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Tuesday 1 June 2021

UK: 1 Million Hit the Streets in London to Fight for Freedom

[Humans Are Free]: Yesterday saw the another warning shot across the bows of the globalist front group that has hijacked the nation’s governance: knock off what you are doing – or else!

The London demo on 29th was YET AGAIN huge. Reports are that it was four miles long and comprised a million citizens.

It is impossible to know exact numbers but as someone who was there, I’d say these reports are pretty accurate. It was an honour to be part of it and to find oneself among so many fine people from every generation and social background.

The sheer scale of the protest was breathtaking. The latest in a long series of demos and the biggest yet, it showed that far from running out of steam, the movement is growing fast, accumulating more citizens as the list of government lies, deceits, cons, falsehoods and efforts to terrorise grows.

If it goes on this way, if the government does not get honest and straight, the architects of this attack on the nation will find they have no friends left.

The corporate media, of course, either tries to pretend it didn’t happen or to minimise it with false reports of “hundreds” and the usual misrepresentation of of what the demonstrations are about.

This is a far cry from simply “reporting the news”. It is in essence an effort to covertly control the citizenry using false or heavily redacted reports disguised as “reporting the news”.

Thanks to the wonders of modern technology, it is now easy to prove what REALLY took place and show the CMM (Corporate Media Matrix) up as resoundingly false. At yesterday’s demonstration there were hundreds of thousands of people taking pictures and making video clips so that by today there are in circulation hundreds of thousands of pieces of evidence that nullify the CMM effort to convey a false reality.

And so inexorably, lie by disproven lie, the corporate media’s status as “conveyor of news” suffers a death of a thousand cuts. Its decline can be traced to its failure to do its job and to honour the trust once placed in it....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...