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Sunday 30 June 2024

Deep Purple - Bad Attitude

Quote for the Day


If covid vaccines saved 20 million lives, why did so few unvaccinated die in winter 2021?

Despite the 'pandemic response' being a non-issue in the General Election (all parties were compliant and consequently complicit in the single most disastrous policy ever followed by any Government) the issue of vaccine harms hasn't entirely gone away. A paper published in the BMJ Public Health journal and covered in a front page piece by Sarah Knapton in the Telegraph gave the issue much needed credence. 

This was followed by David Davis MP repeating a call for a proper inquiry into excess deaths and a post from Carl Heneghan and Tom Jefferson, published on their Substack Trust the Evidence and reprinted in the Daily Sceptic.

Heneghan and Jefferson state:
Suddenly, it's okay to question the vaccine narrative. The Lancet estimated that vaccinations prevented 19·8 million excess deaths. Mathematical modelling should not be used to justify the policy — the latest report shows the numbers don't add up. Of course, it isn't only the Lancet that has relied on nonsensical mathematical modelling to justify widespread adoption of mRNA technology. 

Disappointingly, both Rod Liddle and Fraser Nelson in recent articles published in the Times and Telegraph respectively repeated the farcical claim that the AstraZeneca vaccine saved six million lives. Claims that 500,000 lives were saved by lockdown, that 20 million lives were saved by mRNA vaccines or six million were saved by AstraZeneca all rely on modelling. However, we have real-world data that paint a very different picture....<<<Read More>>>...

Plasma Moon Presents : The Map of the Earth

Why are they putting living skin on robots?

 The New Scientist posted a freaky video on Twitter showing an experimental face intended for a robot made from living human skin cells, that is capable of smiling.

“A technique for attaching a skin made from living human cells to a robotic framework could give robots the ability to emote and communicate in a more life-like way,” the article accompanying the New Scientist’s tweet stated.

The New Scientist article continued: “The team put the skin on a smiling robotic face, a few centimetres wide, which is moved by rods connected to the base. It was also attached to a similarly sized 3D shape in the form of a human head, but this couldn’t move.”

Commenting on the News Scientist’s video and article Modernity News noted the following. The New Scientist writes “A smiling face made from living human skin could one day be attached to a humanoid robot, allowing machines to emote and communicate in a more life-like way, say researchers.”

What researchers are saying this now? Was Dr. Evil not available for comment? Imagine that pink nightmare smiling down at you as it announces it’s your new master....<<<Read More>>>..

Scientist tells lawmakers: COVID-19 Had ‘1 in a Billion’ Chance of Emerging From Nature”

 In a historic bipartisan hearing led by Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Chairman Gary Peters and ranking member Sen. Rand Paul, scientists and U.S. senators presented a "preponderance of evidence" showing that COVID-19 was a laboratory construct.

Despite China's withholding of crucial data from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, expert witnesses Steven C. Quay, M.D., Ph.D., and Richard H. Ebright, Ph.D., presented substantial evidence favoring a lab leak over a natural spillover. Quay, an independent scientist with no financial ties, highlighted the virus's genomic features, suggesting that there is no way the virus came from nature.

“The statistical probability of finding each feature in nature can be determined,” Quay said, “and the combined probability that SARS-CoV-2 came from nature is less than one in a billion.”...<<<Read More>>>...

Crop Circles 2024 - #2


Crop circle #2 was sighted at Stonehenge visitor centre on 30th June 2024 (Today) ....<<<Read More>>>...

The One Health Agenda

 The term “One Health” was coined after the first SARS outbreak in the early 2000s to reflect the danger of new diseases emerging from human-animal contact. 

It refers to the idea of public health being not just about your health but also about animal and “planetary” health. It is framed in language designed to sound appealing and holistic. 

Embedded within it is the assumption that, because planetary health is at stake, there must be a global governing body with control over all plants, animals, and human beings to guard this “one health” and to “sustainably balance the health of people, animals, and ecosystems,” with equity between prioritizing animals, the environment, and your personal health....<<<Read More>>>....

Saturday 29 June 2024

Gary Moore — The Messiah Will Come Again

Joe Biden catches a cold

 Maybe ninety-seconds into last night's long-awaited debate spectacle, the consensus must have jelled among the woke-and-broken news media mavens that their champion, "Joe Biden," was not quite killing it out there at the podium. CNN moderators Jake Tapper and Dana Bash acted like witnesses at a ritual sacrifice. And afterward, the CNN post-mortem panel seemed genuinely shocked that months of playing pretend had skidded to such an ignominious finish.

Which raises a great many questions, starting with: why on earth did the Democratic Party and its media handmaidens persist in pretending month-after-month that "Joe Biden" was a fit candidate for another four-year term? Last night, he didn't appear capable of even finishing the current term. Why did they usher him so jauntily into the nomination? And what are they going to do about that now? And what were their motives for all that pretending? "Joe Biden" circulates among scores of astute officials every day. Did they all fail to notice his incapacity? Or has the whole thing been a sham and a lie all along? Was this just the culminating hoax by the Party of Hoaxes of a long string of hoaxes against the nation going back to 2015?...<<<Read More>>>...

Quote for the Day


Ghost woman with a scary face was caught on a camera in a truck

 On the night of March 31, 2024, a truck driver was traveling along the highway to Saltillo, Nuevo Leon, Mexico, unaware that a ghostly presence occupied the passenger seat beside him.

During the journey, the driver received a call from his transportation company, asking whom he was giving a ride to. Dismissing it as a joke, he ignored the question.

However, upon arriving at the company base, he was shown a chilling photo taken by a surveillance camera inside the truck. The image revealed a female figure with an eerie, unnatural face seated next to him. The woman’s dress appeared to be from the late 19th century.

The company employees questioned the driver, highlighting that their rules strictly prohibited giving rides to hitchhikers or strangers.

Surprised and swearing that no one had been in the cab, the driver insisted he had not picked anyone up. This led to the conclusion that he had been accompanied by a ghost....<<<Read More>>>....

Australia: “Managed retreat” is a scam to take people’s homes and replace them with smart cities

 Managed retreat, also known as planned retreat, is a strategy for responding to climate change and rising sea levels by relocating people and assets out of harm’s way. It is a process where communities, buildings, and infrastructure are gradually evacuated from areas designated as uninhabitable or dangerous due to changing geology, extreme weather, or climate change.

In Australia, this concept is gaining traction as a necessary measure to mitigate the impacts of climate change, particularly in coastal communities. In New Zealand, managed retreat is becoming a necessary adaptation strategy to address the impacts of climate change.

That’s the official narrative.

However, independent researcher Kate Mason has exposed how this sinister scheme is using exaggerated modelling of climate change effects to designate certain areas as uninhabitable for humans. Properties in these areas are uninsurable and prices are plummeting. Of course this would be the result.

“Who is going to buy in a flood zone? Unless it’s a developer who will raze it all to the ground and build a Smart Resilient complex,” Mason said....<<<Read More>>>...

99.9% CHANCE: Top scientist predicts AI wipeout of humanity

 In a landmark survey conducted earlier this year, more than half of the 2,778 researchers polled expressed concerns about the existential threat posed by superhuman artificial intelligence (AI). The survey indicated a five percent chance that humanity could face extinction or other "extremely bad outcomes" due to the rise of super-intelligent AI systems.

One of the prominent voices raising the alarm is Roman Yampolskiy, a distinguished computer science lecturer at the University of Louisville and a respected figure in AI research. 

On the "Lex Fridman Podcast," Yampolskiy made a grim prediction, estimating a 99.9 percent probability that AI could obliterate humanity within the next 100 years.

"Creating general superintelligences may not end well for humanity in the long run," Yampolskiy cautioned. "The best strategy might simply be to avoid starting this potentially perilous game."

Yampolskiy also highlighted existing issues with current large language models, noting their propensity for errors and susceptibility to manipulation as evidence of potential future risks. "Mistakes have already been made; these systems have been jailbroken and used in ways developers did not foresee," he observed.

Additionally, Yampolskiy suggested that a super-intelligent AI could devise unforeseeable methods to achieve destructive ends, presenting challenges we may not even recognize as threats until it is too late....<<<Read More>>>...

Friday 28 June 2024

Whitesnake - Don't Break My Heart Again

Electing the Next Dictator: Ugly Truths You Won’t Hear from Trump or Biden

No matter what carefully crafted sound bites and political spin get trotted out by Joe Biden and Donald Trump in advance of the 2024 presidential election, you can rest assured that none of the problems that continue to undermine our freedoms will be addressed in any credible, helpful way by either candidate, despite the dire state of our nation.

Certainly not if doing so might jeopardize their standing with the unions, corporations or the moneyed elite bankrolling their campaigns.

Indeed, the 2024 elections will not do much to alter our present course towards a police state.

Nor will the popularity contest for the new occupant of the White House significantly alter the day-to-day life of the average American greatly at all. Those life-changing decisions are made elsewhere, by nameless, unelected government officials who have turned bureaucracy into a full-time and profitable business.

In the interest of liberty and truth, here are a few uncomfortable truths about life in the American police state that we will not be hearing from either of the two leading presidential candidates....<<<Read More>>>...

Quote for the Day


Is This The Energy Behind Consciousness?

"Bioelectricity refers to the electrical phenomena that occur within living organisms, such as the electrical signals that enable nerve impulses, muscle contractions, and other biological processes. It is not the same as the electricity that powers devices like toasters.

In living cells, bioelectricity arises from the movement of ions (charged particles) across cell membranes, creating electrical potential differences. This electrical activity is essential for various physiological functions, including:

Nerve impulses: Neurons (nerve cells) use electrical signals to transmit information throughout the body, enabling communication between the brain and other organs.

Muscle contraction: Electrical signals trigger the contraction and relaxation of muscle fibers, allowing movement and other muscular activities.

Cellular processes: Bioelectrical signals play a role in regulating cellular processes such as cell division, growth, and differentiation.

On the other hand, the electricity that powers devices like toasters is generated through the flow of electrons in a conductive material, typically metal wires. This type of electricity is produced by various sources, such as power plants, batteries, or generators, and is used to operate electrical devices and appliances.

While both bioelectricity and the electricity in a toaster involve the movement of charged particles, they differ in their nature, mechanisms, and functions. Bioelectricity is an intrinsic property of living organisms, whereas the electricity in a toaster is an external source of energy used to power devices.

In summary, bioelectricity is the electrical activity occurring within living organisms, enabling vital biological processes, while the electricity in a toaster is the externally supplied electrical energy used to power electrical devices and appliances."

What intrigues me about the physiological functions enumerated by Claude is that they dovetail with Eckhart Tolle’s notion of a higher intelligence running the functions of our bodies.

Can electricity be intelligent? That goes against current thinking, but let’s remember that it is electricity that provides the power for software to express within the hardware of a computer. That is how encoded intelligence appears to us on a screen – expressed intelligence through hardware....<<<Read More>>>...

It is mobile phones and not the towers that cause health problems, Swedish researchers concluded

 In 2004, a letter to the editor of the European Journal of Cancer Prevention from two Swedish researchers stated that 1997 was a curious year in Sweden. It was marked by a decline in public health and the emergence of electrosensitivity as a growing concern. Their findings were met with resistance from government and public health authorities.

Yesterday, Arthur Firstenberg published a newsletter which highlighted the significance of the findings as described in the 2004 letter.

Electrosensitivity is also known as being electrically hypersensitive (“EHS”). This condition has been reported to affect an increasing number of people in Sweden, as well as in other countries such as Sweden, Switzerland and the United States.

Olle Johansson and Örjan Hallberg’s research highlighted the potential health effects of electromagnetic fields (“EMF”), including headaches, giddiness, nausea, skin rashes and much more.

Their research demonstrated the need for further investigation into the causes of these health issues but their findings were met with resistance from government and health authorities. In the words of Hallberg: “Our expert authorities seem to be extremely unwilling to try to find out the cause because large financial interests can then be threatened.”...<<<Read More>>>....

World Health Organization backtracks on its COVID-19 vaccine stance, says injections are “low priority” for kids

The World Health Organization (WHO) has backtracked on its stance regarding the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) injections, now claiming that giving children these vaccines is a "low priority."

Steve Watson of Modernity News highlighted this sudden turnaround, noting that anyone who didn't recommend the COVID-19 injections would have been "suspended from social media or publicly 'canceled.'" But given that the global health body was the one that changed its opinion, nobody batted an eyelash.

The WHO's Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization (SAGE) issued the revised guidelines. According to the group, it no longer recommends the COVID-19 injection for "healthy" children aged between six months and 17 years.

"The public health impact of vaccinating healthy children and adolescents is comparatively much lower than the established benefits of traditional essential vaccines for children – such as the rotavirus, measles and pneumococcal conjugate vaccines," SAGE wrote.

Dr. Hanna Nohynek, SAGE chairwoman, explained that the updated guidelines "reflect that much of the population is either vaccinated, previously infected with COVID-19 or both. She continued: "The revised roadmap re-emphasizes the importance of vaccinating those still at risk of severe disease – mostly older adults and those with underlying conditions – including with additional boosters.

The WHO's new policy identifies three priority groups – high, medium and low – with children and teens in the low category. The definitions assess categories for "risk of severe disease and death." Nevertheless, the global health body still recommended that "children who have compromised immune systems or existing health conditions … get the [COVID-19] vaccine."...<<<Read More>>>....

Thursday 27 June 2024

Food for Thought #506


Pretty Maids - "Little Drops Of Heaven"

Sacred Geography & the Legend of Agartha: A Spiritual Journey Between History & Mystery

The history of peoples is made by the unwritten history of great travels and world travellers – a history that began long before Herodotus or Marco Polo, in the Neolithic or even earlier, in some fantastical age of mankind. Perhaps even at the dusk of the primordial Golden Age, with glaciation or flood, and with the first in a series of catastrophes faced by the human species. Then followed eras of the migrations of peoples and races. If we believe Plato, then the Atlanteans were the first colonists in the world, and they came from the West. Others say that their ancestors were the Hyperboreans, who fled snow and ice in the Far North of the continent.

Over the course of subsequent history, peoples would move from North to South and from East to West – and not otherwise. This constitutes their course through history – a path of aging, degeneration and, at times faster, at times slower, of inexorable decline. This is how great conquests began, those that encompass immense regions, entire continents, and this is how great wars start, like the one that raged under the walls of Ilium – or was this only a shadow of some mythical war waged in the far deeper past, during the mythical age of the Earth? Perhaps at the beginning of time, “in illo tempore.”

They did not rush towards unknown and exotic lands, but towards their lost homelands, towards mythical lands of the beginning, towards the riches of the Golden Age. Towards primordial, Edenic abundance. Towards Paradise Lost, such as the biblical one, which we have not stopped searching for here on Earth even today.

One Islamic mystic, Suhrawardi, claimed that after death the soul returns to the homeland, for merciful Allah himself commanded this, and this would not be possible if he had not previously resided in it. This mythical homeland is to be found somewhere in the “spiritual East.” In order to find the strength for this, we must start from the spiritual West, the “Western wells of exile.”

The true journey, true adventures of the spirit, this Sheikh taught, start in the West. This is a place like a grave, a stockade of the burial-place. Arriving on the soil of an unknown continent, Christopher Columbus thought he had discovered the New Earth mentioned in the Apocalypse of St. John. The famous seafarer believed he was in the Gulf of Paria, and in its fresh currents had discovered the origin of the four rivers of the lost heavenly garden, Eden itself. “God made me the messenger of the new heaven and the new earth, of which he spoke in the Apocalypse of St. John, and before that through the mouth of Isaiah,” Columbus proclaimed to King Juan, “and he showed me the place where to find it.” ...<<<Read More>>>...

Quote for the Day


Do genetically modified foods cause epigenetic changes which affect our bodies and our minds?

DNA is the molecule that contains the genetic instructions and genes are segments of DNA that encode the instructions for a particular trait or characteristic. Another way to put it is: DNA is responsible for storing genetic information while genes are responsible for expressing that information.

Epigenetic changes are genetic modifications that impact gene activity without changing the DNA sequence. It refers to external modifications to DNA that turn genes “on” or “off.” These modifications do not change the DNA sequence, but instead, they affect how cells “read” genes.

Epigenetic changes can influence various physiological and pathological outcomes and behavioural traits. The infographic in the slideshow below was produced by the Centre on the Developing Child at Harvard University. It shows how children’s experiences affect their genes.

While our physical traits are more or less predetermined by DNA, it is the genes within which are responsible for the development of particular traits. This has been a consistent finding in the field of epigenetics.

A recent article in The Conversation sums up epigenetics pretty well in layman-friendly terms:

Epigenetics refers to shifts in gene expression that occur without changes to the DNA sequence. Some epigenetic changes are an aspect of cell function, such as those associated with ageing. However, environmental factors also affect the functions of genes, meaning people’s behaviours affect their genetics. For instance, identical twins develop from a single fertilised egg, and as a result, they share the same genetic makeup. However, as the twins age, their appearances may differ due to distinct environmental exposures.

Epigenetic modifications are influenced by environmental factors, pharmaceutical and nutritional elements, lifestyle and developmental stages. They play crucial roles in normal development, cellular differentiation and disease processes. For instance, epigenetic changes can affect cancer progression, metabolic disorders, and neurodegenerative diseases. Unlike genetic mutations, epigenetic modifications are often reversible, making them a significant area of interest for therapeutic interventions. Understanding epigenetics provides insights into how genes and the environment interact to shape health and disease outcomes across generations.

Epigenetic studies on identical twins have also effectively demolished the “gay gene” theory. It was discovered that the adoption of a homosexual lifestyle by one identical twin is rarely replicated in the genetically identical kin. The argument that “I was born this way” is therefore based on politically-dictated fraudulent science.

While the field of epigenetics is vast and often poorly understood, I will focus on three elements which can activate novel gene expressions in the human body...<<<Read More>>>...

Wildly unpopular Macron threatens “civil war” in France if he loses upcoming snap legislative election

French President Emmanuel Macron has threatened "civil war" on his nation if his globalist Renaissance Party loses the upcoming snap legislative elections to the conservative populist National Rally and the far-left New Popular Front (NFP) coalition.

In a message lashing out at the popularity of La France Insoumise, the leading party of the NFP, Macron claimed that the so-called "far-right" solution it is proposing to fix mass migration and the breakdown of the social order in France will only lead to "division and civil war" because they are based on "categorizing people in terms of their religion or origins."

Macron further claimed that there is "a civil war behind" the political agenda of the NFP because they "categoriz[e] people in terms of their religious outlook or the community they belong to."

Trying to fix France's out-of-control mass migration problem in order to restore order and civility is simply "a means of justifying isolating [migrants] from the broader national community," Macron continued. "And, in this case, you would have a civil war with those who do not share those same values."...<<<Read More>>>...

Wednesday 26 June 2024

Pfizer Gets Sued Again. Why Is BioNTech Escaping Justice?

 As discussed by Carl Heneghan and Tom Jefferson on the Daily Sceptic here, Kansas has become the second U.S. state, after Texas, to sue Pfizer for deceptive marketing statements in connection with “its” COVID-19 vaccine – and apparently several other states are to follow. But, firstly, what “marketing”? The drug in question was purchased by the U.S. Government and it was, above all, the Government, including state governments, which coerced and cajoled the public into taking it. It was not sold to individual customers.

And, secondly, Pfizer does not even have a COVID-19 vaccine. As I have shown over and over again, Pfizer is merely a contract manufacturer which produces said COVID-19 vaccine on behalf of the German firm BioNTech. BioNTech is the legal manufacture and ‘owner’ of the product. It should not have taken the Kansas Attorney General’s office any great effort of research to find this out, since the fact that Pfizer manufactures the drug on BioNTech’s behalf is clearly indicated on the product’s very packaging, as can be seen below...<<<Read More>>>...

White Lion - When The Children Cry

Julian Assange: Free at last, but guilty of practicing journalism

 The United States Government (USG) - under the "rules-based international order" - has de facto ruled that Julian Assange is guilty of practicing journalism.

Edward Snowden had already noted that "when exposing a crime is treated as committing a crime, you are being ruled by criminals."

Criminals such as Mike "We Lie, We Cheat, We Steal" Pompeo, former Trump Secretary of State, who had planned to kidnap and kill Julian when he was head of the CIA.

The indomitable Jennifer Robinson and Julian's U.S. lawyer Barry Pollack sum it all up: the United States has "pursued journalism as a crime".

Julian was forced to suffer an unspeakably vicious Via Crucis because he dared to expose USG war crimes; the inner workings of the U.S. military in their rolling thunder War Of Terror (italics mine) in Afghanistan and Iraq; and - Holy of Holies - he dared to release emails showing the Democratic National Committee (DNC) colluded with the notorious warmongering Harpy Hillary Clinton.

Julian was subjected to relentless psychological torture, and nearly crucified for publishing facts that should always remain invisible to public opinion. That's what top-notch journalism is all about.

The whole drama teaches the whole planet everything one needs to know about the absolute control of the Hegemon over pathetic UK and EU.

And that bring us to the kabuki that may - and the operative word is "may" - be closing the case. Title of the twisted morality play: 'Plead Guilty or Die in Jail'.

The final twist in the plot line of the morality play runs like this: the combo behind the cadaver in the White House realized that torturing an Australian journalist and publisher in a maximum security U.S. prison in an electoral year was not exactly good for business.

At the same time the British establishment was begging to be excluded from the plot - as its "justice" system was forced by the Hegemon to keep an innocent man and family father hostage for 5 years, in abysmal conditions, in the name of protecting a basket of Anglo-American intel secrets.

In the end, the British establishment quietly applied all the pressure it could muster to run towards the exit - in full knowledge of what the Americans were planning for Julian....<<<Read More>>>...

Image of the Day - "An ciorcal cloiche ar domhan cothrom agus an ghrian áitiúil"


The Pentagon Ran A Secret "Anti-Vax" Campaign During The Pandemic - One of Many Examples of Deception Warfare

 The word “anti-vax” has become quite futile. During the pandemic and even prior to it, it was used to describe and ridicule those who spread “false claims” about vaccines and vaccine science.

Pointing out actual false claims can be useful, but unfortunately, the term is also used to “debunk” experts in the field who commonly bring up legitimate safety concerns that have surrounded vaccines for decades.

Our sister brand, Collective Evolution, published 628 articles about vaccines and vaccine safety between 2009 and 2021. Almost every article was based on science, expert testimony, injury stories, and was done with journalistic integrity. Yet CE became known as one of the primary ‘anti-vax’ purveyors as a result of our work. We’re no stranger to the term being falsely applied.

More recently, vaccine safety concerns have been a growing issue among scientists and frontline health professionals, as explained at the World Vaccine Summit in 2019. This issue became even more predominant after the distribution of COVID inoculations....<<<Read More>>>...

Do We Enter a Parallel Universe When We Dream?

Biden campaign adviser scoffs at poll that shows majority of Americans support MASS DEPORTATION of illegals

A senior advisor to President Joe Biden's campaign has scoffed at the results of a recent poll showing the majority of respondents support mass deportation of illegal aliens.

Tom Perez, former chairman of the Democratic National Committee (DNC), was confronted by the poll results during an appearance on "CBS News 24/7." The survey conducted by CBS News and YouGov between June 5 and June 7 found that 62 percent of registered voters favor having a government program to deport all illegal immigrants.

"I'd love to sit down with your polling team and show them how they've gotten this wrong," said Perez. He also cited other polls that purportedly showed the opposite.

Biden announced a sweeping new policy that would lift the threat of deportation for hundreds of thousands of people married to U.S. citizens, something the senior adviser commented on during his CBS News appearance. According to Perez, the decision was something morally and legally correct, and even popular.

"It's the right thing to do, it's the legal thing to do and it's the smart thing to do," he said. "We're keeping families … [and] communities together, and we've got a workforce shortage."

The CBS News/YouGov poll surveyed 1,615 registered voters and had a margin of error of 3.8 points. It also found that based on ethnicity, mass deportation was popular with Hispanics (53 percent for, 47 percent against) and Whites (67 percent for, 33 percent against). However, the poll also showed that a majority supported Biden's recent executive action at the southern border....<<<Read More>>>...

The climate fear-mongering enterprise behind the Planetary Boundaries to stabilise population growth

 There is nothing new about fear-mongering propaganda being disseminated by politicians and corporate media, but they are now joined by “scientists.”

A fair amount of catastrophic climate change propaganda has made its way into the scientific method and perhaps in no venue more clearly than the Planetary Boundaries framework, Dr. Jessica Weinkle writes and explains where it comes from and what is driving the narrative.

Last month we published an article that brought attention to the Food and Agriculture Organisation’s (“FAO’s”) roadmap to achieve its “global commitment to transform agrifood systems.” The FAO is an agency of the United Nations.

To publicise this scheme, in January, FAO chief economist Maximo Torero Cullen said a roadmap is necessary because “we are violating six of the nine planetary boundaries.”

In September, 20 scientists funded by the European Research Council, the German government, the Carlsberg Foundation and the Volkswagen Foundation published a paper “establishing” 9 planetary boundaries. They determined that 6 of their 9 boundaries had been “crossed.”...<<<Read More>>>...

Tuesday 25 June 2024

Germ Theory & Crown Poisons

With the medical establishment now weaponized under Crown control, the royal bloodlines launched an alchemists war on planet earth using their medical wing as cover. Water, air and food were targeted with a slew of new chemicals concocted by Crown firms like Monsanto, Dow, and BASF. IBM manufactured what are now called “forever chemicals” and inserted them into personal care and cleaning products. These chemicals stay in people’s bodies forever, slowly making them sick.

DDT and paraquat were sprayed generously on California fruits and vegetables. Some researchers connect this to the polio outbreak in the US in the early 1950s. Instead of looking into this, the Rockefeller medicine show funded Dr. Jonas Salk who concocted a deadly polio vaccine, which we now know is responsible for an epidemic of brain cancers in men born before 1964 who got this poisonous injection.

While the Crown’s American Medical Association told the public there were deadly viruses inside our frail human bodies that would make us sick if we didn’t get their cartel-produced vaccines, the Crown’s chemical wing was busy poisoning Americans. Virus means “venom” in Latin. And coronavirus in Latin translates “Crown venom”.

Germ theory was first put forward by Venetian Girolamo Fracastoro, who has a crater on the moon named after him. It took off in the 1850’s with the work of Louis Pasteur. Pasteur graduated from the Royal College at Besancon in 1839. He was a member of the Royal Society and recipient of the Legion of Honor Grand Cross. He received the Albert Medal from the Royal Society of the Arts in 1882 and the Leeuwenhoek Medal from the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts & Sciences in 1895.

Pasteur’s Crown-funded research was expanded by Robert Koch, who became a director at the Royal Prussian Institute for Infectious Diseases in 1891. The two are held up as the fathers of microbiology. Prior to the Crown’s proclamation that germ theory would guide their new oil-based medicine, the common explanation for diseases was miasma theory or terrain theory, which maintains that disease is caused by exposure to environmental toxins.

The repercussions of this new medical paradigm were far-reaching. Instead of funding clean water and sewer systems in the global South, postwar USAID and NGO medical crusaders launder their charitable contributions into massive vaccination campaigns that are killing and sterilizing people....<<<Read More>>>...

Memory Lane - "Snakebird"


“Alien” mummies from Peru: scientists believe they are not people

 Many scientists have called the “alien” mummies found in Peru a hoax. But a new study shows something different.

Recent analysis of one of the humanoids named Maria showed that it has biological similarities to humans, but with many morphological and anatomical structural differences. It turned out that the elongated skull of the mummified humanoid does not show any signs of artificial deformation....<<<Read More>>>...

Queensryche - Best I Can

Here’s proof that covid injections cause cognitive decline; how does it happen and how do we treat it?

 Subtle and overt neurological injuries are one of the most common results of a pharmaceutical injury. The covid injections are no exception. They excel at causing damage to cognition and many of us have noticed both subtle and over-cognitive impairment following vaccination that relatively few people know how to address.

For a long time, the hypothesis that the vaccines impaired cognition was “anecdotal” because it was based on people observing it in their peer group or patients. But recently large datasets emerged which show this phenomenon is very real and that the severe injuries we’ve seen from the vaccines (e.g., sudden death) are only the tip of the iceberg.

In this article A Midwestern Doctor reviews the proof the covid “vaccines” are damaging cognition and explores the mechanisms which allow it to happen so we can better understand how to treat it....<<<Read More>>>...

In 2025, all draftable U.S. WOMEN will be force-vaccinated with deadly mRNA spike proteins by the Medical/Military Industrial Complex

 There’s a lot more to the draft these days than just readying and sending soldiers into the meat grinders of the political mass-embezzlement schemes, a.k.a. the military industrial complex. Now Big Pharma has its teeth sunk in deep, and every military member drafted next year, including all “eligible” women, will surely face the wrath of the mRNA-Industrial Complex.

Did you know that 98 percent of all U.S. military forces, meaning the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard and National Guard, got the deadly Covid-19 “clot shot” mRNA spike protein “vaccines?” They sure did. Over 6.5 million experimental, untested, gene-and-cell-altering mRNA stabs were administered to U.S. military members, modifying their cells to produce endless protein prions that cause rubbery vascular clots, myocarditis, pericarditis, spontaneous abortions and turbo cancer.

And just in case you were wondering, yes, the Secretary of Defense made the toxic jabs MANDATORY for service members after the nefarious FDA “approved” them (they never really did) for mass-injection (as a biological weapon of mass destruction). Service members who refused to get the useless, worthless, unsafe, ineffective prion injections were DISCHARGED from the military. The military told the fully unvaccinated to do the “right thing” and that it was a “lawful order” that must be “obeyed” because it is a “valid medical readiness requirement.” Oh, really?...<<<Read More>>>....

Julian Assange is FREE! A Win For Humanity

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been released from a UK prison and is heading back to Australia following his decision to plead guilty to a single charge under the US espionage law.

Assange, 52, agreed to plead guilty to one count of conspiracy to obtain and disclose classified US national defense documents, as stated in a filing with the US District Court for the Northern Mariana Islands.

Assange was freed from Belmarsh's high-security prison on Monday June 24th, 2024. He was granted bail by the High Court in London and released at Stansted Airport in the afternoon. There, he left the UK.

Assange is set to appear in a court in Saipan, a US Pacific territory, at 9am on Wednesday (23:00 GMT on Tuesday).

He will be sentenced to 62 months, which he has already served....<<<Read More>>>...

Monday 24 June 2024

This Vatican Insider Said There’s Something Dark Happening & The Vatican Doesn’t Want You To Know

 In the heart of Rome, behind its majestic walls and beneath the façade of holiness, lies a realm of intrigue, darkness, and secrets. This Vatican insider, whose voice had long been stifled, has revealed shocking truths that the Vatican desperately wants to keep hidden from the world. Today, we embark on a journey to expose the enigmatic mysteries concealed within the hallowed halls of the Vatican City.

The Vatican, a symbol of Catholicism and a beacon of faith for millions, has always been a source of fascination and curiosity. But beneath its pious exterior, there lies a labyrinth of secrets that have been shrouded in darkness for centuries. We will delve deep into the forbidden truths, unmasking the concealed realities that the Vatican has zealously guarded from prying eyes....<<<Read More>>>...

What’s This About An Afterlife?

So you think the continuity of consciousness after physical death is just a bunch of faith-based woo-woo?

You think it’s something cooked up to make us feel better about our inevitable journey from the womb to the rubbish heap of physical decay?

You think the notion of a timeless existence outside the framework of the physical universe is too vague and slippery ever to be taken seriously by our culture’s arbiters of reality – the sciences?

Please think again.

Until recently, the belief that the whole of reality is based in matter has dominated our modern understanding of space, time, life and death. Most tellingly, our consciousness has been viewed as little more than an illusory by-product of mechanistic brain activity.

But over the past half-century, Western science – traditionally hemmed in by materialistic assumptions – has begun to wriggle free of this centuries-old ideological straitjacket and is breaking some astonishing new ground. In fact, there are now at least fifteen promising avenues of post-materialist scientific investigation currently underway, quite apart from modern physics’ excursions into the mysterious quantum realm!

The majority of these inquiries point distinctly toward the possibility, if not the near-certainty, of a “greater reality” in nature that includes what we call the “afterlife.”...<<<Read More>>>...

The Top 3 Benefits of Magnesium

 Magnesium is found throughout your body. Every cell in your body contains this mineral and needs it to function.

About 60% of the magnesium in your body occurs in bone, while the rest is in muscles, soft tissues, and fluids, including blood.

One of its main roles is to act as a cofactor — a helper molecule — in the biochemical reactions continuously performed by enzymes. 

It’s involved in more than 600 reactions in your body, including 

1. Energy creation: converting food into energy
2. Protein formation: creating new proteins from amino acids
3. Gene maintenance: helping create and repair DNA and RNA
4. Muscle movements: aiding in muscle contraction and relaxation
5. Nervous system regulation: regulating neurotransmitters, which send messages throughout your brain and nervous system

Nonetheless, studies suggest that approximately 50% of U.S. adults get less than the recommended daily amount of magnesium...<<<Read More>>>...

Pretty Maids - Savage Heart

Food for Thought #505


Quote for the Day


Did Neil Ferguson’s modelling of the covid pandemic prove once and for all that epidemiology is useless?

 The UK and Imperial College London were the intellectual nerve centre of the global covid pandemic response. As you will recall, it was Neil Ferguson, a physicist at Imperial College, who developed the main epidemiology model behind the justification to shut down economies.

However, Ferguson’s model was undocumented 13-year-old code that needed to be “cleaned up” and his assumptions were garbage. This is been known since at least March 2020, around the same time that the UK government implemented its first shutdown of the economy spuriously called “lockdowns.”

The American Institute for Economic Research (“AEIR”) noted in April 2021, “Ferguson predicted catastrophic death tolls back on 16 March 2020 unless governments around the world adopted his preferred suite of non-pharmaceutical interventions (“NPIs”) to ward off the pandemic. Most countries followed his advice, particularly after the United Kingdom and United States governments explicitly invoked his report as a justification for lockdowns.”

Yet Ferguson’s model was written using some 13-year-old undocumented code which then needed to be “cleaned up” with the help of Microsoft to make it reusable by anyone else. That isn’t even the worst of it – key assumptions forming the inputs to the model were garbage, Jonathan Engler writes introducing an article written by Mike Hearn in March 2020....<<<Read More>>>...

Big Tech partners with WEF to implement “Global Coalition for Digital Safety” scheme for world domination



The world's leading online censorship outlets are teaming up to try to subdue the globe under a new "Global Digital Safety" pact that as usual gives the globalists all the power.

The Digital Trust & Safety Partnership (DTSP), United Kingdom regulator OFCOM and the infamous World Economic Forum (WEF) embraced a threesome wedding with each other, the offspring of which is this little doozy outlining their scheme for world domination.

What DTSP, OFCOM and WEF each bring to the relationship is strategic:

- DTSP exists to "address harmful content" and ensure online "age assurance" verification

- OFCOM exists to establish "online safety"

- WEF exists to ensure you own nothing and are happy about it, as well as to brainwash law enforcement into fighting against free speech as if it were a "crime" to exercise your First Amendment rights, which is what the above-linked paper from this trio is promoting...<<<Read More>>>...

Sunday 23 June 2024

Testing New Human Nodes of Connectivity

Since human beings are first and foremost social creatures, our natural and normal inclinations are to search for, identify, and connect with others of our kind. 

In the Bio/Nano Age, however, part of the problem of identifying our kind is identifying the various deceptions that work to obscure the many unnatural inclinations of those in power — of those who seek to create a world of social inversions, to establish a world of total abnormality "with entirely new conceptual categories for being and doing into which new and approved social creatures can comfortably fit. 

What can we do if these social connections are being made for us without our knowledge or consent? How can we discern and understand the new networks being formed inside us and around us which serve not humanity's needs but, rather, the projects and plans of unelected transnational technocrats?...<<<Read More>>>...

Soul Evolution

 From the moment we are born, our souls may feel heavy because they are carrying the weight of all we have lived, loved, and learned in our past incarnations. It is only when we actively seek to work through our issues that we can lighten the load and our souls can evolve. Divesting ourselves of what no longer serves us, such as unwarranted fear, the inability to feel empathy, or self-limiting behaviors, are just some of the many challenges we may face in this lifetime. While some issues we face are easier to deal with because they are the final remains of residue from a past life, other issues offer greater challenges because we are meant to work through them throughout this lifetime.

Often, we expect ourselves to recover quickly from difficult or painful circumstances. When we do not or cannot, we may feel emotionally inept or hopeless. The evolution of the soul, however, is an ongoing process that can take many lifetimes. It is a matter of accepting that even when we do our best there are going to be situations, people, and outcomes that we cannot control. It is also important to remember that your experiences now may be setting the groundwork for future healing -- whether in this lifetime or the next one. The more you release in each time, the more you grow and the more your soul will evolve.

Although it is not always possible to work through all of our issues in a single lifetime, it is important that we confront what we are called to face in this life and do the work we need to do. It is also important to remember that the most effective way to let your soul grow is to be an active participant in life. Be present in each moment and your soul will do this work for you. (Daily OM)

Scorpions - When You Came Into My Life

Quote for the Day


This is Your Future

 The perfect doom and gloom pantomime fear narrative article ....


This is a year of major elections in the UK, the US and much of Europe.

But it doesn’t really matter a damn who wins any of the elections, though the future will arrive more speedily if left-wing governments are in power.

We are hurtling toward Net Zero and the Great Reset.

Whatever lies we are told, this is what we can look forward to:

More twenty-minute cities will be built – with accommodation provided in tower blocks. Food for each twenty-minute city will be grown in local, indoor farms.

Social credit schemes will be introduced.

Health care will be increasingly unavailable – except for vaccination programmes which will be increased.

To enter a shop or any public building you’ll have to flash your smartphone in order to identify yourself (all those people who use their smartphones to pay for coffee have led the way to this).

Overall the weather will be colder and wetter as the sun is blocked by geoengineers. (search online for “radiation management” if you don’t believe me).

Traditional farms will fail and close and the land used for farming will be allowed to go wild.

Euthanasia will become legal everywhere – and heavily promoted. In many hospitals, the “voluntary” element of doctor-assisted suicide will quietly disappear as the elderly, the frail, the mentally ill, the disabled and the poor are quietly killed...<<<Read More>>>...

Pfizer CEO says COVID was just a test… “a rehearsal” for something bigger yet to come

When Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla said that COVID-19 was just a test, it pretty much flew under the radar, but history tells us this comment could prove to be more of a warning than an off-handed comment.

“I truly think the best days of Pfizer are ahead of us because Covid was, for me, like a rehearsal, prove generali, how you can mobilize an organization and do the impossible, possible, against a main disease,” Bourla said.

It’s a pretty ominous statement when you think about it considering that when we look back, we can often find instances where someone warned us, either directly or in a more subtle way, that something bad was brewing but no one heeded the warning.

For example, Alex Jones pointed out that he cautioned something like the COVID-19 pandemic would happen way back in 2010. He said this wasn’t just some random prediction that panned out; he read the Rockefeller Foundation Operation Lock Step, which specifically described using a virus to bring in a world government and exert control over people with mandatory quarantines, masking, checkpoints and other violations of personal freedom.

Like some of his other predictions that have come to fruition, he said that there are often lots of warnings, but people aren’t paying attention.

“Once you have enough technological development, enough science, anything we can imagine, we can do,” Jones said.

Therefore, it won’t be a surprise if COVID-19 does indeed prove to be just a dress rehearsal for the real catastrophe; as Jones said, “The big stuff’s coming.” ...<<<Read More>>>...

Saturday 22 June 2024

Unmasking the Matrix: How to Break Free from Invisible Chains of Society

Many of us feel an underlying sense of unease in modern society’s labyrinth. Despite technological advancements and material abundance, there’s a pervasive feeling that something crucial is missing. We live in a world where the invisible chains of societal expectations, consumerism, and covert control mechanisms bind us, keeping us from realizing our true potential. It’s time to unmask the matrix and break free from these invisible chains, reclaiming our sovereignty and forging a path toward authentic freedom and fulfillment.

At first glance, the modern world offers an array of choices and opportunities. We can travel across the globe, access vast amounts of information instantly, and enjoy unprecedented comfort and convenience. However, beneath this veneer of freedom lies a sophisticated system of control designed to keep us distracted, dependent, and disconnected from our true selves.

The matrix thrives on our compliance, subtly shaping our beliefs and behaviors through a combination of media manipulation, societal norms, and economic pressures. We’re conditioned to follow a predefined path: go to school, get a job, buy a house, and consume endlessly. This cycle perpetuates a state of constant striving, keeping us too preoccupied to question the deeper meaning of our existence....<<<Read More>>>...

Starmerism Means the Wholesale Transfer of Power From Parliament to Civil Servants, Judges and Quangocrats

Keir Starmer is not a politician by training or inclination. He was drafted into civilian office late in life and immediately lowered into a stately place on the front benches.

In this way, Starmer is part of a long tradition. Political systems in trouble often lose faith in their native class of civilian leaders, and turn instead to a distinguished outsider who seems to stand above the factions.

These people are not ‘political’ – politics has failed. These are figures of unity, and of command. The senile Field Marshal MacMahon; the senile Field Marshal Hindenburg; the policeman Starmer; the police spy Sue Gray – harder, simpler people for a harder, simpler rule.

But there is a reason why most governing classes try to avoid the open rule of its bureaucrats, spies and major generals. Social orders need to maintain a mythology of some kind – that power does not simply flow out the barrel of a gun. Whatever else the next few years may hold, it does not ultimately bode well for Blairite society that it must now have recourse to people like Starmer.

Much has been said about Keir Starmer’s ‘Pabloism’, and of his youthful sojourn in a work camp behind the Iron Curtain. All valid things to raise. What should be remembered, though, is that this general tendency – the collected fissile elements of Marxism Today – has now been in power for over a quarter century and is showing its age. Whatever radical or subversive edge it may have had is many years gone. It is also, in its way, unduly flattering. New Labour was always proudly philistine. The sneering conformism, the monomaniacal obsession with football. This was never a ploy to distract from more chic ideas, as some have said. The two were always one and the same. ‘Pabloism’ in practice from 1997 simply meant the kind of chivvying ITV morning show sensibility that has come to define the era; that eccentricity is suspect, that everyone has to cheer for England, and that Diana Spencer was the People’s Princess.

 Forget class, certainly. Forget, even, the Authoritarian Personality, or “all that is solid melts into air”. What we’re faced with in 2024 is a stodgy public moralism that owes much more to Ant & Dec than to Michel Pablo. And more than anything else, it’s a public doctrine that was put in genuine danger from 2016-20, placing it under a psychological state of siege from which it has yet to emerge, and which Starmer’s victory will do nothing to allay.

Starmer the man is the most apt symbol of this new, baroque self-seriousness. This is a person who really does think that a studio audience would laugh at him because his father was a toolmaker. He speaks to an established order that has, in its paranoia, lost whatever capacity for subtlety or irony it may have once possessed. There is instead a deathly earnestness, and a fear for the future. Shadows move on the walls – divisive ones. Look at the front cover of Starmer’s manifesto. He is flinty-eyed; wearisomely resolute. The whole picture is tinted grey. Even Theresa May in her full pomp would have probably baulked at this. Keir Starmer is a dark and brooding man for a dark and brooding age.

Starmer and the class he represents believe that time is running out for them. The Financial Times speaks of Starmerism as a last chance saloon for the Third Way. If Mr. Trump re-enters the Oval Office, and if current political trends in continental Europe persist, then the Starmer ministry will soon be the last government of its kind in the Western world...<<<Read More>>>...