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Sunday 6 December 2020

Frontline Healthcare Workers Say No To COVID-19 Vaccine – Cite Safety Concerns, Rushed Product

[Humans Are Free]: Many politicians, companies, and advocacy groups across the planet are celebrating the fact that governments have moved to fast-track the approval of COVID-19 vaccines from various companies.Many of these same people are also pushing to make the COVID-19 vaccine mandatory to continue normal life.

While mandatory vaccines may be music the ears of many, the idea of removing informed consent is chilling and should never be accepted by anyone who claims to support a free society. Nonetheless, across the country, dozens of bills have been filed proposing to expand, restrict or eliminate vaccine informed consent rights.

Many of the informed consent removal bills are for childhood vaccines like the measles. While it is never okay to mandate medication without consent, at least we have decades of science studying the effects of vaccines like MMR.

The same cannot be said about the COVID-19 vaccine which was developed and brought to market in less than a year.

Undoubtedly, as this article is being written, “fact-checkers” are pining away in the darkness waiting to pounce on anyone who questions the safety of the vaccines. Despite government officials echoing the claims of the vaccine manufacturers that the vaccines are 90 to 95 percent effective, no one knows what will happen in the long term. By the very definition of the term, “long term effects” the long term results vaccine are completely unknown.

“I always make sure we say that [while] we know the short term and I’m going to call it midterm effects of the vaccine is now well understood, the very long-term safety is not yet understood by definition,” Dr. Moncef Slaoui, Trump’s vaccine czar said this week when stating that 10% to 15% of volunteers who took the vaccine, showed side effects that were “significantly noticeable.”...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...