Search A Light In The Darkness

Sunday 18 February 2007

The Remaking Of A Mind

Philosophy Relevant To The Losing Of The Separate Selfish Self

The road is fun, at first
then the pain begins
The remaking has begun
and only the loser wins

(think and understand)

All logic disappeared
as I ventured into the unknown
To face my fears
The hardest road ever known

(breaking out of a programmed comfort zone)

In the darkness I was a light
Attracting the moths around me
I thus began the fight
For there is nothing else to do

(the elevated curious ego broadcasts its falsely assumed superiority)

Then it stood there before me, the hardest hill to climb
All the lies I’d heard became true
And the truth since birth became the lies
as life became a mime

(culture programming begins to be discarded)

I could merely stand and watch
without taking part
It was a battle between false and true
as my thoughts fell apart

(confusion as the long dark night of the soul is experienced)

In my mind I fought with demons
whenever the pain began
shackles held back the free thinking part of my mind
as doubt won

(the remaking is first rejected by the separate ego
which doesn’t want to die)

The eye of the storm loomed overhead
and my thoughts became at peace
I found my answers lying on my bed
I found some kind of release

(the inner self succumbs the separate selves objections
and the remaking begins)

I then learnt how to communicate
as I sought the truth within
I saw the remaking to be down to fate
and it had to begin

(the realisation of true self and true identity)

Two minds must become one
for that is the answer to it all
So let the false part be gone
Then you will climb the mountain and not fail.

Copyright Matthew James