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Saturday 5 January 2019

Living In A Sound Frequency Prison

In today's themes, here on A Light In The Darkness, the emphasis has been on how much the planet Saturn controls the environment we find ourselves in here on Planet Earth. The David Icke video illustrates this perfectly. We sat down this afternoon and watched the video ourselves.

I've attended numerous workshops and talks of his over the years; the most recent being in Manchester late last year. I knew David personally back in the late 1990's; his research is immense; his work controversial; his message VITAL in the understanding of what state mankind is in. 

The understanding of the rings of Saturn is necessary to comprehending how we are being manipulated into this fake reality. I find it fascinating how a sound frequency detected by the Cassini probe sounds similar to the noise the old dial up modems had back in the early days of the internet; how the cubic pattern at one of Saturn poles is constant, and is likely to be caused by a sound frequency coming from Saturn. This same cubic pattern appears to be the inspiration for all the religions that worship a black cube, or have it in their symbolism. There is so much more ... which proves the 'the buck stops at the feet of Saturn'.

The manipulation and genetic tampering is on an incredible scale; without doubt on dimensions beyond the frequencies we are permitted to be aware of. Its on a grande scale. But for what? It goes beyond capturing our consciousness on a very minimal level of awareness. But why? And where does it end? We've been deliberately lobotomised to be ignorant of it all by a very cunning, technologically advanced, yet scared entity ... and 2019/2020 appears to be the culmination of all its planning.

Yet it has so diligently, and patiently, set its trap; captured us, and has us caught fast in its enchantment ... but is now preparing to dispense of us? Why? Has it found another food source? Or has itself been captured by forces unseen? There clearly is something major afoot, but being now of limited awareness, we may never be privy to what is going on. 

The 70's Science Fiction series  'They Live' is a perfect example of what is going here. A radio station cast a sound frequency out that concealed an alien race from the inhabitants of a US city. It took a guy with special glasses to see them; as they hid behind human appearances ... it was only when the radio transmitter, that was putting out the concealing frequency, was destroyed, that the people began seeing the aliens as they really were.

It will only be when the transmitted signals via the Moon from Saturn are jammed, or stopped, that we will see what is really going on. Until then, the human brain and DNA has been designed to receive, and react to the Saturn-Moon matrix frequency. Once that imprisonment has stopped mankind has a chance to become the multi-dimensional being it once was. Its a big thing to happen ... but it was started at some point and it will come to an end. 

Until that time, we The One, have to endure the limiting sound frequencies of Saturn.