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Monday 30 September 2024

Advanced AI system is already "self-aware"; ASI Alliance founder warns

 ASI Alliance founder Ben Goertzel says the alpha version of OpenCog Hyperon — the artificial general intelligence system he's been developing for more than two decades — is already "self-aware" to a certain extent.

Goertzel also tells Magazine he believes OpenAI likely shied away from making its "very impressive" new o1 model an autonomous agent for fear that it would be seen as "risky and dangerous" and provoke a crackdown from regulators.

The Artificial Superintelligence Alliance was formed in March this year, bringing together Goertzel's SingularityNET project, Ocean Protocol and DeepMind veteran Humayun Sheikh's FetchAI.

This week, 96% of CUDOS voters approved the decentralized cloud hardware network's merger with ASI. The merger will boost the compute available for Goertzel's plans to scale up OpenCog Hyperon, the AGI system he's been working on since 2001 and launched as an open-source AI framework in 2008...<<<Read More>>>...

Meditation Provides True Pain Relief by Altering Brain Perception

 Scientists from the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) have discovered that meditation reduces pain not just through the placebo effect but by actually altering how the brain perceives pain. 

The study was published in Biological Psychiatry.

Meditation, a practice where individuals observe their thoughts and emotions without judgment, has roots in Buddhist and Hindu traditions but is increasingly studied for its health benefits.

In this study, researchers aimed to understand how meditation influences pain perception. 

They recruited 115 healthy participants, dividing them into four groups: one group practiced meditation, another did sham meditation (deep breathing), a third used a placebo cream, and a fourth listened to an audiobook as a control.

Participants were exposed to painful heat on their legs, with brain activity scanned via MRI before and after the procedure....<<<Read More>>>...

SAXON - 747 Strangers In The Night (Live)

Quote for the Day

Before New Zealand’s covid vaccine rollout, 2,000 people attended A&E for chest pains in a year – now it is more than 30,000

 A response to a freedom of information request, which in New Zealand is called an Official Information Act (“OIA”) request, showing chest pain and cardiac incidences in younger people has brought mixed responses from New Zealanders, most displaying an underlying sense of incredulity.

“Making sense of the scale of the disaster is hard,” Dr. Guy Hatchard says. But “the OIA data for chest pain and cardiac events is not an isolated statistic.”

A follow-up survey of New Zealanders who had been diagnosed with mRNA vaccine-induced myopericarditis was conducted by Health New Zealand and, after delaying publishing the survey results for two years, the results were published this month.

The lack of information has had the effect of myopericarditis being greatly underdiagnosed or a diagnosis and clinical response delayed, even in some cases for years. Yet, this information deficit continues to this day.

“Well over 30,000 people [ ] will report to Accident and Emergency with chest pains this year, compared to just 2,000 pre-pandemic,” Dr. Hatchard says...<<<Read More>>>....

The vaccine industry is deliberately CAUSING measles outbreaks

 The state of Maine reported a measles outbreak in May 2023 that we now know was caused by measles vaccines.

The Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) obtained documents showing that the strain in circulation was "consistent with vaccine strain," this according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Since the so-called "outbreak" was caused by the shots, it is no longer accurate to call what happened an "outbreak." Instead, it is another prominent example of vaccine damage gone wild.

It all began on May 5, 2023, when the Maine CDC reported that a child had "tested positive" for measles. The corporate media immediately began running wild headlines like:

• "Measles can be serious for anyone ..." – Maine CDC Facebook page

• "In severe cases, measles can cause pneumonia, brain swelling and death – Bangor Daily News

• "The CDC says roughly one to three of every 1,000 children infected with measles die" – USA Today

• "Measles was declared eliminated from the U.S. in 2000 ... But vaccination rates in the U.S. have dropped in recent years, sparking new outbreaks – CNN

• "Anyone who is not immunized or does not know their measles immunization status should get vaccinated" – Maine CDC press release

As you can see, it was nothing but fearmongering for months on end as the media tried to blame the unvaccinated for the sick children. It turns out, though, that the child who developed a rash had been vaccinated for measles – and it was the shot that caused the child to get sick....<<<Read More>>>...

Are we living in a simulation? Scientist claims we're simply characters in an advanced AI world

If you feel like you're living in a convincing virtual reality akin to The Matrix, a scientist thinks you may well be right.

Melvin Vopson, an associate professor in physics at the University of Portsmouth, claims our entire universe may be an advanced computer simulation.

And the proof that this so-called simulation hypothesis is correct may be hiding in plain sight in the Bible.

Professor Vopson told MailOnline: 'The bible itself tells us that we are in a simulation and it also tells us who is doing it.

'It is done by an AI – an artificial intelligence.'

Professor Vopson points to the Gospel of John, one of the first four books of the New Testament, the second part of the Christian Bible.

Gospel of John opens with the powerful statement: 'In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.'

The professor says this verse has 'deep theological significance in Christian doctrine', but it also carries 'intriguing implications' when considered in the context of the universe as a simulation.

He argues that 'the Word' in this famous sentence refers to the underlying computer code that governs and controls the simulation.

As anyone who has seen The Matrix will know, any computer simulation, big or small, consists of letters and numbers that write the rules for the entire creation....<<<Read More>>>...

Sunday 29 September 2024

Memory Lane - "Carrion Crow"



First image released of 'cylindrical' UFO shot down by US fighter jet over Alaska in 2023

 This is the first image of a UFO shot down by American fighter jets during a chase near Alaska last year.

The photo shows a seemingly glowing horse shoe-shaped object with ill-defined edges over the Yukon territory in northwest Canada in February 2023.

It was shot down by a US Air Force F-22 stealth fighter on a joint mission with the Canadian Armed Forces following the now infamous Chinese spy balloon drama of February 2023.

Redacted documents show the image was designated as 'unclassified' within just days of the now 19-month-old incident, yet Canada's defense department did not release it to the public...<<<Read More>>>...

Navigator Who Crossed The Ice Wall Part 1

The fake ‘Covid cases’ were secured by a PCR test that its inventor Kary Mullis said could not tell if you were sick and used very high amplification that was bound to elicit fake ‘positives’ by being triggered by genetic material nothing to do with ‘Covid’.

 The fake ‘Covid cases’ were secured by a PCR test that its inventor Kary Mullis said could not tell if you were sick and used very high amplification that was bound to elicit fake ‘positives’ by being triggered by genetic material nothing to do with ‘Covid’. Fake ‘cases’ were further secured by diagnosing other illness as ‘Covid-19’ including other forms of respiratory disease. 

This is why cases of flu (with ‘flu-like symptoms’) disappeared worldwide when ‘Covid-19’ (with ‘flu-like symptoms’) was hoaxed on the scene. 

Fake deaths from ‘Covid’ were manipulated by the insane policy of putting ‘Covid-19’ on the death certificate of anyone who tested positive with a test not testing for the ‘virus’ who died from any other cause within 28 days (sometimes more) of the fake ‘test’. 

People dying from falling down the stairs, road accidents, even gunshot wounds, were officially designated ‘Covid’ deaths by this blatant sleight of hand.

 Hospitals in the US were given massive financial incentives to diagnose ‘Covid’ – $4,600 for diagnosing regular pneumonia; $13,000 for ‘Covid’ pneumonia; and $39,000 for anyone they put on a ventilator that would almost certainly kill them (and have ‘Covid-19’ on their death certificate). 

Add to this the scandal of Remdesivir which Fauci imposed on hospitals for those testing positive with a test not testing for the ‘virus’ which was well known to cause multiple organ failure including the kidneys leading to the abdominal cavity and lungs filling with fluid that caused respiratory failure that was designated ‘Covid-19’. 

Add further the use of the end-of-life drug Midazolam that prematurely killed thousands of old people in care homes that was presented to the public as ‘the first wave of Covid’. 

From this – and I could say so much more – comes this question: WHERE’S THE BLOODY ‘VIRUS’?

None of the above would have been necessary if there had actually been a ‘virus’. It would have just done its job without any such monumental faking of cases and deaths. People died as they always die – but not from ‘Covid’.

The scam of ‘asymptomatic transmission’ was invented to ensure that everyone could be locked down and not just those with symptoms of illness. What was ‘asymptomatic transmission’? Anyone who was perfectly well but had tested positive with a test not testing for the ‘virus’. This is why governments insisted that everyone was constantly ‘tested’ – the more ‘tests’ the more fake positives and the more ‘cases’.

Many in the fake ‘alternative’ media now jump on Johnson’s baloney to say ‘We told you so but it was released on purpose’. They told us nothing – tell us nothing – except what actually benefits the Cult manipulation. The Cult couldn’t care less why you believe the ‘virus’ is real – only that you do. This allows them to play the same hoax again and again just as they plan to and not only with ‘Covid’.

The ‘alternative’ media ‘stars’, many of whom have appeared out of the mainstream since ‘Covid’, go on buying the official manipulation of endless misdirection while believing they are ‘exposing the globalists’ and unfortunately taking vast numbers of people with them. ‘Covid’ is but one prime example that clearly still continues. It’s a head-shaker, it really is....<<<Read More>>>...

Scotland’s Chief Medical Officer tells UK Covid Inquiry hospitals were inundated with covid patients – hospital records show the opposite

In the UK, although there was a slight elevation in deaths in 2020, there was no excess mortality. There was no pandemic. So, what was causing the covid deaths publicised continuously on television throughout 2020?

Some were iatrogenic deaths and the rest were due to the statistical manipulation of data.

The Scottish covid Inquiry is the world’s only official covid inquiry to reveal the sheer scale of horrors inflicted by government covid lockdown policies.

Perhaps this is why Scotland’s Chief Medical Office testified on Tuesday at the UK Covid Inquiry that Scottish hospitals were inundated and the number of people in hospital “exceeded capacity on several occasions.” Perhaps it was an attempt to justify the harm that lockdowns caused.

The problem is, Public Health Scotland hospital records show the opposite of what the Chief Medical Officer testified, under oath....<<<Read More>>>...

Court rules against the EPA’s longstanding water fluoridation practices, provides compelling evidence that fluoride damages children’s brains

 A landmark federal court ruling has found fluoride levels in U.S. drinking water to pose unnecessary risks to children’s IQ and cognition.

The decision, which supports the science-backed claims of the Fluoride Action Network and other health advocacy groups, found that current fluoride levels endorsed by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) pose an unreasonable risk to children's cognitive development. 

The court found that fluoride levels of 0.7 mg/L – the level recommended by the EPA – can lead to a significant reduction in children's IQ. Fluoridated water affects approximately 75 percent of Americans. 

This ruling is compelling because it confirms what "conspiracy theorists" have been saying for many years. Populations are being intentionally poisoned without consent...<<<Read More>>>...

Quote for the Day


Saturday 28 September 2024

Britain Has Highest Electricity Prices in the World

 The cost of power for industrial businesses has jumped 124% in just five years, according to the Government’s figures, catapulting the U.K. to the top of international league tables.

It is now about 50% more expensive than in Germany and France, and four times as expensive as in the U.S.

The figures will fuel concerns about the future of U.K. industry amid warnings that high energy prices are crippling domestic manufacturers.

They underline the challenge facing Ed Miliband, the Energy Secretary, who wants industrial businesses to switch away from gas to electricity-powered processes.

Frank Aaskov, the Director of Energy at lobby group U.K. Steel, said: “High industrial electricity prices have for too long damaged the competitiveness of U.K. steelmaking, and many in the wider manufacturing sector will be feeling the same pressure our steel companies do.

“The Government should tackle steep electricity costs and make the U.K. a fruitful place to invest, while enabling growth and improving competitiveness.”

The electricity price paid by U.K. industrial users per kilowatt hour rose to 25.85p in 2023, the data show. That compares to 10.43p as recently as five years earlier and 8.89p a decade ago.

It also far outstripped European rivals and allies such as the U.S. and Canada. The equivalent price was 17.84p in France, 17.71p in Germany and 6.48p in the U.S....<<<Read More>>>...

Mötley Crüe - Don’t Go Away Mad (Just Go Away)

Shifting Your Mood

 We all have days when we are faced with chores, errands, or responsibilities that we don’t want to do. At times like these, it’s easy to get into a bad mood and stay in one as we tackle these tasks. However, given that our bad mood will not change the things we have to do and will most likely make things worse, we should try to shift our attitude. Many wise people have pointed out that it is not so much what we do as it is how we do it that makes the difference in our lives.

It’s important when we’re facing something that’s really hard for us, whether it’s doing taxes, paying bills, or visiting a challenging relative, that we lovingly support ourselves through the process. The more supported we feel, the easier it is to open our minds to the idea that we can change our way of looking at the situation. In truth, most of the chores we don’t like doing are intimately intertwined with our blessings. When we remember this, we feel gratitude, which makes it hard to stay in a dark mood.

When we clean our house, we can shift our attitude by considering how much we love our home and how lucky we are to have a roof over our head. Any task can be transformed from a burden to a necessary aspect of caring for something we love. All we have to do is shift our perspective, and our attitude will follow shortly behind. (Daily OM)

Finch Medicine


Rare V-Shaped UFO Sighted in Texas Sparks 1997 Comparison

 On August 5, 2024, a rare V-shaped UFO, often referred to as a “boomerang UFO,” was sighted in Amarillo, Texas. The video of the object was only recently uploaded online.

According to the videographer, identified as L. Miller, the UFO moved silently across the sky at a slow speed. Miller spotted it by chance, first noticing a bright light in the night sky.

At the time, he was in a forested area on a deer stakeout and had a night vision device with him. This allowed him to capture more than just a distant light—he filmed a distinct, mysterious craft....<<<Read More>>>....

Are patents nearing expiration the reason why Big Pharma chose to use mRNA technology for covid?

 For covid vaccines, they could have chosen to use relatively well-known existing technology, but they didn’t. Instead, they used mRNA, an unknown technology with zero safety profile. Why?

To find an answer, Jonathan Engler finds following the money usually gets closer to the truth. “In this regard … before 2020 pharma / biotech was struggling with a dearth of new ideas and many blockbuster products under pressure from pending patent expirations,” he notes.

This leads to a serious question which needs to be asked.

The mRNA platform transfects cells throughout the body (since the lipid nanoparticles, LNPs, go everywhere) and generates foreign protein4 in uncontrolled and uncontrollable quantities for an unknown and uncontrollable duration.

Since transfected cells then get destroyed by the body’s immune system, this is inherently dangerous.5

However, there was always a much safer means of priming the body against specific viral proteins.

Protein subunit vaccines – e.g. the recombinant hepatitis B vaccine – have been around for decades. They use yeast cells to make the antigen. Their use involves the injection of a fixed and controlled quantity of the antigen. Much is known about their safety and the “known unknowns” are much less likely to be consequential to safety.

So: why was the mRNA platform selected instead?

They could have made the chosen viral protein using the existing subunit manufacturing technology....<<<Read More>>>...

Hydroxychloroquine did NOT kill thousands of people: Fraudulent study RETRACTED

 Even though Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) was being used successfully to treat COVID-19 from the beginning, there was a coordinated push to censor its efficacy, to mock individuals who used it and to attack doctors who prescribed it. One of the most disgusting hit pieces against HCQ claimed that it caused 17,000 deaths. The corporate media used the report to mock Donald Trump for using and recommending HCQ. However, eight months after its publication, researchers have audited these politically motivated claims and found the study to be a lie, based on fraudulent data. The 17,000 deaths never occurred....<<<Read More>>>...

Friday 27 September 2024

Mystery of the Seven Seals: Seven Spheres, Planetary Archons & Corruption on High

The New Testament is probably the most widely read book in the world. And yet it is also a book that is mysterious, and, at best, not fully understood. In some cases, this is because what the churches teach today no longer corresponds with what the New Testament says. This is the case with the nature and person of Jesus.

In other instances, it is not so much that the teaching has been changed, but that it has been lost completely.

This is true of the early Christian view of cosmology. It is peppered throughout the New Testament but has been completely overlooked or forgotten. The result is that many parts of the text are baffling or incomprehensible today.

Here’s one example – the angels. Today angels are golden-haired beauties who save you from car wrecks. In the US there is even a magazine, Angels on Earth, that is devoted to printing readers’ firsthand experiences of encounters with angels. It has a circulation in the hundreds of thousands.

But in the first century CE it was not so. Here is a curious fact: in the New Testament, the apostle Paul never speaks of angels in a favourable way. Examples: “For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come… shall be able to separate us from the love of God” (Romans 8:38–39; biblical quotations are from the Authorised King James Version). “For I think that God hath set forth us the apostles last, as it were appointed to death: for we are made a spectacle unto the world, and to angels, and to men” (1 Corinthians 4:9; emphasis added in both passages).

In both examples, the angels are not friends of humanity but barriers to God....<<<Read More>>>...

Here's how sinister the Deep State 'blob' censorship operation really is

 "Americans are subsidizing their silence."

The man who uttered those words is Mike Benz, a former U.S. State Department boss who now strenuously advocates for digital freedom before The Blob, as he calls the deep state, completely controls every aspect of American life with its Censorship Industrial Complex. That complex doesn't exist as an entity but does in reality.

The censorship mechanisms we now see on a daily basis in our Google searches, wildly one-sided "news" coverage, and the consolidation of speech codes into full-fledged and sometimes violent censorship on campuses across the nation are the outgrowth of U.S. State Department censorship programs enacted in 2016 after a new bubble of worldwide populism erupted. It marked the point when all of the mechanisms the U.S. employed against our enemies were turned on the American people....<<<Read More>>>...

Quote for the Day


The HUGE differences in electric car efficiency revealed – which models could cost you almost £850 extra every 10,000 miles?

 Some electric cars are massively less efficient than others, a study has shown.

What Car?’s latest real-world test highlights the vast difference in electric car range efficiency, and how drivers could be forking out hundreds of pounds in charging costs by choosing an inefficient model.

We reveal which electric cars are the most and least efficient – the one’s to snap up and the ones to avoid, and how to calculate efficiency if you’re shopping for an EV....<<<Read More>>>...

Judas Priest - Living After Midnight

American Psychological Association tells children that asking questions is a form of “disinformation”

 New children's literature from the American Psychological Association (APA) aims to brainwash kids into believing that the simple, innocent act of merely asking a question constitutes intolerable "disinformation" – so stop asking questions, says the APA.

Entitled "True or False? The Science of Perception, Misinformation, and Disinformation," the APA children's book exists to "pre-bunk" the next generation from believing "conspiracy theories" about things like vaccines, pharmaceuticals, and government oppression as a response to a "pandemic."

"This book explores how we think and perceive and why false beliefs, superstitions, opinions, misinformation, or wild guesses can just stick around and mess things up," the book states.

"You'll see how misunderstandings and misuse of scientific findings can lead people to the wrong conclusions. Readers learn how to outsmart their brain to gain critical thinking skills and find ways to identify and correct false beliefs and disinformation."...<<<Read More>>>...

The UK government’s war on people aged over 75

 Between 100,000 and 250,000 old people will be murdered by the British Government during the winter of 2024/5 – they will die of cold and hunger. And Starmer’s labour government will be responsible, Dr. Vernon Coleman writes.

“Short of forcefully enrolling pensioners in a euthanasia programme, it is difficult to see how much more Starmer and company could do to kill old people,” he says.

The murder victims will die of cold and hunger. But Starmer’s Labour Government will be responsible.

Governments are desperate to kill as many old people as possible and they’ll do whatever it takes. Politicians know that when thousands of old people were officially murdered during the fraudulent covid scare, the Government saved billions. Politicians actually boasted about the money that had been saved. Politicians killed old people with the covid fraud, the pointless lockdowns, the murderous midazolam injections, the stupid, stupid masks and the toxic and entirely useless covid-19 vaccine. They knew all these things were killing old people.

Starmer’s Government has withdrawn the annual winter fuel allowance which is vital for millions of pensioners. Starmer knows that withdrawing the allowance will kill old people. He is deliberately promoting a policy which he knows will kill thousands. Why hasn’t Starmer been arrested? Seriously, why haven’t Starmer and the rest of the murderous Labour Government been arrested?

Without the fuel allowance, and with oil prices going up massively this autumn, millions of elderly citizens will have to choose between heating and eating. Cutting the winter fuel allowance will save £1.4 billion – a fraction of the sum the UK spends on sending bombs and bullets to help other people kill one another. And a fraction of the sum we spend on illegal immigrants...<<<Read More>>>...

Thursday 26 September 2024

There will never be a zero-emissions electricity system powered mainly by wind and sun - here's why

"Net Zero" — That's the two-word slogan that has been adopted as the official goal of every virtuous state or country for decarbonizing its energy system. The "net" part is backhanded recognition that some parts of the energy system (like maybe air travel or steelmaking) may never be fully de-carbonized. Thus some kind of offsets or indulgences may need to be accepted to claim achievement of the goal.

But the "net" thing is not for the easy parts of decarbonization. And by the easy parts, I mean the generation of electricity, and the powering of anything that can be run on electricity or batteries. In electrifiable parts of the energy system, there is to be no tolerance for "net"; only "zero emissions" will do. The official line is that zero emissions electricity is easy and cheap because it can be provided by the wind and sun.

The official line is wrong. As the build-out of these wind and solar generation systems continues to progress, it has become increasingly obvious that there will never be a zero-emissions electricity system powered mainly by wind and sun.

The reason should be obvious to everyone although, for some reason I cannot understand, it is not. The reason is that the intermittency of wind and solar generators means that they require full back-up from some other source. But the back-up source will by hypothesis be woefully underused and idle most of the time so long as most of the electricity comes from wind and sun. No back-up source can possibly be economical under these conditions, and therefore nobody will develop and deploy such a source.

This issue has already arisen in many places, as increasing generation from wind and sun has put natural gas power plants into back-up mode, running half or less of the time....<<<Read More>>>...

Image of the Day - "Áit ar tugadh cuairt air go maith"


Climate Change Fear Narrative: Earth Approaches Critical Thresholds: 7 of 9 Planetary Boundaries at Risk

 Utter Bollocks here follows:


According to a new report from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, industrial civilization is nearing the breach of the seventh planetary boundary. In fact, researchers suggest that we may have already crossed this boundary—ocean acidification, a serious threat to marine ecosystems.

This report builds on years of research into the nine planetary boundaries—critical systems and processes that support life on Earth. These boundaries help maintain global stability.

Last year, scientists concluded that six critical thresholds had been exceeded. High-risk areas include climate change, the introduction of new species, changes to biosphere integrity, and disruptions in biogeochemical cycles....<<<Read More>>>...

What If You Heard a Rumor That You Don’t Exist?

 The voice in the head has been with you forever.  It’s what’s made you believe you exist separately, but have you ever stopped to examine just what it is, and where it came from?

Isn’t it really, when you “think” about it, just another sound that is happening at the moment?  Like the wind outside or the birds chirping?  Why do the words you seem to be thinking make you believe they come from a separate you?

There are scientists and thinkers now who will tell you that looking for that voice in your brain is like looking for an announcer inside a radio.

So why do you laugh derisively?   Because everyone knows we are all separate “people”.

And what exactly is a person?  Generally. someone with an “identity” who believes, and has others believe, that they exist as a separate entity.

Other than being ridiculed what happens if you question that belief?

Well, there are feelings and sensations – so what is feeling and interpreting those?

Something IS apparently AWARE of these sensations – and these thoughts – but when you get right down to it, this Awareness is all you really have to go on.

There is nothing really to suggest that this sense of awareness is from a separate entity....<<<Read More>>>...

Judas Priest - You've Got Another Thing Comin'

Mind reading technology: Is it already here?

In a speech at the World Economic Forum last year, Professor Nita Farahany argued that mind-reading technology is not only real but already in use.

She spoke of scenarios where brain metric monitoring could enhance safety, such as preventing accidents caused by driver fatigue. She also acknowledged the “dystopian” potential of this technology, like mandatory brain signal transmission in China.

Chinese train drivers, for example, are being required to wear brain-monitoring hats to monitor their fatigue levels. And brainwave-monitoring technology is already in use by companies like Amazon and Walmart.

Has mind-reading technology arrived or is the World Economic Forum fearmongering? The Gold Report takes a look into how far research into mind-reading technology has actually gone....<<<Read More>>>...

God’s breath of life and the satanic war against CARBON

People who oppose CO2 are at war with carbon – including the climate alarmism groups cutting down trees and sequestering carbon.

"They're at war with CO2, which is the miracle molecule provided by God, and this is not a coincidence. So the climate agenda is opposed to the breath of life and the miracle molecules of God," he said.

"The climate agenda is rooted in Satanism – the destruction of life on Earth, the ecosystem, humanity, the food supply, the plants and animals and everything that is on God's green Earth. Everything described in [the book of] Genesis that God created, the climate agenda is trying to destroy."

According to Adams, the satanic climate agenda pushers want to eliminate all CO2 from the atmosphere using massive carbon sequestration projects. These projects will suck CO2 out of the air and store it underground – depriving the world's forests, food crops and grasslands of this molecule, and reducing photosynthesis and food crop production as a result.

Plants, crops, rain forests or trees won't grow without CO2, and higher levels of this are good for the planet and result in more green areas. Moreover, increased CO2 will help increase rainfall in many areas as the oceans are slightly warmed. Even government agencies like the National Aeronautics and Space Administration are now admitting that slightly rising levels of CO2 over the past century are greening the Earth.

"So those who are at war with CO2 are at war against pollinators, honeybees, bumblebees and what have you – they're at war against God. They're at war with life on Earth. They're at war with humanity,"...<<<Read More>>>...

Wednesday 25 September 2024

DNA contamination in mRNA covid shots up to 145 times regulatory limit, first independent Australian study shows

 Synthetic plasmid DNA contamination has been detected in Australian vials of Pfizer and Moderna Covid vaccines at levels of between seven and 145 times the allowable limit, a new study shows.

The independent study of three modified RNA (mod-RNA) vaccine vials, including lots for children and adults, was commissioned to provide evidence in a Federal Court lawsuit over the validity of the regulatory status of the vaccines.

The case, brought by legal firm P.J. O'Brien & Associates, alleges that the vaccines contain unlicensed genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in the form of synthetic DNA contamination and mod-RNA-LNP complexes which could pose an untested safety risk, including the potential for DNA integration into the human genome.

In an affidavit provided to legal firm P.J. O'Brien & Associates, molecular virologist Dr. David Speicher said that the amount of synthetic DNA he detected in all three Australian vials "far exceeded" the allowable regulatory limit set by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA).

Given scientific evidence suggesting that synthetic DNA can enter the cell nucleus and potentially integrate into the human genome: "It is important to investigate whether integration can take place in primary cells in the vaccinated population."

The Australian study confirms independent lab findings of high levels of residual DNA in mod-RNA Covid vaccines from Germany, the U.S. and Canada, highlighting that this is a global concern....<<<Read More>>>...

Japan: Replicon “vaccines” could turn people into mobile “vaccine” factories

 We’ve all heard of mRNA “vaccines” by now. In fact, no matter where you are in the world and no matter how switched on to Big Pharma and its scamdemic tricks you may be, you doubtless know people who took the mRNA injection. Perhaps you were even coerced into it yourself.

But have you heard about the next generation of “vaccines” that Big Pharma is preparing to unleash upon the public? They’re called sa-mRNA vaccines, or “replicon” vaccines, and they’ve already been approved in Japan, where they are expected to start rolling out as early as next month.

If you’re concerned about the dangers of the mRNA “vaccines,” you should be very concerned about the threat posed by these new experimental replicon “vaccines.”

In the following, James Corbett examines the details of the replicon injections.

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past five years, you likely already know about the mRNA vaccine disaster. But, in case you have been living under that rock, it’s time to start getting up to speed on what mRNA “vaccine” technology is, on why the technocrats, biosecurity mavens and would-be controllers of humanity are so excited about it, and on what havoc it has already wrought on the public.

You could start by watching Episode 392 of The Corbett Report podcast on ‘The Future of Vaccines’, in which I explained, “In contrast to vaccination, which involves introducing an immunogen into the body, mRNA vaccines seek to introduce messenger RNA into the body in order to ‘trick’ that body’s cells into producing immunogens, which then stimulate an immune response.
”...<<<Read More>>>...

Quote for the Day


Atlantis Reconstructed: A Journey Through Its Legendary Empires

  Most people will be familiar with Plato’s story of Atlantis. Written in the 4th Century BCE, it is the wonderful account of a mighty and splendid empire whose island homeland sunk beneath the waves of the Atlantic Ocean 11,600 years ago. It is truly one of the foundational myths of western civilisation and one that does not cease to fascinate and prompt questions about the reality and location of the fabled lost continent.

Plato’s story, however, is also a cautionary tale about how even the most splendid civilisation that the world had ever known could fall prey to vice and corruption, eventually leading to its downfall. At its core, it is the story of the fall of a primeval, golden and divine humanity into the depths of materialism. The metaphysical idea of the “Fall” of man from an original divine state is projected against the idea of cyclical time and the myth of a lost Golden Age....<<<Read More>>>...

Dio - Holy Diver

While we’re supplied unreliable “renewable” energy, reliable “green” nuclear energy will be supplied for data centres and AI

 AI’s insatiable need for power is driven by the complexity and scale of its computational requirements.

AI models are often trained and deployed in data centres, which are massive facilities housing thousands of servers. These servers consume a substantial amount of energy, equivalent to that of 30,000 homes.

AI inference, the process of answering user queries, relies heavily on Graphics Processing Units (“GPUs”). Each inference requires GPU processing power, which uses energy. This demand is expected to increase as more AI models are developed and deployed.

Larger AI models, such as those used in language processing and computer vision, require more computational resources and, consequently, more energy. These models have billions of parameters and rely on massive data sets, further straining energy demands. And as AI adoption grows, so does the need for more powerful infrastructure to support it.

In an own goal for those eager to implement Agenda 2030 and its Sustainable Development Goals – such as those who eagerly signed the ‘Pact for the Future’, ‘Global Digital Compact’ and ‘Pact for Future Generations’ at the UN Summit of the Future on Sunday – the energy consumption of AI systems contributes to greenhouse gas emissions, so they say, and strains global grids.

We guess matching large energy requirements 100% of the time is hard to do with “renewable” energy, i.e. wind and solar, because it is unreliable and intermittent.

However, the solution is simple; label nuclear energy as “green” energy. Gura posed the question: “Do they, the tech companies, believe that kind of traditional green energy, do they think that green energy is going to be enough to make up the difference that they need?”

Saul responded, “Well everybody loves nuclear I mean nuclear has gotten so hot, like Joe Rogan talking about nuclear.”

Gura chipped in, “Bill Gates is talking about it now.”

“Everybody. Yeah, everyone’s very excited about nuclear,” Saul said....<<<Read More>>>...

The decline of mortality attributed to vaccination rates is HIGHLY QUESTIONABLE according to graphs of Measles, Scarlet Fever, Whooping Cough, Diphtheria and Smallpox

 Nearly all pro-vaccination humans have one thing in common: They believe that the relative diseases and virus rates of infection for each vaccination significantly dropped after mass vaccination began, along with the chance of death from infectious diseases, and that vaccines have saved humanity from the worst infections on earth; however, they have all been duped.

Real data and statistics, that the CDC, WHO, FDA and the Vaccine Industrial Complex do not want anyone to see, have been published and reveal that all the major infectious disease mortality rates were greatly diminishing and on a consistent downward trend BEFORE those vaccines were invented and mass administered.

Several whistleblowers then and now have proof, but a few billion vaccine zealots still won’t be able to wrap their jabbed heads around it. This requires careful consideration and a total rethinking of everything we know about vaccine efficacy, infectious disease rates, and the entire concept of the so-called “holy grail” of medicine...<<<Read More>>>...

Tuesday 24 September 2024

Image of the Day - "An t-oileán draíochta"



Value Your Own Wisdom

 Throughout our lives, we will encounter individuals who presume to know what is best for us. The insights they offer cannot compare, however, to the powers of awareness and discernment that already exist within us. From birth, we are blessed with wisdom that cannot be learned or unlearned. It exists whether or not we acknowledge it because it is a gift given to us by a loving universe before we chose to experience existence on the earthly plane. Yet for all its permanence, it is vital that we value and honor this incredible element of the self. It is when we do not use our inborn wisdom that we begin to doubt our personal truths and are driven to outside sources of information because we are afraid. What we know to be true in our hearts is invariably true, and we discover how intensely beautiful and useful self-trust can be when we recognize the power of our wisdom.

Inner wisdom is not subject to the influences of the outside world, which means that it will never demand that we surrender our free will nor will it counsel us to act in opposition to our values. We benefit from this inspiration when we open ourselves to it, letting go of the false notion that we are less qualified than others to determine our fate. The wisdom inside of us is the source of our discernment and our ability to identify blessings in disguise. When we are unsure of who to trust, how to respond, or what we require, the answers lie in our inner wisdom. It knows where we are going and understands where we are coming from. Taking this into account though, it is not a product of experience but rather a piece of our connection to the universal mind.

In the whole of your existence, no force you will ever encounter will contribute as much to your ability to do what you need to do and be who you want to be as your natural wisdom. Through it, you reveal your growing consciousness to the greater source and discover the true extent of your strength. If you heed this wisdom with conviction and confidence, the patterns, people, and fears that held you back will be dismantled, paving the way for you to fulfill your truest potential...<<<Read More>>>...

Mpox, Project Bioshield: Everyone’s Dark Winter?

 In 2022, mpox (formerly known as monkey pox) drew worldwide attention, when more than 20 countries reported infections to the World Health Organization by May of that year. It led to WHO Director-General, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, declaring the mpox outbreak involving clade IIb of the virus in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and its expansion to neighbouring countries, a global health emergency.

The monkeypox virus is part of the same family of viruses (orthopoxviruses) as smallpox but is less severe. In 1980, the World Health Assembly announced that smallpox had been eradicated and recommended that all countries cease vaccination. Although labs in two countries still officially store smallpox samples (US and Russia).

Mpox was first identified in Denmark, in 1958, when two outbreaks of a pox-like disease occurred in lab monkeys, which is how it got its name – although monkeys are not considered to be reservoirs for the virus. The source of the virus is said to be unknown.

In 1970, the first human case of mpox was recorded in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. This was during a time when smallpox was being eradicated. The disease is considered to be endemic to countries in central and west Africa. The outbreaks have been concentrated among men who have sex with men.

In late September 2023, the emergence of a new variant of the virus was detected in central Africa. As of August 2024, more than 21,000 cases have been reported, with over 600 fatalities, nearly all in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

On 14 August 2024, the World Health Organization declared the epidemic a public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC).

A month after the WHO’s announcement, the small Danish biotech firm, Bavarian Nordic, became the first in the world to receive approval for a monkeypox vaccine, JYNNEOS (known internationally as Imvamune or Imvanex), initially developed for smallpox but was rarely used.

In the wake of the September 2001 anthrax attacks, President George W. Bush signed into law the Project BioShield Act of 2004 (Project BioShield) “as part of a broader strategy to defend America against the threat of weapons of mass destruction. The purpose of Project BioShield is to accelerate the research, development, purchase, and availability of effective medical countermeasures against biological, chemical, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) threats.”

Project Bioshield was a ten-year program managed by Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), part of the United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

The act called for $5 billion for purchasing vaccines that would be used in the event of a bioterrorist attack, for civilian use. Since 2001, $50 billion has been allocated by the United States government to address the threat of biological weapons....<<<Read More>>>...

Bon Jovi - Wanted Dead Or Alive

Quote for the Day


Andrew Bridgen exposes UK’s corrupt political system

 Andrew Bridgen, UK Member of Parliament for North West Leicestershire from 2010 until 2024, gave an exposé at the Koh Samui Critical Thinkers Forum 2024, a Thai initiative, held in collaboration with Awakening in Health.

He shared his tumultuous journey as a political rebel and whistle-blower and gave his insights into the machinations of power in a corrupt political system.

Mr. Bridgen paints a sobering picture of the current political landscape, exposing the gulf between public perception and behind-the-scenes reality. He argues that the freedoms we take for granted are in jeopardy, outlining the potential consequences if more action isn’t taken.

He reveals his early attempts to expose the Post Office Horizon scandal, years before it made headlines; the unseen forces controlling politicians and silencing dissenters; personal experiences of political suppression and the cost of speaking truth to power; the looming threats to global freedoms and civil liberties and issues an urgent call to action for humanity to reclaim its autonomy.

This talk is a wake-up call, Awakening in Health said. It urges listeners to critically examine the information they receive and take an active role in safeguarding their rights. “Whether you’re a political enthusiast or simply concerned about the future of global freedom, Bridgen’s insider perspective challenges the normal understanding of modern governance.”...<<<Read More>....

FDA-approved monkeypox vaccine causes DEATH in the vaccinated and can spread to UNVACCINATED people and kill them too

It’s more than obvious that an FDA “approval” of a vaccine or prescription drug is nothing more than a rubber stamp paid for by Big Pharma without any clinical proof of safety or efficacy whatsoever. 

This could never be more apparent than with the recent "FDA approval" of the Monkeypox (Mpox) vaccine that has the most insane “serious complications” warnings of any jab, ever.

Yes, the ACAM2000 is a live replicating vaccinia virus vaccine that, per the adverse reactions listed on the warnings insert, can cause severe disability, inflammation of the brain and spinal cord, permanent neurological sequelae (long term infection), death of the vaccinated individual, and … wait for it… “death of unvaccinated individuals who have contact with vaccinated individuals.” You cannot make this stuff up.

Monkeypox isn’t just for promiscuous gender fluids, prostitutes and porn stars anymore. Now, thanks to the Monkeypox vaccine, anybody who simply shakes hands or hugs someone who got the STD ACAM2000 vaccine can get Monkeypox, develop vaccine side effects and die. 

These are all listed as “serious complications” on the vaccine insert, compliments of the Freaky Drug Approvers (FDA) in the United States of America....<<<Read More>>>...

Monday 23 September 2024

Mental jigsaw - How AI carves out space in your brain

 Our minds project the world around us. That doesn't mean it's not there

With the explosion of AI chatbots and their bizarre statements, media attention has focused on the machines. Google's LaMDA says it's afraid to die. Microsoft's Bing bot says it wants to kill people.

Are these chatbots conscious? Are they just pretending to be conscious? Are they possessed? These are reasonable questions. They also highlight one of our strongest cognitive biases.

Chatbots are designed to trigger anthropomorphism. Except for a few neuro-divergent types, our brains are wired to perceive these bots as people. With the right stimulus, we're like the little boy who's certain his teddy bear gets lonesome, or that the shadows have eyes. Tech companies are well aware of this and use it to their advantage.

In my view, the most important issue is what these machines are doing to us. The potential to control others via human-machine interface is extraordinary. Modern society teems with lonely, unstable individuals, each one primed for artificial companionship and psychic manipulation. With chatbots getting more sophisticated, even relatively stable people are vulnerable. Young digital natives are most at risk...<<<Read More>>>...

Whitesnake - "Shut Up & Kiss Me"

What Is Karma and Is Your Destiny Sealed?

 So, what is karma?

Karma essentially means that this happened because that happened. In other words, karma is the law of cause and effect. Karma can also be neatly defined through Newton’s third law:

Every action has an equal or opposite reaction.

And the Butterfly Effect also supports the idea of Karma; that every single occurrence in life has a ripple effect through time, no matter how small. 

Therefore, according to the law of karma, every thought, feeling, desire, choice, action and reaction that we have has some kind of impact on our future.

Quite literally, our thoughts shape our reality. That means that the place you find yourself in now is directly the result of your past thoughts, feelings and decisions — or karma....<<<Read More>>>...

Quote for the Day


Quantum Soul: Researchers Seek to Unlock the Mystery of Life Beyond Death

 Recently, scientists Edward W. Kamen from the Georgia Institute of Technology and Roger D. Kamen from Ferris State University have proposed a new theory that the human soul might actually be a type of quantum field.

Quantum field theory (QFT) is a well-established framework in physics that explains how particles like electrons and photons (particles of light) interact with fields such as electric or electromagnetic fields.

According to QFT, these fields contain quanta—discrete packets of energy that make up the fabric of reality. However, Kamens propose that our understanding of the universe through QFT might be limited if there is a realm beyond the physical universe where the laws of physics as we know them do not apply.

One critical point in their paper is that current physics, particularly quantum mechanics, may not fully explain what happens beyond the material world. Physicist Sean Carroll raised this issue in 2011 when he questioned how a soul could interact with matter and still comply with the known laws of physics...<<<Read More>>>...


UK’s solution to unreliable “renewable” energy: Variable energy pricing plus smart meters means consumers will intermittently switch off their own electricity supply

 UK Energy Secretary Ed Miliband, despite his title of ‘Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero’, is facing criticism for policies that seem to contradict his duty to protect energy security. These policies include a proposed tax raid on North Sea oil and gas profits, effectively making the industry financially unviable, and a potential ban on new oil and gas fields in the North Sea.

The tax raid on North Sea oil and gas profits that Miliband is planning to impose, through Chancellor Rachel Reeves, will increase taxes on profits to a punitive 78 per cent.  This is in addition to stopping various tax breaks to the industry.

As Senior Research Fellow at the University of Bristol Rick Bradford argues, these policies will not decrease demand for oil and gas but rather benefit foreign suppliers at the expense of UK jobs and revenue. Furthermore, the government’s push for variable electricity pricing will make electricity unaffordable for most people when wind power is insufficient. “Less UK oil and gas production means a bonanza for foreign suppliers and a leaching of UK cash into their hands,” he said.

“Is the political class really that stupid, or is there an unrevealed agenda which explains this apparent absurdity?” he asked which leads to Bradford’s second point: variable electricity pricing.

Variable electricity pricing to consumers would mean prices vary every 30 minutes, as they do on the wholesale market, and be unknown in advance....<<<Read More>>>...

BRAINWASHED: Researchers develop AI “mind-sucking machine” to change brains of “conspiracy theorists”

 A new artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot is being unveiled that is supposedly capable of warping the minds of "conspiracy theorists" to believe official government narratives instead.

Researchers say that the AI system, based on large language model (LLM) technology, was designed to combat people who believe what Donald Trump says or who are otherwise deemed as being a "threat to democracy."

"Beliefs in conspiracies that a U.S. election was stolen incited an attempted insurrection on 6 January 2021," the study explains.

"Another conspiracy alleging that Germany's COVID-19 restrictions were motivated by nefarious intentions sparked violent protests at Berlin's Reichstag parliament building in August 2020."

The study was launched in response to what the research team describes as "growing threats to democracy." The goal was to come up with a scheme that allows AI robots to reprogram the minds of people who oppose the status quo so they will "abandon their conspiratorial beliefs."

"Human participants described a conspiracy theory that they subscribed to, and the AI then engaged in persuasive arguments with them that refuted their beliefs with evidence," the study explains.

"The AI chatbot's ability to sustain tailored counterarguments and personalized in-depth conversations reduced their beliefs in conspiracies for months, challenging research suggesting that such beliefs are impervious to change. This intervention illustrates how deploying AI may mitigate conflicts and serve society."...<<<Read More>>>...