Further Reading

Tuesday 11 April 2023

Alternative non-carbon life forms in the universe

 Life as we know it on Earth is based on carbon, a versatile element that can form complex molecules with various other elements. Carbon is also abundant in the universe, and it is compatible with water, the solvent that enables many biochemical reactions.

However, carbon is not the only element that could potentially support life. Scientists have speculated about alternative biochemistries that could exist in different environments, using different elements and solvents.

One of the most popular candidates for an alternative element is silicon, which belongs to the same group as carbon on the periodic table and has four valence electrons. Silicon can form long chains and rings like carbon, but it is less stable and more reactive.

Silicon also tends to form strong bonds with oxygen, resulting in silicates and silica, which are rigid and crystalline structures that are not conducive to life.

However, some scientists have suggested that silicon-based life could exist in environments where oxygen is scarce, such as on planets with reducing atmospheres or under the surface of gas giants....<<<Read More>>>...