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Tuesday 23 October 2007

Daily Merlin: The Pattern of the Cul-de-sac

Daily Merlin Insight (Using Merlin Tarot)
Tuesday 23rd October 2007
10:05pm - 11:10pm

"Insights to seek anything of significance in the weeks ahead ..."

'Don't give up hope .... keep focussed on the right result. The direction of the trail will soon run a parallel course with the young salmon's progress along the stream. Two paths merge into one and meet in the end.

It seems all to commence with the 'two of Beasts' ... the harbinger of 'change' ... momentum changes. A sense of snippets of information being 'slipped through the net' as the McCanns are able to find a way to speak out ... a change in focus ... and a sway in the swing of the pendulum ... and the direction of emphasis changes.

It may take November to arrive before a parallel path is noted. The 2 of Serpents ... 'the choice' ... two equally valid 'theories' of speculation but which one should you believe.
Is it actually within the UK that the next journey begins ... the next news focuses around or are we still dealing with 'Brits abroad' .... there is some kind of 'reconciliation' here ... some offerance perhaps of a deal. A negotiation ... perhaps. But the Magician waves his hands ... symbolising the turning tide of public opinion to another angle to this mystery.

A real sense here of the approach of a 'cul-de-sac' ... maybe even perhaps the end is in sight? Most certainly the circle turns but surely it cannot remain an infinite round about? A clear emphasis on attention to detail at the very start ... more evidence ... and maybe a leaked snippet of 'a breakthrough' ....

The Chariot ... again ... that mysterious character who pushes and pulls the public's emotional state with regard to this saga ... the main thing to note ... the salmon in the stream ... its journey almost parallel with the 'two' strands of theories that will be perhaps evident once e are in November 2007. It seems most probable that speculation relating to Maddy's survival could gather momentum ... the stability of the PJ's evidence seems to be set to crumble due to the movement of the magician's hand ... public opinion ... and the need for an investigation of such into previous claims. 'On the table' ... procedures and implementation is to be questioned ... seemingly an enquiry ... but what is it truly about?

The Warrior of Serpents ... suggestion of momentum and a snowball rolling faster. Towards the Chariot the warrior of serpents gallops ... between them the 8 of Fishes ... the need for 'humour' and more pinches of salt ... there is more attrition here ... as the accusations continue. More revelations again. More insinuations ... along similar lines to what has been seen before. But then the blank wall. It appears 'the net' may be seen to be closing in ... perhaps another 'suspect' emerges ... a male ... ?

Perhaps it is wishful thinking to see the Warrior of Beasts as an official apology directed at Kate .. her status as official suspect dropped because all the evidence points to her being completely innocent. Surely it should apply to Gerry too ... but something appears here to link to Gerry and others of the Tapas group.... more speculation only. More speculation to keep the paper selling and keep awareness of the mystery alive.

The Warrior of Beasts appears to ride a 'Bayhorse' ... a ceremonial warrior or knight then only ... ?? The Bayhorse seeming then to work the land ... farming land ... close by to water ... a loch or the sea ... something from out of country ... news or information ... some evidence discovered ... or positive significance ... ???

The pattern of the 'cul-de-sac' seems of significance. Something linking to the predominately black stone with a white band around it at the end. A road that leads through farming lands towards a stables ... there are horses everywhere in this working. Some clue .. some insight to be uncovered that indicates those who hold Maddy wish her now to be found. The two avenues of speculation ... more momentum for the campaign. Those who hold her seem soon to 'deposit' a line of clues ... ???

I sense the need to add ... I feel the green of the crystal on the 7 of Fishes is significant with regard to her locality at this time. The Warrior of Serpents symbolically seen as the 'magnet' for the two trails to lead towards him ... a compass shift away from the influence of the Chariot ... a stronger attraction or directive will be sensed in the coming weeks as the focus of the mystery is shifted ... away from the media tales since the beginning of August. Some influence overrides the Charioteer ... and changes the emphasis of it all.

Chariot = 9. 7 crystals. 7 of Fishes. Magician = 8.

I realise now the crystal on the Warrior of Serpents reminds me of an 'Everton Mint'!!! (How corny does this sound but at the end of this avenue is a single Everton Mint. Apologies I must be tired ... sometimes I am urged to say the most ridiculous of things ... I give the most crazy of links. But apparently at the end of the trail ... perhaps where Maddy is to be found ... someone's favourite sweets are Everton Mints?) The green stone is significant with the surname Green or a village green along the way to the Everton Mint.

I also gleaned the sense that no matter what road is taken in the following weeks ... the destination will still be the same ... the old adage 'all roads lead to Rome'. The Bay Horse ... the common name for a public house. A link perhaps in the general area to the stables, the farming land, the 'green' ... the 'everton mint' ... it seems also the Warrior of Serpents has the garb of a Roman Centurion ... might there also be an old roman road in the vicinity ... a site of antiquity ... the magician indicating a 'sacred place' close by to the sea ... there seems indications here of localities to witness along the avenue that the pattern seems to present.

Remember ... I sense someone somewhere now wishes Maddy to be found. The controlling influence of The Charioteer appears to be coming to a close. A higher directive will now grip this mystery ... and a clear change will be felt. Those behind Maddy's disappearance seem now to be instructed to commence the trail that leads to her re-emergence.