Further Reading

Wednesday, 15 March 2023

Dear Spiritual Diary - "Non-thinking moments"

Dear Spiritual Diary it is refreshing to have 'non-thinking' moments, when there are no thoughts, no images, no emotional responses affecting the conscious mind.

The mind is empty, and the eyes merely observe the surroundings thoughtlessly.

A moment of separation occurs, when the humanness disappears; is no longer in the front thinking part of the mind.

"The lights are on, but no-one is home" scenario kicks in, and then something else surfaces. There are no longer any human thinking, it becomes something else ... beyond human, becoming the true self ...

And then, that moment runs out of steam ... and the human returns. Human thoughts flow through the mind ...

The 'non-thinking' moment is very refreshing and helpful ... 

Note To Self: It's time to fire up the True Mentoring again.