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Saturday, 21 July 2007

Breaking News Headline: 'I Saw Kidnapper Take Her'

Daily Express Breaking News Headline: ' I Saw The Kidnapper Take Her'

A breaking news story on its way ... I wonder who is the 'kidnapper'? It can't be the next installment in the 'man with the phone' patsy cover story ... surely? A fabrication to cover up the REAL suspect is well on its way ...

Daily Merlin Insight

Prime of Staves
5 of Staves
User of Crescents

The fool in the image of the Five of Spheres is seen to be in despair. The five broken shells surround it ... the Prime of Staves is the originator of the despair. A 'tree man' appears in the foreground of this image ... from the top of its head are the streams of information it sends out into the world. The transmitted images. Threads of communication. Behind it stands the Unicorn. The User of Crescents indicates that a 'sacrifice' appears to be made; a sacrifice in the way of a 'patsy' for a cover story ... the dishevelled woman before an altar .. on which stands the replica of the crescent. The User of Crescents links with he who sails the emotional seas of public opinion.

The news story appears to be the replica of the crescent and therefore not the real story. It is a fabrication ... someone is being set up for sake of keeping the peace ... which are the six doves sighted in the image. The man in the moon looks on; sees the scene below and the ceremony taking place. It appears the general public are being urged to accept the fabrication as being the real thing. It is in truth a smokescreen once more.

Robert Murat = 'The Man with the Phone'