Ever heard of “one way masking?” No? That’s because CNN‘s crisis actor and talking “Covid” head Dr. Leana Wen just made it up. Here’s how it works. The China virus can easily get through your mask coming out of your mouth, but coming out of the mouth of others it’s magically stopped by your own mask. Incredible. This includes every homemade cloth mask. But then, what if you turn it inside out? Does it have the reverse effect? Now everyone else gets the mask wearer sick. Let’s examine the fake science (which means no science at all) from the Boston Bombing Crisis Actor, Dr. Leana Wen.
“The science has changed,” declares Leana Wen on CNN (the Counterfeit News Network), one of their top pandemic “experts” they love to go to for leading advice. She goes on adlibbing, “We also know about one-way masking,” which she states is an idea. She sources ZERO SCIENCE claiming this. No studies. No research. No evidence-based trials. Nothing.
In other words, every American is supposed to believe that all these
simple cloth-based homemade masks made from scarves and bandanas, and
these cheap little cotton-woven and disposable face-garments, actually
stop the virus from coming in, but not from going out. This is how we
are all supposed to address the pandemic, all while they STILL push
toxic, blood-clotting, gene therapy injections (nano-parasite injections that they illegally call vaccines) on everyone....<<<Read More>>>...