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Friday 4 March 2022

Debunking The Law Of Attraction

[Wake Up World]: Although there is a grain of truth in the teachings, law of attraction folks put too much emphasis on thinking yourself well without acknowledging that illness is multifactorial, complex, and your thoughts, beliefs, and feelings are only a part of what impacts your health. This oversimplified and distorted way of thinking suggests that if you’re sick, it’s because you were thinking sick thoughts, and if you want to be cured, all you have to do is clean up your thinking.

This law of attraction stuff is a dangerous way of thinking because think about it…if you’re chronically or terminally ill- and you’ve been saying your affirmations, reading Louise Hay’s book, chanting your mantras, and practicing Cognitive Behavior Therapy or Byron Katie’s The Work or whatever thought-stopping practice you use to correct your limiting beliefs- and you’re still sick, that must mean your illness is your fault. You’re just not cleaning up your thoughts thoroughly enough. So you should try harder. Think cleaner.

By that rationale, if you’re sick, you must just be lazy or not good enough or doing an inadequate job of changing your thinking, or so the messaging goes. And if you’re well, then clearly you’re more pure of thought and spiritually superior, and it’s because you worked so hard to prevent your illness or, if you did get sick because you got sloppy in your thinking, you were successful in earning your cure and are being rewarded as such. (Ableist much?) ...<<<Read More>>>...