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Wednesday 31 July 2024

'Stunning' 620% higher risk of myocarditis after mRNA COVID vaccines

 A large-scale peer-reviewed South Korean study has found significantly increased risks of serious cardiac and neurological conditions following mRNA COVID-19 vaccination, and lesser risks of several autoimmune diseases.

The nationwide population-based cohort study, published Tuesday in Nature Communications, followed nearly 4.5 million people for an average of 15 months after vaccination.

Researchers found a striking 620% increased risk of myocarditis and 175% increased risk of pericarditis in people who received the vaccine compared to historical controls.

The study also revealed a 62% increased risk for Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS), a rare neurological disorder.

The researchers did not highlight the the cardiac and GBS risks, but only used the data to confirm the validity of their study design, which focused on determining the risks of autoimmune diseases associated with mRNA COVID-19 vaccines...<<<Read More>>>...

Digital Dystopia: Lessons from the Global IT Outage on the Perils of Cashless Living

 As a global IT outage wreaks havoc on digital payment systems, mainstream media finally sounds the alarm on cashless society risks – but for truth-tellers like Sayer Ji, the warning comes too late.

The Growing Threat of a Cashless Society: Lessons from the Global IT Outage

In a startling shift, major British newspapers have begun highlighting the dangers of a fully cashless society following a widespread IT outage that crippled digital payment systems across the globe. This event has brought to light the inherent fragility of our increasingly digitized financial infrastructure and serves as a stark reminder of the vital role cash still plays in our economy.

The Chaos of Digital Dependency

On July 19, 2024, a content update by cybersecurity giant CrowdStrike caused millions of Microsoft systems worldwide to crash. As reported by Nick Corbishley for Naked Capitalism, this outage had far-reaching consequences:

“When a content update by the cyber-security giant CrowdStrike caused millions of Microsoft systems around the world to crash on Friday morning, bringing the operating systems of banks, payment card firms, airlines, hospitals, NHS clinics, retailers and hospitality businesses to a standstill, businesses were faced with a stark choice: go cash-only, or close until the systems came back online.”

This incident laid bare the vulnerability of our tightly coupled IT-based societies, particularly in the realm of banking and payments. The fallout was especially severe in countries like Australia, where cashless transactions have been actively encouraged by the government...<<<Read More>>>...

Quote for the Day


Ozzy Osbourne - Flying High Again

Scientists propose using AI for real-time communication with aliens

 Whatever ... if we are in an A.I virtual reality it would make sense. Even us humans are an old version of A.I


Artificial intelligence is being hailed as the future of communication on Earth, and it could even bridge the gap between us and extraterrestrial civilizations.

According to SETI Institute astronomer Franch Marchis and NASA researcher Ignacio G. Lopez-Francois, AI might enable meaningful interactions with aliens, or at least a version of us they can understand...<<<Read More>>>...

Labour government in UK will let drug companies see your medical records

 The new Labour Government hasn’t had its feet under the table for a month and they are already planning to tie the knot with the world’s most corrupt and dangerous industry – the drug industry.

The deadly drug industry (which makes the Columbian drug kingpins look kindly and caring) will soon know everything about you. This will be a vital move towards a digital world. And what’s happening in the UK will happen around the world.

How not very astonishing.

The Labour Party’s Minister of State for Science, Research and Innovation is a bloke called The Lord Vallance of Balham.

You may know him better as Sir Patrick Vallance – the geezer who stood alongside Whitty and Johnson to tell us why we needed (useless) lockdowns, (useless) masks and (useless and toxic but very profitable) vaccines.

Will Britain’s new fascist/communist Labour Government turn out to be the world’s most corrupt, dangerous and thoroughly evil government?

I wouldn’t bet against it....<<<Read More>>>...

Trump vows to BAN central bank digital currencies: “There will never be a CBDC while I am president”

 Former President Donald Trump has reiterated that, when he wins his second term in the White House, he will ban central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) in the United States.

He made his stance clear once again during a speech on Saturday, July 27, at the Bitcoin Conference 2024 in Nashville, Tennessee, saying: "There will never be a CBDC while I am president."

This statement echoes his previous comments on the matter, where he has consistently expressed strong opposition to the idea of a CBDC. He believes that such a currency would give the government too much control over people's money and could potentially lead to financial tyranny.

Trump added that he will defend the right of cryptocurrency owners for self-custody and to create a framework for the expansion of stablecoins, or cryptocurrencies whose values are pegged to reference assets, in this case, the U.S. dollar. Trump believes creating such a framework will expand the dominance of the U.S. dollar...<<<Read More>>>...

Tuesday 30 July 2024

Experiences We Don't Understand

 Sometimes we have an experience that we don’t understand, but if we look deeply or wait long enough, a reason for that experience will usually reveal itself. All the events in our lives lead to other events, and all that we have manifested in this present moment is the result of past events and experiences. We cannot easily tease apart the many threads that have been woven together to create our current reality. Experiences that don’t make sense, as well as any that we regret, are just as responsible for the good things in our lives as the experiences we do understand or label as “good.”

This is especially important to remember at times when we feel directionless or unsure of what to do. It is often at times like these that we take a job or move to a place without really knowing if it’s the right thing to do. We may ultimately end up leaving the job or the place, but while we were there, we may have met an important friend, or we may have had an experience that changed us in a profound way. When all the pieces of our life don’t quite make sense, we can remember that there may be some hidden gem why we are where we are.

It’s fun to look back on past experiences with an eye to uncovering those gems — the dreadful temporary job in a bland office building that introduced you to the love of your life; the roommate you couldn’t tolerate who gave you a book that changed your life; the time spent living in a city you didn’t like that led you into a deeper relationship with yourself. Remembering these past experiences can restore our faith in the present. Life is full of buried treasures. Chances are, you’re sitting on some right now.(Daily OM)

Quote for the Day


Skid Row - I Remember You

Sometimes We Just Need A Brain

 The times we’re in are certainly a blast. Everyday seems like a bizarre version of earth that is hard to believe exists. All while we can feel like we’re on the precipice of a huge change. A Great Change.. or as I’ve always called it A Shift.

Depending on how we orient our attention and consciousness, we can feel consistent sadness, frustration, anger and judgement toward our current moment. Or, we can feel those things very briefly, integrate them, and then sense into opportunity - because it is certainly there.

I’m suggesting it’s healthy to feel some sadness, some anger, and some frustration with the state of the world. But also suggesting we want to be careful that it doesn’t become our baseline...<<<Read More>>>...

Bill Gates proves he is not a “science people” and is an idiot: I don’t plant trees, planting trees is nonsense, he said

 At The New York Times’ Climate Forward event last year, Gates admitted his role as a leader in nefarious climate innovation projects, citing his work through the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Breakthrough Energy.

“I’m the person who’s doing the most on climate in terms of the innovation and how we can square multiple goals,” he said.

Setting the stage The New York Times’ David Gelles noted at the start of the interview that in the last week “ we have United Nations Secretary-General Guterres saying that the Earth is about to become uninhabitable” and “Mike Bloomberg who was on the stage with me earlier this morning said that this was something that could kill every person on Earth.”

After describing the fictitious problem Gelles then noted that Gates had the solution. “I heard you speak on Tuesday you said the planet is going to be fine. I want you to help us reconcile these contrasting statements,” he said.

By now our regular readers will easily spot the Hegelian Dialectic – also known as the problem-reaction-solution framework – and the use of nudge techniques being used by both Gelles and Gates during the interview.

Using the fear of loss to motivate behaviour change is a key nudge technique, which uses psychology to get people to comply with the behaviours that they want people to follow. So, what behaviours did Gates aim to instil in the population?

Not one to shy away from promoting himself, he began “reconciling these contrasting statements” by promoting himself as the saviour of the world, “Well, I’m, you know, the largest funder of action on climate including grant money Innovation money … because it affects human welfare.”

“Our organisation is the most articulate going around the world saying rich countries should be more generous whether it’s for climate mitigation, climate adaptation, health budgets – you know, vaccines, you know – so we’re on full blast saying that equity demands we be more generous. Climate is one of those causes.”

Gates’ vaccines do affect human welfare; they are unsafe and ineffective. Equity also affects human welfare. Equity is not equality; it is positive discrimination or affirmative action which is unlawful, and negatively impacts people and societies. Gates is indeed affecting human welfare but not in a positive way. His “concern” for human welfare shown in his solutions for the manufactured “climate change crisis” is no different.

He pushed electric vehicles (“EVs”) and alternative fuels noting that more needs to be done to achieve widespread adoption of EVs and to develop fuels that serve as alternatives to “fossil fuels.”

He also emphasised the need for a 30-year perspective on climate investments, citing the example of steel factories and new meat production methods, which have obvious negative job and health implications on human welfare.

And then he attempted to justify his attack on trees....<<<Read More>>>...

Food for Thought #512


Former staffers describe Kamala Harris as a workplace bully prone to angry tirades

We’ve seen lots of pictures featuring a happy-looking Kamala Harris in recent days as her party tries to position her as a viable presidential candidate, but many people who have worked with her in the past report that there was no joy to be found in their interactions with her.

Although she has long been accused of workplace bullying at different points in her career, the fact that just four out of the 71 staffers she hired during her first year in office are still with her is extremely telling. Everyone else has either quit or been fired, which makes for a staff turnover rate of 92 percent – an appalling figure that would leave any business scrambling to make changes at the top in response.

Accusations of running a toxic workplace have plagued Harris since her days as the California Attorney General in the 2010s. For example, a professor at California State University, Barbara O’Connor, reported that students of hers who interned for Harris would often come to her in tears.

The situation did not change when she became a senator, with an analysis revealing that her office came in ninth place in staff turnover rates among the 114 senators who served in the years from 2017 to 2020.

During that time, sources in Congress report that she was known to berate her subordinates and go on tirades full of expletives....<<<Read More>>>...

Monday 29 July 2024

You'll Never Work in This Town Again!

 Did we just witness the suicide of Wokery? I think you saw what's called, in the argot of progressive thinking, the "queering" of the Olympics. That was some spectacle. First, Death on a Pale Horse came galloping down the Seine River so that no one would miss the point of the symbolism to follow: the beheaded Marie Antoinette portrayed singing in the window of a flaming palais (revolution anyone?). . . . Then, a tableau vivant of DaVinci's The Last Supper"queered" to-the-max with a tattooed land-whale in the Jesus seat offering a Satan hand-signal among the swaying drag queens, plus one child ostentatiously in the mix (say, whu?). . . followed by a blue Dionysius crooning about nudity ("Nu") on a giant fruit platter, with his ball-sack clearly on display among the cherries and nectarines. . . . It rained. . .tant pis. . . . The power went out and Paris ceased to be the City of Light. Finis. . . .

Not all of Western Civ was amused by these. . . antics. Many complained that the show portrayed Christianity in a less than favorable light. Ya think? The next day, the Paris-24 organizing committee offered the world an apology of sorts. Spokesperson Anne Descamps explained that the idea was "to celebrate community tolerance." Or, shall we say, to test it? Apparently, it flunked the test. Director of the extravaganza, Thomas Jolly, said (translation), "Our intention was never to be impertinent." Of course, he lies, and of course it is the foundational premise of those in the Satanic fold to lie about everything. (Just as America's Democratic Party lies about everything.) Within hours, sponsors revolted and pulled their support for the games altogether. Lord knows what the BRICs nations make of all this. Probably something like pity...<<<Read More>>>...

Quote for the Day


Labour Has Just Betrayed a Generation of Young People (because they are a corrupt tyrannical bunch of liars and incompetents and you’ve seen nothing yet)

By dropping the Higher Education (Freedom of Speech) Act, Bridget Phillipson has betrayed the fight for free speech and academic freedom in universities, and brought shame upon the Labour Party, says Claire Fox in the Telegraph. Here’s an excerpt:

Less than a week before the Higher Education (Freedom of Speech) Act 2023 was to come into force – over a year since it was given Royal Assent in May last year after passing through two houses of Parliament – the Education Secretary Bridget Phillipson has announced her “decision to stop further commencement… in order to consider options, including its repeal”.

I had to read her statement several times to believe it, thinking at first it might be an anti-Labour “deep fake” designed to imply that the new Government is callously indifferent not just to free speech, but the democratic process itself.

When the Act passed last year, ultimately with cross-party support, I let out a loud sigh of relief rather than a cheer. It had taken months of exhausting arguments, hours of speeches and the watering down of amendments just to modestly enhance the academic freedom duty on universities. This would allow a complaints scheme for students, staff and visiting speakers, who could seek compensation if they suffered a breach of a university’s obligations, and allowed fines or sanctions for higher education providers and student unions if they transgressed....<<<Read More>>>...

Iron Maiden - Tailgunner

US government tanked the economy with covid lockdowns to gain control over the population through data collection and enforcement

 The covid lockdowns amounted to the world’s largest and most elaborate economic head-fake in human history.

It left the entire world less free and less prosperous, and with drained hopes that restoring normality can happen anytime soon. To add injury to the insult, most official institutions are manufacturing fake data to cover it all up.

In the following, Jeffrey Tucker explains the economic impact on the USA of the lockdown in March 2020 and its aftermath. He highlights that the labour market has not fully recovered, stimulus was eroded by inflation, retail sales and factory orders have not significantly increased, and output has not seen a substantial rise. Additionally, it questions the accuracy of inflation data and the sustainability of the economic recovery.

Why did they shut economies down? A major ambition of the covid response was the creation of a universal vaccine passport, he writes. “All these efforts were reversed but the plan itself revealed the larger agenda: control through data collection and enforcement. The ambition is not gone and will likely come back but a better and more comprehensive path is the Central Bank Digital Currency.”...<<<Read More>>>...

Crop Circles 2024 - #5

Another 2024 crop circle, this time witnessed at Stoke Charity, Nr Sutton Scotney, Hampshire. Reported 28th July2024...<<<Read More>>>....


Congress already trying to IMPEACH Kamala Harris for mismanaging southern border, hiding Biden’s cognitive decline

 Rep. Andy Ogles (R-Tenn.) introduced articles of impeachment this week against Vice President Kamala Harris, the new Democrat darling for the leftist presidential ticket this fall.

Rep. Ogles says Kamala is guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors for her poor performance in handling the southern border crisis as President Joe Biden's "border czar," a title he anointed her with back in 2021. Kamala also participated in concealing Biden's cognitive decline from the world, according to Rep. Ogles.

"Kamala Devi Harris has demonstrated extraordinary incompetence in the execution of her duties and responsibilities, a stark refusal to uphold the existing immigration law, and a palpable indifference to people of the United States suffering as a result of the ongoing southern border crisis in the United States," the impeachment articles state...<<<Read More>>>...

Sunday 28 July 2024

Mysterious Jellyfish UFOs and Their Alarming Encounters

 MUFON is the largest ufological organization in the USA and the world. It consists of about 700 enthusiastic researchers who have been collecting and analyzing UFO and suspected alien sightings since the 1960s. Its archives contain about 137,000 reports from eyewitnesses.

In January 2024, a video of an unusual UFO shaped like a jellyfish flying over a US military base in Iraq was released online.

Initially skeptical, MUFON ufologists quickly discovered that jellyfish-like UFOs are not a new phenomenon, as their archives are full of similar observations.

The footage, released by journalist Jeremy Corbell, was apparently filmed by the U.S. military in 2018 and, according to Corbell, the object seen in the video has been officially designated a UAP — unknown aerial phenomenon — by the Pentagon....<<<Read More>>>...

Net Zero is Impoverishing the West and Enriching China (Exactly as planned)

 The West’s headlong rush to jettison fossil fuels and hit ‘Net Zero’ carbon dioxide emissions is impoverishing us while enriching China, which is ramping up its coal-fired industry to sell us all the ‘green’ technology, says Bjorn Lomborg in the Telegraph. Here’s an excerpt:

Starting in the 1990s, climate change has become a fixation for rich country politicians and elites. It emerged as the world had just seen the end of the Cold War. 

There was relative peace and trust across the world, broad economic growth and swift progress being made against poverty. In the capitals of Europe in particular, it felt like most of the planet’s big problems were fixed, so climate change was the final frontier.

These proponents of climate action advocated with relish the goal of ending reliance on the very fossil fuels that had powered two centuries of astonishing growth. Sure, this would cost hundreds of trillions of dollars, but there would always be more growth.

What a naïve, narrow-minded world view. Time has not been kind to the foolish idea that climate change was humanity’s sole remaining problem – or that the planet would unite to solve it. Geopolitics and economics mean a rapid global transition from fossil fuels is impossible.

As has long been clear for many, the majority of the world never shared this myopic focus on climate change. Despite immense progress, in some countries life remains a battle against poverty, hunger and disease. In many more countries including India, the top priority is to create more jobs and life-changing growth and development. Outside the most advanced economies, climate change has understandably always been a relatively low voter priority.

Leaders from Europe and the United States talk up “Net Zero” as though it has global support. But this unity is quickly revealed as a mirage. For one thing, the destabilising axis of Russia, Iran and North Korea are not about to support Western efforts to solve climate change. Indeed, according to McKinsey, achieving the Net Zero target would require Russian climate policies costing $273 billion every year – around three-times what Russia spent on its military last year. That won’t happen.

The geopolitical challenges run even deeper. China’s growth has relied on burning ever more coal. It is the world’s preeminent greenhouse gas emitter, with the largest increase of any nation last year. Renewable energy made 40% of China’s primary energy in 1971, reducing to 7% by 2011 as it ramped up coal use. Since then, renewables have inched up to 10%. Strong climate action could cost China nearly a trillion dollars annually, hurting its journey toward becoming a rich nation.

The reality is that most of the world – including powerhouse India and emerging economies – will continue to focus on becoming richer, often with fossil fuels. Russia and its ilk will ignore the fixation on climate change altogether. And China will make money from selling the West solar panels and electric cars, while only modestly curbing its own emissions.

As rich countries irresponsibly attempt to export the cost of climate policy to poor countries through carbon adjustment taxes, they will drive a further wedge into an already fractured world...<<<Read More>>>....

Quote for the Day


Copenhagen is nudging residents and tourists to accept a social credit system

The city of Copenhagen, Denmark, has recently introduced a “CopenPay” system to reward tourists for taking green actions such as using public transportation or cycling. These rewards include access to cultural experiences and free vegetarian meals.

It is a climate change-based behavioural modification and social credit system.

CopenPay is a pilot programme launched by Copenhagen’s official tourism organisation, Wonderful Copenhagen, aiming to encourage tourists and residents to adopt “climate-friendly” behaviours. From 15 July to 11 August 2024, 24 participating attractions and businesses in Copenhagen will reward visitors for taking “eco-friendly” actions.

“There is a need to change the mindset of tourists and encourage green choices. Data show a large willingness as 82% say they want to act sustainably, but only 22% have changed their behaviour,” Wonderful Copenhagen says.

If people wanted to “act sustainably,” they would. But Wonderful Copenhagen seems to have not understood this basic concept. So, to achieve its desires, Wonderful Copenhagen is employing nudge techniques to get people to change their behaviour.

By now, we should all be familiar with psychological techniques known as “nudging,” which emerged as one of the primary tools used against us during the covid era. But for those who may not yet be familiar, a brief explainer.

Nudge theory aims to influence people’s behaviour through subtle, indirect and non-coercive means. Although as Dr. Robert Malone pointed out, nudging is a form of psychological manipulation that is often used in PsyOps and PsyWar campaigns and can border on psychological and even physical torture.

Below are some key nudging techniques...<<<Read More>>>....

Whitesnake - The Deeper the Love

Food for Thought #511


Group asks House Speaker to investigate whether Democrats used 25th Amendment threat to force Biden out of presidential race

 After repeatedly insisting that he would remain in the race for president after his horrifying debate performance, why did Joe Biden suddenly have a change of heart and withdraw his candidacy with little fanfare? Some people are speculating that he may have been forced out by his own party in a desperate bid to hold onto their chances of keeping the White House under their control, and one conservative group has implored lawmakers to investigate the possibility.

The opposition research firm The American Accountability Foundation has sent a letter to House Speaker Mike Johnson asking the House Judiciary and Oversight committees to find out whether Democrats threatened the elderly president with the 25th Amendment to get him to step aside...<<<Read More>>>...

Saturday 27 July 2024

Legislation should be passed to control the abuse of “nudging” techniques that can border on psychological and even physical torture

 During the covid crisis, nudging emerged as one of the primary psyops tools used by globalists, governments, non-government organisations (“NGOs”), and “security” (intelligence) forces against us.

In the following article, Dr. Robert Malone highlights some of the peer-reviewed papers which document just how effective the fear nudge has become.

For example, one study stated: “The nudging interventions such as mandatory PCR testing and small group seminars helped raise the rate of covid-19 vaccination; the most effective one is mandatory PCR.”

“This study took place in Turkey, but a physical intervention (mandatory PCR testing) was performed to coerce people into being vaccinated against their will,” Dr. Robert Malone writes.

Adding, “We all know, having lived through the covid crisis, that this intervention was performed informally throughout the Western world. These scientists just documented what governments and hospitals were doing to people worldwide.”

During the covid crisis, nudging emerged as one of the primary psyops tools used by globalists, governments, non-government organisations (“NGOs”), and “security” (intelligence) forces against us ordinary folk.

Recently, a number of peer-reviewed papers have come to light, exposing just how pervasive and damaging the use of nudges was during covid-19. They also reveal how nudging, including fear nudging, is being used to control people and populations on matters such as health, climate change, meat-eating, tobacco use, alcohol use, weight control, electoral candidates, political campaigns and more.

The PsyWar Campaign continues to work to control our hearts and minds on all matters of statecraft.

For those that need reminding, nudging is a form of psychological manipulation that is often used in psyops and psywar campaigns.

A nudge is a technique for modifying people’s behaviour in a predictable way by influencing people to behave in a desired outcome. Nudging is usually performed covertly, although that is not considered a criterion of the nudge. A nudge can be described as: “any aspects of the choice architecture that predictably alters people’s behaviour without forbidding any options or significantly changing their economic incentives.”

Nudging alters the environment, triggering automatic cognitive processes to favour the desired outcome. Nudging makes it more likely that a person will make a particular choice or behave in a particular way.

Fear nudging involves using nudges that utilise a fear component to drive behaviour, opinions or decision-making. While this is a particularly effective form of nudging, it is absolutely unethical, in my opinion, and that of others. The peer-reviewed papers below document just how effective the fear nudge has become and how globalists and governments alike routinely use this technique to control populations....<<<Read More>>>...

Quote for the Day


Calvine UFO Mystery: Aurora Spy Plane Linked to UK’s Roswel

 British UFO researcher and film-maker Mark Christopher Lee claims to have solved one of the UK’s most famous UFO mysteries – that of the Calvine UFO.

The story is that in August 1990 in Calvine, Scotland, 2 witnesses saw a diamond shaped UFO being pursued by a military jet and took a photos of it. These photos were take to the Scottish Daily Record for publication but after the newspaper contacted the MOD the story was never published.

It wasn’t until 1996 that former MOD UFO head Nick Pope wrote an unclassified version of the even in his book – Open Skies Closed Minds – that the story became public. Pope states that he had a copy of the photo enlarged on his office wall at the MOD but this was removed by his superiors.

Recently in August 2022 retired RAF press officer Craig Lindsay released what was purported to be one of the original photos to the press....<<<Read More>>>...

Starmer will follow in the footsteps of Ardern’s “how to ruin a country”

 The Conservative Woman published an article today by Stephen Becket discussing the policies and actions of New Zealand’s Ardern government, drawing parallels with the government under Keir Starmer.

Becket was born in Scotland. After leaving the British Army he spent over 40 years in construction, travelling the world. After a lifetime working in jungles and deserts, he decided to retire to the more temperate climate of New Zealand. “Although Ardern made me wonder if I had done the right thing,” he said.

His article highlights issues such as energy bans leading to problems with fuel quality and supply, overpayment of certain public sector workers, soft approach to crime, negative impact on education, diversity and inclusion policies, inflated house prices, tensions around indigenous rights, media manipulation and the potential implications for the UK.

“Oil, gas and coal bans led to the closing down of the Marsden Oil Refinery, the only one in New Zealand. This resulted in the importation of refined fuels, at greater cost and with a drop in the quality of that fuel,” Becket wrote highlighting the problems that ensued because of this policy.

He also highlighted the Ardern government’s “soft on crime” policy. “Criminal activity spiralled out of control. The courts were encouraged not to incarcerate dangerous and violent criminals and allowances were made for a criminal’s background, particularly if they were Maori,” he wrote.

As for education, Becket wrote that “all sectors of education suffered under the Ardern regime, with changes to the curriculum reflecting her ideology rather than the traditional teaching.”

Another disastrous area of Ardern’s government was diversity and inclusion. “There was a push to advance people into senior positions based on ethnicity and sex rather than on ability and merit,” he said.

This is a diversity, equity and inclusion (“DEI”). It is a “tick-box diversity” and “diversity by the numbers” policy. We have previously warned about this nefarious agenda HERE.

“[New Zealand is] now paying the price of incompetently run governmental organisations where there has been huge expenditure and very little to show for it. There has also been a massive increase in the numbers of (diverse) civil servants with the same outcomes,” Becket said.

Adding, “[the Government] caused racial tensions by pushing indigenous rights above everyone else’s.”

As for promises of building affordable houses. Becket said that Ardern promised to build 100,000 houses in ten years but the actual figure was 2,300. Additionally, “they bought houses off the open market at inflated prices and pushed house prices up beyond the reach of most people.”

“The parallels between Starmer and Ardern (a former Blair assistant) are staggeringly similar, although I have mentioned some things that are yet to happen in the UK, but surely will,” he concluded....<<<Read More>>>...

Ozzy Osbourne - Patient Number 9

Food for Thought #510


Evidence points to SECOND shooter on second floor in Trump assassination attempt

Paul from Legally Armed America released a video this week presenting compelling evidence about a second gunman who may have been involved in the July 13, 2024, assassination attempt on Donald Trump in Butler, Penn.

A degreed engineer with 30 years of professional experience by the name of John who is close with Paul told him that there was more than one shooter in Butler who was there to take out Trump.

John shared a series of slides with Paul, the first of which shows a possible second shooting location on one of the one-story buildings to the left of the stage, if you were looking directly at the stage, to where Trump was speaking. His second slide shows the one-story building as presented by ABC News being the location of Thomas Matthew Crooks, the alleged shooter, which is not where Crooks was later declared to have been positioned.

"I can't speak to why they put him there," John commented. "And that's one of the things that is hard for me to reconcile is the position where they're putting him ... to the far right of the first-floor window."

"I also saw an image where his deceased body, from ABC News, to the left of that one-floor building. So I had thought that the Secret Service had taken him out with a single shot to the head from the position where they were shooting, so why were news organizations showing him to the far right of the one-story building?" ...<<<Read More>>>...

Friday 26 July 2024

Vanished Without a Trace: Mystery of William and Margaret Patterson

 On a mild day in March 1957, William and Margaret Patterson, a well-to-do couple from El Paso, Texas, vanished without a trace, leaving behind their bustling photography business, a pet cat, and a trail of unanswered questions.

Decades later, their disappearance remains one of the most perplexing unsolved mysteries in American history.

“What makes this such a unique case are the circumstances surrounding it at the time,” said Sergeant James Belknap with the El Paso Sheriff’s Office.

“The Pattersons went missing and at that time it was unknown if they had fallen into any type of foul play or if they just decided that they were going to leave El Paso.”....<<<Read More>>>...


NIH's latest desperate attempt to incite fear

The response to the Covid-19 pandemic revealed many concerning aspects of how government functions and how committed individuals and institutions are to maintaining their preferred narratives.

Truth, data, science, evidence...apparently none of those matter relative to the importance of ensuring the public complies with their desired behavior. Perhaps no single individual has been a better representation of the symbiotic relationship between government officials and media members, as well as their ceaseless commitment to ideological priorities, than Dr. Anthony Fauci.

Fauci's NIAID and its parent organization, the National Institutes of Health, have been two of the most prolific spreaders of ideologically motivated misinformation ever during the pandemic. But Fauci is no longer part of NIH, having departed for the considerable financial rewards available from the private sector.

So as a result of his timely exit, we must finally be witnessing improvements regarding government studies and communication, right? Right?

Not exactly....<<<Read More>>>...

Pink Floyd - Shine On You Crazy Diamond

Global IT Outage: How ‘The Cloud’ Increases Our Vulnerabilities

 Screens brighten with the flow of words. Perhaps they are emails, hastily scrawled on smart devices, or emoji-laden messages exchanged between friends or families. On this same river of the digital, millions flock to binge their favorite television programming, to stream pornography, or enter the sprawling worlds of massively multiplayer online roleplaying games, or simply to look up the meaning of an obscure word or the location of the nearest COVID-19 testing center.

Whatever your query, desire, or purpose, the internet provides, and all of the complexity of everything from unboxing videos to do-it-yourself blogs are contained within infinitely complex strings of bits. As they travel across time and space at the speed of light, beneath our oceans in fiber optic cables thinner than human hairs, these dense packets of information, instructions for pixels or characters or frames encoded in ones and zeros, unravel to create the digital veneer before you now. The words you are reading are a point of entry into an ethereal realm that many call the “Cloud.”

While in technical parlance the “Cloud” might refer to the pooling of computing resources over a network, in popular culture, “Cloud” has come to signify and encompass the full gamut of infrastructures that make online activity possible, everything from Instagram to Hulu to Google Drive.

Like a puffy cumulus drifting across a clear blue sky, refusing to maintain a solid shape or form, the Cloud of the digital is elusive, its inner workings largely mysterious to the wider public, an example of what MIT cybernetician Norbert Weiner once called a “black box.”...<<<Read More>>>...

Pandemic 2.0 ready to go: FDA to grant emergency use authorization (EUA) to mRNA bird flu shots, just like what happened with COVID

 The medical establishment is teeing up for the launch of another "pandemic," this one centering around H5N8 Influenza, also known as avian influenza or bird flu.

The American Medical Association (AMA) made a few changes this past week to its Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) system, described as "the leading medical terminology code set for describing health care procedures and services." One change is the creation of a new CPT code for H5N8 Influenza virus "vaccine" candidates that "receive emergency use authorization (EUA) from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)."

You may recall that during the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "pandemic," the FDA granted EUA to the lineup of injections unleashed through Operation Warp Speed. Now, for the first time since COVID, the medical establishment is readying itself for what appears to be the next scamdemic: bird flu.

To ensure that health care systems across the United States are up to date with the codes in their electronic systems, the AMA is updating its CPT system right away "in advance for the potential FDA authorization," which appears imminent.

"The new CPT code is a vital preparatory step in response to the potential danger to humans from a highly infectious avian influenza disease," commented AMA President Dr. Bruce A. Scott, M.D.

"A CPT code that clinically distinguishes the avian influenza vaccine allows for data-driven tracking, reporting, and analysis that supports planning, preparedness, and allocation of vaccines in case a public health response is needed for avian flu prevention."...<<<Read More>>>....

Badger Medicine


Medical codes used across the US are updated to include a code for bird flu vaccines

 In anticipation of a coming avian influenza (bird flu) pandemic, the American Medical Association (“AMA”) on Friday 19 July announced an editorial update to the ‘Current Procedural Terminology’ (“CPT”) code set to account for the development and administration of bird flu “vaccines.”

The announcement came just days before World Health Organisation (“WHO”) Director Dr. Tedros Ghebreyesus stated the “next pandemic is a matter of when, not if.”

CPT is the leading medical terminology code set for describing healthcare procedures and services.

The new code updates electronic healthcare systems across the US.

“The provisional CPT code is effective for use on the condition the H5N8 Influenza virus vaccine candidates receive emergency use authorisation from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA),” the AMA announcement reads. “The AMA is publishing the CPT code update now to ensure electronic systems across the US health care system are prepared in advance for the potential FDA authorisation.”

The controversial Emergency Use Authorisation (“EUA”) tactic allows drugs with no long-term safety data to be distributed to the public without receiving full FDA approval, as with covid-19 injections.

Back in May, Dr. Peter Marks, Director of the Centre for Biologics Evaluation and Research (“CBER”) at the FDA, confirmed his agency will skip the rigorous drug approval process for influenza bird flu vaccines.

The FDA intends to roll out bird flu jabs to the American public “as quickly as possible.”

However, EUAs are “only be granted when no adequate, approved, available alternatives exist,” according to Yale Medicine.

Antivirals like Xofluza and broad-spectrum anti-parasitics like Ivermectin are already fully FDA-approved, safe, and effective against bird flu, removing the need for a bird flu mRNA injections EUA.

In addition to Xofluza and Ivermectin removing the need for an EUA for an mRNA bird flu vaccine, mRNA-based vaccine technology itself has proven to be deadly.

Scientists estimate mRNA covid injections have killed about 17 million people worldwide, which is more lives than the virus itself is said to have taken....<<<Read More>>>...

Thursday 25 July 2024

Food for Thought #509


Are We Defined More by Our Consciousness or Our Genetics?

 As a species, humans like to think that we are fully in control of our decisions and behavior. But just below the surface, forces beyond our conscious control influence how we think and behave: our genes.

Since the 1950s, scientists have been studying the influences genes have on human health. This has led medical professionals, researchers and policymakers to advocate for the use of precision medicine to personalize diagnosis and treatment of diseases, leading to quicker improvements to patient well-being.

But the influence of genes on psychology has been overlooked.

My research addresses how genes influence human psychology and behavior. Here are some specific ways psychologists can use genetic conflict theory to better understand human behavior – and potentially advance the treatment of psychological issues....<<<Read More>>>...


Quote for the Day


Ozzy Osbourne - Bark at the Moon

The U.S. deep state's policy - Kill them all and let God sort them out

 The United States of America has been taken over by an elite mafia capable of anything and everything. Today, it seems as if killing has become the key to our leadership's domestic and foreign policy.

The recent attempt on Donald Trump's life, and accusations the U.S. is backing attempts to kill Russia's Vladimir Putin, are two prime examples of someone, or a group of someone(s) who have sanctioned murdering any opposition.

When the U.S. Secret Service detail surrounding former President Donald Trump huddled to cover the wounded candidate, the world watched an unbelievable drama unfold. Some claim the service dedicated to protecting presidents purposely allowed 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks a window for killing Trump. Most reading this will have read the stories and seen the memes about a pimple-faced assassin climbing a ladder with an assault rifle, in broad daylight, to a roof only 147 yards from his target.

Crooks, who still remains a sort of enigma, took aim and fired at a man who should have been covered by a swarm of agents, an assault team, a sniper team, and an air component. Trump's team has repeatedly requested additional resources and has been denied on all counts. As of this writing, a swirl of information about the shooter and Trump's protection team reveals what would at first glance seem a comedy of errors. Now reports say three local police snipers were in the building and saw Crooks rummaging about carrying a rangefinder used by bench rest shooters and military snipers. There's a novel to be written there, so let's move away from the Trump fiasco and on to another Joe Biden Secret Service fandango....<<<Read More>>>...

They want to use euthanasia to murder the disabled, the sick, the old and the unhappy – are you going to let them?

It’s difficult to open a newspaper or news website these days without finding an article promoting the joys of death. Euthanasia (aka “doctor-assisted suicide”) is as fashionable today as prettily patterned face masks were a few years ago.

The myths about killing yourself are promoted with enthusiasm by celebrities, journalists and politicians.

But the truth is very different.

There is a huge campaign in the UK to force Parliament to have a vote on changing the law to make euthanasia legal. And similar campaigns exist everywhere in the world where euthanasia isn’t allowed.

The myths are promoted with enthusiasm by celebrities, journalists and politicians. Killing yourself is, they claim, the only responsible thing to do if you have a disease which is affecting your mental or physical health. Killing yourself will spare you pain, spare your relatives’ pain, free up health services and help save the planet.

But the other side of the argument is never aired.

And the truth is very different.

Euthanasia is an essential part of the Great Reset (and the task of reducing the size of the global population so beloved by the conspirators). And it’s all about saving money and helping take us into “Net Zero.”

As Dr. Jack King shows in his important book `They Want To Kill Us – Here’s How and Why’ euthanasia isn’t efficient and pain-free. Things frequently go wrong – leaving patients and relatives deeply distressed. Euthanasia is, however, a cheap way to avoid spending money on palliative care. Hospices are already suffering funding shortages as they work hard to force us into accepting “doctor-assisted suicide” as the only option.

In countries where euthanasia is legal (and because it is part of the plan to take us into the Great Reset, euthanasia is, of course, a global phenomenon) death doctors and their assistants are “helping” people kill themselves because they are poor, disabled, elderly or merely unhappy and dissatisfied with their lives. Even children are allowed to kill themselves if they are feeling unhappy. Please read that again. Euthanasia is being used as a legal excuse to kill the poor, the disabled and the unhappy. The evidence in Dr. King’s book will startle and horrify you.politicians.

Euthanasia is an essential part of the plan to kill as many of us as possible. It has nothing to do with good medical care. No decent doctor should have anything to do with it. Doctors are supposed to save people – not to kill them....<<<Read More>>>...

Once-rare facial paralysis disease surges due to COVID jabs

A team of physician investigators from Adventist Health, a faith-based, nonprofit, integrated health system serving more than 90 communities on the West Coast and Hawaii with more than 400 locations, has discovered that cases of oculomotor nerve palsy, a once-rare form of facial paralysis, is on the rise due to Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "vaccines."

Drs. Antonio K. Liu, M.D., and Ifeanyichukwu Ozobu, M.D., led the team at White Memorial Hospital in Los Angeles in identifying the trigger behind soaring rates of oculomotor nerve palsy, also known as third nerve palsy.

"Oculomotor nerve palsy is derived from damage to the third cranial nerve," writes Frank Bergman for Slay News.

"The condition causes characteristic symptoms, such as a drooping eyelid, double vision, pupil dilation, and deficits in adduction and vertical gaze."...<<<Read More>>>...

Wednesday 24 July 2024

Crop Circles 2024 - #4

Another crop circle to witness .... witnessed at Roman Road, Nr Marten, Wiltshire. Reported 23rd July 2024...<<<Read More>>>...

Using Our Outside Voice

 Each of us has developed an internal filtering process that helps us choose which parts of our constant inner monologues get voiced outside of our heads. Sometimes the choice is based on what we consider to be polite or appropriate, using subtlety instead of directness to try to get our point across. Other times, the choice is made based on our expectations of the other person and what we feel they should know about us, our feelings, and our needs. But our best chance of getting what we need is to communicate specifically by converting our inner voice to our outside voice.

This may seem unnecessary sometimes, especially when we think the other person has the same information that we ourselves are working with, but we have to remember they also have their own inner voice, evaluating what they hear in light of their own issues and needs. With so much to consider and sift through, we are truly better off if we communicate precisely. Not only does doing this minimize the chance for misinterpretation, but voicing our thoughts is an act of creation. We convert thought and imagination to sound, releasing it from the chamber of our minds into the outside world. This carries energy and intention with it, allowing our thoughts, wishes, and even dreams to come true.

When we have the courage to speak our minds and use our voice to send the desires of our hearts from our inner world to the world outside, we take a bold step in making them happen. By removing fear of what others may think and expectation of what others should understand, we free ourselves and let loose our desires onto the canvas of the world. Next time we become aware that we have a choice about how to communicate, we can choose to use our inner voice and watch its creative power at work. (Daily OM)

Iron Maiden - Stranger In A Strange Land

Quote for the Day


Archaeologists uncover surprisingly large swords from an ancient civilization nearly 3,000 years ago in Turkey, raising questions about the scale of their warriors and their extraordinary craftsmanship.

 In the һeагt of a bustling metropolis, where skyscrapers touched the sky and the ceaseless rhythm of modern life pulsed through the veins of the city, an extгаoгdіпагу discovery was made. As construction workers delved deeр into the eагtһ, unearthing the foundations for a new high-rise building, they ѕtᴜmЬɩed upon something extгаoгdіпагу.

Beneath layers of concrete and asphalt, a hidden chamber emerged, its walls adorned with ancient carvings and symbols. The air was thick with the scent of history, a tangible connection to a world long gone. But it was the final discovery that sent shockwaves through the city.

Neѕtɩed in a stone alcove, its blade gleaming in the artificial light, was a ѕwoгd. Not just any ѕwoгd, but a masterpiece of ancient craftsmanship. Intricate patterns etched into the metal told tales of Ьаttɩeѕ foᴜɡһt and victories woп. The hilt was adorned with precious stones, their brilliance undiminished by the passage of time.

This was no ordinary artifact. It was a relic of a bygone eга, a testament to a сіⱱіɩіzаtіoп ɩoѕt to the sands of time. The ѕwoгd was more than just an object; it was a portal to the past, a tangible link to a world that existed before our own.

The discovery іɡпіted a wave of exсіtemeпt and ѕрeсᴜɩаtіoп. Historians and archaeologists flocked to the site, eager to unravel the mуѕteгіeѕ surrounding the ѕwoгd and its origins. The city, once foсᴜѕed on the future, found itself captivated by its foгɡotteп past....<<<Read More>>>...


Man was declared dead and claims he was shown the afterlife

 Vincent Tolman from the UK made an incredible journey into the afterlife after doctors declared him dead.

It all started when Tolman took an excessively high dose of a bodybuilding supplement, which led to a critical condition. Within 45 minutes, he showed no signs of life, and paramedics were preparing to take him to the morgue.

Vincent claims doctors tried unsuccessfully to resuscitate him, then placed him in a body bag and took him to the hospital. Vincent said he watched everything happen as if it were a movie.

All the while, he could hear the thoughts of the people who witnessed his death, focusing particularly on one paramedic who had just started working and did not want anyone to die in his arms during his first week on the job....<<<Read More>>>...


Uncovering the CIA & Rockefeller Foundation’s Role in the Depopulation Forecast released by Deagel

 In a world where reality often seems stranger than fiction, the machinations behind global events can be an enigma wrapped in mystery.

One such intrigue revolves around, an obscure online entity known for its exhaustive data on military capabilities and eyebrow-raising depopulation forecasts for 2025.

We can reveal that recent findings appear to link Deagel directly to significant players on the world stage: The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD)/ The Pentagon, and The Rockefeller Foundation.

And current real-world data on excess deaths in the West strongly suggest Deagel’s depopulation forecast is not just an estimation but in fact, a target that is on track to be hit thanks to the deadly effects of Covid-19 vaccination.

Deagel’s apocalyptic depopulation forecasts for 2025 predict significant population declines in various countries, stirring unease given the current excess death data being recorded around the world.’s [infamous] 2025 forecast was removed from their website sometime in 2020. However, thanks to the Wayback Machine / Internet Archive, we are able to view the original predictions before discovered by critical thinkers.

Deagel predicted in 2020 that the United Kingdom would see its population decline by 77.1% by the year 2025.

A full list of Deagel’s original apocalyptic depopulation predictions can be viewed here.

Regrettably, the unfolding events strongly suggest that Deagel’s ominous depopulation estimates may not be merely speculative. Real-world data appear to align disconcertingly with these figures, primarily driven by the severe and deadly consequences of Covid-19 vaccination.

But the widespread distribution of these experimental vaccines, allowed under emergency use authorization, would not have been possible without the backdrop of the Covid-19 pandemic.

So the fact the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) issued a ‘COVID-19 Research’ contract in Ukraine, three months prior to the official recognition of the Covid-19 virus, raises some seriously unsettling questions.

Especially when we consider the U.S. Department of Defense is now known to be intricately connected to, along with the CIA and The Rockefeller Foundation.....<<<Read More>>>...