I heard your entry
I noticed steps like your footsteps
Wall, listen to me
Reed wall, observe my words
Discard your house
Build a boat
Spurn property
Save life ...
Reed hut, reed hut, wall, wall!
Reed hut, hearken. Wall reflect
Abandon your house, build a ship
Give up possessions, seek thou life
Forswear goods, the life keep
Aboard the ship take though
the seed of all living things ...
The ancient peril of 13,000 years passed, is upon us once more. The potential for the renewed extermination of man. The culling of mankind down to 1 billion, amid the threat of natural disaster. Nibiru looms close, the sun heats up like it has in ages past. But where is Enki to warn us again? For surely Enlil and his Babylonian Brotherhood will succeed this time? But look to the skies ... see the gathering hosts ... will they save us at the eleventh hour?
Thus the time is indeed short ... when will his Son, the Beast, be sent as it is prophesied? Enlilites beware his arrival unannounced can be assured ....the Children Of The One shall be victorious in the end