Further Reading

Wednesday, 15 March 2023

Every Country Uses Propaganda - Here's Why

 Propaganda creates an illusion that people believe in about their country and how the world works. They then make decisions in their lives and argue with one another based on this illusion.

This reality is rather obvious. And I’d bet that aside from wanting to gain control over mass public opinion, countries use propaganda so heavily on their citizens because if they don’t, another country will.

Using propaganda gives countries control over their citizens and aligns them under one narrative, even if it’s not factual. In a world built on dominating and competitive worldviews, the cost is too great for most countries to not use propaganda, so they do. Hence we see a race to the bottom dynamic at play here.

Arguments in favor of propaganda include the idea that when it comes to life or death, getting the public on your side is important.

But what happens when propaganda becomes the everyday tool for powerful interests to simply maintain their power? When it isn’t a question of life or death, but a question of powerful figures maintaining, and even growing, their power? ...<<<Read More>>>...