Search A Light In The Darkness

Monday 20 June 2022

All criticism of government and establishment media types now called “cyberbullying” as Orwellian censorship efforts rapidly expand

  If author George Orwell were alive today, he would have the opportunity to see just how accurate he was when he wrote the dystopian novel “1984.”

That said, it’s unlikely that many people alive at the time the book was published (circa 1949) actually believed there could ever be “thought police,” a “Ministry of Truth,” and so much media complicity in altering reality for the tiny minority deep state types who are in charge of it all.

And yet, that is precisely where we are today: Western-style democratic republics and democracies are collapsing under a crush of lies, deceit, misinformation, disinformation, and relentless psychological warfare that it is virtually impossible today to tell what is real and what is fake.

Case in point: The recent demise of Joe Biden’s ‘disinformation czarina,’ Nina Jankowicz. Earlier this month while providing congressional testimony, Alejandro Mayorkas, head of the Department of Homeland Security (a massive bureaucracy now serving as just the opposite of what it was allegedly designed to be), let it slip that the agency was standing up a “Disinformation Governance Board” to be led by Jankowicz — a creation immediately panned by mostly GOP critics as an Orwellian Ministry of Truth empowering government to decide for the rest of us what is and is not ‘true’ — despite what we may have seen and hear with our own eyes and ears.

It wasn’t long before Jankowicz revealed herself to be a nut job — too unstable, even, for the Marxists running Biden’s regime to pass off as legitimate. So she has been dismissed from consideration for the job and replaced by two other ‘inner circle’ political elites, including Michael Chertoff, one of the first DHS secretaries who served under George W. Bush shortly after the agency was created following the 9/11 attacks....<<<Read More>>>...