Further Reading

Friday 31 December 2021

2022 is Here!


Fingers crossed that by the time we reach the end of 2022 things have began to sort themselves out for the better.

Numerology wise 2022 is a 6 vibration. We understand that, by way of soul numerology, as the most emotional and energetic year in the 9 year cycle. It involves being challenged by the emotional body & the heart and not by the logical ruled by the mind. 

It's important in a 6 vibration to listen to what the heart has to say. It's brain is much more linked to our true self than the brain in the head. 

Listen more to that energy field, less logic and more intuition this year. Less fear and more truth. Good luck everyone. It's ever easy to let the reptilean brain go with its fear narratives and survival instinct. It has us mind controlled by its fear control mechanism. Lose that hold and we awaken ... we then rise vibrationally to a point where the sinister 1% can no longer control us. 

When you get there ... you experience the 5th dimensional way of thinking. Freed then from the 3 dimensional Covid box we've been held in for the last 2 years.

Interview with a ‘Star Child’ Who Says Humans Need Help with an ‘Awakening’

[Humans Are Free]: Have you heard about the existence of Star Children? Their existence and story behind them may sound fascinating and extremely difficult to comprehend for some, but others around the world are convinced that among us these so-called Star Children live and have a powerful message for mankind.

The Star Children have numerous advantages compared to normal humans and are even able to understand languages, not from Earth.

“The star kids have come to show us the way. They are the ones to start the process, helping the rest of humanity to wake up…”

Here below is a miniature ‘interview’ with a nine-year-old Star Child who carries a powerful message, saying it is time for humanity to wake up....<<<Read More>>>...

Ogham for 2022

 The Ogham is a unique ancient Celtic alphabet used for magic, divination, secret communication. It is of pure Celtic origin, and may have been created some 4000 - 5000 years ago. 

Using this ancient system, we look at what may be in store for us in 2022.

APPLE - Apple is the letter 'Q' and has the keyword 'love'. It is important to accept everything that has happened without any judgement. This includes individuals that have been in-just and cruel. 

OAK - Oak is the letter 'D' and has the keyword of 'boldness and endurance' A new door will open and it is necessary to cross that threshold without any fear. Take each day as it comes, and don't get ahead of yourself. The oak attracts lightning and a tree struck by lightning becomes something of a powerful talisman. Will lightning be permitted to strike twice? Or will be become aware of those who have nasty plans afoot next year? 10th June - 7th July.

HEATHER - Heather is the letter 'U' and has the keyword 'new perspectives'. There are options to gain new insights and to find solutions to problems that up until now appeared unsolvable. A change of approach will bring forth new perspectives and fresh ideas.    


Quote for the Day

 "When people challenge your ideas, they help you (Whether they know it or not)" - Oli Anderson


 [Daily Om]: Cooperation seems simple: working together toward a common goal for the benefit of all involved. But amazingly it can be quite challenging, even when we have so many successful examples all around us. Human society is based upon the concept of cooperation, but finding a balance to ensure the good of all members of society is difficult. In nature, symbiotic relationships form between unlikely allies: a bee and a flower, a bird and a rhinoceros, small fish and sharks. Yet nature also shows us instances of constant competition in which only the strongest survive. Given the choice, it seems most people would choose the more peaceful path of cooperation. Intellectually, we know that together we can create something greater than what one could do alone, but cooperation still seems to be one of the greatest challenges people face. We don't always agree on how goals can be reached. Our priorities may be different, or our methods, but in the end, cooperation offers the best chance for success.

So how can we learn to cooperate with each other? We can gain greater perspective by trying to understand one another's point of view, perhaps even putting ourselves in their place. We can search for commonalities as well as differences, and look for the good in different approaches. There is always more than one way of doing things, and some approaches are better suited for certain situations than others. All this is easier when we let go of the necessity to be right and to call others wrong. More important, we must believe that there is a solution that benefits all involved, not just one side.

The results of cooperation can be as simple as effortlessly getting everyone in your household to their appointments to large-scale social shifts to changing minds and hearts or policies that affect the future.

You'll be Seeing Us in 2022

We've decided to continue posting into 2022! An overwhelming response from regulars new and old via comments & e-mails have made us remain here for a while longer.

Once into 2022, we're going to be asking for suggestions and ideas from you, our visitors, to know what you want us to post.

There is a whole host of posts already on the blog. Over 44,000 in fact. But it may well be we need to re-visit many of the locations and destinations over the previous years, to cater for our new visitors. 

Hopefully, many of the web sites still exist. Otherwise we will be re-posting many of the older posts .. so folk can at least get some sense of the essence of those subject matters.

Anyway, many thanks again to everyone who has responded with such warmth and friendship. We'll make a point of putting up a number of the wonderful comments as we get into 2022. 

If it's now 2022 wherever you may be ... HAPPY NEW YEAR. We've a few hours to go yet .... I've already had an Absinthe (With Wormwood) earlier and will be having a wee dram of favourite Malt Whisky (I am half Scot and was weened on Malt by my late Glaswegian Father) a little closer to that time.


Classic Tracks - 'Is This Love'

A favourite Whitesnake track from the 1987 album. I saw Whitesnake live during the 1987 tour at the Birmingham NEC stadium. When Is This Love started playing, the sea of denim parted and a group of disco snootchers started dancing to the track. Even DC himself cheered them

Nurses Blow Whistle on Staggering Number of Heart Problems and Strokes in The Fully Vaccinated

[The Expose]: In South California, hospitals are seeing more cases of vaccine-induced illnesses, and this has not gone unnoticed. A handful of brave nurses have come forward to speak out about what they have witnessed.

In Ventura County, which is located to the north of Los Angeles, cases of “unexplained” heart issues, strokes and blood clotting are spiking at area hospitals. Many doctors are refusing to link these illnesses to the Covid-19 vaccines.

A critical care nurse at a Ventura County ICU decided to speak out about his concerns to the Conejo Guardian. He said that he is “tired of all the B.S that’s going on” because the medical establishment continues to refuse to acknowledge that the vaccines are causing more harm than good.

The nurse, named Sam, said: “It’s crazy how nobody questions anything anymore.”

He said that there has been a noticeable surge in young people suffering from severe health problems post-vaccination.

“We’ve been having a lot of younger people come in,” Sam added. “We’re seeing a lot of strokes, a lot of heart attacks.”

He said that in one case, a 38-year-old woman visited the hospital with occlusions, or blockages of blood flow, in her brain.

Sam said: “They [doctors] were searching for everything under the sun and documenting this in the chart, but nowhere do you see if she was vaccinated or not.

“One thing the vaccine causes is thrombosis, clotting. Here you have a 38-year-old woman who was double-vaccinated and she’s having strokes they can’t explain. None of the doctors relates it to the vaccine. It’s garbage. It’s absolute garbage.”

Sam said that in another instance, a 63-year-old woman who had no previous cardiac history suffered a heart attack. Tests showed that her coronary arteries were clear. However, she had just received a Moderna Covid-19 injection.

“One doctor actually questioned the vaccine, but they didn’t mention it in the chart because you can’t prove it,” Sam said.

He added that hospitals all around the area are seeing a significant spike in myocarditis, a well-known and highly reported adverse reaction caused by the covid vaccines.

“Everyone wants to downplay it – ‘It’s rare, it’s rare,'” Sam said.

“Doctors don’t want to question it. We have these mass vaccinations happening and we’re seeing myocarditis more frequently and nobody wants to raise the red flag. When we discuss the case, they don’t even discuss it. They don’t mention it. They act like they don’t have a reason, that it’s spontaneous.”

Another ICU nurse called Dana told the same news outlet that her facility has “never been this busy,” and that “none of it is Covid-19.”...<<<Read More>>>....

Omicron variant may protect against delta, new study finds

 And yes when Boris Johnson announces they've mined the moon for its cheese, people will queue up for the 'Moon Cheese' appearing suddenly in the shops. Or when he announces that dyeing your hair red saves you from the Moronic Variant, the sales of red hair dye will hit the roof ...

[Natural News]: New research suggests that getting infected with the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) omicron variant may help people ward off the more dangerous delta. These findings could have significant implications for countries that are seeing a rise in omicron infections while still battling the delta variant.

Researchers took blood samples of individuals infected with the fast-spreading variant and measured their antibody levels to see how well the virus-fighting proteins react to both.

Lab tests conducted two weeks after the patients joined the study showed that antibody levels spiked 14-fold in response to the omicron variant and a 4.4-fold increase against delta. Studies that delved into the topic showed that the antibodies that are made in response to delta have reacted poorly to omicron.

Professor Alex Sigal, lead researcher and virologist at the University of KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa said that the findings suggested omicron could move the pandemic in the endemic phase. “The increase in neutralizing immunity against Omicron was expected, that is the virus these individuals were infected with,” he said. “However, we also saw that the same people – especially those who were vaccinated – developed enhanced immunity to the delta variant.”

Sigal noted that omicron is the less pathogenic variant that could push delta out, adding that it should decrease the likelihood of someone infected with omicron getting reinfected with delta.

“If that is true, then the disruption COVID has caused in our lives may become less,” he said....<<<Read More>>>...

More Covid BS - What is ‘Flurona’, the double infection from Covid and flu: the first case in an unvaccinated mother

[Italy 24 News]: They have already renamed it ‘flurona’, from the mix of the word flu (flu in English) and Coronavirus. This is what was recorded in Israel, where a woman giving birth was found positive for two infections during tests at the Beilinson hospital in Petach Tikva, in central Israel.

The young mother, according to the local website Ynet, is not vaccinated against either virus but fortunately is in good health and should be discharged shortly.

A case that the Ministry of Health is still examining: the objective is obviously to understand if the combination of the two infections can cause a more serious disease. Ynet also points out that some Israeli health officials have estimated that many other patients have been affected by ‘flurona’, but those cases have not been diagnosed.

Last year – said Professor Arnon Vizhnitser, director of the gynecology department of the hospital – we have not seen cases of flu among pregnant women or women in childbirth. Today we are witnessing cases of both Covid and influenza that are starting to raise their heads. We see more and more pregnant women with the flu ”.

WHAT THE EXPERTS SAY – A double infection “a bit strange because in medicine it has always been said that if there is a virus that causes a disease, it prevents the development of another due to a different virus”, explains Roberto Cauda, ​​infectious disease specialist at the Gemelli Hospital in Rome and scientific advisor of the EMA. One explanation, continues Cauda, ​​”could lie in the fact that Covid causes a defect in the production of interferon and this would open the way to the other virus, which in this case is the flu”. ” The case found in Israel – adds Cauda – induces to say even more vaccinate yourselves even against the flu...<<<Read More>>>...

Here's To A Better 2022

Well ... here we are on the last day of 2021. What a strange year. It's ending like it started, with all of us in effective house arrest with a rogue government dictating globalist legislation, that is based on unfounded claims about an unproven virus.

All made possible by a highly dubious PCR test that churns out positive tests that are NOT cases. But somehow are highly corrupt governments are calling the shots based on specifying these tests are deadly cases of a virus that has never been isolated.

They have been doing this because the gullible human sheep are letting them get away with it. En-masse these moronic human beings are giving their power and their freedom away. Governments only are able to grasp control for their psychotic masters if people let them do it.

Unless we start holding the line and grabbing back what we've given away ... the nappy wearing human slaves are going to land future generations of mankind in eternal tyranny. That was what 2021 was all about. An alleged 'deadly' virus with unlikely variants that has been used by money and power greedy sinister people to take away the lives and the freedoms of what call the useless eaters. These 1% of humans have to be stopped in 2022. Their sinister plans will need to be derailed in the next 12 months. 

Many believe this has already taken place and what were are witnessing is a theatre production. We are 50-50 on these claims. It would be so easy to let our guard down and be taken in by a globalist confidence trick. It's better to be on the cautious side and still be part of the push back by non-compliance.

  1. No to mask wearing under any circumstance ;
  2. No to having any of the gene therapy injections in our arm;
  3. No PCR or lateral flow testing to avoid being part of the BS statistics
  4. No to vaccine passports and Q codes.....

Here's to 2022 being the year we can end this take over of the world by the mentally ill 1%!! It would be good to be proven wrong and the ending of this slavery becoming a reality sooner than later ....

Thursday 30 December 2021

Study: Loving-Kindness Meditation Slows Biological Aging & Protects DNA Strands

[The Pulse]: In today’s world, where there’s no money there’s no attention. This is especially true when it comes to the medical industrial complex, and it’s why the science behind health interventions that can be quite beneficial are not at the forefront of mainstream medicine.

The mind body connection is one of these health interventions. A study published in 2019 is one of many that has provided proof of just how impactful mindfulness interventions can be on human biology. It’s titled “Loving-kindness meditation slows biological aging in novices: Evidence from a 12-week randomized controlled trial” and was published in the Journal Psychoneuroendocrinology.

The study suggests that loving-kindness meditation has a measurable positive impact at the cellular level. The study examined how different types of meditation influenced telomere length, which is an indicator of physiological aging.

Telomeres are the protective caps on the ends of the strands of DNA called chromosomes. With time they get shorter. For the most part, the more we age the shorter they get. Other environmental toxins, like smoking and unhealthy habits also contribute to the shortening of our telomeres. There are also a number of habits and substances that have been shown to slow down this process & even lengthen our telomeres, like fasting for example, which in essence means one is reversing the aging process....<<<Read More>>>...

Quote for the Day

 "The biggest challenge after success is shutting up about it." - Criss Jami

They Offer us Darkness – That We May Shine Brighter

[Waking Times]: What, my friends, is going on? Here we are, 19 months! into the madness, chaos and confusion of an undeniable transition to somewhere beyond the bounds of our wildest imaginings and we are more mired in the lies and insanity than ever. This is clearly a transition of megalithic proportions……up there with the fall of the Roman Empire and the sinking of Atlantis. WTF! There is a very dark force in our midst – and it is showing its hand. More than its hand. Its whole hideous, monstrous body and deeply sinister, deathly plan for humanity has been thrust to the surface. We can no longer pretend the evil monster who has been living in the shadows, controlling the most powerful, psychopathic world leaders, is not real. It has been revealed, finally. There is no going back. But did we sign up for this!?

Apparently we did.

For many of us who smelt the rat of impending doom from that fateful third week in March 2020, the last year and a half has felt like a bad dream. We’ve lurched from states of panic and anxiety to numbness and disbelief. The feeling of wanting to press rewind, to go home and forget all about this drama we are caught in reminds me of another transition – four actually, that I did come out the other side of – that of the births of my children. It is so bloody painful and awful at the ‘transition’ stage, you just want to opt out. I want to opt out of this BS. I bet you know the feeling.

But here we are and unless we have whatever it must take to depart from the earth plane, we have no choice but to continue on. It helps in childbirth to have a deeply supportive midwife – one who keeps you going, holds your hand and tells you where you are and how much longer there is to go...<<<Read More>>>...

Shadow Work: The Ultimate Guide

[Wake Up World]: All of us carry demons inside.

Sometimes we catch fleeting glimpses of them, sometimes we witness them in full frontal chaos, but for the most part, we ignore and bury their existence either out of fear, guilt or pure shame. However, discovering and owning our demons is a vital part of our spiritual journey.

As author and psychotherapist Steve Wolf noted:

“Beneath the social mask we wear every day, we have a hidden shadow side: an impulsive, wounded, sad, or isolated part that we generally try to ignore. The Shadow can be a source of emotional richness and vitality, and acknowledging it can be a pathway to healing and an authentic life.”

In other words, the Shadow isn’t just the wounded part of us, but it is also the path towards a more authentic and fulfilling life. In order to repair, heal, and grow on a mental, emotional, and spiritual level, we need to practice Shadow Work.

Shadow Work is a practice that helps us to become whole again. It works on the premise that you must 100% OWN your Shadow, rather than avoiding or repressing it, to experience deep healing.

This daunting and often frightening task is a requirement of every person. But you don’t have to go at it alone....<<<Read More>>>...

Zinc Inhibits Influenza Virus, Covid and Helps Our Body Detox from Graphene

[The Expose]: Your immune system is your first line of defence against all disease, especially infectious disease, and there are many different ways to boost your immune system and improve its function. One nutrient that plays a very important role in your immune system’s ability to ward off viral infections is zinc.

The anti-malarial drugs chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine are synthetic forms of quinine, a naturally occurring compound found in plants. Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine act as a zinc ionophore as do the other natural compounds quercetin and epigallocatechin-gallate (“EGCG”).

Zinc may be a vastly underrated player in the Covid pandemic. It is vital for healthy immune function and a combination of zinc with a zinc ionophore – a zinc transport molecule that facilitates zinc absorption in your body – was in 2010 shown to inhibit SARS coronavirus in vitro or in “test tube experiments.” In cell culture, it also blocked viral replication within minutes.

Covid and zinc deficiency share many symptoms. As noted by Bill Sardi, a majority of the symptoms of Covid – 18 symptoms in all – are near-indistinguishable from those of zinc deficiency. Symptoms shared by both include but are not limited to...<<<Read More>>>...

Unvaccinated individuals are better informed than vaccinated ones, study shows

 [Natural News]: People who have strong views against vaccination – often referred to as “anti-vaxxers” – are actually better informed than those who have been vaccinated. Ulrike Guerot, a German political scientist and founder of the think tank European Democracy Lab. Guerot demonstrated this by citing MAT-conducted research, which looked at tweets from anti-vaxxers with extreme caution.

In Germany, where the study was based, around 70 percent of the qualified population is vaccinated: Among those, nearly half said they took the jab as part of a mandate to work or move around without restrictions. On the other hand, those who weren’t vaccinated were more knowledgable – and will never be convinced to get the shot.

Guerot has expressed her concerns that mandatory vaccinations will soon be introduced in Germany and Austria, warning that a “sorting process” is now in progress.

“You only invite the people to your home for spaghetti and wine who are on the same page when it comes to [the coronavirus],” she added.

She also decried the disparagement of lateral thinkers, or those who think differently than the majority, as opposing ideas should be part of the democratic process. This has created a chilling effect, wherein those critical of policies for the coronavirus are now afraid to speak out.

“This resulted in a completely closed ceiling of opinion: The measures are good – and whoever speaks against it is a ‘corona denier’ and on top of that, right-wing,” Guerot explained.

“This is a very dangerous development.”...<<<Read More>>>...

Analyzing the Path

 [Daily OM]: Those of us on the path of personal and spiritual growth have a tendency to analyze our unhappiness in order to find the causes and make improvements. But it is just as important, if not more so, to analyze our happiness. Since we have the ability to rise above and observe our emotions, we can recognize when we are feeling joyful and content. Then we can harness the power of the moment by savoring our feelings and taking time to be grateful for them.

Recognition is the first step in creating change, therefore recognizing what it feels like to be happy is the first step toward sustaining happiness in our lives. We can examine how joy feels in our bodies and what thoughts run through our minds in times of bliss. Without diminishing its power, we can retrace our steps to discover what may have put us in this frame of mind, and then we can take note of the choices we've made while there. We might realize that we are generally more giving and forgiving when there's a smile on our face, or that we are more likely to laugh off small annoyances and the actions of others when they don't resonate with our light mood.

Once we know what it feels like and can identify some of the triggers and are aware of our actions, we can recreate that happiness when we are feeling low. Knowing that like attracts like, we can pull ourselves out of a blue mood by focusing on joy. We might find that forcing ourselves to be giving and forgiving, even when it doesn't seem to come naturally, helps us to reconnect with the joy that usually precedes it. If we can identify a song, a picture, or a pet as a happiness trigger, we can use them as tools to recapture joy if we are having trouble finding it. By focusing our energy on analyzing happiness and all that it encompasses, we feed, nurture, and attract more of it into our lives, eventually making a habit of happiness.

Wednesday 29 December 2021

Confrontations With The Moronics

 Another day ... and more madness from the moronics; those former rational thinking human beings who have been reduced to hapless victims of the psychological war being unleashed on us.

A trip to a local garden centre, should have been an easy things ... in the pre-covid world it would have been event free. Sadly, the entrance to the said garden centre has a huge sign that states that masks are law and must be worn on the premises.

Really? My naked face wandered through the garden centre and was the ONLY one not covered by a slave mask. I found the item I wished to purchase (Some wall art) and was standing by waiting for a staff member to assist me. I would have been well beyond the 2m social distancing requirement from the moronics walking through the centre. In truth, the nearest moronic would have been around 15m from my naked face, and therefore at no risk.

Sadly, one rather idiotic slave wearing man decided to approach me and voiced the words 'what makes you different to everyone else that you don't need to be wearing a mask? There are over 100,000 cases of the variant at the minute and there's you with no mask.'  I replied curtly with "It doesn't concern you why. My medical information is not something I'm at liberty to share with you. Besides 100,000 fake positive tests are not 100,000 cases. Do some research other than listening to the BBC and you'll learn all about the difference." 

The slave mask bearer ambled off and the shop assistant arrived with my boxed item. At that moment another slave masked man approached me, less than 2m from me I might add, and began to complain about my naked face. I replied then with " I hope you are witnessing this. Here is someone with a medical condition being abused in your shop! Is it company policy to permit this to happen? Get me your manager I wish to lodge a complaint so I can sue this man." She told me she was the manager. I turned to the idiot man and noticed he'd started to walk away from me. Success!

Later today we went for a walk in our local park. It was cold, windy and event free. We did however witness one rather moronic gentleman walking towards us wearing a blue throw away face nappy. What was he expecting to catch outside in the park? Other than a chance to destroy his immune system and becoming more ill than he already appeared to be. Perhaps, he was infected with the Moronic variant and didn't want to spread it. In that case, he should not have been out in the park on a freezing cold day.

Shadow Work: Transforming the Shadow into Sharpness

 [Waking Times]: Everyone has a dark side. Anyone who tells you otherwise is either selling something, or they’ve repressed their shadow. Or both.

Your dark side, your shadow, is hidden behind your persona. Your persona is your surface front. It’s the mask you show the world. It’s the mask you wear to appease the world. It’s the mask you wear to convince yourself, and to hide the fact, that you are a dangerous animal. It hides the primal aspects of the human condition.

Shadow work is a process of integrating the primal self (shadow) with the practical self (persona). It’s a journey we must each take to discover what unique value we can bring into the world as an integrated human being. It’s a journey behind the persona, behind the mask. It’s a journey down deep into the primal. Into the inner darkness. Into our unrealized potential.

Shadow work is mortal sincerity. It’s radical honesty. It’s vital authenticity. But, foremost, shadow work is not a sprint; it’s a marathon. It must be deeply felt, carefully thought through, and meticulously meditated on....<<<Read More>>>...

Quote for the Day

 "Magic is a state of mind." - Matthew James

Japan Says “No Vaccination Will Be Given Without Consent” & “Do Not Discriminate” Against The Unvaccinated

 Do not be fooled by the 'good cop, bad cop' routine. It's the desperate mind controllers experimenting with another way of fooling the masses into extinction. All ways are being tried to see what works to coerce the true bloods into taking their death shots.

[The Pulse]: Japan is going against the grain and it’s a breath of fresh air for freedom of choice. Despite the fact that Austria and several other countries have announced mandatory vaccination initiatives, the Japan Ministry of Health clearly states that “no vaccination will be given without consent.” Robb Butler, executive director for World Health Organization (WHO) Europe has also expressed that countries need to have a healthy debate around mandating vaccines for all.

Japan is taking a different route, they are encouraging the citizenry not to discriminate against those who are unvaccinated. This (discrimination) is something that’s happening in many parts of the world unfortunately, despite the fact that this is not a “pandemic of the unvaccinated” as many politicians have claimed.

Although we encourage all citizens to receive the COVID-19 vaccination, it is not compulsory or mandatory. Vaccination will be given only with the consent of the person to be vaccinated after the information provided. Please get vaccinated of your own decision, understanding both the effectiveness in preventing infectious diseases and the risk of side effects. No vaccination will be given without consent. Please do not force anyone in your workplace or those who are around you to be vaccinated, and do not discriminate against those who have not been vaccinated - Japan Ministry of Health...<<<Read More>>>...

REVELATION: Only the “vaccinated” died during the 1918 Spanish Flu

 [Natural News]: Everything you thought you knew about the infamous “Spanish Flu” outbreak of 1918 is probably wrong.

It turns out that one of the most well-known pandemics from recent history was actually caused by the “vaccines” that were supposedly introduced to stop it – much like how the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” of today are spreading more covid.

Dr. Sal Martingano, FICPA, explains that mass vaccination during the Spanish Flu is what actually caused people to die. In fact, the only people who ended up dying during the ordeal were those who got jabbed. In her book Vaccination Condemned, Dr. Eleanor McBean, Ph.D., N.D., explains how she is an “unvaccinated survivor” of the 1918 Spanish Flu. She continues to urge people to revisit the historical event with a new lens, which she helps readers to do in her book.

McBean actually wrote a second book called Vaccination … The Silent Killer that expounds upon the revelations contained in her first book. The evidence she provides points to the vaccines, and not the flu itself (if there ever even was one…) as the true culprit that resulted in tens of millions of deaths.

“McBean’s coverage of the 1918 ‘Spanish Flu,’ as a reporter and an unvaccinated survivor, requires that the historical basis of the event needs to be revisited, not as a ‘conspiracy theory’ but with evidence that will ‘set your hair on fire,'” writes Dr. Martingano.

“McBean provides evidence that not only were the historical events of the 1918 ‘Spanish Flu’ compromised, but also those of the Polio and Swine Flu epidemics.”...<<<Read More>>>...

Following Nature's Cycles

 [Daily OM]: Nature, in all its myriad forms, is the most powerful force on earth. Although mankind has tried, we have not found a way to match its awesome power, but we have found ways to work with it. Science often confirms the wisdom of the ancients who observed and then harnessed nature's rhythms and cycles to shape and enhance their lives. We can begin to do this in our own lives by first paying attention to our own natural rhythms, such as when we wake or when we feel the need to sleep. If possible, we may want to try to rise and sleep with the sun or live without electricity for a weekend and then monitor how we feel. We can make the choice to eat the foods of the seasons and to seek fresher, locally grown, or organic produce whose own cycles have not been tampered with by technology.

We can create harmony in our homes by making a smooth transition between our indoor and outdoor spaces. By bringing some of the outdoors inside and taking some of our indoor décor out, we can simultaneously enjoy nature and the comforts of home and the feeling that our living space is expanded. Then, whether inside or out, we can lounge on a comfortable piece of furniture and feel the wind, inhale the scent of deeply breathing plants, listen for the many songs of life, and observe the moon and the stars. As we do this more often, we may find ourselves noticing the pull of the full moon on bodies of water, as well as the water in bodies, or the music of the night acting as a lullaby.

When we seek balance in our lives, we want to balance not just our roles in life but also the natural elements in our spaces. Having representations of the elements in the colors, shapes, and textures of our homes will appeal to our mind, body, and spirit. We may find that when we sync ourselves with nature's rhythms, we ride the waves of energy to feel more in harmony with life and the world around us.

Fauci Must Be ‘Held Responsible’ for Unleashing Mass Death on the World

[Humans Are Free]: During a recent appearance on Fox News, Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Tex.) segued from talking about the border crisis in his home state to calling for fake government “doctor” Tony Fauci to finally be held accountable for committing crimes against humanity.

Gohmert stated plainly that Fauci lied to the American people and caused countless deaths with his actions. Everything from the lockdowns to the mask mandates to now the jab mandates have wrecked untold human life, not to mention social cohesion and civilization itself.

“Fauci needs to be held responsible for the deaths that are being created by the things he’s foisting on the American people,” Gohmert told the host.

“Everything that Fauci has talked about has not been effective. It’s not working.”

Gohmert went on to explain that the latest data out of the United Kingdom shows that over the last three months, a whopping 81 percent of all covid-related deaths have occurred in the fully vaccinated.

“Dr. Robert Malone, the guy that discovered, that created the mRNA, the technology that’s used in the vaccinations, he is extremely concerned,” Gohmert added about the horror show that is unfolding.

“There hasn’t been adequate testing and this changes people’s genetics, and it does do irreparable damage in many cases they know of, creating lesions in the brain, creating damage to the organs, and especially the reproductive system.”...<<<Read More>>>...

Every single Covid-19 Vaccination is a Vote for the new Global Dictatorship

[The Expose]: Politicians do not care about your health. They care about your vote.In the past we voted with our hands. Today we vote with our shoulders.

When a British Politician such as Boris Johnson or Sajid Javid begs for your vaccination. They are begging for your vote. When an Austrian politician legislates mandatory vaccinations, they are stealing your vote.

When the main stream media print misleading statistics about vaccination effectiveness they are attempting to influence your vote like they do in every election.

When the fake president of the United States makes an executive order for a vaccine mandate he is trying to rig the election (as if he would do any thing like that).

My apologies for being so slow to see it.

We are all partaking in a COVERT election for a world wide fascist dictatorship based on a social credit score linked digital smart currency which is denied to the unvaxxed by means of vaccine passports.

Every shot you take, every shoulder your present, every jab your receive is a vote to lose your human rights, to lose your national democracy, to lose your national sovereignty, to lose your right to socialise with whom you choose or be treated by the doctor whom you choose, with the treatment which you and he choose. Actually your doctor has already lost the right to treat you as he sees fit.

It is also a vote to segregate, to demonise, to exclude, to fine, to criminalise and to incarcerate your naturally immune unvaccinated brothers and sisters on false health grounds.

It is a vote for worldwide apartheid and worldwide vaxxism. It is a vote to abolish your country and your government in favour of a global multinational corporate giga-plutocracy

But this vaccination election has been disguised as a therapeutic medical intervention necessary for the health of the nation and critical in saving our health services.

It is no such thing. It is an unnecessary genetic takeover, a commoditisation of our immune systems by globalists for political purposes. And our health service has already been destroyed by politics not by a virus. It is the wrong type of vaccination (there was never any need to change our genes – sputnik and novavax prove that).

It is against the wrong part of the virus (the spike protein is highly pathogenic). It should have been against all nucleocapsid proteins, not the spike proteins according to research cited by Dr Richard Flemming.- What we now know is that the greatest natural immunity to this virus comes off the nucleocapsid component of it (not the spike protein) which you can only get if you get it from person to person (transmission), that data just recently came out.

It should have been against all the proteins in the variant not merely against 12% of the proteins that occur in the spike. It is now against the wrong variant. A vaccination for the Wuhan Alpha spike protein is next to useless against the 32 mutation Omicron spike protein...<<<Read More>>>...

Tuesday 28 December 2021

Another Day, Another Wander Amongst The Moronics

We were out and about amongst the moronics again today; this time at The Trafford Centre in Manchester. The place was very busy with Bank Holiday sales shoppers. There were a significant number of people like us, unmasked. But there was also a large number of face nappy wearers. 

The place was jammed packed and non-maskers and face nappy wearers were intermingling quite easily in truth. We have to comment that the array of different styles of slavery masks (For that is what they are) was incredible. Pathetic though. 

There had been quite a moronics in their black slavery masks milling outside as we approached the Trafford Centre. Outside? Why? What do these Homo Moronicus individuals think they are going to catch ...other than destroying their immune system, increasing their CO2 intake and lessening their Oxygen intake to the brain. Their face nappies are also incubators for dozens of bacterial spores which they are breathing into their lungs along with the mask fibres. 

Madness. Utter madness created by the government fear narratives. We had too much SAGE during our build up to Xmas, and the already petrified sheeples are now shit scared. This mental injury will remain with them for the rest of their lives. It's trauma based mind control and its pitiful.

Anyway. We were freely able to wander through, and around, any of the shops and department stores without a problem. Many others were doing the same. But the moronics were dilligently adhering to the bankrupt Government Corporations unlawful mandate ... donning their face nappies like obedient slaves in the same stores. 

Many of the stores no longer had the mask mandate signs at their entrances. But some had their fearmongery signs there for all to see. Most ignored them. There was also the communist voice over the tannoy from time to time instructing us to wear our masks etc etc. Bullshit gets treated like bullshit. 

It got to lunch time, so we queued for 'wonderful' take away food in the large food hall and then walked for about fifteen minutes seeking a table to eat our delights. When we did plonk ourselves down, a rather fearful moronic arrived at an unoccupied table close by to us. She was wearing a black slave mask, complete with a tie down pin at the top of the mask over the bridge of her nose. She sat down and still wore the mask. She looked and felt petrified. She stood up and asked an cleaner to sanitise her table for her. Once sanitised she then put her elbows on to it and her phone. We wondered if the shopping bags she had beside her had been equally sanitised after she had purchased her goods. Or if the contents of the said bags had been sanitised too?

Sad to see someone so young so badly affected by the fear narratives. But she wasn't an isolated case. There were many wandering through the shops that literally flinched when a naked face went near them. It's a mad mad world these days ... divided into the non-fearing naked faced humans and the petrified slave masked moronics. And in the UK, SAGE and our media are solely to blame for this carnage.....

Quote for the Day

 "Sometimes it is the quiet observer who sees the most." - Kathryn L.Nelson

Stop panicking: You are a third less likely to catch Covid this Christmas than last Christmas and 80% less likely to die from it

[SOTT]: We're republishing the latest analysis by James Ferguson, a financial analyst, which argues - quite convincingly - that not only is Omicron considerably milder than Delta but also less transmissible.

Almost a year ago to the day, I noted that the reasons given for closing down Christmas celebrations in the U.K. last year had owed more to a basic mathematical error than the supposed increased transmissibility and virulence of the new alpha (Medway) variant.

This year, a similar threat from omicron appears to be scaring the politicos, but this again seems more a figment of the scare-mongers' hysteria than scientifically-grounded evidence.

The willful damage that certain so-called scientists have serially inflicted on the economy needs to be queried. However, the propaganda machine likens any healthy skepticism to flat-earth advocacy.

Consequently, this note takes a leaf out of Steven Koonin's excellent book on the climate debate Unsettled, and only interprets the Government's own official data.

However, as you will see below, this interpretation comes out quite differently to the Government propaganda/BBC party line. Covid, as is the way with new viruses, is mutating into both a significantly less transmissible and substantially less virulent variant.

You are only about one third as likely to catch Covid this Christmas as last and, even if you do, you are now 80% less likely to die from it. So, why isn't this the new narrative?

Same Government data, different headlines.

The UK is currently in the throes of its fifth Covid variant wave: Wuhan (Mar 2020), Spanish (Sep 2020), alpha (Nov 2020), delta (Jun 2021) and now omicron (Dec 2021). Cases are at a record high, despite one of the most comprehensive vaccine programmes in the world and a series of extensive non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs), like lockdowns and forced self-isolation. Yet behind the media hysteria, an extremely salient fact seems to have gone largely unnoticed. Whilst the number of positive tests has hit new highs, the number of deaths which used to follow just 14 days behind such 'cases' have fallen away, especially since omicron....<<<Read More>>>...

Dystopian: China Introduces ‘AI Prosecutor’ That Can Automatically Charge Citizens of a Crime

[Humans Are Free]: While in the West mostly speech and movement of people are policed through automated “AI” censorship and surveillance systems, in China, work appears to be well under way to create a machine that would act as an AI-powered prosecutor.

The product, which has already been tested by the busy Shanghai Pudong prosecutor’s office, is able to achieve 97 percent accuracy in charging people suspected of eight criminal acts, researchers developing it have alleged.

According to the South China Morning Post, the cases that the “AI prosecutor” is allegedly highly competent in handling involve crimes like credit card fraud, dangerous driving, gambling, intentional injury, obstructing officials, theft, but also something called “picking quarrels and provoking trouble.”

The last one is considered particularly “problematic” since its definition, or lack thereof, can cover different forms of political dissent.

And now the plan is to introduce a machine that would be given decision-making powers, such as whether to file charges, and what sentence to seek on a case-to-case basis.

That, said Professor Shi Yong, who heads the Chinese Academy of Sciences’ big data and knowledge management lab that is behind the project, is a marked difference between this and other “AI” tools that have already been in use in China for years.

One of them is System 206, whose tasks are limited to assessing evidence, the danger a suspect poses to the public, and conditions under which they may be apprehended.

But the tech behind the new artificial prosecutor looks to be at the same time far more ambitious, and advanced. What has been disclosed is that it can be run on a desktop PC, processing 1,000 traits extracted from case description filed by humans, and based on that press a charge.

It’s unclear if the database of 17,000 cases spanning five years used to train the algorithms is enough to consider the project as true AI – and if the same result can be achieved by rule-based algorithms.

Either way, not all human prosecutors are thrilled about having some of their workload replaced in this way – although precisely this has been given as the motive for developing the tech.

“The accuracy of 97 per cent may be high from a technological point of view, but there will always be a chance of a mistake. Who will take responsibility when it happens? The prosecutor, the machine or the designer of the algorithm?,” one Guangzhou-based prosecutor noted, speaking on condition of anonymity.

World Alternative Media host decries door-to-door vaccination in UK

 [Natural News]: “World Alternative Media” host Josh Sigurdson slammed the U.K.’s plan to roll out door-to-door vaccination squads to unvaccinated Britons – its attempt to target around 5 million people who haven’t taken the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine.

Sigurdson also noted that only 10 percent of unvaccinated people actually want the vaccine, based on population-based studies in the U.K.

“Now they’re talking about a fourth and a fifth booster. [For] people who haven’t had any, I’m pretty sure don’t plan on getting any unless by force,” he added.

He also hit the U.K. government for saying that the mood in the country is hardening against people who refuse to be vaccinated.

“A lot of people just did it because the crowd told them to do it. And they want to be comfortable in their slumber, whatever. But they did it because their job told me that too because it made things more convenient to them. And tyranny always comes under the guise of convenience. But unfortunately, death does as well.”

Sigurdson added that a lot of people are facing right now death due to autoimmune disorders caused by the vaccine aside from suffering from heart attacks, strokes, cancer, brain thrombosis, blood clots, miscarriages, among others.

“It’s totally insane. And they continue to go door-to-door but that only pushes people away.”

Sight Versus Vision

 [Daily OM]: Sight is the ability to see the physical world while vision is the gift of seeing beyond it. Sight enables us to take the physical world in so we can participate in it with knowledge. It brings us pleasure through our eyes, which perceive the colors and shapes of all the myriad expressions of nature and human beings. It helps us feel in control, allowing us to see what is coming toward us, which way we are going, and exactly where we are standing at a given moment. We are able to read signs and books, navigate the interiors of buildings with ease, sense and perceive how a person is feeling by the expressions that cross her face.

As anyone who has lost their eyesight can tell you, though, there are things that are clearer when you cannot see the world through your eyes. One of the reasons many meditation instructors advise sitting with the eyes closed is because we automatically become more in touch with our inner world when we are not distracted by the outer world. It is in this state that vision becomes our mode of seeing. Vision comes from within and shows us how to navigate the realms of thought, feeling, and emotion. It enables us to see things that aren't yet manifested in the world of form, and it also connects us to that part of ourselves that exists separately from the world of form.

As we age, even those of us with perfect eyesight will generally lose some of our acuity, but this loss is usually replaced with inner vision. This is the time of life when we are meant to turn inside and take what are sometimes the very first steps of a journey that cannot be traced on a map. We call upon intuition and feel our way along a path that ultimately carries us beyond the realm we can see with our eyes and into the land of spirit.

We are winning people – now let’s KICK ON AND FINISH IT

 [David Icke]: New Year’s parties were given the green light in England as ministers announced there will be no new coronavirus restrictions imposed before the end of 2021.

In a move welcomed by hospitality bosses, Health Secretary Sajid Javid announced there will be no curbs on social mixing beyond the current Plan B measures.

But the Cabinet minister, in a move that appeared to be echoed by the Prime Minister, left the door open for fresh measures to be potentially introduced in January.

Boris Johnson tweeted on Monday there would be “no new restrictions introduced in England before the New Year”.

Monday 27 December 2021

Among The Moronics

This is going to offend and anger those who are still firm believers of the Covid Vaccinations and that the governments around the world care for our health. Tough. It's time those still brainwashed by the fearmongering and the media fear narratives woke up from their hypnotised slumber before it is too late.

For those who've followed the regime and been double jabbed and have now had the booster, it is too late. It's a matter of time until you learn the terrible truth. Many have woken up to the lies and realised they have been hoodwinked. Double jabbed people are now like us true blood vaccine-free humans, we are the un-vaccinated!

As members of the true blood human world, we visited Skipton in North Yorkshire today and were totally shocked to find ourselves surrounded by the nappy wearing sheep even outside in the street! Moronic Variant masks were everywhere. Most of the wearers had a look of total fear in their eyes when they spotted us going about our daily business face nappy free.

We had our lunch amongst the moronics with no mask on! We ventured around the cafe with our naked face for all the world to see. Whilst those believing that the OMICRON/MORONIC VARIANT is running wild in our once great country, had their various versions of their moronic variant masks on their faces. What a bunch of gullible Homo Moronicus idiots they were ...

How can our bankrupt Government Corporation declare that its Omicron or Delta or any variant out there? Nothing has ever been isolated! NO test can tell them. A debatable positive test is NOT a case. A case only happens when a sample of the said virus is taken from the said human with the positive test and the said sample is compared against a sample of the original virus to see if they are infected with it. Since the original virus, or any of the computer generated variants. don't exist .... nobody can be infected with Covid19!!!

It's all a scam. It's all a psychological operation to brainwash the human race to agree to have a deadly cocktail jabbed into their arm to control some via nanotechnology and to largely kill the rest .... simple.

We noticed signs that stated mask wearing was 'mandatory' .... not wearing a mask is in line with those signs as a mandatory order is a voluntary compliance with that order. If you don't agree to it, then that's fine ... it's your legal choice.

We commented on the high number of government employees that must be out on the streets of Skipton ... for they were all following the corporate law to wear masks. The governments are corporations which makes their laws ... corporate laws ... which can only apply to government employees or idiots who wish to comply with them, because they are totally ignorant of the laws in this country.

It was a sad place to be in truth, as a true blood human 1.0 it is likely a high percentage of the moronics we milled around with in that fine town are now human 2.0 having had the gene therapy that has rendered them transhuman ... no longer recognised by the creator ... becoming the property and slave of the corporation or business that has the patent on the shit in them. Since Aladdin of Blackrock owns most of the world's companies ... it is probable that the A.I computer nicknamed Aladdin is their master. 

Oh dear ....

Quote for the Day

 "The false ego controls the mind, and twists the truth. It can avoid love by looking for love. It can avoid the true path, by looking for the true path. The false ego will frighten you. It can manifest your worst fear in an instance to ensure you let it survive. " - Matthew James

New York State Legislation Proposes: Indefinite Covid Prison Camps for Unvaccinated

[Humans Are Free]: In the next legislative debate, which will begin on January 5, 2022, the New York Senate and Assembly could pass legislation which would give the permission to remove and detain cases, contacts, carriers, or even anyone in suspicion of posing a “significant threat to public health” and separate them from the public on an indefinite term. The bill proposes indefinite COVID prison camps for the unvaccinated.

Bill A416 poses a serious threat to the fundamental freedoms of all Americans in New York State, including their ability to choose if they are to receive medical aid and vaccines related to infectious diseases. [This bill also paves the way for concentration camps in America].

The bill allows the Governor of New York and their delegates, which included the commissioner and heads of local health departments, the power to separate and hold up any people or group of individuals by only having to issue a single order. The orders just have to include the person’s name(s) or “reasonably specific descriptions of the individuals or groups.”

The department may decide to detain a person or group of people in a medical center or any other center it deems appropriate. The language is deliberately kept vague.

While the bill aims to ensure that no one can be detained for more than 60 days, the language allows court judgments to be overturned to remove the maximum length of detention. Past the 60 days elapsing, the court has an additional 90 days to consider a person’s detention, a cycle that the department said could go on indefinitely.

It later goes on to state that the Bill is going to “require an individual who has been exposed to or infected by a contagious disease to complete an appropriate, prescribed course of treatment, preventive medication or vaccination,” and gives the government the right to apprehend and vaccinate anyone by force.

Since the wording of the bill refers to individuals or groups who are “potentially” threatening, the bill is a preemptive strike in opposition to anyone who the department believes could pose a potential threat in the future, like the individuals who refused to accept the vaccine for COVID-19....<<<Read More>>>...

Trusting Spiritual Assistance

[Daily OM]:  We may have become accustomed to asking for help from the unseen world -- whether from angels, guides, or ancestral spirits -- but sometimes we may forget to close our connection afterwards with a thank you. When we connect to these energies for assistance, it is much like a phone connection. Forgetting to close the conversation with a proper "goodbye" is like not hanging up. While that line is still connected, others can have trouble getting through, while in the meantime, batteries are being drained. Saying "thank you" is a way of releasing our concerns into trusted hands and getting out of the way so that the universe's divine order can work on our behalf.

As spiritual beings, we may talk about "staying connected," but our connection needs to be with our source. We can plug in and recharge, but we run on batteries in between, and every connection we make utilizes some of our personal power. Even being surrounded by people that energize us has its limits, and at some point we will feel ready to go off on our own to do what is ours to do. Instead of trying to be constantly connected, we can turn to these beings for help in a way that is more like placing an order. We contact them, ask for what we need, and then say thank you and goodbye.

Beings of light don't require our gratitude; it is an energetic acknowledgement of trust and release that benefits us. When we bring ourselves to a sense of being grateful, we affirm that what we have asked is already done. Then we can move forward with confidence to do the things we are meant to do, while knowing that all will be well.