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Sunday, 22 July 2007
Daily Merlin: 'Current trends around approaching events?
Daily Merlin Insight
11:25pm - 11:55pm
Sunday 22nd July 2007
'Insight to provide possible indications of current trends surrounding approaching events'
Possible suggestions are reverberating around the place where 'the seeker' projects my awareness to. Lights echo in that night sky ... as laser beam traces seem to make there way over to me from beyond the cloaking veil. Tiny rents appear to be forming in that barrier as I sense something stirs and something of significance is getting through.
From somewhere leaked information appears soon to be getting through. The release of a document or a statement not meant to pass through that blackout curtain.
Recently. When I attempt to make clairvoyant contact with those on the other side who pass forth their information to me ... the 'two old dears' included ... I receive only vibrations of impatience and thoughts of 'why are you asking about this situation again? Haven't we told you it is now sorted? That you were not to ask us again? Did we not say that the shining star has made a safe return ... that she is now hidden once more within familiar parameters; the danger is now well and truly over?' My mind then aware of the difficulties of timing ... of corresponding the human concept of time with information from a world which exists outside of those restraints. 'No what we say refers to what you term as your now' .. the middle lane of the three lane bridleway'. 'Ask us now of other things so from those tedious repetitions we can be released. Confirmations over and over provided audibly on your plane which repeatedly told you she is alive.'
Twists and turns ; a host of more deliberate lies. Deliberately procured so nobody will believe them anymore. Clever people and powerful friends. Far reaching connections which have not been designed to cease but to perpetuate ... the symbol of infinity to be placed on the head of the figurehead ... a permanent campaign ... the current name of the funded campaign will be changed to another name once it is headlined she has been returned. However it will be the same one but with just a different form. A job well done and publically beholden efforts to dilute the bilge which will follow the trail. Truly times are changing when so many will willingly accept and forgive yet know within their minds what has taken place. Like it was said, clever people will effect the safe return on a 'lighted stage' ... behold the jester and his sorry face ... amid the rapture that the return was made close by.
Keeper of Weapons - the bearer of the flaming sword before the court amid the seven seas created by the entire affair. A shamed knight caught between the two pillars of the red dragon. Two sides of the same in conflict of which he is in the middle of. It was he who carried the flaming sword itself ; across the black and white tiles as instructed, because he had to. But he was assured by the watching court that it would not be his face that would be shown. Instead the Jester would accept the sphere from the giver ... and place that where the other spheres were placed. Whereby the spheres are statements and scripts from which stories would be told. The Giver of Spheres is clever ... knowing how much the devoted figure in the Nine of Weapons would pray for the flaming sword ... and would totally be convinced that the pointed swords supplied by the stories from the spheres would be real. Applying emotion to it all would make it all truly seem real ..
What then is 'the flaming sword' ... other than what has already been discussed? Perhaps it is in truth also a living persona ... someone who can effect the path of the lightning flash and cause that change through contrived reactions ... a zigzagging trail to create the entire kaleidoscope of emotions to thus set the stage for what is really intended by the maker of the fabrication?
Intuited conclusions to make therefore are that the disappearance of Madeleine McCann was fabricated & contrived by a cunning agency. As far as it appears ... the McCanns are still viewed as innocent pawns ... who have now become embroidered in it all ...
Lights in the Darkness original artwork by Matthew James