Further Reading

Saturday 29 February 2020

The End Of Days ... Another Fall Of Man

Well, that's another month over. January and February 2020 have gone .... ultra fast! And the end of (Biological human] days looms ever closer ...

The Hidden Hand has truly created 'hell' on earth; a time of chaos is upon us .... and it'll get worse (Far worse) than it currently is. It's bad now ... but sadly this is only the start.

The psychopathic Elite are in panic button mode ... what they are up to is on a knife edge ... they have been planning these end times for millennia. Well, a force that uses them like puppets on a string has (The Demiurge) ...

We are heading to a state of being across the world like we, in the 'Western World', partially witness in China. 24 hour surveillance. Social credit system and the elimination of those who are at the bottom of the credit system league.

Smart cities and full force 5G. Internet of things. A.I in full control with an A.I supreme being on its throne deep in the technological fortress which is Israel. It will call all the shots, especially when the severely reduced human population has its individual brains merged with A.I and ceases to be biological human anymore.

It's all in full force. Our skies have been raped and purged by chemtrails which no doubt contain nano-bots and nano-dust that now within us all; within every living creature, plant and tree ... and in the water ... indeed everywhere. All in time for the lethal full 5G switch on and everything becomes a digital hell.

We won't think for ourselves anymore ...

..and that reality is very close especially since so many of the youth and the young have been mentally digitised already. They are brainwashed ... and instructed subliminally.  And are willing worker drones for this A.I queen ...

Transgender will become transhuman ... and the end of days will occur. And for those of us who survive and are assigned a place in one of the smart cities around the earth .... all freedom will be gone. Forever.

So, how can we avoid this hellish end? How can we go about our everyday lives ... with all chaos being unleashed on earth? How can we be as we once were ... naive and ignorant ... and live on this virtual world? Everything we eat or drink is POISONED. The air we breath is toxic. A time traveller from 30 years ago would perish if they were to walk the earth in 2020. We've been conditioned with DNA modifications to somehow remain alive ...

But this is not the life we signed up for .. or maybe it is? Are we all participants in this software program .. 'the end of biological man'? For this is not the ascension ... or the wonderful spiritual evolvement that the new age prophets have predicted for so many years. This future will mean we can NEVER return to our true selves again. Our link with universal consciousness will be severed. And for eternity we will fall again ... into another virtual reality. One within a server within this one ...

Another fall. Hopefully, many of us will avoid this calamity. But, for the young generations ... their spirit energy will be lost. And the observers ... are likely to volunteer (Again) to jump en-masse into the electronic prison; the realm of hell deep within a server in the fortress ....in an attempt to rescue those unfortunate spirits. And for The Observers, who witness this godforsaken land ... with all the chaos reining in every land, it is like history repeating. For they most certainly will have witnessed the same, or similar, across the world prior to our 'fall' into this current virtual world. 

But the next world the Hidden Hand has planned, will not be the Golden Age that this world once was. And for the human minds captured and thrust into this brave new world, controlled by their A.I masters, it all will begin again. Arrival in another reality ... with no memories of before ... but this time, there will be no freedom of thinking ... no link to universal consciousness ...

Creating a New Way of Being in a Time of Uncertainty

[Wake Up World]: We are in a time when we are facing two emerging realities. One is a course set by destructive thought which is leading us to, well, you know where. A place where our society lacks fundamental values, our unique perspectives are censored and our way of life is completely misaligned with our human spirit.

The other reality is also forming now. We are dreaming of a better world and a new vision is forming. This is a world where we are aligned with our human spirit. However, if you truly want to be part of this new reality, we, as a group, have to actively take part in creating it.

You wouldn’t be blamed if you are feeling a little tired at the thought of it, but is it really that hard? Considering that our current society template was formed by a bunch old mates long ago which is based on fear, one must consider that a vision formed with love in our hearts would be a million times more powerful to bring into fruition. So we must stop feeding the dream of destructive thinkers and feed the dream of loving souls.

We can’t wait for the perfect time and circumstances to align. Sometimes, we simply must choose as individuals first and foremost to change the direction we are heading and visualize the ideal outcome we want. Our dream is calling those of us who seek a better way, what I like to call a New Way of Being...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...

Quote for the Day

“At the edge of chaos, unexpected outcomes occur. The risk to survival is severe.”  ― Michael Crichton

Memory Lane - '29th February 2016'


The Coronavirus Vaccine as a Source of Dangerous Invasion

[Natural News]: DNA vaccines inject synthesized genes. The recipient’s genetic makeup is altered PERMANENTLY in unknown ways. RNA vaccines carry the potential to trigger autoimmune reactions: the body attacks aspects of itself.

As if that weren’t enough, there is another element deployed in DNA vaccines. It’s called electroporation.

An online dictionary provides a definition: “the action or process of introducing DNA or chromosomes into bacteria or other cells [including human cells] using a pulse of electricity to briefly open the pores in the cell membranes.”

A pioneer in this field is Dr. David Weiner. He is the co-founder of a San Diego company, Inovio Pharmaceuticals. NBC San Diego, January 25, 2020: “A San Diego biotech company just received a $9 million grant to develop a vaccine for the coronavirus. Inovio Pharmaceuticals received a grant from the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI).”

If Inovio wins a license to sell their version of a DNA coronavirus vaccine, electroporation will undoubtedly be brought along as part of the technology.

Here is an excerpt from an article, “What you always needed to know about electroporation DNA vaccines,” published in the journal, Human Vaccines and Immunotherapeutics, November 1, 2012: “…the cell membrane also needs to be in a permeabilized [“opened”] state in order to allow passage of the DNA molecule…[Electric] Pulses may be optimized to achieve either a greater degree of permeability of the cell membrane (for passive diffusion of drugs), or a greater degree of electrophoretic effect. As mentioned below, there are various ways to go about this, but generally a series of short high voltage pulses (e.g., 8 pulses of 0.1 ms at 1,000 V/cm voltage to electrode distance) is used for drug delivery, and a combination involving long low voltage pulses is used for DNA transfer [into human cells] (e.g., 1 pulse of 0.1 ms, 800 V/cm and 1 long pulse of 400 ms 80 V/cm).”

In a nutshell, this means that human cells, whose membranes are “too tight” to allow DNA to be injected into them, will be “opened up” by electric pulses, in order to deliver the new type of vaccine. Apparently, it doesn’t occur to the researchers that human cells may be as “tight” as they are for a reason; and forcing them open with electric pulses, in order to inject DNA, could have unforeseen effects.

Electroporation isn’t the same kind of invasive action as, say, cutting into flesh to remove a bullet, during emergency surgery. The DNA vaccines, along with electric pulses, would be given to healthy people. But as long as we think of ourselves as guinea pigs, willing to sit still for all sorts of medical experiments, what difference does it make? Genetic-altering vaccines, the body attacking itself, electroporation—if we surrender to the experts, and their assurances, I’m sure everything will be all right.

Right? ...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...

Questioning Everything

[Daily OM]: So many people feel threatened if they feel they are being asked to question their cherished beliefs or their perception of reality. Yet questioning is what keeps our minds supple and strong. 

Simply settling on one way of seeing things and refusing to be open to other possibilities makes the mind rigid and generally creates a restrictive and uncomfortable atmosphere. 

We all know someone who refuses to budge on one or more issues, and we may have our own sacred cows that could use a little prodding. Being open-minded means that we are willing to question everything, including those things we take for granted.

A willingness to question everything, even things we are sure we are right about, can shake us out of complacency and reinvigorate our minds, opening us up to understanding people and perspectives that were alien to us before...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...

Is It Truly Viral or 5G?

Is this truly Viral or is it F.I.V.E.-G? C.H.I.N.A has unleashed 60 Ghz all throughout the country with WU-HAN as the PILOT CITY. Unbelievable comparisons to symptoms ‘showing’ as a V-Irus compared vs what happens when one is hit with 60GHz waves, and it’s impact on the uptake of oxygen via the hemoglobin.

This specific frequency is absorbed by oxygen. 60GHz causes the rotation of the electrons around the oxygen molecule to spin, thus inhibiting the ability of hemoglobin to properly uptake these oxygen molecules.

What would be the ultimate ‘solution’ to such a problem as this “V.I.Rus”?

A thousand one apologies to our readers, the corrupt A.I logarithms have decided this is too near to the truth to remain on you tube. So it's been removed!

New report reveals COVID-19 can even be transferred through the fecal-oral route

[Natural News]: The new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) that originated in Wuhan, China has now infected more than 70,000 people worldwide.

While the earliest reports suggested that the virus’ mode of transmission was from animals to humans, human-to-human transmission has now been confirmed by official reports.

According to the World Health Organization, previous outbreaks due to other coronavirus strains also involved human-to-human transmission. This occurred either through respiratory droplets, physical contact with infected individuals and formites (infected objects). However, a new report suggests that there’s another way COVID-19 can spread: via infected feces.

This virus has many routes of transmission, which can partially explain its strong transmission and fast transmission speed,” wrote the China Center for Disease Control and Prevention (China CDC) in a report published online last February 15.

Recently, the China CDC reported the isolation of a 2019-nCoV strain from a stool specimen submitted by a COVID-19 (the disease caused by SARS-CoV-2) patient. This was done in the Biosafety Level 3 (BSL-3) Laboratory of the National Institute for Viral Disease Control and Prevention in China.

The COVID-19 patient experienced the onset of severe pneumonia on January 16, and the stool sample was taken 15 days after the onset. After isolating the virus, the researchers used Vero cells — considered the most suitable system for primary isolation and cultivation of viruses — to culture the strain and grow virus stocks for sequence analysis. The full-length genomic sequence of the isolated strain showed a 99.98 percent similarity to that of the first isolated novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) from Wuhan. The report further stated that the viral particles in the Vero cells had a similar morphology to coronaviruses.

These findings confirm that the stools of COVID-19 patients contain live viruses, which opens the possibility of disease transmission via the fecal-oral route. The China CDC warns that infected stool samples can contaminate hands, food, water and other commonly handled objects, and that contact with any of these, once contaminated, can lead to infection...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...

Friday 28 February 2020

Coronavirus Pandemonium: China no Longer Testing For Antibodies - They're Just Guessing Numbers

[SOTT]: In Hubei Province, China, where the 'new' virus was first diagnosed, and where the vast majority of the cases have occurred, it's no longer considered necessary to test for the presence of CV antibodies before diagnosing the disease.

Let's say that again.

The epicentre of the so-called new virus outbreak is currently diagnosing new cases of the disease without testing for the virus.

Instead they are relying on 'clinical diagnosis', which is defined as [our emphasis]:
"The estimated identification of the disease underlying a patient's complaints based merely on signs, symptoms and medical history of the patient rather than on laboratory examination or medical imaging." Which means physicians look at presenting symptoms and make a guess on what is causing them.

Now if you're talking about something like Smallpox that option can make some sense - because Smallpox presents with one very distinct clinical feature - a recognisable rash - that makes it fairly easy to distinguish from other viral agents or other disease processes.

But the 'new' coronavirus does not do that. In fact, symptoms of the 'new' CV are exactly like symptoms of the numerous 'old' CVs, and indeed of the common cold or flu. Cough, fever, malaise, upper respiratory tract inflammation and (in severe cases) lung involvement - up to and including full-blown pneumonia.

The only way to differentiate a case of 'new' CV from severe regular flu, viral pneumonia or even environmental lung disease, is by testing for antibodies. If they aren't doing this, physicians in Hubei Province are now at grave risk of essentially diagnosing every single case of pneumonia or lung inflammation they see as the new CV....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>....

Quote for the Day

“It is better to believe an obvious lie, than to swallow a deceitful truth.”  ― Dennis E. Adonis

“Maybe this was man made” – CNBC questions coronavirus origins as ZeroHedge remains banned on Twitter

[Natural News]: The idea of the coronavirus potentially being a man made virus was a question we raised several weeks ago in this post when we asked “Is This The Man Behind the Global Coronavirus Pandemic?”.

In that post, we asked questions about Zhou Peng, one of China’s top virology and immunology experts who works at China’s top-rated biohazard lab, the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

But the idea of their ever-so-beloved government covering up something from them or not having their best interest in mind was so disturbing the to snowflakes at Twitter, they lashed out by banning Zero Hedge from their platform with little color around why they took such drastic action. Their ban followed a BuzzFeed article claiming we had “doxed” the scientist involved by asking questions and posting the same information listed publicly on his website.

The ban was so questionable, it sent shockwaves across the mainstream media, even making it as far as CBS National News, who stated: “The financial website Zero Hedge is now barred from Twitter after publishing an article relaying a conspiracy theory that a Chinese scientist might be to blame for the coronavirus outbreak.”

But – as it often happens – the very same question that put us in our own social media “quarantine” simply can’t be ignored. As we have found over the years, if it is an idea worthy of critical examination – or better yet, the truth – it often times can’t be hidden, much to the chagrin of the government and/or beta male social media CEOs.

This morning, CNBC’s Eunice Yoon did an interview with Joe Kernen on Squawk Box where she offered an update on-the-ground in China. Among the topics discussed with Kernen was the origins of the virus. Yoon admitted in her discussion with Kernen that there was a “theory” going around China that the virus could be man made....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...

Why do we Struggle with our Destiny?

[David Icke]: The question of our destiny, or our purpose, seems to be an elusive and secret answer that the universe does not like give up.

The fulfillment of our destiny is a very grandiose venture and path that remains obscure to most of us, yet we all want to be clear about why we are here on this earth plane.

Why is that we continue to struggle with this quest? Could it be that we have been shown or told in many ways by the universe, only to ignore the message as coincidence or chance?

Could it be that we are not supposed to know? Would we change how we live and interact in this world if we knew the future or the reason for our quest?

It seems that there are more unanswered questions in our desire to know why we exist.

The real question might be – why do we really need to know our purpose? Why do we need to know why we are here? Does any of this information truly change what our daily lives and interactions are going to be? ...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...

Entire football season 'could be declared null and void': Liverpool could miss out on Premier League title and dozens of teams miss promotion or relegation if the Government orders sports events to be cancelled to combat spread of coronavirus

[Daily Mail]: Coronavirus fears could cut short the Premier League and freeze all promotion, relegation and silverware in English football this season.

In a dramatic decision which would likely reverberate down to grassroots level, Liverpool would be denied the top-flight title and struggling teams would be saved from dropping down.

Sports matches across the continent have been thrown into jeopardy as governments firefight the spread of infection.

To prevent person-to-person contamination in large crowds, officials are understood to be mulling the possibility of scrapping the remainder of the Premier League should an outbreak hit Britain....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...


[Daily OM]: Many millennia ago in northern Europe, ancient peoples sought a means to understand their roles in the world at large. They created runes--an alphabet of symbols that served both as a functional writing system and as a unique system of divination.

Though the symbols themselves were little more than varying combinations of straight lines carved on natural mediums such as wood, stone, or bone, these individuals devised a method of comprehending the past, making sense of the present, and interpreting the future using the runes as guides.

The significance of each symbol was a product of its general orientation once cast and its location with respect to other runes. In the present, runes can play the same role in our lives that they played in the chronicles of distant history. Through them, we open ourselves to a form of universal guidance that helps us help ourselves.

There are many casting styles, each of which serves an individual function. Casting a single rune can help you answer specific questions or choose a daily meditation subject. Three runes, cast during confusing or distressing situations, provide you with insights into the past, present, and future--as represented by the first, second, and third runes cast, respectively. A nine-rune cast can help you understand where you are on your spiritual path....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...

Harvard Professor: As much as 70% of the global population will catch coronavirus

Is the Coronavirus outbreak a convenient cover story to mask the deaths and infections caused by the test 60Ghz 5G roll out in many of the countries reported to have the virus (And the Diamond Princess)?? 

[Natural News]: A professor at Harvard University has come out with a shocking prediction that as many as seven in 10 people will eventually contract the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19).

Professor Marc Lipsitch says that the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “will ultimately not be containable” and that “within the coming year, some 40 to 70 percent of people around the world will be infected with the virus that causes COVID-19,” he’s quoted as saying by The Atlantic.

An expert in epidemiology, Lipsitch warns that the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) is especially dangerous because some of the people who become infected carriers never actually manifest any symptoms.

At the same time, not everyone who contracts the disease will die from it. Instead, “many will have mild disease, or may be asymptomatic,” Lipsitch contends.

It all depends on how effectively governments of the world are able to contain the disease before it spreads out of control. In Italy, for instance, some people are being barred from leaving their hometowns, which could help to prevent the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) from spreading to pandemic levels.

On the other hand, the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) might just be the dreaded “Disease X” that experts have been warning about for years...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...

Image of the Day - 'The Henge'


Thursday 27 February 2020

Coronavirus: Empower Yourself to Stay Well

[Wake Up World]: These are humanly engineered viruses.

The Corona Virus supposedly stemming from a “regular” flu virus, with a “twist”.

Now, CDC estimates that influenza has resulted in between 9 million – 45 million illnesses, between 140,000 – 810,000 hospitalizations and between 12,000 – 61,000 deaths annually since 2010.

This shows us what we are dealing with every single year.

Bacteria and viruses are a bit different, and they need a different approach when it comes to how they are invited to leave the human body.

Bacteria are relatively complex, single-celled creatures with a rigid wall and a thin, rubbery membrane surrounding the fluid inside the cell. They can reproduce on their own. Fossilized records show that bacteria have existed for about 3.5 billion years, and bacteria can survive in different environments, including extreme heat and cold, radioactive waste, and the human body.

Viruses are tinier, the largest of them are smaller than the smallest bacteria. All they have is a protein coat and a core of genetic material, either RNA or DNA. Unlike bacteria, viruses can’t survive without a host. They can only reproduce by attaching themselves to cells. In most cases, they reprogram the cells to make new viruses until the cells burst and die.

Now, how do we stay protected, and how does the body naturally take care of and eliminate viruses?

Our body has a system, called the lymphatic system, that is designed for the job. The damage and cells along with viruses and bacteria are carried to the lymph nodes.

Your lymph nodes, also called lymph glands, play a vital role in your body’s ability to fight off infections. They function as filters, trapping viruses, bacteria and other causes of illnesses before they can infect other parts of your body.

Simplified, the lymph node is the septic tank, breaking down acidic waste, making sure the pH of the waste is not below 3 pH so that the kidneys can handle the elimination.

You see, the kidneys will then filter out lymphatic waste, and this is where it gets interesting. We need to keep our attention on our kidneys, to be able to do their job. Elimination is everything. Without it, we burn. We become a wastebasket for all viruses to love. The perfect inner terrain.

Every day we generate waste, metabolic waste, on top of what we eat and breathe. Surrounded by toxins. This leaves us burdened, with a lymphatic system that shows weakness, accumulating waste, because of lack of elimination. What we then see is swollen lymph nodes. Eyes and symptoms showing a body with swollen lymph nodes throughout. Internally. THIS is when a virus and bacteria can be hard to eliminate.

Now, instead of focusing on fear and how to eliminate a virus, we must keep our eye on the ball.

On our HEALTH and what creates it.

How we keep our immune system working, and the body will do the rest.

Naturally...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...

Another Quote for the Day

“Knowing too much of your future is never a good thing.” ― Rick Riordan

Insights Into 2020

Day 58 of 365

Well, we won't say we told you so, but we did warn back in December 2018 (And before) just how BAD it would get in 2020. And, it's only JUST started. It will get far worse than it currently is.

This is still only just the start of the final phase of the end.

Sadly. We are currently sitting ducks. Waiting the arrival of the coronavirus, in our part of the world. It is inevitable. So far our area has no cases, as yet. But food and medical supplies are being stockpiled and shelves are empty. This will only get worse. Our local hospital has an empty building all set up for coronavirus quarantine.

The UK will be in a lockdown come June, or sooner. Multiple outbreaks are imminent. It is inevitable. We're stocking up out freezer with meats and frozen vegetables. Plenty of bottles of water. Tubes of Vitamin C. Hand sanitisers. Toilet rolls. Antiviral sprays. All set for lockdown in our own house for weeks on end.

Fortunately I work from home, so I can continue working. Hopefully, so does our wages clerk so I can get paid.

But it's happening. And, there's no way this is an accidental leakage of a bioweapon on China. It has been systematically planned. This is part of the Sabbatian-Frankist Death Cult agenda. Something on their bucket list for years. Sadly, millions are already affected worldwide. And it's going to get a whole lot worse. Once you get the virus you'll always have it. And you'll infect at least 9 people who will in turn infect at least 9 people. So its a perilous situation.

Australia had the deliberate fires creating devastation. The UK has storm after storm causing horrendous floods across the country. The EU banned dredging of rives, just like Australia were banned back-burning. So UK rivers have overflowed. Hints at deliberate flooding. Climate change? Bollocks. It's all a Sabbatian-Frankist Death Cult agenda.

I'm very clinical of everything. I'm not a climate change denier. Or a conspiracy theorist. I'm a very intuitive and empathic human who sees what others can't see. And what I see, I don't like ... not one bit.

I'm dreading where we'll all be by December 2020. 

14 PER CENT of coronavirus patients tested positive a SECOND time in one Chinese region, health official admits

Once you get this 'new' virus, the chances are you'll always have it. It's how it has been designed.

[Daily Mail]: Around 14 per cent of coronavirus patients tested positive a second time in one Chinese region despite being given the all clear.

A health official in Guangdong Province told The New York Times the reinfected patients had been discharged from hospital after testing negative for the virus but then fell ill again later.

It follows reports in Japan of a 40-year-old woman who tested positive for a second time yesterday.

Experts said the cases raised fears the virus could be a 'persistent' infection, meaning it can lie dormant in patients for years and suddenly flare up again, such as viruses that lead to herpes and chickenpox...<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...

Memory Lane - '27th February 2016'


Healing the Self, Healing The World – Ruminations About Humanity & Awakening

[Collective Evolution]: Life is becoming increasingly more complex. With the rise of the internet, we have access to more information than at any other time in recorded history.

The information keeps increasing in a world that has become more and more unstable through economic meltdown, climate change, loss of privacy, and the inevitable corruption of government and authoritarian institutions.

Despite these incredible technological advancements, most people in our world still live in poverty – and even in ‘developed’ countries, life has become a struggle, with many individuals facing great uncertainties regarding their future. The evolution of consciousness has not yet caught up with our technological progress.

Most people are living on autopilot, just trying to get by and ‘survive’. Technological progress has provided many solutions, but created even more problems. Collectively, we seem to be at a breaking point. These are challenging times, but every challenge and struggle provides an opportunity to help awaken us from the collective slumber.

The resulting struggle and friction is pushing many of us into questioning our world and our habitual ways of living. We seek answers and solutions for the world’s problems on both a collective and individual level....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...

Leaked documents reveal Wuhan coronavirus infections up to 52 times HIGHER than official Chinese figures

[Natural News]: If you were skeptical from the beginning that Chinese authorities were accurately reporting on the number of Wuhan coronavirus infections since the outbreak began in December, your instincts serve you well.

It turns out they weren’t, and now documents have leaked proving as much.

The Epoch Times reported Wednesday that the outbreak of the virus in China’s Shandong province is far worse than previously stated by the government, according to several official documents the news organization has managed to obtain.

The outlet reported:

Each day from Feb. 9 to Feb. 23, Shandong authorities underreported the number of infections, according to internal data compiled by the Shandong Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC). The CDC kept a tally of the number of people who tested positive for the virus during nucleic acid testing—using a diagnostic kit to test patient samples and detect whether they contain the virus’s genetic sequence.

The CDC’s day-to-day infection figures ranged anywhere from 1.36 times to 52 times more than the data that was officially published by the Shandong health commission and China’s National Health Commission, the documents show
....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...

Coronavirus covert operation

[David Icke]: By its very nature, a covert op is meant to CONCEAL its true goals and details and players, so it’s no surprise we have unanswered questions. Rushing to supply all the answers in five minutes is a futile exercise.

A covert op can be invented and planned from the get-go; or players, seeing an event unfold, can jump onboard in mid-stream, take control, and use the event to launch an operation.

A covert op has cover stories and false trails. These are standard in the intelligence business.

A cover story is designed to divert attention from what is actually going on. It is basically a false picture floated to obscure the truth. The intent is: get people dividing into camps and arguing with each other about VARIATIONS of the cover story—thus taking them further from the hidden facts and motives.

In this case, the cover story would be: a contagious virus jumped species in China and started harming and killing people; it’s spread.

People began taking sides: the contagious coronavirus is a natural microbe; it’s a leak from a biowar lab; it was weaponized in a lab and intentionally released; it’s rather harmless for the most part; it’s deadly; its effects are somehow magnified by interacting with chemtrails; because people are dying, the virus must be the cause, etc.

Once people have divided into camps, the covert operators can twist several of these cover-story variations, thus creating false trails, down which people can travel, without ever reaching an end...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...

Respecting Wildlife

[Daily Om]: For better or worse, much of the world we experience is dominated and controlled by human beings. We spend our days in houses, cars, and buildings, and inside these structures, we are in control. We assert our wills and manipulate our environment. 

Within the context of the human world, this is natural. However, we often carry this attitude with us into the world of nature. We forget as we enter the forest, or sit on the edge of a pond, that we are moving into another realm, one that asks us to drop our baggage and surrender to a different sense of order and meaning.

When we move from our everyday world into the world of nature, we may not even notice at first. We might continue talking loudly into our cell phone or to a friend that is with us. 

We might walk quickly as if we are on a busy city street, our eyes downcast, our thoughts hectic and hurried. In the best case, if we are sensitive to our environment, we will soon notice that it has changed....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...

5G is the gateway to brain damage and manipulations of your health and mind

[Natural News]: In today’s hyper-connected world, human beings have become nothing more than a steady stream of data that is exploited and analyzed on a monetary basis. Data is a valuable commodity in today’s economy.

Data is constantly being collected from smartphones, smart TVs, Alexas, and other surveillance devices connected to the internet. With 5G wireless technology rushing onto the scene, that steady stream of data becomes more available, in a variety of new forms.

5G promises a new wave of EMF microwave radiation, requiring the installation of hundreds of thousands of new cell sites, towers and additions to existing infrastructure. 5G, operating in the 10-300 GHZ range, will bombard human civilization with a new torrent of short wavelength bursts of electromagnetic frequency radiation that contribute to oxidation of cells, DNA damage, and cancer.

5G is the gateway to the “Internet of Things” – allowing everyday items to connect to the internet and report on consumer decisions, behaviors, habits, trends and so much more. 5G will provide instant connectivity, as sensors and smart technology are embedded into every aspect of our lives. The data will be collected from various apps, street lamps, stop lights, vehicles, hearing aids, home security systems, pharmaceuticals, appliances, thermostats, and so much more, recording everything about your life. Sensors will document your physiological processes and understand what makes you tick.

As more data is collected about your heart rate, impulses, facial expressions, and levels of excitement, the all-knowing ‘brain’ will begin to understand why you do what you do. Cameras and microphones, connected to the internet, will give this all-knowing brain detailed documentation about people’s lives.

In conjunction with artificial intelligence, 5G becomes the open door for governments, corporations, hackers and other powers-that-be to oversee every aspect of our lives, with the potential to manipulate your future behavior. AI will sift through the heaps of data, predicting your whereabouts and influencing your future decisions and movement. Any entity that wants to sell you something will benefit from this widespread collection and analysis of data.

Who knows which powers-that-be will emerge to capitalize on the data? Who knows who will take advantage of people, as detailed data on every human being provides a roadmap to the psychology and movement of every individual?...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...

Quote of the Day

“We form a mental map, and then that shape, shapes us”  ― Lois Farfel Stark

Jungʹs Studies in Astrology - Prophecy, Magic, and the Qualities of Time

[Astrodienst]: Of course, most astrologers know that Carl Gustav Jung was interested in astrology, did charts of his patients, and drew on astrology for his psychological theories.

And most psychological astrologers make good use of Jungʹs psychology in their counselling practice. Some may also refer to Jungʹs principle of synchronicity when trying to explain to non-astrologers how astrology works.

But who of these astrologers can actually say much more about Jungʹs astrological journey? Do we know how he came to ʹbelieve inʹ or ʹknow aboutʹ astrology? Which sources did he use, what was his path to integrating astrology with his psychological principles - or vice versa?

From a contemporary astrologerʹs point of view, it is hard to imagine, how deep Jung actually dug into the history of astrology - and not only that: he went straight back to the sources of very early astrologers, mystics, alchemists, magicians, philosophers and other knowledgable people.

He consulted Neoplatonic, Gnostic, Hermetic, Kabbalistic traditions in his studies, all the while comparing their insights with his own practical experience....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...

Rush Limbaugh makes obvious point that Wuhan coronavirus might have been a Chinese bioweapon that escaped from the lab

[Natural News]: Long-time listeners of conservative talk radio legend Rush Limbaugh know that he doesn’t deal in tinfoil hat conspiracy theories, so when he offers what might seem as a ‘non-linear’ or non-traditional take on an issue of the day, it’s head-turning.

Most Americans may not have given the Wuhan coronavirus much thought before this week — before the virus hit American shores. But some of those who have been tracking the outbreak since December, when it first appeared in China, have wondered whether it could have been some sort of biological weapon that the People’s Liberation Army was developing.

And earlier this week, Limbaugh echoed similar sentiments.

It’s a respiratory system virus. It probably is a ChiCom laboratory experiment that is in the process of being weaponized. All superpower nations weaponize bioweapons. They experiment with them. The Russians, for example, have weaponized fentanyl,” he said.

But in any event, his comments about it being a potential bioweapon are not the first. Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.), thinks so too, and for that he is being mocked by the very same mainstream media that lied about the “Trump-Russia collusion” hoax for nearly three years.

Specifically, Cotton suggested that the virus originated in China’s only BioLevel 4 research facility — which just happens to be in Wuhan City, the epicenter of the outbreak. And furthermore, Cotton has never said there is 100 percent proof the virus is a bioweapon....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>

Memory Lane - '26th February 2016'


The Powerful Practice of Eye Gazing

[Collective Evolution]: Eye gazing can be a powerful tool to connect with someone a deeper level. It can be used for a healing experience, or simply to induce a more intimate experience. It can also be done on your own using a mirror.

"When eye contact between two people is initiated and maintained, an invisible energetic circuit is established between the two participants, dissolving the barriers that ordinarily separate them from each other, drawing them ever closer into a shared awareness of union.” Will Johnson

Whether or not you are going to do this alone or with a partner, set out some form of intention about what you want to achieve with the process. It can be as simple as wanting to gain more comfort within yourself or with another, to looking into something deeper like past lives. You can also use this technique to connect more deeply with someone, understand their feelings, clear tension and so on.

Setting the intention is quite simple, you say to yourself what you are looking to achieve and then allow that to be as you begin the process. In a partner situation, it’s best that both are setting out the same type of intention...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...

Dutch State Secretary Admits 5G Will be Used for Crowd Control

[Humans Are Free]: To everyone’s surprise, State Secretary of Economic Affairs and Climate, Mona Keijzer recently made a connection between #5G and Crowd Control during a debate on 5G.

At the moment, Arena Amsterdam, where a 5G mast has been placed, is already working with Crowd Control by means of a data-driven assignment under the name Location Based Services.

Hereby, the data from visitors’ mobile phones are tapped, stored and analyzed. This is so to say applied for guaranteeing safety and to control the behavior of visitors.

Scanning mobile phones is therefore an essential part of Crowd Control. But in the end it can also be used as an electromagnetic weapon by releasing radiation at a higher intensity onto crowds, causing enormous itching and pain to the skin. But the application can go much further than keeping demonstrators under control, for example.

It is already possible to control the behaviour and thinking of people with implanted chips in combination with 5G.

This makes Crowd Control a covered control and weapon system that can be fatal even in the worst case. And don’t think that this is science fiction because the technology for this has long been available...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...

Did the 5G rollout in Wuhan damage the innate cellular defense cells of the population, putting the people at risk of complications and death from coronavirus?

[Natural News]: Scientists have been sounding the alarm about the dangers of 5th generation wireless technology.

Some countries have heeded the warning about wireless radiation and the harmful effects of EMFs. China, on the other hand, has completely ignored all warnings and has proceeded to unleash 5G faster than any other nation.

In fact, China rolled out 5G in the province of Wuhan in October 2019. Just two months later, the city became afflicted by a new kind of coronavirus named CoVid-19. How did a formerly benign class of virus become so opportunistic in such a short amount of time? 

Why is the death rate so high at the epicenter of the outbreak?

Why did the city’s population suddenly become so vulnerable? 

Could it be that 5G oxidized important surveillance proteins of the innate immune system of the Wuhan population? Does 5G cause severe inflammation, damaging the innate immune system? Could it be that 5G does cause DNA breaks, as documented by scientists? Do these DNA breaks potentially affect innate immune molecules such as the mannose binding lectins (MBLs), which are primarily located on lung surfactant proteins A and D?

MBLs are a natural defense system in the human body used for biological recognition and surveillance at the molecular level. MBLs bind with sugars, allowing the protein to interact with many different kinds of viruses, bacteria, yeasts, fungi and protozoa cloaked with such sugars. MBLs are unique because they can bind to the surface of microbes and activate the complement system in an antibody. They are one of the only anti-viral systems that can break down the signature glycoprotein shell that surrounds coronaviruses, including Ebola, SARS, and MERS....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...

Soul Evolution

[Daily Om]: From the moment we are born, our souls may feel heavy because they are carrying the weight of all we have lived, loved, and learned in our past incarnations. It is only when we actively seek to work through our issues that we can lighten the load and our souls can evolve.

Divesting ourselves of what no longer serves us, such as unwarranted fear, the inability to feel empathy, or self-limiting behaviors, are just some of the many challenges we may face in this lifetime. While some issues we face are easier to deal with because they are the final remains of residue from a past life, other issues offer greater challenges because we are meant to work through them throughout this lifetime.

Often, we expect ourselves to recover quickly from difficult or painful circumstances. When we do not or cannot, we may feel emotionally inept or hopeless. The evolution of the soul, however, is an ongoing process that can take many lifetimes...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...

Tuesday 25 February 2020

World Health Organization chief is a Chinese puppet, STILL claiming there is no coronavirus “pandemic” as global cover for the Communist regime

[Natural News]:  One of the most egregious UN propagandists of late has turned out to be the World Health Organization’s president, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, elected director-general for a five-year term in May 2017.

Since the outbreak of the Wuhan coronavirus, Tedros has consistently downplayed its severity and impact, making it obvious that his biggest priority is manufacturing favorable publicity for the Communist regime in China.

Earlier this month, Tedros moved to protect China’s Communists when he claimed that we should all be more concerned with allegedly bigotry and racism than with the spread of one of the more deadlier viral strains in recent years.

 Having once again earlier denied that the novel coronavirus is a ‘pandemic’, saying instead that it’s an epidemic with “multiple foci,” and with people dropping down dead on the streets in China (and being forced into ambulances), WHO Director-General Tedros reiterated his previous stunning praise for China’s “forceful measures” to halt the spread of the virus.

He also said that it wasn’t necessary to create “fear and stigma” by limiting trade and travel to China because of the outbreak.

Now, Tedros said during WHO’s Monday morning press briefing that the outbreak isn’t yet a true “pandemic” because the world hasn’t seen “large-scale deaths.”

This, as the Trump administration prepares to make an emergency request to Congress for $1 billion spending package aimed at combating the virus’ spread.

“That’s right, on the same morning that the Chinese government is marching people back to work” because the country’s economy is tanking due to a virus-linked drop in production, “the WHO — which has repeatedly run interference for the regime — is insisting that the outbreak really isn’t that bad.”

This, as the virus has also been detected in patients around the world at an increasing rate — Iran, Italy, the United States, Canada, and Spain, among others.

But hey — nothing to see here...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...

Quote for the Day

“Light and Dark: each was unaware that the other existed.”  ― Ashim Shanker

Coronavirus Crisis in China: What To Believe? Brave Journalist Lifts Veil of Secrecy

In this exclusive interview, Spiro Skouras is joined by Journalist Jennifer Zeng. Ms. Zeng helps to shed light on what is really taking place in China, as the Coronavirus (COVID19) outbreak has crippled the nation. Jennifer Zeng, born and raised in China has been a key figure in the information war surrounding the ongoing crisis in China as the Chinese Government continues to suppress and control information. 

In this powerful interview, Spiro and his guest Jennifer Zeng cover everything from the fake numbers of infected and deceased, to the economic impact, in addition to the exposing state run propaganda and the stiff 15 year prison terms for those who are deemed guilty by the state for spreading rumors about the outbreak. All this and much more in this must see interview.

Memory Lane - '25th February 2016'


China coronavirus hype straight out of the CDC flu playbook

[Waking Times]: Are Chinese researchers copying an old CDC scam, or have they independently come up with their own lies which happen to mirror CDC hype? pneumonia—the key indicator of the “coronavirus”—can be caused by many other factors, such as other microbes, fungi, toxic pollution, etc.

And Chinese authorities no longer require direct testing for the coronavirus. Instead, CT scans of the chest are employed. If these scans show signs of pneumonia, the “coronavirus epidemic” label is absurdly applied to the patient.

Historically, pneumonia has been a major disease in China. Long before “the emergence of the new human coronavirus,” people in China have been dying of pneumonia at the rate of about 300,000 a year. Now those people, passing away from the disease in 2020, can be falsely called “deadly epidemic cases.” How convenient.

Well, it turns out the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has been running its own pneumonia scam for a long time. You see, the CDC has created one overall category that combines both flu and pneumonia deaths. THEY CALL THIS CATEGORY “FLU.” Why do they do this? Why do they deceptively assert the pneumonia deaths are complications stemming from the flu? Because they want to sell doctors and the public on the “dangers of the flu.”

Pneumonia has a number of non-flu causes.

But even worse, in all the 2001 flu and pneumonia deaths, only 18 revealed the presence of an influenza virus. Therefore, the CDC couldn’t truthfully say that more than 18 people died of influenza in 2001. Not 36,000 deaths, the old CDC PR statistic. 18 deaths.

Between 1979 and 2001, [CDC] data show an average of 1348 [flu] deaths per year (range 257 to 3006).” These figures refer to flu separated out from pneumonia. This low death toll would drop MUCH lower, if you added the need to confirm the presence of a flu virus in those cases.

Clearly, the CDC combines flu and pneumonia in one category, and calls it “flu,” in order to lie about the number of flu deaths in the US, and thus push the flu vaccine.

So we have two fake hustles, years apart, in the US and China, both based on the deceptive use of pneumonia....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...

Planets in Locality - Introduction to Local Space Astrology

[Astrodienst]: What exactly is the Local Space / Horizon System and how does it work? This is a list of how Local Space and locality astrology can help those using its methods:

It can put you in touch with your personal planetary patterns, acting as an aid to discovering your own personal myth. It depicts a journey through all your strengths and weaknesses. This journey is plotted in the heavens, but it can literally take you across the planet in search of those special places that can add meaning and vitality to your life.

It can help uncover how these planetary energies manifest in your daily life. It shows how to perceive and interact in a new "art of living." The improvements that follow can make your home life more comfortable and enjoyable. It can systematically describe the many influences in your community or natural surroundings that may affect you for good or ill.

Basically it offers you the freedom of choice in determining not only how you want to live but where you should relocate or travel to. Locality astrology can tell you what influences are at work anywhere you may be on Earth. You'll find out how each direction you travel, or the location you live in, affects your psychological and physical health...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...

The Ripple Effect

[Daily Om]: In a world of six billion people, it's easy to believe that the only way to initiate profound transformation is to take extreme action. Each of us, however, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others.

As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.

The impact you have on the world is greater than you could ever imagine, and the choices you make can have far-reaching consequences. You can use the ripple effect to make a positive difference and spread waves of kindness that will wash over the world.

Should the opportunity arise, the recipient of a good deed will likely feel compelled to do a good deed for someone else. Someone feeling the effects of negative energy will be more likely to pass on that negative energy....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...