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Tuesday 18 December 2018

Top 10 CONSPIRACY THEORIES of 2018 foisted and propagated on the American masses via mainstream media

Natural News: Before the now infamous Edward Snowden revealed the NSA “Prism” and the fact that the Federal Government of the United States was indeed spying on every American citizen daily by collecting “metadata” via social media, emails, and even phone calls, anyone who would have claimed our government was that sneaky and evil would have immediately been called one of those paranoid “conspiracy theorists.”

Even Google, Facebook, and Verizon were in on the gig of spying on Americans, and it was all revealed just five years ago to the whole world.

That’s the year that conspiracy theorists were vindicated, and many Americans started to rethink September 11th and the unexplained demolition of Building Seven. That’s when Americans began rethinking why there was never any security footage released from the seemingly staged Sandy Hook, when more than a few crisis actors were more>>>...