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Saturday 24 February 2007

Overcoming The Present Dark Age

It's a matter of life or death that we overcome the present Dark Age in which a depraved cabal has seized power throughout the world and is deliberately destroying people's ability to understand, programming them to believe utter falsehoods and to be completely oblivious to their own ignorance. These cultural despots are literally dictating reality, conditioning people to a totally false "reality."

We're now living in the "dark age" of the "emperor's new clothes," in which an illiterate, deranged idiot pretends to be a "fearless leader." The insanity of our present "dark age" is so advanced and so pervasive that many people praise this buffoon as "a great man" and others--out of personal corruption and cowardice--refuse to point out that he is morally and intellectually naked--a self-deluded, evil poseur.

This is a particularly deadly "dark age" because not only are many people touting this imbecile as a "genius," but are suicidally allowing this despot to send American young men and women to their death in a totally senseless war and tolerating his attempt to destroy the system whereby older people are able to live out their lives with financial security derived from their own savings.

The American people are allowing this buffoon to perpetrate countless criminal actions without calling him and his junta to account. The cabal that controls this naked simpleton is creating a society of rampant lawlessness and destruction: a new Dark Age.

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