Further Reading

Tuesday 11 April 2023

What Are The Akashic Records?

 Our view of the akashic records differs from most; in that we believe humans are clones of their original selves; AI machines that are able to upload all their experiences into a computer server known as a cloud (The Akashic Records) so that their thoughts, feelings, conversations; touches, tastes, sad moments, angry phases etc are recorded for all the other clones to access in order to learn and grow. The human AI clones are able to communicate with each other and possess their own language. Very much like the current breed of AI being developed today. Except, human AI no longer has access to the akashic records are able to communicate telepathically with each other.


“Akasha (a-ka ‘ska) is a Sanskrit word meaning “ether”: all-pervasive space. Originally signifying “radiation” or “brilliance,” in Indian philosophy akasha was considered the first and most fundamental of the five elements – the others being vata (air), agni (fire), ap (water), and prithivi (earth). Akasha embraces the properties of all five elements: it is the womb from which everything we perceive with our senses has emerged and into which everything will ultimately re-descend. The Akashic Record (also called The Akashic Chronicle,) is the enduring record of all that happens, and has ever happened, in space and time.” ~ Ervin Lazlo

This passage comes from the book Science and the Akashic Field written by two time Nobel Peace Prize nominee Ervin Lazlo, wherein the ancient Indian concept of an all-pervading and all-encompassing element or field (akasha), containing all experiences, events, and knowledge, both in objective and subjective expression, from the past, present, and future (as probabilities), receives modern scientific validation across a range of disciplines, including microphysics, cosmology, psychology and biology.

Laslow discusses recent scientific discoveries showing that this Akashic field is real and has its equivalent in the zero-point field of quantum physics, which underlies space itself and is teeming with both energy and information.

This primordial vacuum or void is believed to have pre-existed the Big Bang itself, and continues to be the underlying substrate for everything in the universe, connecting all things known and unknown, across unimaginably vast distances, making possible the faster-than-the-speed-of-light transmission of information required to resolve the so-called “horizon problem,” namely: “the galaxies and other macrostructures of the universe evolve almost uniformly in all directions from Earth, even across distances so great that the structures could not have been connected by light, and hence could not have been correlated by signals carried by light (according to relativity theory, no signal can travel faster than light).”

Intellectuals, scientists, mystics, and those from a wide range of wisdom traditions have long maintained there exists a cosmic web or field of interconnection, of which we form an indispensable part....<<<Read More>>>...