Further Reading

Tuesday 28 February 2023

WEF Want to Lobotomize the Human Race to Become 6G Antennas

 Really? So the very nice non-human minds behind these crazy psychopaths want us to be antenna for their biotechnology do they? That is hilarious. 

They have stories and theories spread throughout the internet to make humans think the WEF are all powerful and that humans are powerless. 

It is pitiful for it is them who are powerless and need to steal freewill from humans to get power. 

They reinforce the lesser humans are powerless story over and over again. They are the useless ones.  They become a threat when humans give up power and let these monsters utilise the power given to them from humans. Don't give them your freewill. Don't entertain their plans and certainly don't be scared of these sickos.


Not content with euthanizing grandparents, pumping mRNA into the food supply to poison your heart, normalizing pedophilia, and riddling you with cancer via Bill Gates’ highly carcinogenic fake meat, the globalist elites at the WEF now want to give you a full frontal lobotomy via dangerous new technology that will turn humans into transmitters for 6G antennas – with or without your consent.

Human beings could be used as part of an electromagnetic radiation (EMR) antenna system by wearing a special copper-coiled bracelet, according to a team of World Economic Forum-affiliated researchers at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and Delft University of Technology in The Netherlands.

The researchers said they developed a low-cost way to “harvest” the radiofrequency (RF) radiation that gets “leaked” during visible light communication (VLC) — a technology they said is likely to be used in the “coming 6G networks.”

But some critics allege that using human beings as antennas for 6G is disrespectful to the human body and may have unknown health implications.

However, Bill Bathgate, an electrical engineer and certified building biology environmental consultant, said it wasn’t feasible to think that wearing the bracelets would not increase people’s exposure to RF. “That’s not possible,” he said.

Commenting on the WEF plans, Bathgate said, “This is one of the worst ideas ever.” It uses the human body as a “telecommunications point in some kind of network grid” and could result in “health effects we can’t predict,” he said.

Given the WEF’s track record, I think we can predict that the health consequences will be disastrous for the average person. Think about the Covid-19 vaccine roll out and the recent revelation that Bill Gates’ fake meat products are highly carcinogenic. Check out our recent videos about 5G and the fake meat scam for more information.

Whatever you do, do not underestimate these people. They are mad, drunk on power, and they do not have our best interests at heart. And their plans have been in the works for years....<<<Read More>>>...

Dear Spiritual Diary "Consent"

 Well, here we are the end of another 'day' within (Or under) Noah's Arc. 

Like it or not we are humans trapped in a strange reality we know very little about.

It thrives on our vibrations. Vibrations are all around us. Invisible forces that determine our reality like waves of an ocean. We are the boats that sail these waves. In our free state we control the waves, the vibrations and the reality we are in.

Sadly, there are some very dark and malicious minds connected to this reality who THINK they are in control. They fool us into thinking they are in control. We then start to create the waves they require us to create.

So our boats sail into areas of the ocean these evil minds desire us to travel into. We can refuse to give our power away like this.

It was a good day today. Healthy thoughts and higher vibrations of thinking. Reading the 'news' (The propaganda the dark minds use to control how people should think) I had a very good laugh at the obvious lies being printed. How do the masses fall this BS?

 When your mind vibrates on the higher vibrations you can see through the obvious that lie between your vibration and those that are unable to see the BS.

This reality is not what you think it is. That is very clear to see ...

The dark minds are wanting to ban mankind from producing any Carbon Dioxide to create Carbon Zero. The implications of this is clear, population reduction UNTIL the are no humans or any other carbon life forms.

When the CONVID pandemic was in full force in 2020 and less vehicles were on the road, human production of CO2 went down dramatically, but the atmospheric CO2 levels continued to rise. Why?

Mankind has no effect on the climatic CO2 ... Carbon Dioxide is the gas of life. Without it there is no life. And that is the end game of the dark minds

Simple. Don't give away your consent to any of these monsters. Do what is right for you to nurture your reality.

Notice to self ...carry on laughing and keep filtering your thoughts to prevent the unwanted snippets of dark enchantment from getting in, 

Amendments to IHR will enable totalitarianism on a global scale

 Last week the Working Group for the Amendments to the International Health Regulations met in Geneva. The imposition of authoritarian rules on a global scale would normally attract attention but there has been a near-complete absence of interest from corporate media perhaps giving the impression that concerns surrounding these amendments is yet another “conspiracy theory” from a disaffected fringe.

But, as Dr. David Bell explains, the World Health Organisation (“WHO”) is fairly transparent in its machinations. It should therefore be straightforward to determine whether this is a “conspiracy theory” or an attempt to implement an existential change in sovereign rights and international relations. We only need to read the draft amendments to the International Health Regulations (“IHR”).

After reading the document it becomes obvious that the proposed new powers sought by WHO, and the pandemic preparedness industry being built around it, are not hidden. The only subterfuge is the farcical approach of media and politicians in many nations who seem to pretend that the proposals do not exist....<<<Read More>>>...

How do I raise my vibration? Spirituality tips for living a high-vibe life

You have probably heard people talk about good vibrations, high vibrations, and low vibrations.

Is this just a saying, or is there something more to it?

Everything in the universe consists of molecules which move at divergent paces. This comprises trees, bodies, rocks, animals, thought processes and feelings. Human vibrations are constructed out of all matter; from physical material up to the way one communicates their musings. To put it shortly, some molecules move swiftly while others take a slower path; there are higher and lower vibrations to be found.

Vibrations can be seen as indicative of a person’s emotional state or outlook. High vibrations are usually correlated with emotions and feelings that are more positive, such as love, kindness, forgiveness and serenity. Comparatively, fewer positive connotations are associated with lower vibrations: hatred, fear, greed and depression. We will examine both lower and higher vibrations further below.

It may be hard not to feel powerless when thinking about the future of our planet and all its inhabitants. However, boosting your energetic frequency is one of the most meaningful ways you can support the world. By lifting yourself up, you are empowered to help lift others in the process. This is how we can work together to increase the collective consciousness....<<<Read More>>>.....

Another bird froze in the air, which firefighters tried to remove

 The other day, a video was published from Canada, in which a large bird froze in the air not high above the ground, and nothing was visible to which it could cling.

And now Internet users have found another video, this time from Malaysia.

As in the previous video, if we assume that the bird just caught on something in the air, then the footage does not show any wires or ropes in which it could get tangled.

It can be seen that the bird is still alive and at some point it twitches a little. On the road below it is a fire engine, on which a man with a long pole, apparently trying to reach a bird.

Some users believe that the bird caught on a very thin fishing line with its wing, which in turn hangs from a tree branch or something else....<<<Read More>>>...

Fauci just admitted that entire “science” behind trying to stop covid with vaccines DOESN’T WORK

  Commenting on the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine” experiment this week, former National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) head Tony Fauci confessed that the shots do not work as claimed.

“Attempting to control mucosal respiratory viruses with systemically administered non-replicating vaccines has thus far been largely unsuccessful,” Fauci wrote in a new paper published in the journal Cell Host & Microbe, entitled “Rethinking next-generation vaccines for coronaviruses, influenza viruses, and other respiratory viruses.”

Even after aggressively pushing the shots himself, Fauci, recognizing the country’s now-widespread disapproval of Operation Warp Speed, admits that everything America and the world were told about Fauci Flu shots was a lieoops!

Now, suddenly, Fauci is of the persuasion – even though he claimed the opposite previously – that Chinese Virus shots are inefficacious, meaning they do not work. It is much preferable, Fauci’s new study admits, to rely on natural immunity.

“The review makes clear that vaccines against respiratory viruses such as influenza or coronaviruses (e.g., SARS-CoV-2 responsible for COVID) are highly unlikely to achieve the levels of effectiveness we expect from other vaccines,” writes David Bell for The Epoch Times.

“The authors note CDC data showing influenza vaccines, now pushed for all ages from 6 months upward, have an efficacy ranging from just 14 percent to a maximum of 60 percent since 2005 (extending back 17 years would have lowered this to 10 percent, with the average vaccine efficacy (VE) just below 40 percent).”...<<<Read More>>>...

Monday 27 February 2023

Dear Spiritual Diary - "Revived Service"

 Well that was quite a week!

Besides a regular returning fraternity of clients, there were several interesting encounters this week.

Thursday - a returning UK client from 2018 heralded some very intriguing and accurate connections. A rowdy grandmother from 'the other side of life' and her "estranged partner" (Grandfather) visited to ask the client to take care of their daughter (Her Mother). A direct Aunt from the other side insisted that everyone had to be called by their first names. So the client was given the names of each and every family member who was contacting her, plus the names of family members on the earth plane.

The rather forward Aunt was adamant I was not to be "subtle as a brick" with my information. However I was soon in trouble as I did what I always do, say it say it was with no around the houses; with the client's permission of course. 

It was good to back to the 'old ways' with no divination cards required for the hour long booking. 

Saturday Morning - after a regular early morning slot for a regular Australian client needing intuitive couselling, an returning client from 2017 (One of the last face to face Australian clients prior to the move back to the UK) and a Skype session I will not forget in a hurry.

Again direct communication with blunt information from a late Grandmother who gave her names - FIRST and LAST name. The last name was mighty a unusual name and she divulged it to me with a hand written note I saw in my mind's eye. Her information provided missing links for the client ... as unbeknown to me she was trying to complete her family tree.

There was 'the digger' who was in the 2nd war trenches who played football with the enemy on Xmas day and deliberately missed when firing his rifle as he did not want to kill anyone.

A reference to significant health problems with a family member and the likely outcome with regard to living arrangements which confirmed what the client had been anticipating.

Obtaining the full name of the lady on the other side of life was a special moment. 

 Saturday Afternoon - a detour from a planned shopping trip led me to the purchase of a crystal ball and and afternoon conversation with a  powerful fellow intuitive and reiki healer. Unfortunately , I left the encounter with the beginnings of a bad headache on my left side. Which I currently still have. The healer's partner has been recovering from a brain tumour and his energies were very much in her energy field. It seems I have taken on those energy traits. 

Notice to self to clear my energy field and get rid of this blasted headache.

So yes it was a week with a difference last week!    

5D Shift: We’re Living in Two Worlds Now – A Critical Time for Focus

 It’s become abundantly clear that we’re living very much in two worlds now, not one. The Old Paradigm is still very much present, with its daily game of escalating charades, BUT, its roots are broken. It’s a shape-shifting lost cause. It’s there in your face, BUT, only provided your vision isn’t on something more productive, more expansive. It’s a critical time for focus now – the light of the new world is breaking through the darkened veils of the old, for all attuning their inner eye.

The Alien Intervention that has so manipulated the multidimensional landscape of the planet anchored its matrix through many of the ancient megaliths, that bound into the earth’s Toroidal field and slowed it down. They then supplanted the natural energetic harmony with one of their own, which they could control and manipulate. The synthetic metaverse is just the latest iteration of that.

But it will be short-lived on this planet. The galactic alignment of 2012 saw a massive realignment mission by benevolence which kickstarted Gaia’s natural energetic flower of life. That re-emergence is well underway. And it’s coupled with regression healing work for the various intervention groups that are ready to realign. Powerful changes are in flow, and specifically, we’re at a new stage where the roots of the old construct have been dug up.

What does this mean? How is it experienced?...<<<Read More>>>...


The Anti-Science of Pro-Vaccination

  “Follow the science,” the allopathic herd always regurgitates when natural health advocates buck the “system” of Western medicine, yet, all of the science as of late shows the Covid jabs are not effective, not safe, and are in fact dangerous. So why is everyone who is “pro-science” not “anti-vax” now? Follow the clinical trial data for Pfizer’s Covid vaccines and it leads directly to participants literally dropping out at an unusually high rate due to adverse events from the shots.

In 2021, a massive jump in vaccine-related deaths were revealed by graphs from VAERS data. Thanks to Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests, science reveals that millions of people with pre-existing conditions find they are worsening after getting the mRNA gene-therapy injections, including cancer, diabetes, and heart conditions. That’s why Pfizer wanted to delay the release of these scientific findings for 75 years, because they’re covering up all the injuries and deaths related to the spike protein prions filling the vascular system, vital organs, ovaries, heart, and brain of the victims.

So, as they say, let’s follow the science, and as we do, every pro-science, pro-jab fanatic should convert to the anti-jab world, instead of remaining in their delusional realm, also known as the anti-science of pro-vaccination....<<<Read More>>>...

Nurse Suspended From NHS Course For Saying ‘Being White Doesn’t Make You Racist”

A Christian nurse has said that she was left with ‘crippling anxiety’ after being ‘bullied’ by woke NHS chiefs for saying that being white doesn’t make you racist.

Amy Gallagher, a mental health nurse from Orpington in Kent, was then suspended from a forensic psychology course she had undertaken during her training to be a psychotherapist.

She is now bringing a lawsuit against the Tavistock Trust where she took the course.

Lecturers at the Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust told her ‘whites don’t understand the world’ and ‘Christianity is responsible for racism because it’s European’ in a series of ‘politically biased’ talks.

One of the Tavistock’s seminars was even called ‘Whiteness — a problem for our time’ and included a description on the Trust’s website that ‘the problem of racism is a problem of whiteness’.

When Amy challenged these controversial views she was ‘bullied’ by staff and suspended from the course, pending an investigation into whether she is safe to work with patients.

Almost a year later, no investigation has taken place.

It means her dream of becoming a psychotherapist is hanging by a thread.

As if that wasn’t enough, a course lecturer also tried to get her banned from her day job as a practising mental health nurse.

However, the 34-year-old is fighting back....<<<Read More>>>...

Sunday 26 February 2023

Activate your third eye chakra with Lapis Lazuli

If you haven’t already, meet the Queen’s Stone: Lapis Lazuli. Lapis brings out your inner priestess, heightens inner-vision, and deepens wisdom. This brilliant blue stone activates the third eye chakra, the seat of your intuition. Receiving wisdom beyond our world of time and space, including psychic vision, is part of this energy center. 

When your third eye is open, you see beyond your human eyes. Lapis is incredibly empowering. Its history is intertwined with centuries of gods, goddesses, queens, and kings. Lapis was prized by Cleopatra and ground into eye makeup, meant to grant spiritual vision and insight to the wearer. 

Lapis has been the source of the most costly of all blue pigments – ultramarine – reserved for only the holiest works of art. Michelangelo used ultramarine in the Sistine Chapel. Working with or wearing Lapis also boosts confidence and courage. Plus, it’s SO gorgeous, it always makes a statement. If you’re looking to develop your psychic abilities and trust your inner guidance, Lapis Lazuli is your gem...<<<Read More>>>...

The Secrets Behind Crystal Balls

The art of scrying has been around for thousands of years and is a well-known method of fortune telling. We find out how it works

The stereotypical image of scrying has long since been of elderly fortune tellers leant over a crystal ball, providing guidance. While crystal balls are indeed the most common form of this ancient art, there is much more to scrying than meets the eye. 

Using a crystal ball and its internal images to provide guidance into events is known as crystallomancy, and can also apply to gazing into reflective surfaces, such as mirrors and water. Its many different forms were first recorded in Ancient Egypt, when priests and priestesses of the great temples, as well as ordinary people at home, scryed in the oil which filled lamps or large barrels.

No special powers are needed to begin scrying but you’ll need to have good observation skills and the ability to interpret your inner language, which could take a little longer to develop. “Any crystal can be used for trance meditation,” ...<<<Read More>>>...

Climate Change Conference: The world’s best scientists reveal the truth

Yesterday, The Heartland Institute held its 15th International Conference on Climate Change (“ICCC15”) to bring together the world’s best experts to analyse the latest climate science and the wrong-headed energy and policy solutions the world’s governments are determined to impose on us all.

From the green energy boondoggles in the so-called “Inflation Reduction Act” in the United States to the ongoing wind-power disaster in Germany and threats of energy cuts in the winter in the UK, the climate policy “solutions” are a real and growing problem for the people of the world. Why are we making life poorer and more miserable for most of the people on the planet when there is no climate crisis?

ICCC15 aims to reveal the truth and inspire viewers to spread that truth around the globe.

There are four panels or sessions during the one-day conference held in Florida, USA, on 24 February 2023.

During the first session titled ‘Taking the Temperature of Global Temperatures’, Anthony Watts discusses how the US temperature data has been hopelessly corrupted; Willie Soon, PhD, speaks about the effect of the sun on global temperatures, and how that is not taken well enough into account; and Joe Bastardi speaks about the effect of the oceans on global temperatures....<<<Read More>>>....

Tools to detect life on Mars haven’t found life even on Earth

 Mars rovers that hunt for traces of life could ride on microbes without noticing them, according to a study by scientists at Cornell University (USA).

A new study of the terrestrial desert shows that technology can not always detect signs of life even on the surface of our planet, not to mention Mars. The scientific article was published in the journal Nature Communications.

In Chile’s Atacama Desert, there is an ancient delta called the Red Stones, which contains sand and rocks rich in hematite and mudstone. Geologically, this region is very similar to Mars, which is why astrobiologists often use it as a model for the Red Planet.

First, the researchers sequenced DNA found in the local soil. Many genetic sequences have been found, including hitherto unknown species of microorganisms.

Samples from the Red Rocks have also been analyzed using instruments used on or destined for Mars. In most cases, they found nothing or almost nothing.

Last year, the Perseverance rover discovered “clear signs” of organic matter on Mars while driving through an ancient river delta. A few years earlier, the Curiosity rover had found signs of organic molecules in both sand and dried mud....<<<Read More>>>...



Bill Gates bankrolls cancer-causing fake meat

  Globalist and Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates has invested in and pushed for the consumption of fake meat, which can possibly cause cancer due to the ingredients used to make it.

The technocrat expressed his desire for everyone to eat fake meat as a “climate-friendly” alternative to the real thing. During an interview with the MIT Technology Review, Gates remarked that people’s behaviors should be changed to make them like lab-grown meat. He stressed that regulations could strong-arm people into eating the frankenfood items.

“I do think all rich countries should move to 100 percent synthetic beef,” Gates told the Review. “You can get used to the taste difference, and the claim is they’re going to make it taste even better over time.”

The Microsoft co-founder also pointed to various proposals that ban the deceptive practice of labeling lab-grown meat as the real thing. He said: “There are all these bills that say it’s got to be called, basically, lab garbage to be sold. They don’t want us to use the beef label.”

Interestingly, the Daily Expose stated that Gates is an investor in both Memphis Meats and Impossible Foods. In the case of the latter, he joined Google and Amazon bigwig Jeff Bezos in bankrolling the venture. Aside from fake meat, Gates also backed the startup Biomilq which seeks to develop lab-cultured breast milk.

Despite his big money bankrolling Impossible Foods, the free market has spoken and declared that the real thing is better than the artificially-made version. This translated to lower profits, leading Impossible Foods to implement cost-cutting measures....<<<Read More>>>..

Totem Bird of the Week - "Carrion Crow"

Carrion Crow is the totem bird of the week for Monday 27th February to Sunday 5th March 2023. Its medicine is "The Keeper of the Sacred Law".

The Carrion Crow is said to be able to see beyond the limits of the 3rd dimension, and witness events that are beyond human awareness. Working with Carrion Crow will enable you to receive guidance from this powerful totem, which you would not have ordinarily been able to perceive.

With this mysterious totem you can work with the awareness that lies beyond human awareness. Understanding the information that is provided by Carrion Crow may not be easy to interpret with first making a universal connection with Carrion Crow,

Saturday 25 February 2023

7 Principles of the Law of Abundance

The Law of Abundance states that there is infinite prosperity always available to us. But with our free will, we can tune in or out the abundance frequency and thus not let abundance be part of our experience.

From the perspective of a spiritual coach, I came to understand that financial abundance is one of our greatest teaching tools. Since we’re little, society tells us that there is a shortage of something. They tell us that we have to work hard to deserve it. We have to strive for something whole life, and maybe one day it can be ours.

But these lies act like a virus in the subconscious mind. When we forget that we’re divine and that our true nature is infinitely abundant, then we don’t allow ourselves to experience prosperity. Needless to say that this conditioning is a perfect way of controlling people.

One way how to use the Law of Abundance to your advantage is to tap into the frequency of abundance. Abundance is one of the inherent qualities of life. From the energy perspective, it doesn’t matter whether you bask in the abundance of love, creativity, gratitude, or finances.

So, if you don’t experience the financial abundance that you wish you have, choose to create a different form of abundance in your life that feels more tangible.

Ask yourself:

What does make me feel abundant?

When you feel abundant, everything amplifies in your life. For instance, you feel abundant when you take care of yourself and rest more. Although this has nothing to do with financial abundance, it makes you feel blissfully abundant and thus keep the Law of Abundance working for you.

Think about what makes you feel abundant. Usually, it’s something simple, like spending more time with family, starting a new hobby, walking in nature, or having “me time.”

You tap into the frequency of abundance by doing the things that make you feel abundant. For the universe, it doesn’t matter that the particular activity has nothing to do with finances because you vibe with prosperity. And thus, it must manifest in all forms in your life....<<<Read More>>>...

Bird flu infections ‘likely’ to spark next global health crisis

 Bird flu could cause the next global health emergency, warned one of the UK’s leading microbiologists. Dr Simon Clarke added that “we are overdue a flu pandemic” and that it is “almost likely” to be avian influenza.

It comes as health officials prepare a Covid-style plan for dealing with bird flu if the deadly virus starts spreading rapidly between humans.

The announcement came after an 11-year-old girl in Cambodia died from the illness.

Dr Clarke, a University of Reading associate professor, warned there is a “real possibility” that bird flu could cause the next global health crisis.

He also wanted to dispel the idea that a pandemic will not take place because of the recent Covid ordeal.

He said: “It’s worth pointing out, just because we’ve had Covid that doesn’t mean that we’ve sort of banked our pandemic.

“They’re different things and just because we’ve had Covid doesn’t mean we’re not going to get flu coming along.”

The UK Health Security Agency said there was “no evidence” the bird flu virus is getting better at infecting humans.

But it warned that high levels of transmission among wild birds globally meant there was a “constant risk” of infection spreading to people.

Among those working on the planning models is Professor Neil Ferguson, an epidemiologist whose projections of the Covid outbreak led to the first lockdown strategy. The UKHSA said that to date there was little evidence of “sustained” transmission between humans but said it was modelling two scenarios in case that changed.

It is also looking at how it could detect outbreaks in humans, including using lateral flow tests.

Last summer, National Trust rangers were forced to clear scores of dead birds from Staple Island, off the coast of Northumberland, where bird flu had a devastating effect on one of the UK’s best-known seabird colonies....<<<Read More>>>...

How To Use A Crystal Ball

 It’s the stereotypical image of a fortune teller – a woman in a headscarf, waving her hands over a crystal ball and conjuring up images of that elusive tall, dark, handsome stranger – but a crystal ball is still to this day a very useful tool to have in your psychic box. Crystal ball gazing is accessible to everyone, and although difficult at first, it’s definitely something which improves with practice.

If you’re new to crystal ball gazing or learning how to scry, the images probably won’t make sense at first or you might not see images at all.  Don’t let this frustrate you. Crystal ball gazing takes time and practice to perfect.  The more you practice on using your crystal ball, the better you will get.

When you are ready, hold the crystal ball for just a moment, and relax. If you have a specific question in mind, ask it in your mind now, or just ask for you to be shown whatever will be helpful to you at this time.

Then place the ball onto its stand, or onto a dark cushion or cloth. And gaze. Literally.

You need to stare at the ball intently. Try not to blink or to look away. Hold your gaze. It doesn’t matter (in fact it might even help) if your eyes become unfocused. If you’re good at the Magic Eye pictures, you’ll be great at crystal gazing! It may take some time, but eventually you should start to see a mist form in or over the crystal ball. At this point, don’t break your concentration – the mist should clear quickly.

After the mist, you will start to see images. Remember – these images are in your mind, not in the ball itself. You may feel as though they are in the ball, and don’t break your gaze, but what you’re really seeing is in your third eye.

Don’t try to interpret the images you see as they come along, or you will break the concentration. Just let the images come and go. When the session is over, trust that you will remember the most important ones.

After a moment or two, the images will start to fade; the mist may return or you might just get nothing. At this point, you can finally relax your gaze. Look away and readjust your eyes. Then as quickly as you feel able, write down the images which came to mind, to be interpreted later. Get up, move around, turn on the lights....<<<Read More>>>...

Climate change study calls for World War II-style rationing of meat and fuel

The culture-destroying left is continuing to use the institute of science to push their ideological agenda of population reduction and control under the phony guise of ‘combatting climate change.’

The latest effort is a new “study” claiming that World War II-style rationing (but only for the West, of course) of meat and fossil fuels is in order to ensure the planet’s climate doesn’t wipe us all out.

“In this paper, we argue that rationing has been neglected as a policy option for mitigating climate change. There is a broad scientific consensus that avoiding the most severe impacts of climate change requires a rapid reduction in global emissions,” says an abstract of the study.

“We argue that rationing could help states reduce emissions rapidly and fairly. Our arguments in this paper draw on economic analysis and historical research into rationing in the UK during (and after) the two world wars, highlighting success stories and correcting misconceptions. However, although the empirical details play an important role, the paper is primarily based on philosophical and ethical argument and policy analysis, particularly highlighting the normative assumptions behind policy choices,” the abstract continues...<<<Read More>>>...


Friday 24 February 2023

On top of a mountain in Peru lie the ruins of a city of giants

 Yaynu is an archaeological site in Peru. It lies in the Ancash Region, Pomabamba Province, Huayllan District. It is a hilltop settlement that is considered the most important evidence of the so-called Recuay culture in the Ancash Region.

The stone constructions of Yaynu are situated about 17 km south of Pomabamba at a height of more than 4,000 metres (13,123 ft), on the northern slope of Pañahirka (Pañajirca).

Yaynu is the largest known Recuay site and is best described as a fortified hilltop town. The area of the town is about 25 ha at its core. When counting associated defenses, corrals and terracing, the area is over 105 ha.

The central sector is bounded by perimeter walls and long trenches. The buildings are of stone and densely built up.

In the legends of the mountain inhabitants of this country, there is information about seven cities that are located above the clouds, moreover, one of them was built by giants, and six others by people.

Only two of them have been found so far. Yaynu is unique in that it consists of huge, heavy stones. Scientists were very surprised by the method of erection of the structures....<<<Read More>>>...

How to Practice Self-Inquiry (“Who Am I?”) Meditation

 Within a lot of spiritual circles, we hear terms like “inner peace” and “Oneness” thrown around a lot.

In search of these fantastical ideas that promise relief from suffering, we hop around from one retreat, workshop, teacher, or book to another … and another, and another.

Eventually, many spiritual seekers end up with a kind of “spiritual hangover” or inexplicable type of exhaustion that doesn’t seem to go away no matter how much yoga, trauma healing, plant medicine, and other alternative therapies we do.

In fact, it gradually dawns on us that peeling back the onion of the self seems to be a never-ending process. It seems to be that the more we try to self-heal, the more we find to heal.
It’s onions all the way down.

And in a sense, we’re being given the poison and sold the cure. So with this kind of disillusionment, with this kind of never-ending self-perpetuating quest for more-more-more, where do we go next? What do we do? How do we slow down? How do we stop...<<<Read More>>>...

When We Don't Take Action

 Life is sculpted on a moment-to-moment basis. Every one of the thoughts we think, the words we speak, and the actions we take contributes to the complex quality and character of the universe’s unfolding. It simply is not possible to be alive without making an impact on the world that surrounds us. Every action taken affects the whole as greatly as every action not taken. And when it comes to making the world a better place, what we choose not to do can be just as important as what we choose to do.

For example, when we neglect to recycle, speak up, vote, or help somebody in immediate need, we are denying ourselves the opportunity to be an agent for positive change. Instead, we are enabling a particular course to continue unchallenged, picking up speed even as it goes along. By holding the belief that our actions don’t make much of a difference, we may find that we often tend to forego opportunities for involvement. Alternatively, if we see ourselves as important participants in an ever-evolving world, we may feel more inspired to contribute our unique perspective and gifts to a situation.

It is wise to be somewhat selective about how and where we are using our energy in order to keep ourselves from becoming scattered. Not every cause or action is appropriate for every person. When a situation catches our attention, however, and speaks to our heart, it is important that we honor our impulse to help and take the action that feels right for us. It may be offering a kind word to a friend, giving resources to people in need, or just taking responsibility for our own behavior. By doing what we can, when we can, we add positive energy to our world. And sometimes, it may be our one contribution that makes all the difference. (Daily OM)

Here’s the real reason Roald Dahl’s books have been re-written

 So, here’s a “conspiracy theory” for you. This one is about the global-capitalist thought police and their ongoing efforts to purge society of “insensitivity.” Yes, that’s right, insensitivity. If there is anything the global-capitalist thought police can’t stand, it is insensitivity. You know, like making fun of ethnic or religious minorities, and the physically or cognitively challenged, and alternatively gendered persons, and hideously ugly persons, and monstrously fat persons, and midgets, and so on.

The global-capitalist thought police are terribly concerned about the feelings of such persons. And the feelings of other sensitive persons who are also concerned about the feelings of such persons. And everybody’s feelings, generally. So they’ ossibly irreparably offend such persons, and persons concerned about the feelings of such persons, and anyone who might feel offended by anything.

By now, I assume you have seen the news about the “sensitivity editing” of Roald Dahl, the author of books like James and the Giant Peach, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, The Witches, The Twits, and numerous others. What happened was, Dahl’s publisher, Puffin Books, hired a little clutch of “sensitivity editors” to substantively rewrite his books, purging words like “fat” and “ugly,” and Dahl’s descriptions of characters as “bald” and “female,” and inserting their own ham-handed, “sensitised” language.

What you may not be aware of is that Puffin Books is a children’s imprint of Penguin Random House, a multi-national conglomerate publishing company and a subsidiary of Bertelsmann, a nominally German but in reality global media conglomerate. Penguin Random House is one of the so-called “big five publishers” that control approximately 80% of the retail book market. The other four are Simon & Schuster, Macmillan, Hachette, and Harper Collins.

Together, these five corporate behemoths, with their hundreds of divisions, publishing groups, and imprints (e.g., Puffin Books), control the majority of what everyone reads. Pull a few books off your bookshelves at random and look up the imprints to see how many are owned by one of the “big five” publishers or one of their divisions or publishing groups....<<<Read More>>>...

Dioxin contamination isn’t just a food and air issue: you can also absorb dioxins through your SKIN

Following a disastrous incident like the East Palestine, Ohio, train derailment, people’s biggest concerns about released toxins center around intake through the mouth (i.e., eating contaminated food and drinking contaminated water) and lungs (i.e., breathing contaminated air), but what about absorption through the skin?

A 1989 “Rachel’s Hazardous Waste News #120” newsletter specifically discusses skin absorption of dioxins, which are receiving a lot of attention in the aftermath of the Norfolk Southern disaster in Ohio because they were released during the “controlled explosion” and burning of vinyl chloride.

Evidence that was new at the time suggested that skin absorption of dioxins is perhaps worse than eating or breathing the toxins. Babies are especially prone to skin uptake because their skin is softer and more porous than that of adults.

Researchers at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences studied skin exposure to dioxins using test mice and rats. They found that some chemicals enter the body via the skin much easier than others. They also discovered that lower doses of dioxin can actually be more harmful, in some cases, than larger doses.

“In the past, the theory has been that the skin (which has a total area of 1.8 square meters in the adult human) has served as a passive barrier to chemicals,” the newsletter explained. “Now it is apparent that the skin is very active in metabolizing (biologically altering) chemicals and that these metabolic processes affect the way the body absorbs (or does not absorb) a particular chemical.”...<<<Read More>>>...

Thursday 23 February 2023

The nine worlds of Norse mythology

The Norse universe consists of nine worlds. These worlds are only referenced a few times throughout the myths and are not specified, but are thought to be (in no particular order) Asgard, Vanaheimr (Vanaheim), Jötunheimr (Jotunheim), Niflheim, Muspelheim, Álfheimr (Alfheim), Svartálfaheimr (Svartalfheim), Niðavellir (Nidavellir), and Miðgarðr (Midgard) – which is our world.

These worlds are connected by a great ash tree named Yggdrasil, which runs through the centre of the universe. An eagle lives at the top of Yggdrasil, while the dragon Niðhöggr (Nidhogg) lives at the bottom and chews on its roots. The squirrel Ratatosk runs up and down Yggdrasil’s trunk, carrying messages between these two creatures – and they’re not particularly nice messages either.

In addition to holding everything together, Yggdrasil is also a source of wisdom and is where the Æsir often gather for meetings. At the foot of the tree is Urðarbrunnr (Urd’s well), which is associated with the three Norns or “fates”.

Under another root is Mímisbrunnr (Mímir’s well), which is where Odin gave up his eye as payment for a drink in order to gain the well’s knowledge. It is also thought that Yggdrasil is the tree that Odin hung himself on, again in the pursuit of knowledge....<<<Read More>>>...

While you were distracted by the Nicola Bulley Tragedy, the UK Gov. quietly published a report confirming the Vaccinated account for 9 in every 10 COVID Deaths over the past TWO Years

Official figures quietly published by the UK Government reveal that the fully/triple/quadruple vaccinated population has accounted for 9 in every 10 Covid-19 deaths in England over the past two years and 92% of Covid-19 deaths throughout the entirety of 2022.

On the 21st of February 2023, a UK Government agency, known as the Office for National Statistics (ONS), published data on deaths by vaccination status in England up to 31st December 2022.

The overdue dataset from the ONS is titled ‘Deaths by Vaccination Status, England, 1 April 2021 to 31 December 2022‘, and it can be accessed on the ONS site here, and downloaded here....<<<Read More>>>...

Is this the future to support long-distance journeys in electric cars? Motorway services to get 40ft SHIPPING CONTAINERS filled with giant battery packs to provide faster charging

 Electric car drivers are set to receive a major boost at busy motorway service stations with seven locations receiving huge shipping containers filled with battery packs to shorten charging times during longer journeys.

National Highways has confirmed it has splashed out £8million to upgrade a selection of major motorway service areas in England where the electricity grid supply is not enough to support high-powered charging devices.

The services to benefit from the investment includes: Beaconsfield on the M4; Corley on the M6 Northbound; Clacket Lane on the M25, both Eastbound and Westbound; Maidstone on the M20; Taunton on the M5 Northbound; and Tebay on the M6 Northbound.

News of these fresh installations comes just two months after electric vehicle owners faced a Christmas charging nightmare, with Tesla owners sharing on social media their tales of being stuck in three-hour queues waiting to plug in at motorway service stations, including drivers at Tebay...<<<Read More>>>...

Permission to Be Real

 Most of us are familiar with the idea of keeping it real and have an intuitive sense about what that means. People who keep it real don’t hide behind a persona to keep themselves safe from their fear of how they might be perceived. They don’t present a false self in order to appear more perfect, more powerful, or more independent. People who keep it real present themselves as they truly are, the good parts and the parts most of us would rather hide, sharing their full selves with the people who are lucky enough to know them.

Being real in this way is not an easy thing to do as we live in a culture that often shows us images of physical and material perfection. As a result, we all want to look younger, thinner, wealthier, and more successful. We are rewarded externally when we succeed at this masquerade, but people who are real remind us that, internally, we suffer. Whenever we feel that who we are is not enough and that we need to be bigger, better, or more exciting, we send a message to ourselves that we are not enough. Meanwhile, people who are not trying to be something more than they are walk into a room and bring a feeling of ease, humor, and warmth with them. They acknowledge their wrinkles and laugh at their personal eccentricities without putting themselves down.

People like this inspire us to let go of our own defenses and relax for a moment in the truth of who we really are. In their presence, we feel safe enough to take off our personas and experience the freedom of not hiding behind a barrier. Those of us who were lucky enough to have a parent who was able to keep it real may find it easier to be that way ourselves. The rest of us may have to work a little harder to let go of our pretenses and share the beauty and humor of our real selves. Our reward for taking such a risk is that as we do, we will attract and inspire others, giving them the permission to be real too...<<<Read More>>>...

The mask mandates did nothing. Will any lessons be learned?

The most rigorous and comprehensive analysis of scientific studies conducted on the efficacy of masks for reducing the spread of respiratory illnesses — including Covid-19 — was published late last month. Its conclusions, said Tom Jefferson, the Oxford epidemiologist who is its lead author, were unambiguous.

"There is just no evidence that they" — masks — "make any difference," he told the journalist Maryanne Demasi. "Full stop."

But, wait, hold on. What about N-95 masks, as opposed to lower-quality surgical or cloth masks?

"Makes no difference — none of it," said Jefferson.

What about the studies that initially persuaded policymakers to impose mask mandates?

"They were convinced by nonrandomized studies, flawed observational studies."

What about the utility of masks in conjunction with other preventive measures, such as hand hygiene, physical distancing or air filtration?

"There's no evidence that many of these things make any difference."

These observations don't come from just anywhere. Jefferson and 11 colleagues conducted the study for Cochrane, a British nonprofit that is widely considered the gold standard for its reviews of health care data. The conclusions were based on 78 randomized controlled trials, six of them during the Covid pandemic, with a total of 610,872 participants in multiple countries. And they track what has been widely observed in the United States: States with mask mandates fared no better against Covid than those without.

No study — or study of studies — is ever perfect. Science is never absolutely settled. What's more, the analysis does not prove that proper masks, properly worn, had no benefit at an individual level. People may have good personal reasons to wear masks, and they may have the discipline to wear them consistently. Their choices are their own.

But when it comes to the population-level benefits of masking, the verdict is in: Mask mandates were a bust. Those skeptics who were furiously mocked as cranks and occasionally censored as "misinformers" for opposing mandates were right. The mainstream experts and pundits who supported mandates were wrong. In a better world, it would behoove the latter group to acknowledge their error, along with its considerable physical, psychological, pedagogical and political costs....<<<Read More>>>...

Officials examine the mysterious sphere found on a beach

 Police and locals in a coastal town in Japan are perplexed by a giant iron ball that has washed up on a nearby beach. Authorities acknowledge they have no clue what it is, other than the fact that it isn’t likely to explode, reports theguardian.com

Since it washed ashore on Enshu beach in the city of Hamamatsu on the nation’s Pacific coast, the 1.5 m in diameter sphere has been the subject of hysterical rumors, according to local media sources.

When specialists employed X-ray equipment to look inside the object and discovered that it was hollow, their concerns that it may be a wayward mine were allayed.

 But, according to reports, officials still don’t know what the sphere is or where it came from. Authorities cordoned off the area and brought in explosives specialists who were equipped in protective clothes to look into it further....<<<Read More>>>...

Leading banker says UK soon to introduce ‘super app’ that will combine digital ID, financial data into the ultimate control tool

  A top banker says that the United Kingdom is preparing to launch what he described as a “super app” that will combine a person’s digital ID with their financial data in a manner that privacy advocates and libertarians say will be used to control the population.

UK Finance chairman Bob Wigley has predicted the development of the “super app” that he claims will serve as a one-stop-shop for a person’s financial digital identity. The app would be capable of storing a person’s important financial information such as credit scores, ratings, and know-your-customer (KYC) data. The idea is that having all of this information in one place would simplify the process of accessing financial services and improve the speed and accuracy of credit decisions. The development of a super app could also help to reduce the risk of fraud and increase security for users’ financial information, he says, according to Reclaim The Net.

Wigley also says that the proposed super app for a person’s financial digital identity would be similar to the UK government’s NHS health app, which carries an individual’s health data. Although the NHS app initially faced opposition, it gained popularity during the COVID-19 pandemic.

And he suggests that the banking sector is taking note of the success of the NHS app and is considering the launch of a similar app for storing individuals’ financial data, which would make it easier for people to access financial services and improve the efficiency of credit decisions, the outlet noted further....<<<Read More>>>...