Search A Light In The Darkness

Saturday 22 September 2007

Aura Photography

Your aura is the field of energy that surrounds and encompasses your body. With a specialty camera that measures the electromagnetic field around your body, The aura can be photographed.. The photograph maps your energy vibration, which is then analysed and translated into the colour vibration that corresponds to your unique energy levels.

This is known as a science fact. This electromagnetic energy resonates at specific frequencies, each frequency matching various colours in the colour frequency spectrum.

This specialized camera has a electronic frequency sensing plate which reads a person's aura frequency from their hand. This frequency is then converted to colour and placed on the photograph. The meaning of the colours in the Aura can then be read.

The colours represent the various vibrational levels in your electromagnetic field. Each colour is a particular aspect of your makeup and has a specific meaning for each person. This is determined by your state of being: mental, emotional, physical, chemical, hormonal, spiritual, etc.

The aura does changes as you change. Basically this means that the frequency at which your energy field is vibrating is a direct reflection of your inner state of being and manifests as one or many colours.

There is no such thing as a good or bad aura. There is a positive and negative polarity to every colour group. The colours have many meanings, which is why having a reading done on your picture tells you which meanings fit you. Judy uses her intuitive abilities to determine what each colour represents for you specifically.

Having your aura picture done is fun. It can be used as a tool to see if you are experiencing health issues, to determine if the foods you eat are affecting your aura and it will show if you used controlled substances as well as many positive attributes.

The following is a list of the main colours and and example of their meanings:

Red: high energy, money worries, anger, leadership, strong willed, courage, sexuality, vitality, survival instincts, activity or movement. Red is the emotional colour relating to the reproductive system.

Pink: love, passion, romance, immaturity

Orange: creative, artistic, sensitive, considerate, lazy, self-control, compassion, moving, uncertainly, naive, avoids conflicts, fragile, childlike, addictive personality. Orange relates to the adrenal glands.

Yellow: intellectual, analytical, independent, stubborn, personal power, manipulation, perfectionist, opposed to change, goal oriented, self-starter, judgmental, secretive, anxiety. Yellow relates to the spleen and life force energy.

Green: growth or change, healing, teacher, jealousy, envy, abundance, deception, physical discomfort, calming, social nature, fear, distrust or doubt. Green relates to the thymus and immune system.

Blue: communication, hard worker, judgment, practical, conscientious, certainty, male energy, faith, genuine, emotional health, learning, passive, calming. The darker blue represents a natural psychic. Blue relates to the thyroid and metabolism.

Violet: spiritual, visionary, spacey, dreamer, spiritual arrogance, charismatic, self-importance, clairvoyance, heart or stomach trouble, trance medium, protection, superiority. Violet relates to the pineal and pituitary.

Turquoise: powerful healing ability, magnetic energy.

Gold: happy, high degree of wisdom, spiritual intellect.

White: Protection, stress, enlightenment, shy, scattered, angelic energy, nervousness, trance state, ungrounded, distracted.