Search A Light In The Darkness

Monday 15 June 2020

Daily Merlin Insight - "They've Taken Her" - Who Are They?

Deliberately ignoring the implications of the crazy Pandemic Special headline that 'The McCann's Were Sent A Letter To say Madeleine Is Dead' ... we choose instead to explore something which Kate McCann said at the time of MM's abduction ...

"They've Taken Her" ... Who are THEY? Not HIM ... but they?

Tonight's insight explores that alleged situation back on 3rd May 2007. The significator is the Star card ... MM's Shining Star image.

We gain the Prime Of Crescents image which indicates a birth card .. or a person or a situation.

The Four Of Weapons indicates medicine, and more importantly health care and operations.

The Prime of Weapons is the Flaming Sword and indicates again the significant conception and the significant pregnancy relating to this mystery.

The Giver of Spheres we've already recognised as the McCann family ...and their involvement in a very significant situation other than the abduction story.

Two of crescents relates to the fact that all is not what it seems. Everything is a reflection of the story being told. Therefore the claims she is dead could be read in the opposite ... they have evidence she is alive. But the spin story has always been the chosen script. Remember, the same people were claiming a few days ago MM could still be alive. Surely then they had the evidence? Why the change to she is dead?

The Keeper of Staves indicates the unicorn which we've always read as 'secret squirrel' organisations and that appearances deceive. The dove symbology always has a traditional reversed meaning to what popular symbology states. It indicates certain deeply hidden societies being involved in this. Societies that would benefit by having their media outlets declare MM is dead, so the apparent world can move on from this situation.

The Chariot is the direction the MSM has been driven by these hidden societies and the communications made.

The Priest is the Wounded Healer ... and represents a wound that cannot be healed by yourself.. Seen as the reason for the abduction and the subsequent situation.

So who are THEY?? The Unicorn is the indicator. Around the unicorn are two individuals in ritual gowns. The Priest links to the Vatican and its involvement in this. The McCann's travel to The Vatican for a reason ... other than asking the Pope for help.

Expose who the Unicorn represents and you get an idea of the rabbit hole depth this all goes to.