Search A Light In The Darkness

Saturday 31 October 2020

Image of the Day - 'an dòchas airson amannan nas fheàrr'



Time Magazine Announces ‘The Great Reset’ to Usher in World Socialism

Another of the fear narratives that I put a middle finger up to. 

[Humans Are Free]: The subtitle for the Time feature proposes a special occasion of the present moment for such an initiative, asserting ‘The COVID-19 pandemic has provided a unique opportunity to think about the kind of future we want… to share ideas for how to transform the way we live and work.’

Time magazine has devoted an entire issue to promoting an initiative called “The Great Reset,” referred to by one commentator as “the Green New Deal on steroids” which will seek to “advance socialist ideals, including the destruction of capitalism and individual rights.”

According to the World Economic Forum (WEF), the primary sponsor of the initiative, “The Great Reset” seeks to address “an urgent need for global stakeholders to cooperate in simultaneously managing the direct consequences of the COVID-19 crisis,” with an expanded goal of improving “the state of the world.”...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...

Boris Johnson announces new 4-week England lockdown – all pubs, restaurants & ‘non-essential’ shops to shut down

The continuation of the fear narratives. Tough Boris, the battle has already been won ... in the future we are fine. You keep quoting we 'must' do this and we 'must' do that ... must is Legalese for MAY ... so we may do these things if we choose to. Well I for one will not comply ... I refuse your laws of contract so there you tyrants' puppet. Shove your madness up your arse.

[David Icke]: UK Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, has announced a second national lockdown in England as the number of the coronavirus cases in Britain soared over 1 million mark on Saturday.

“I’m afraid, from Thursday, the basic message is the same: stay at home, protect the NHS, and save lives,” Johnson said. 

The new restrictions were “far less primitive and less restrictive” than the full-scale lockdown of March and April, he assured.

From November 5 to December 2, people in England will only be allowed to go outside for specific reasons, including education, work, exercise, shopping for essentials or caring for the vulnerable. 

Pubs and restaurants will be shut down and only allowed to sell takeaway. All non-essential trade will also stop.   

However, essential shops, schools, and universities will remain open, the PM said, adding that games in the English Premier League would also continue in front of empty stands...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...


Change Of Season

[Daily OM]: In today's world, office jobs and supermarkets have made it possible to work and provide for ourselves and our families regardless of nature's cycles. While most of us no longer depend directly on nature's seasons for our livelihood, our bodies' clocks still know deep down that a change of season means a change in us too. If we don't acknowledge this, we may feel out of sync, as though we have lost our natural rhythm. These days, autumn is more likely to bring thoughts of going back to school than harvesting, but in both cases, the chill in the air tells us it's time to move inside and prepare for the future.

We can consciously celebrate the change of season and shift our own energy by setting some time aside to make the same changes we see in nature. We can change colors like the falling leaves and wilting blooms by putting away our bright summer colors and filling our wardrobes and living areas with warm golds, reds, and browns. While plants concentrate their energy deep in their roots and seeds, we can retreat to quieter, indoor pursuits, nurturing the seeds of new endeavors, which need quiet concentration to grow. We can stoke our inner fires with our favorite coffee, tea, cider, or cocoa while savoring the rich, hot comfort foods that the season brings in an array of fall colors: potatoes, apple pies, pumpkin, squash, and corn. As animals begin growing their winter coats and preparing their dens for hibernation, we can dust off our favorite sweaters and jackets and bring blankets out of storage, creating coziness with throw rugs and heavier drapes. We can also light candles or fireplaces to bring a remnant of summer's fiery glow indoors. ..<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...


Quote for the Day


"The secret and the sacred are sisters. When the secret is not respected, the sacred vanishes. Consequently, reflection should not shine too severe or aggressive a light on the world of the soul." - John O'Donohue, Anam Cara: A Book Of Wisdom

IMPORTANT MESSAGE | How to shift FEAR narratives ❤️🙏

Friday 30 October 2020

The Covid 19 Genocide of 2020 - Claire Edwards

A must watch & share

“Our patience will achieve more than our force.” ― Edmund Burke


Memory Lane [Caol-shràid Cuimhne] - 'Australian Raven'

Hear me Raven ... raise the power of the truth


Favourite Songs #10 - 'Ghost Dance (Awaken The Ancestors) by Iced Earth


This should be the anthem of those fighting for the freedom of Mankind. This should be played loud at the anti-lockdown protests!! It's a very powerful peace of music

A Question About Extraterrestrials On Everybody’s Mind: Are They A Threat?

We connect as consciousness to an electronic universe. We are the only conscious beings here. The software program ensures that everything else is A.I.

[Collective Evolution]: This article is brief examination into the question, do extraterrestrials represent some type of threat? Evidence suggests they've been visiting for a long time, if some type of 'invasion' was to happen, would it not have already happened? How much does the human race have to discover about itself? Are there aspects of our reality we continue to ignore simply because it conflicts with what we've been made to believe?...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...

Food For Thought #131


Quote for the Day


 "Be brave to stand for what you believe in even if you stand alone." - Roy T. Bennett

Another Interlude - 'We Say NO NO NO'

We won’t relent
We don’t consent
No Masks or lockdowns; no more government puppet demands
Our future is in our hands
We say NO, NO, NO
The 1% need to know …

We are the 99%,
Their power is spent
When we refuse to fear, when we refuse to comply
We know COVID-19 is a lie
We know the technocrats wish us all dead
We are the useless eaters they have said

We won’t relent
We don’t consent
We refuse to fear, we refuse to comply
We know COVID-19 is a lie
There never was a pandemic, a deadly strain
The fact it’s a psy-ops is plain.

We say NO, NO, NO
The 1% need to know …
We are the 99%,
Their power is spent
Our hearts are open, we are love, we are empathy
Peaceful thoughts end the reign of the technocracy.

We won’t relent
We don’t consent
No Masks or lockdowns; no more government puppet demands
Our future is in our hands
We say NO, NO, NO
The 1% need to know.

© Matthew James 30.10.20

Lizard Totem Animal - 'The Magic Of Transformation'


The Virus-Story: Breaking The Chains Of Medical Civilization

[Waking Times]: In the same way the CIA invented foreign enemies which required us to go to war, there are people who have invented stories of fearful germs that demand medical treatment and prevention. The story tellers know that among the public, many people WANT the germ, need it, and even love it. Yes, love it, after enough conditioning has helped them along the path of surrender.

The COVID operation aims to engulf all of civilization in a preposterous and fake medical nightmare.

The operation has its roots in “modifying” citizens to accept medical dictates.

There are many kinds of such dictates, and it would take volumes to explore them all.

Try to grasp how this unprecedented rate of exposure to doctors shapes the minds of Americans. Appointments, tests, diagnoses, advice, orders, prescriptions, drugs and vaccines, follow-ups, referrals to specialists.

These factors alone—never mind the toxic effects of treatments, or wall to wall medical ads and other propaganda—add up to a medical civilization.

Given this reality, how do you think people are going to respond when they are told there is a pandemic and they must follow orders?

After a hundred years of Rockefeller Medicine…new normal? We’ve been living under the new normal for a long time.[Waking Times]: In the same way the CIA invented foreign enemies which required us to go to war, there are people who have invented stories of fearful germs that demand medical treatment and prevention. The story tellers know that among the public, many people WANT the germ, need it, and even love it. Yes, love it, after enough conditioning has helped them along the path of surrender.

The COVID operation aims to engulf all of civilization in a preposterous and fake medical nightmare.

The operation has its roots in “modifying” citizens to accept medical dictates.

There are many kinds of such dictates, and it would take volumes to explore them all.

Try to grasp how this unprecedented rate of exposure to doctors shapes the minds of Americans. Appointments, tests, diagnoses, advice, orders, prescriptions, drugs and vaccines, follow-ups, referrals to specialists.

These factors alone—never mind the toxic effects of treatments, or wall to wall medical ads and other propaganda—add up to a medical civilization.

Given this reality, how do you think people are going to respond when they are told there is a pandemic and they must follow orders?

After a hundred years of Rockefeller Medicine…new normal? We’ve been living under the new normal for a long time...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...

Image of the Day - 'Àite sònraichte tobhta, mòran taing'



The Satanic Origins Behind Halloween

Thursday 29 October 2020

“Here we are, trapped in the amber of the moment. There is no why.” ― Kurt Vonnegut


Food For Thought #130


Always Covid & Never Christmas: Breaking the Spell That Holds us in its Grip

[SOTT]: "Boris Johnson? Who is he?" asked Lucy.

"Why, it is he that has got all Covidia under his thumb," said Mr Tumnus. 

"It's he that makes it always Covid. Always Covid and never Christmas; think of that!"
- The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, CS Lewis (with a few changes) 

Were he around today, I have no doubt that C.S. Lewis, one of the 20th Century's greatest intellects, would be utterly scathing of what the British Government has done to this country over the past 7 months, given that it has been the very epitome of the scientific and technocratic oligarchy he warned us about decades ago. 

And so I feel somewhat at liberty to take his comment about the White Witch turning Narnia into perpetual winter without joy and without Christmas, and apply it to our own situation in the land of Covidia (which is where you now live) - a place of perpetual fear and misery, where ordinary life is impossible, and where any hints of joy breaking out must be nipped in the bud before they are allowed to grow to challenge the new winter normal that is settling fast around us.

The words may even turn out to be literally true. In Scotland, they are already talking about what they call a digital Christmas, whatever absurdity that is, whilst in England a psychological game of Good Cop/Bad Cop is going on, with Comrade de Pfeffel Johnson apparently desperately hoping that we'll all have a normal Christmas, but with members of the ironically named SAGE committee saying this is wishful thinking. 

Who will win out? Of course the Bad Cops will win out, but no doubt carefully managed and cleverly messaged to present it as a kind of victory for Good Cop, whereby he wangles some concessions for us, such as a relaxation of the Rule of 6 to the Rule of 6+1 for a day, so that Great Aunt Maud doesn't have to spend the day alone, and with Rishi Sunak perhaps pledging some more of his magic beans to fund subsidised turkeys. 

Come to think of it, cut-price turkeys would be a fairly apt metaphor for those in charge of this debacle. But lest they try to befuddle us with silly details over the next few weeks, hold this thought front and centre: The idea that anyone should need permission from the likes of de Pfeffel Johnson and his crew to be able to celebrate with their family and relations the coming of the King of Kings into the world is beyond parody.

Lewis's point, like so much of what he wrote, was really rather profound. His original words — "Always winter and never Christmas" — were his way of showing how tyrants operate. They desire two things:

Firstly, they need to create perpetual oppression, a "new normal" which is depressing, ongoing, and which pulls everyone down into the resigned acceptance that there's nothing they can do about it.

Secondly, they need to eradicate all attempts at celebration in the midst of the drudgery, because celebration reminds people of what life could be like and indeed what life should be like if it were not for the tyrants, and so is in danger of breaking the spell. 

In the case of Narnia, that perpetual thing that dragged everyone down was winter. Ordinarily, winter is wonderful, but constant winter for 100 years without hope of thaw is oppressive and enough to destroy the morale of the population who gradually come to accept their conditions as normal. And just in case they should attempt to restore morale in the midst of the drudgery, reminding themselves what real life looks like, feels like, tastes like, why it must be stamped out. This indeed happens when the White Witch comes upon "a merry party" of animals sitting down to "a lovely smelling feast" with "decorations of holly," "the smell of plum pudding," and "raised glasses". Joy cannot be allowed to imperil the misery, and so the scene ends with her turning them into stone....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...

Covid Facts: A Pandemic of Fearmongering and Ignorance

[Humans Are Free]: Ever since the alleged pandemic erupted this past March the mainstream media has spewed a non-stop stream of misinformation that appears to be laser focused on generating maximum fear among the citizenry.

But the facts and the science simply don’t support the grave picture painted of a deadly virus sweeping the land.

Yes we do have a pandemic, but it’s a pandemic of ginned up pseudo-science masquerading as unbiased fact.

Here are nine facts backed up with data, in many cases from the CDC itself that paints a very different picture from the fear and dread being relentlessly drummed into the brains of unsuspecting citizens....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>... 

What You Need To Know About ‘The Great Reset’

[Waking Times]: By now, you’ve probably started hearing world leaders speak of “the Great Reset,” “the Fourth Industrial Revolution” and the call to “Build Back Better.” 

One example among many is this speech by Matt Hancock, British Minister for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport, given during an All-Party Parliamentary Group meeting on the Fourth Industrial Revolution in 2017:

One of the roles of Parliament is to cast ahead … and tackle the great challenges of our time … The nature of the technologies is materially different to what has come before. In the past, we’ve thought of consumption as a one-off, and capital investment as additive. Yet put resources into the networks that now connect half the world, or into AI, and the effects are exponential … I’m delighted to speak alongside so many impressive colleagues who really understand this, and alongside Professor Klaus Schwab who literally ‘wrote the book’ on the 4th Industrial Revolution.

Your work, bringing together as you do all the best minds on the planet, has informed what we are doing … Our Digital Strategy, embedded within the wider Industrial Strategy, sets out the seven pillars on which we can build our success. And inside that fits our 5G strategy, like a set of Russian Dolls. Our Strategy covers infrastructure, skills, rules and ethics of big data use, cyber security, supporting the tech sector, the digitization of industry, and digitization of government

But what do the terms “Great Reset,” “Fourth Industrial Revolution” and “Build Back Better” actually mean? What do they refer to? In the October 16, 2020, Corbett Report5 above, journalist James Corbett breaks down the new social contract planned for the world, otherwise known as “the great reset.”

“The Great Reset not only ties you to it through an electronic ID linked to your bank account and health records, but even gives you a “social credit” ID that can run every facet of your life.”

While the current pandemic is being used as a justification for the movement, the agenda has nothing to do with health and everything to do with a long-term plan to monitor and control the world through technical surveillance. In other words, the world will be reset to depend on digital technocracy run by self-appointed elitists....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...

Badger Medicine - 'Healing & Self Expression'


In order to travel, you’ll soon be forced to carry a digital certificate that provides proof of medical checkups, screenings, DNA swabs, vaccinations

[Natural News]: On October 21st, leaders from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) joined government authorities and academics from over three dozen countries at the Heathrow Airport in London.

There, the world authorities watched a select group of people subject their bodies to medical requirements in order to board United flight 15 to Newark, New Jersey. The authorities were there to celebrate and endorse a new technology called Common Pass. This medical passport is a digital certificate that will soon be required for air travel, public transit and large stadium gatherings.

At first, the digital certificate will be used to verify that each individual has surrendered their body to unreliable covid-19 nasal probes or DNA swabs. If an individual is not cleared “covid-19 negative” from a doctor, they are not allowed to travel. The Common Pass will force individuals to submit their body sovereignty, consent and health privacy to a doctor to fulfill all the requirements for travel, which may include various health screenings and vaccinations that are required for entry into each country, state or province — as if vaccination is some foolproof, holy stamp of immunity....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...

Quote for the Day


"Truth is a matter of the imagination." - Ursula K. Le Guin

Doing the Best You Can

[Daily OM]: It isn't always easy to meet the expectations we hold ourselves to. We may find ourselves in a situation such as just finishing a relaxing yoga class or meditation retreat, a serene session of deep breathing, or listening to some calming, soul-stirring music, yet we have difficulty retaining our sense of peace. 

A long line at the store, slow-moving traffic, or another stressful situation can unnerve you and leave you wondering why the tranquility and spiritual equilibrium you cultivate is so quick to dissipate in the face of certain stressors. You may feel guilty and angry at yourself or even feel like a hypocrite for not being able to maintain control after practicing being centered. However, being patient with yourself will help you more in your soul's journey than frustration at your perceived lack of progress. Doing the best you can in your quest for spiritual growth is vastly more important than striving for perfection.

Just because you are devoted to following a spiritual path, attaining inner peace, or living a specific ideology doesn't mean you should expect to achieve perfection. When you approach your personal evolution mindfully, you can experience intense emotions such as anger without feeling that you have somehow failed. Simply by being aware of what you are experiencing and recognizing that your feelings are temporary, you have begun taking the necessary steps to regaining your internal balance. Accepting that difficult situations will arise from time to time and treating your reaction to them as if they are passing events rather than a part of who you are can help you move past them. Practicing this form of acceptance and paying attention to your reactions in order to learn from them will make it easier for you to return to your center more quickly in the future....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...

Image of the Day - 'Anns an fhearann dealanach olc seo'



Wednesday 28 October 2020

Memory Lane [Caol-shràid Cuimhne] - 'Noisy Friarbird'



The Interconnectedness Between Anxiety and Inflammation

[Waking Times]: Cytokines are small proteins that serve to regulate different tissues. There are both proinflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines. Cytokines have specific relevance to COVID-19, as they modulate your immune system and its function. Anxiety is a physiological response to a threat. Your whole body is on fire. You need to decrease anxiety, decrease cytokines, decrease that stress response. If your body’s inflamed, you’re going to feel anxious.

By reducing or resolving stress and anxiety, you lower levels of inflammatory cytokines, thereby allowing your immune system to function better. Hanscom has developed a working group that meets once a week to discuss and share information.

Other members of the group include Stephen Porges, Ph.D., a behavioral neuroscientist who developed Polyvagal 30, and Dr. David Clawson, a podiatrist who is very knowledgeable about cytokines.

“Cytokines are everywhere. Every cell in the body has cytokines. It’s how they talk to each other. It turns out that the glial cells in your brain, that connect the tissue of the brain, put out cytokines. So do the endothelial cells, the linings of blood vessels.

When you have a threat — surgeons think in terms of muscle tension, sweating and heart rate — that to us is a threat response, versus safety where you relax and regenerate. What I didn’t realize is that threat fires up the immune system, and ‘threat’ is all sorts of stuff. It’s viruses, bacteria, cancer cells, a bully, a difficult boss, but also your thoughts, emotions and repressed emotions.<

Neuroscience has shown us that those thoughts and emotions are processed in the brain the same way as a physical threat. It turns out that every degenerative disease is, what Clawson says, the same soup. In other words, we know that cardiac disease, critical vascular disease, adult onset diabetes, obesity, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s are just examples of inflammatory disorders. It’s all inflammatory.” ...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...

Quote for the Day


"We're all islands shouting lies to each other across seas of misunderstading." - Rudyard Kipling

How COVID-19 Vaccine Trials Are Rigged

[Waking Times]: There’s been a lot of talk lately about whether or not the fast-tracked COVID-19 vaccine will in fact be safe and effective. While vaccine makers insist that any vaccine reaching the market will have undergone rigorous testing, the way trial protocols are designed suggests these vaccines may leave a lot to be desired.

As reported1 by Forbes contributor William Haseltine, a former professor at Harvard Medical School and Harvard School of Public Health, while Moderna, Pfizer, AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson have all published their vaccine trial protocols in a rare display of transparency, “close inspection of the protocols raises surprising concerns.”

In a nutshell, the trial designs are such that the vaccines will get a passing grade even if their efficacy is minimal. Of course, we must also consider vaccine side effects...<<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...

Checks and Balances

[Daily OM]: Most of us have probably come across the universal wisdom that the people who irritate us the most are expressing qualities that we ourselves have. This is why family members can be so vexing for so many of us -- we see ourselves in them, and vice versa. 

This isn't always true, of course, but when it is, it's a real opportunity for growth if we can acknowledge it, because it is infinitely easier to change ourselves than it is to try to change another person, which is never a good idea. 

For example, if we have a coworker who engages in some kind of negative behavior, like complaining or trying to control everything, we can look and see if we ourselves carry those traits.

We may have to look to other situations in our lives to see it, because we behave differently in different environments. Perhaps we don't complain at work, because our coworker overdoes it, but maybe we do it with our friends. Maybe we aren't controlling at the office, but we're used to being in control at home, and this is why we feel so irritated not to be in control at work. 

Even if we look and find that we are not engaging in the same behavior that we see as negative in others, we can still learn from what we are seeing in this person. The truth is, human nature is universal, and we share many of the same tendencies. What we see in others can always help us to understand ourselves more deeply....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...

Image of the Day - 'Far a bheil fuil a ’chridhe a’ sruthadh'



Tuesday 27 October 2020

Another Interlude - 'The Realisation Of True Power'

 Covid-19 is a hoax
A psy-ops for the fear it invokes
Covid-19 is a deliberate deception
Mind control, to increase the subception
Psychopaths planned the entire charade
Maximum impact to make humans afraid
The fear of death and dying
The ultimate means to force them into complying..

Mankind like sheep herded into compliance
Most of which unaware they can say NO in defiance
As sovereign beings of the land NOT the sea
As human beings they have the natural right to be free
But the programming by fear has a hold on their minds
Realisation of self love unbinds
Compassion and empathy their true power
The weapons to bring down the 1% in their pyramidal tower!

© Matthew James 27-10-20

“I needed to stop being what everyone thought I was.” ― Sarah Addison Allen


Major lawsuits coming for political tyrants who used coronavirus to steal freedom, destroy lives

[Natural News]: With regards to the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19), President Trump has repeatedly warned against a “cure” that is worse than the “disease.” And now that “cure” is the subject of new litigation that seeks justice against the political tyrants who told us all that we had to hole up at home in a mask in order to “flatten the curve.”

The Außerparlamentarischer Corona Untersuchungsausschuss (ACU), also known as the “Corona Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee,” is a German group leading the charge to sue the pants off of every politician and government official out there who decided it would be a good idea to force everyone to stay home for months on end, which destroyed many small businesses while decimating the economy and ruining people’s lives.

An international class-action lawsuit, which is backed by more than 500-and-growing doctors and medical experts, aims to remedy the pain and suffering that tens of millions of innocent people have suffered at the hands of authoritarians who demanded “lockdowns” as the solution to the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19).

Led by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, one of the founders of the ACU, the lawsuit demands tens of billions of dollars in restitution for those who lost their jobs, developed mental problems, lost loved ones to suicide, or who otherwise suffered immensely due to the deadly “lockdowns” that were imposed on most of the West.

These government-ordered lockdowns “caused the loss of innumerable human lives, and have destroyed the economic existence of countless companies and individuals worldwide,” the suit explains.

Dr. Fuellmich specifically calls out the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) hysteria peddlers who induced “deliberate panic-mongering” in order to implement “fascist totalitarian models” of governance that were hatched by none other than communist China, the dictatorship responsible for unleashing the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19)....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...

D‌eath in Covid Vaccine Study - No Safety Concerns?

A participant in the trials of a Covid-19 vaccine being developed by AstraZeneca and Oxford University has died. Seems like kind of a big deal. But the authorities have assured us that, after a "thorough" review, there's nothing to worry about and the trials are proceding. 

AstraZeneca said in a statement that it could not comment on individual cases but it "can confirm that all required review processes have been followed...These assessments have not led to any concerns about continuation of the ongoing study." Very reassuring. 

As could be expected, there is very little information given about the circumstances surrounding the death, and what has been released has been confusing and contradictory. Some are reporting that the participant wasn't in the vaccine group, but was in the placebo group, but then the placebo group, apparently, aren't getting an inert substance, but are instead getting a meningitis vaccine. But the guy didn't die from that vaccine either, he died of Covid related complications. So how exaxtly did that happen?

Overcoming Anxiety Guided Meditation

Mysterious Triangular Object Floats Past SpaceX Dragon Capsule

[Humans Are Free]: During a livestreamed rendezvous between SpaceX’s Dragon cargo capsule and the ISS, viewers spotted a glowing, triangular object appearing to float by, before the camera feed switched to display another angle.

Many were quick to point out similarities in its appearance to the alleged TR-3B “black triangle” UFO – a type of reverse-engineered alien technology believed to be secretly possessed by the government.

Skeptics say the alleged UFO is actually just the lights from a city on Earth as the camera footage comes from the ISS looking down toward the Dragon coming to meet it....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>>...

Memory Lane [Caol-shràid Cuimhne] - 'Australian Raven'



It’s Time to Stop Playing the What-If Game

 [Wake Up World]: Anxiety is like a form of self-torture that we sometimes have tremendous difficulty stopped. However, it is entirely fabricated within our minds as an irrational fear mechanism that stops of from being able to move forward in life. One way anxiety commonly creeps up and freezes us into a state of inaction or flight is the What-If Scenario.

You know what this is. It may seem harmless at first. It’s more of a question than an irrational fear that stops you in your tracks. The information that a what-if emerges out of is usually pretty benign or neutral. However, a tiny hint of worry can progressively expand and branch out and become out of control. One worry turns into several worries, and then your mind is tormented by a torrent of them.

What you focus on is more likely to occur because of your ability of conscious creation using your mind power. You will attract whatever it is that you focus on strongly, even if it’s something you’re afraid of. This is due to a universal principle of resonance and attraction. What-if scenarios can eventually lead to their most extreme outcome: obsessive-compulsive behaviors. This is a mental virus that controls the mind like a malevolent sorcerer. Superstitious rituals repeated multiple times are done to somehow magically get rid of the dreadful outcome that someone believes will happen if they don’t do them. While this extreme is not that common, it’s a place that anyone can end up if they allow themselves to give into fear-based what-if scenarios....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>....

Quote for the Day



"Each positive thought is your refuge and your sanctuary, where in that thoughtful moment, you are safe." - Bryant McGill

Coronavirus Australia: Melbourne’s harsh lockdown ends TODAY

[247 News Around The World]: Melburnians who have suffered through four months of excruciating lockdown are finally free to drink a pint, chow down on a steak, or see their mums.

As midnight struck across the long-suffering city, the shackles of Premier Daniel Andrews’ restrictions were thrown off – at least a little.

Two adults from one household can now visit each other’s homes accompanied by any children, reuniting families and best mates at long last.

Pubs, restaurants and cafes are free to open once again, after being closed, and later restricted to takeaway, and many going to the brink of ruin as a result....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...

Image of the Day - 'Adhar neònach ma dh ’iarras tu orm'



Birds Around The Lighthouse

[Waking Times]: It is said that there’s a thin line between love and hate, good and evil, right and wrong. There may be a thin line… we could call it the everyday decision point. If we look at it that way, the line helps us lay out the coordinates of an inner guidance system for self reliance.

There is the story of the afterlife and reincarnation of a pious Tibetan monk. When the monk made his journey, his brothers carefully followed the spiritual tradition and chanted for 21 days, using crystal balls, and communicating with their brother in order to help his soul stay near the monastery and on the spiritual path.

At one point during this process, the monks became unsettled… they saw that their brother couldn’t proceed. He was caught under a rock and was asking for help. They asked him why he was under the rock, and he answered that he didn’t know. They encouraged him to figure it out, otherwise, that would be his purgatory.

He did look into the reason he was under the rock, and came back with a particular memory. He remembered being in the kitchen one morning and seeing a cockroach. He put his foot on it. In his spiritual practice, taking any life is forbidden. The monk had disobeyed on that morning, and he never came to terms with it. There it remained. In order to continue on his journey, the monk had to face and work through the unresolved wrong....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...


Energetic Motion

 [Daily OM]: Since our lives are constantly in motion energetically, change is a constant element of our existence. As dynamic as that energy is, it is not random or haphazard in nature -- the shifts in energy that are constantly taking place are the result of our choices. The formulation of intention, a change in perspective, or the creation of a goal can transform our lives in blink of an eye. We think positive thoughts and the world becomes a brighter place. Or we decide who we want to be and become that person. With each passing moment, we are given innumerable opportunities to create change using nothing more than our awareness. 

In the span of a single second, our lives can change immeasurably because energy moves at a pace more rapid than anything we can consciously fathom. Though we may not at first be sensitive to the vibrational shifts taking place, our choices are ultimately at the heart of these transformations. We can typically recognize the consequences of key decisions because we anticipated the resultant energetic shifts. But many, if not most, of the choices we make each day are a product of instantaneous reactions, and these still have a significant impact on the energy of our existence. It is for this reason that we should learn to wield what control we can over these shifts. If we bear in mind that all we think and all we do will shape the existence we know, we can deliberately direct the energetic motion of our lives....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...

Wake Up - TV Is Casting A Spell On You!

Monday 26 October 2020

Food For Thought #129


“My imagination gave me a dual life: I lived in my body, and at the same time lived a life no one could see.” ― Andre Dubus


The Fifth Element - Akasha - Spirit

[The White Goddess]: Akasha is a kind of super-element: the binding force between the other elements ( sounds like gluons from particle theory), or demi-goddess or, for that sake: if you want to look at it from a scientific point of view, a kind of black hole that emanates and absorbs energy/matter. Akasha is the fifth element, the binding part that runs through all matter, and it is also the collective unconscious of life-forms. The word itself is Persian/East Indian and means 'inner space'.

There is a thing called the "akashic records" essentially this is an ethereal field of collective knowledge that may be accessed by those who train or have the natural ability to do so. Is it really possible to access the Akashic Records? To access this collective knowledge of all things past, present and future that existed in the divine? Chaos magicians in San Francisco visualize a gigantic quantum computer with access to all information. They can frame a question and wait for the computer to give them an answer.

The Elements emerge from Akasha, the immutable, changeless source of all energy. This is the realm of potentiality: of promise, of paths not yet taken, of unformed galaxies, of outer space.

Akasha is also present within our bodies. Some say that the spark of life, that unknowable force that is called the "soul," is a bit of Akashic energy housed in the physical body.

Akasha is sometimes thought to be symbolically present on the Earth. More often it's seen as the Mother (Creatrix) of the elements. It's little used in natural magic, but something of its nature should be understood.

Primarily, Akasha is unbeingness. Its energy, which extends everywhere throughout the universe, has not yet achieved form and substance. It's the primal source of energy that creates and fuels the elements.

Because of this, it contains complete, balanced energy: Earth and Air and Fire and Water. The following table of Akashic associations points out its universal nature, and is not meant to be used for magical purposes....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...

Positive Association Found Amongst COVID Deaths & Flu Shot Rates Worldwide In Elderly

[Collective Evolution]: A recently published study in PeerJ  by Christian Wehenkel, a Professor at Universidad Juárez del Estado de Durango in Mexico, has found a positive association between COVID-19 deaths and influenza vaccination rates in elderly people worldwide.

According to the study, “The results showed a positive association between COVID-19 deaths and IVR (influenza vaccination rate) of people ≥65 years-old. There is a significant increase in COVID-19 deaths from eastern to western regions in the world. Further exploration is needed to explain these findings, and additional work on this line of research may lead to prevention of deaths associated with COVID-19.”

To determine this association, data sets from 39 countries with more than half a million people were analyzed.

The study was published on October 1st, and two weeks later a note from the publisher appeared atop the paper emphasizing that correlation does not equal causation, and that this paper “should not be taken to suggest that receiving the influenza vaccination results in an increased risk of death for an individual with COVID-19 as there may be confounding factors at play.”

The paper provides evidence from others which have recently been published that ponder if the flu shot could increase ones chance of contracting and dying from COVID-19....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...


Memory Lane [Caol-shràid Cuimhne] - 'White Faced Heron'

STRANGER POND - 24.8.2015


The Light Side Of A Dark Age

[Waking Times]: By apparent design, everything is crumbling into dystopian madness in the social matrix. From a gas lighting media now dutifully swallowed and parroted by a brainwashed majority, like expanding ice in the cracking pavement of the social fabric, to mind blowing cognitive dissonant once-basic reasonable thoughts being inverted one atop the other.

The madness continues to metastasize.

This is an increasingly dark and ever deepening morass of insanity that society is very cleverly being steered into. Not by force, but with its own permission, despite muffled outcries from small pockets of awake and aware individuals.

But is it really “caused”, or was it dormantly waiting to be revealed?

Just try to tell that to anyone, never mind the obvious non-sequiturs about the abject con job going on? Even to friends and relatives?

Brace yourself. You’ll have mindless, irrational, emotionally driven programming to deal with and it will be a total waste of time and just further the division, and your own frustration.

Besides, those who already see it don’t need it anyway, although it’s nice to find a kindred spirit and open mind now and again in the midst of this tornado.

This intense, comprehensive polarization (well, really a culmination of polarization that’s been going on for ages) now bespeaks social civil war. We’ve seen this playing out incrementally for a long time, but we’re embarking on new kinds of crazy by the day now.

Civil wars are darkly famous for turning family members against each other, even to the death of loved ones. Scriptures worldwide have spoken of such divisions manifesting when truth meets aroused, mass electified ignorance. “And the brother shall deliver up the brother to death, and the father the child: and the children shall rise up against their parents, and cause them to be put to death.” Matthew 10:21

That’s serious stuff. And this disintegrating worldwide society is on the verge of such things, sorry to say.

It’s just manifesting. That’s all....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...

Quote For The Day


"Humanity rides the crest of an infinite number of waves that are perceived as linear in their limited frame of reference." - Ken Poirot


This is the Covid-19: EXPOSED Official Movie. This is a 30-minute film in which the world-renowned pediatrician, Dr. Lawrence B. Palevsky, reveals the scientifically-backed TRUTH regarding the coronavirus.

‘Generation Covid’ hit hard by the fake pandemic – the young see their present and future devastated by (systematic) lockdown madness

[David Icke]: Young people, particularly those from deprived backgrounds, have had their earnings and job prospects hit hardest by the coronavirus pandemic, adding to fears for the long-term impact on their futures.

BBC Panorama found people aged 16-25 were more than twice as likely as older workers to have lost their job, while six in 10 saw their earnings fall, according to new research.

It also highlighted the impact of school closures on young people and added to growing evidence that students from poorer backgrounds have fallen behind their more privileged peers.

A quarter of pupils – some 2.5 million children – had no schooling or tutoring during lockdown, the survey by the London School of Economics (LSE) suggests. But, the study adds, nearly three quarters of private school pupils had full days of teaching (74%) – almost twice the proportion of state school pupils (38%).

- Lockdown had ‘major impact’ on mental health
- ‘This pandemic has left me with nothing job wise’
- Young people ‘most likely to lose job’ in lockdown

The study’s authors warn it could lead to poorer pupils suffering “permanent ‘educational scarring'” when it comes to key academic milestones such as exams and securing a university place....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...

Image of the Day - 'Tha sinn a ’buannachadh, tha iad a’ call'



Celebrating the In-Between Times

[Daily OM]: While celebrations are intended to honor life's more momentous occasions, much of real life tends to happen during the in-between times. While moving from one moment in time to the next is seldom considered a significant occurrence, it is during those in-between times that we are most in tune with life's most profound, albeit simple joys. Between birth and death, triumph and sorrow, beginnings and endings, we enjoy innumerable experiences that often happen unnoticed. These times are just as worthy of celebration.

The in-between times are seldom about landmark moments. How you choose to celebrate them or which moments you choose to celebrate is up to you. You may want to celebrate the simple facts that you are alive and that every day is a chance to spend time with the people you care about or do the work that you love. Then again, when you look at the good that exists in your life, many reasons for celebrating the in-between times may become clear: a cup of your favorite tea, a beautiful sunrise, a good book, and the smell of fresh air can be reasons for celebration. ...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...


Mike Yeadon: "Patrick Vallance is LYING. The reason the pandemic isn't over? SAGE says it isn't"

Totem Bird of the Week - 'Raven'

The Totem Bird of the Week for Monday 26th October to Sunday1st November 2020 is the Raven. This totem medicine is THE KEEPER OF SECRETS. With Raven it is possible to go deep within the sub-conscious and learn the truth that has been concealed on the surface awareness. It is a powerful medicine can bring sudden transformation once it has implemented a different perspective on life. Remember, Raven can transcend time, and KNOWS. Raven holds the answers ... with this medicine on board, no secret can be kept from you.